3 Natural Cures for Parkinson's Disease That Work...

by Joe Fitzpatrick
(Thomson, Ga.)


My dad has Parkinson's disease. Are there any natural remedies or treatments for this horrible disorder? Please help.


Hi Joe, and thank you for your question regarding help with Parkinson's disease.

Firstly, we do have a full article coming out soon on natural remedies and treatments for Parkinson's disease. In the meantime, here's 3 excellent remedies that are definitely worth considering...

Cannabinoids, Magnesium & Iodine: New studies out have shown that cannabinoids can help reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease quite significantly. Because magnesium is essential for the correct functioning of the entire nervous system, this also makes it essential for all Parkinson's sufferers. And iodine is absolutely crucial for brain health. Here's what expert, David Brownstein M.D., has to say about iodine and Parkinson's... "In the brain, iodine concentrates in the substantia nigra, an area of the brain that has been associated with Parkinson’s disease".

Have a read of this tremendous article by our good friend Dr Marcus Sircus for more information... Treatment for Parkinson’s disease with Natural Medicinals.

Hope this helps you Joe.

All the best!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach/Specialist).


We've just released what we believe is one of the most informative and thoroughly researched health articles on natural cures and treatments for Parkinson's disease you’ll find anywhere on the internet. You can click on this link here to read all about it... Natural Cures and Alternative Treatments for Parkinson's Disease.

Comments for 3 Natural Cures for Parkinson's Disease That Work...

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Jun 18, 2016
Specifics on Dosages
by: Maria

What kind of magnesium would one need? Also how much iodine ?
Thank you

Jun 19, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Hi Maria. In regards to magnesium, Dr Marcus Sircus suggests a combination of oral and transdermal (oil spray) magnesium for maximum effect.

The best oral magnesium supplement on the market is a wonderful product called Natural Calm. It's highly absorbable and works a treat. You can check it out here... Natural Calm. For dosages, simply follow the directions listed on the container.

For a transdermal magnesium spray, you can either purchase the pre-mixed varieties... Ancient Minerals Magnesium Spray or you can make up your own (which is much cheaper). Here's what you do to make your own...

-What You’ll Need

1/2 cup of Magnesium Chloride Flakes (like these)

1/2 cup of Distilled Water

Glass Bowl

Spray Bottle to Store the Mixture


Boil the ½ cup of distilled water and tip into the glass bowl

Add the ½ cup of magnesium chloride flakes

Stir the mixture until the magnesium chloride flakes are dissolved.

Leave to cool completely then store in the spray bottle

-How to Use

Spray the oil on your arms, legs, and stomach once per day using 10-15 sprays per application. You’ll find that it will tingle on your skin, especially the first couple of times you use it. This is quite normal and means it’s doing its job. Leave on for at least an hour before showering and using a natural skin moisturizer afterwards.

For iodine, Lugol's Liquid Iodine is the highest quality and highest absorbable iodine on the market so be sure to go with is... Lugol's Liquid Iodine. For dosage amounts, take the highest recommended amount listed on the bottle for 12 weeks then drop back to the maintenance dose after that.

And just remember Maria, the magnesium and the iodine MUST be taken continuously and indefinitely (yes, for the rest of your life) for them to continue to work. This is very important.

For more information, you can read Dr Sircus's article again here... Parkinson's Disease by Dr Marcus Sircus.

Hope this helps you Maria.

All the best to you!

Mar 21, 2017
"Herbs with Neuro-Genetic properties for PD".
by: Anibal

Can you provide the names of some herbs with neuro-genetic properties in general.

Mar 22, 2017
by: Troy

Have a read of our full article on PD remedies & natural treatments... Natural Cures and Alternative Treatments for Parkinson's Disease.

Aug 09, 2018
Iodine, magnesium and black pepper
by: Mark

This article is absolutely correct. I have Parkinson's and I use magnesium malate and transdermal magnesium oil. I also use Lugol's iodine and black pepper. Black pepper fits into some of the cannabis receptors. It also helps with digestion. The key component is iodine. I also take kelp everyday. After iodine treatment, the symptoms of Parkinsons disappear. However, if iodine is not used then Parkinson's symptoms come back. It definitely works.

Aug 11, 2018
by: Troy

Nice one Mark. Thanks for sharing your story and insights with us! :)

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