Natural Remedies for Receding Gums and Gingivitis...

Here's 8 of the top performing natural remedies for receding gums and periodontal disease. Use them all in combination and successfully treat, reverse and get rid of those receding gums for good! 

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated October 7, 2024 -- This post contains affiliate links  

Receding gums is what occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away. This "receding" results in the lower part of the tooth to become more visible causing "gaps" to develop between the tooth and gum line. These gaps allow toxins, bacteria, viruses and fungi to grow and thrive in these areas, which then damages the tissue and bone structure. Over time, this causes teeth to become loose and eventually fall out.

Because gum disease and gum recession (receding gums) is a very slow and gradual occurrence, most people suffering from this problem don’t really notice what’s happening until their teeth start to become overly sensitive. The three common symptoms of receding gums are…

·         Tooth sensitivity

·         Teeth starting to appear larger than normal

·         Pain or tooth ache

Fixing swollen and receding gums and getting those pearly whites healthy again is definitely of paramount importance. Once teeth become lose and fall out, it’s then too late. Fortunately you CAN reverse receding gums and periodontal disease without spending a fortune on extravagant dental procedures (which don’t fix the underlying problem anyway).

So here's the top 8 natural and home remedies for reversing receding gums and strengthening teeth. For best results, be sure to use all 8 in combination with each other - or at the very least – combine as many of them as you can.

Also be aware that it will take a minimum of 12-18 months to completely reverse the process. It's taken many years for this problem to develop so it's going to take some time to fix it.

A little patience will be required...

Natural Remedy for Receding Gums #1: Oil Pulling…

This is the number one remedy used in ayurvedic medicine for preventing and reversing receding gums and works a treat. Oil pulling is a very powerful way to remove the harmful toxins, microbes and plaque build-up that cause gum disease and tooth decay. The oil also helps to remove harmful heavy metals from the mouth and lymphatic system, so it has a double whammy effect.

There are ONLY two types of oil that should ever be used for oil pulling... organic sesame oil or organic virgin coconut oil. Do not use commercially processed oils of any kind! These toxic and rancid oils are extremely harmful to your health and don't work anyway. And remember, both oils must be organic (very important).

What's really good about oil pulling is it's easy to do and doesn't take up any extra time. Simply place a tablespoon of either of these oils in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes before spitting out (do not swallow the oil). First thing in the morning as soon as you get out of bed on an empty stomach is the most beneficial time to do this. And you can continue with your normal morning routine (showering, etc) as well so it doesn't interrupt anything. About the only thing you can't do is speak (very hard to do with a mouth full of oil). When you spit out the oil after your 20 minutes of swishing you'll also notice its turned a white color. This is perfectly normal. Oh, and don't spit it out in the sink either. The oil can clog up drains so get rid of it in the garden instead. Make sure you brush your teeth with a natural toothpaste afterword.

For optimum results, be sure to do oil pulling every morning first thing upon awakening.

Home Remedy for Receding Gums #2: Vitamin C…

Most people are unaware that vitamin C is actually one of the most important nutrients for healthy gums and teeth. It's essential for collagen production - the protein "glue" that holds cells together. Vitamin C is also one of the best bacterial killers, anti-inflammatory and healing nutrients there is, which is why it works so well for reversing receding gums (along with treating swollen, bleeding gums and tooth sensitivity). In addition, vitamin C has even been labelled "the invisible toothbrush" because it's so effective at removing plaque and tartar build up from teeth and gums. 

To use vitamin C correctly, there's a couple of things you need to do... 

Firstly, make sure you purchase the right type of vitamin C! Most vitamin C supplements on the market are acidic forms, which actually harm your teeth. However, calcium ascorbate is not acidic and so it's perfect for teeth and gums (it also contains calcium for healthy teeth). The best way to take/use calcium ascorbate for receding gums is both internally and topically as a paste.

For internal use, take around 1000 mg's of calcium ascorbate powder (mixed in water or a smoothie) 3 times daily. The Vitamin C Foundation recommends 3000 mg's of vitamin C per day so make sure you receive this amount. To use topically, place around 1/2 a teaspoon of the powder on the gum surfaces and leave on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off. Do this once to twice daily for best results. The ascorbic acid does have a bit of a metallic taste, but it's quite bearable. And it doesn't sting either, even on really sore or exposed gums. 1

If you're interested, this is one of the best ascorbic acid powders on the market...  Natural USP Buffered Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate)

Natural Treatment for Receding Gums #3: Calcium and Magnesium…

Both calcium and magnesium are needed for optimal teeth and gum health. Magnesium is in fact even more significant for oral health than calcium because magnesium forms the hard enamel in teeth that resists decay. Magnesium is also at the top of the anti-inflammatory index, meaning it’s the number one anti-inflammatory nutrient on the planet. Of course, receding gums and periodontal disease cause inflammation so magnesium is particularly important for treating and getting rid of this problem.

The down side is that with our modern farming methods, most of the calcium and magnesium has been leached from our soils and is no longer in our foods. So supplementation is necessary. The best way to do this is by consuming coral calcium. Coral calcium contains calcium and magnesium in the perfect ratio (50:1) for maximum absorption. The biggest problem with calcium and magnesium is they are very poorly absorbed by the body. But with coral calcium the calcium and magnesium are highly organic and ionized, so the body is able to recognize and absorb them. Coral calcium also contains around 70 other essential trace minerals that our bodies need every day for health and longevity. It's also interesting to note that the biggest consumers of coral calcium, the Okinawa's in Japan, regularly live over the age of 100 and many actually die still in possession of all their teeth!    

Natural Remedy for Receding Gums #4: Vitamin D and Vitamin K2… 

Vitamin D is one of the standard nutrients your body MUST have every day, but it’s particularly important and plays a crucial role in the promotion of healthy gums, teeth and bones. Without enough vitamin D the teeth cannot stay anchored properly to the bones, so eventually they become loose and fall out. Vitamin D is also a strong anti-inflammatory and is definitely one of the best nutrients available for reducing the pain, inflammation and swelling associated with periodontal disease.

So make sure you get 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted sun exposure each day, or instead, take a good quality vitamin D3 supplement with added K2 (for absorption). According to vitamin D experts such as Dr Cedric Garland, you need between 4000 and 8000 IU’s of vitamin D per day so be sure you’re in this range (6000 IU’s would be the ideal). Anything less won’t be enough. 2 

Home Remedy for Receding Gums #5: Good Fats…

Healthy fats are also essential for gum and teeth health. A recent study found that people who received higher amounts of the omega-3’s DHA and EPA were 30% less likely to suffer from gum disease.3 This makes perfect sense when you consider that healthy fats such as omega-3’s are powerful anti-inflammatories and the main cause of receding gums and swollen gums is inflammation. This is another reason why oil pulling is so effective for receding gums and gingivitis. So it’s important you consume plenty of healthy fats every day from foods such as organic coconut oil, avocados, olives, fish oil or fermented cod liver oil (the best). You can never have too many of these good fats either so go nuts with them! 

Natural Treatment for Receding Gums #6: Matcha Green Tea…

Green tea contains some very powerful antioxidants that are known to help fight gum disease and reduce inflammation. A Japanese study published by the American Dental Association found that people who consume green tea every day have healthier teeth and gums than those who don't.4 Matcha green tea is the most potent of them all and contains 137 times more antioxidants than normal brewed green tea. Matcha green tea is also rich in all the essential nutrients needed for healthy teeth and gums!

Natural Remedy for Receding Gums #7: Aloe Vera…

Aloe vera contains some strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents. A study published in the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology found that when an aloe vera gel was administered orally to 15 patients with various gum diseases, the severity of their infections was reduced quite considerably. 5

You can buy various aloe vera gels from most health food stores or pharmacies (drug stores). Just make sure what you buy is as close to "all natural" as can be. Many brands say they're natural, but on closer inspection you discover they contain extra chemicals and artificial additives.

Home Remedy for Receding Gums #8: Use a Natural Toothpaste and Mouthwash and Don't Overbrush…

Overbrushing and/or brushing teeth too hard is one of the leading causes of receding gums and gingivitis. It's extremely important that when brushing your teeth you brush them gently in a circular motion and you only brush the teeth and not the gums (just above the gum line is perfect). Use a natural toothpaste and mouthwash to keep your teeth and gums healthy and in top condition. 

To make your own DIY homemade toothpaste, follow these directions...


4 tablespoon's of coconut oil

2 tablespoon's of baking soda

20 drops of cinnamon or clove essential oil

20-30 drops of peppermint essential oil

30 drops of essential trace minerals

1 tablespoon of xylitol powder or 10 drops of stevia

Empty toothpaste Tube 


Add all ingredients into a bowl and mix well by hand or use a food processor.

Remove the DIY homemade toothpaste and store in a glass jar with the lid on. If it does begin to dry out over time simply add a small amount of water.

Brush your teeth with this toothpaste two to three times daily.

To make your own home-made mouthwash here's what you do... 

Using an essential oil such as peppermint, sage, clove or tea tree oil, mix a couple of drops in 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of clean water. Gargle and rinse your mouth with this mouth wash two to three times per day.

Other Tips and Natural Remedies for Receding Gums:

To reverse and eventually get rid of your receding gums, here's a few more vital tips and recommendations you may want to adhere to...


- Avoid All Refined or Processed Foods: Processed foods (packaged foods, takeaway foods, etc) and refined sugars contain zero nutrients and do absolutely nothing for dental health or dental hygiene. Instead, they're guaranteed to rot your teeth and inflame your gums like nothing else!


- Avoid Processed Milk: Don't believe the lies that milk is good for teeth and bones. Raw milk is, yes, but who has access to that? Processed milk on the other hand has had all of the nutrients and crucial live enzymes killed off to the point that it's no longer recognized (or can be assimilated) by the body. Processed milk is toxic gunk that should be completely avoided.


- Don't Smoke: Aside from the health risks, regular smoking rots your teeth and causes poor blood flow to the gums, resulting in inflammation and swollen gums.


- Go Easy on the Caffeine and Alcohol: Both of these leach minerals from teeth and bones and are not good for oral health and hygiene. So try and keep their consumption to an absolute minimum.

“Natural Remedies for Receding Gums” Last Word…

So what are you waiting for? Get going and start using these tips and remedies and finally get those choppers back in tip top condition once again. We guarantee that when you do, instead of covering your mouth with your hand when you smile, you’ll do the opposite and want everyone to see your healthy gums and pearly whites!

Good luck and all the best to you. 

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