7 Ways to Cure a Stomach Ulcer Quickly & Permanently at Home!

by Jimbo
(Clearwater, Florida)

Want to successfully treat & cure that stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer fast & finally enjoy some welcome pain relief? Here’s 7 proven natural treatments & home remedies you definitely must consider…


I have a duodenal ulcer that’s painful & is giving me loads of grief. I tried the medical options recommended by my doctor, but they only made things worse. I’m done with these. Do you have any natural remedies or home treatments that I could possibly try? I’m desperate!


Peptic ulcers are sores or lesions that develop in the lining (mucosa) of the digestive tract. The two most common types of ulcers are stomach (gastric ulcers) and duodenal ulcers. Peptic ulcers can on occasion develop in the lower part of the esophagus as well. Duodenal ulcers occur the most frequently, however, in fact 3 times more frequently than stomach ulcers. When the lining of the stomach or duodenal gets inflamed or eroded from stomach acids, an open sore or “ulcer” develops. The main cause of an ulcer is an infection brought on by the growth of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. The overuse of aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), excessive alcohol consumption, caffeine, smoking & radiation therapy can also cause duodenal & stomach ulcers. Symptoms of peptic ulcers include pain or burning sensation between the chest & navel, bloating, heartburn, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea & vomiting. Of course, if you have a bleeding ulcer you should seek medical attention at once as these are dangerous.

Contrary to popular medical belief, reducing stomach acid does nothing to fix an ulcer & instead creates other unwanted problems & side effects (our bodies are meant to produce stomach acid). To get rid of a stomach or duodenal ulcer - & get rid of it for good - you need to do two things… destroy the H.pylori bacteria & build up & strengthen the stomach/duodenal lining. Once the bacteria is dead & the lining is healed, peptic ulcers will be a thing of the past for you.

Here’s the 7 best ways to do this…

Natural Remedy for Peptic Ulcers #1… Pepto-Bismol & Tetracycline Antibiotic: Back in 2005, Barry Marshall & Robin Warren won the Nobel Prize in Medicine after discovering that peptic ulcers are primarily caused by Helicobacter pylori, a nasty little bacterium that thrives in acidic environments such as those of the stomach & duodenum. And Nobel-Prize nominee, Dr Joel Wallach, spoke about how the trace mineral bismuth, when combined with the tetracycline antibiotic, can kill H. pylori & cure stomach ulcers in his hugely popular “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie” seminar back in the early nineties.

So the first thing you need to do is go out and buy some Pepto-Bismol (here’s what it looks like). Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) coats a peptic ulcer & protects it from stomach acid, along with destroying the H. pylori bacteria. The tetracycline antibiotic then goes to work to heal the infection. In most countries, you need a prescription for the tetracycline antibiotic, but it's worth the effort. For dosages of the Pepto-Bismol, follow the directions listed on the bottle/container. You can take Pepto-Bismol for up to 6 weeks at a low/medium dose (twice daily is a low/medium amount). Speak to your health care professional for dosages of the tetracycline antibiotic or follow the directions listed on the box.

Home Remedy for Stomach Ulcer #2… Probiotics: Probiotics are essential for good gut health. Without enough friendly bacteria residing in the stomach & duodenal, the lining of these organs becomes degraded & weak. A compromised gut wall allows infection & lesions or sores (ulcers) to develop & take hold. Probiotics are crucial for preventing & healing infection in the gut, along with building up & strengthening the gut wall. Probiotics have a high turnover rate, which means you MUST replenish the supply every day if you want to successfully treat and cure your ulcer (and prevent more). Find yourself a good quality probiotic supplement to take every day (such as these), along with consuming lots of fermented foods. The great thing about fermented foods is they’re easy to make at home & taste great. Here’s a handy website on how to go about this if you’re interested… Cultures for Health.

How to Cure a Stomach/Duodenal Ulcer Remedy #3… Wheat Grass: Wheat grass is rich in chlorophyll, a very powerful anti-inflammatory, gut healer & lining soother. In fact, it’s one the best treatments & remedies for leaky gut syndrome for this very reason. And of course, once you heal the gut lining, you heal your stomach ulcer. Wheat grass is also an excellent immune enhancer and prebiotic, which means your good gut bacteria (probiotics) feed off it. This in turn enhances the effectiveness of the probiotics you’re taking quite significantly. You can find various
wheat grass powders online or get them from your local health food store. 2 to 3 teaspoons daily mixed in a glass of clean filtered water will do the trick (taken on an empty stomach).

Natural Treatment for Peptic Ulcers #4… Cabbage & Bananas: Both cabbage & bananas help reduce the acidity of your gastric juices. They also promote blood flow to the lining of the stomach & even help inhibit the growth of H. pylori. These benefits make bananas & cabbage essential for not only the healing of peptic ulcers, but keeping them away for good (as long as you continue to eat them of course). So be sure to eat plenty of well-ripe bananas & cabbage. Cabbage can also be fermented (made into sauerkraut) which makes it even better for you as this food contains lots of crucial “gut healing” probiotics.

Natural Remedy for Stomach Ulcers #5… Turmeric & Cayenne Pepper: Turmeric is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory & healing foods discovered thus far. It works extremely well for helping heal peptic ulcers, due in large part to its high concentrate of curcumin, which has been shown in studies to soothe, heal & reduce inflammation of the stomach wall. In test tube experiments, curcumin was also found to be instrumental in destroying H. pylori. In one study, turmeric was actually able to kill 100% of H. pylori within 15 minutes of contact! And a review published in “Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition” found that the main ingredient in cayenne pepper, capsaicin, helps to naturally limit the secretion of stomach acids & boost gastric mucosal blood flow. These positive benefits also help prevent & heal peptic ulcers.

With the turmeric, either add a heaped teaspoon of the powder to a morning smoothie or make yourself a delicious turmeric tea (you can find plenty of recipes online). Or, you can go with the easy option & take the turmeric extract capsules instead. With the cayenne pepper, mix 1/8th of a teaspoon in a glass of warm filtered water and drink twice daily, slowly increasing the amount each day until you reach ¼-½ teaspoon. Do this for 2-3 weeks or until your ulcer is healed. If you do find the cayenne pepper too hot, you can always opt for the capsules instead. In addition, make sure you use turmeric & cayenne pepper in your cooking whenever you can (both can be easily added to different soups & savoury meals).

Home Remedy for Stomach/Duodenal Ulcers #6… Licorice: Licorice helps the stomach & intestines produce extra mucous. This mucous coats the lining of the stomach, forming a formidable & protective barrier. This in turn speeds up the healing process, along with helping to reduce the pain & inflammation associated with peptic ulcers. Licorice is also thought to help with the destruction of H. pylori. Be sure to find yourself a quality licorice root tea & drink two to three times throughout the day until your ulcer heals.

How to Cure a Peptic Ulcer Remedy #7… Coconut/Coconut Oil: Coconuts contain powerful anti-ulcer properties & are also excellent for helping destroy the bacteria that causes peptic ulcers. Consume a tablespoon of organic virgin coconut oil morning & night until your ulcer is healed. In addition to this, drink a few glasses of organic coconut water and/or fresh coconut milk each day for extra benefit.

Other Do’s & Don’ts for Treating & Preventing Stomach Ulcers…

DO eat lots of organic honey: Honey reduces inflammation & soothes the lining of the stomach & duodenal. Make sure you only eat raw unprocessed honey.

DO eat plenty of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables & seeds: Fresh fruits & vegetables help to soothe & heal the gut lining, plus they’re easily digestible.

DO drink lots of clean filtered water: Water helps flush out toxins & chemicals from the gut, along with keeping the body hydrated.

DO drink camomile tea every day: Camomile has a soothing effect on the gut lining & helps heal stomach/duodenal ulcers.

DO eat plenty of garlic: Garlic is potent all-round healer & has been proven to help with the healing of peptic ulcers. Use it in your cooking as much as possible.

DO drink fresh carrot juice daily: Carrot juice contains vitamin U, an anti-peptic ulcer nutrient.

DON’T eat refined & processed foods: These irritate and upset the gut and degrade the stomach lining.

DON’T consume alcohol or smoke: Alcohol & cigarettes also irritate the lining of the gut & make it harder for an ulcer to heal.

DON’T drink caffeinated beverages: Caffeine is a prime culprit & cause of gastric discomfort so avoiding all caffeinated drinks & foods is recommended.

DON’T consume sugar: Sugar feeds the bad bacteria in your gut & can make stomach/duodenal ulcers worse.

So hopefully these tips & remedies help you out Jimbo!

Best regards,

Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist)

Comments for 7 Ways to Cure a Stomach Ulcer Quickly & Permanently at Home!

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Jun 08, 2018
Thank you
by: James

Thanks for this excellent and very informative post. I've been getting stomach ulcers, particularly the duodenal ulcers, for the last 20 years. My doctor never told me there was natural way to cure these. He only continued to feed me drugs. 6 months ago I really started to clean up my act. I cut out all processed foods and went on the ketogenic diet. I also started to take barley grass powder and probiotics every day, along with pretty much everything else you list here. I also exercise 5 times a week, something I never did... ever (the only exercise my body used to get was from my wrists when I poured my glass of beer into my mouth!) I have to say, I feel amazing. I have so much more energy, much better digestion (no antacids anymore), and no stomach ulcers! Oh, and I've lost 40 pounds too.

Keep up the great work you are doing. People need these cures!

Jun 08, 2018
by: Troy

You're very welcome James. Glad you managed to get rid of those painful ulcers. It's amazing what happens when you start feeding the body quality foods and nutrients and get it moving. It really does respond in kind. You're doing so well. Well done!

All the best to you! :)

Jun 02, 2021
Ulcer healing
by: Eunice

Hi, I'm wondering how long does it take to heal an ulcer? I am not able to eat raw garlic due to the burning in the stomach. Currently I am drinking fennel seed twice a day and taking cabbage juice with barley grass.

Thank you

Jun 05, 2021
Reply to Eunice
by: Troy

If you're finding that the wheatgrass and cabbage juice, along with fennel, are okay and soothing for your stomach then most definitely stay with these. The wheatgrass and cabbage juice in particular are extremely good. Make sure you take a good quality probiotic with the wheat grass as this will not only help to heal your ulcer and get your gut healthy again, the wheat grass also acts as a prebiotic... which makes it extra powerful! Try and add some turmeric with black pepper to your diet and supplementation plan as well if possible. As far as a timeframe for healing? It depends on how bad the ulcer(s) are and how healthy your gut is. It could take months to heal or just weeks. Usually when someone has an ulcer then their gut health is not good so it will take a little time to get that right again. Continue to follow the recommendations above and you'll soon be free from stomach ulcers for good.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Eunice! 😊

Aug 08, 2021
by: Deb

Hi. I found your page yesterday and I’m so happy you made your info so easy to understand and I appreciate the links provided as well. The first thing I did with what I had on hand was to sauté some cabbage with garlic, a little olive oil, pepper and turmeric, and I love it! Now I’ll be heading to the market to get my pre & probiotics, etc., to start healing my ulcers and get off the Omeprazole reliance.

Thank you!

Aug 12, 2021
Reply to Deb
by: Troy

You're very welcome Deb. Hope it helps.

All the best!

Aug 13, 2021
Now I see the whole picture!
by: Goal Digger

For months I ignored the symptoms that my gut was gradually becoming more unhappy... you know many of these symptoms (upper GI and lower GI) but the topper was when hives joined the party. I had been admittedly trying to vodka my way through this tail end of the pandemic and find myself now with antacids in every room... eating them at random hours including the middle of the night... Yes I've stopped the cocktails and added kimchi, bananas, Kombucha, kefir, whole fruits and veggies, probiotics, and many other great things for the gut... and thanks to your article I will now stop eating the things that are keeping my gut from healing. Goodbye coffee, sweet as well as salty snacks... processed food altogether. Thank you thank you for giving me more tools to help win this battle. All the comments are so helpful as well... we're learning together. :-)

Aug 30, 2021
by: Vivian

Thanks so much for your page. I am a bit hooked on aspirin. I am assuming it is causing my stomach/ulcer issues. I read a while back how to cure it and it seemed to work. I fell back into my old ways and now it seems to be acting up again.
Thanks for posting what you did. I think I drank colloidal silver a while back and it helped along with the bismuth. I need to try some of your cures.

Aug 31, 2021
Reply to Goal Digger
by: Troy

You're very welcome Goal Digger 🤣 Hope it all helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Aug 31, 2021
Reply to Vivian
by: Troy

Yes, unfortunately aspirin does not help stomach ulcers. Hope our information and article help you out.

All the best to you!

Sep 11, 2021
You Deserve An Award
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thank you so much for this write up. You have helped me so incredibly much in dealing with my stomach ulcers.

Sep 22, 2021
PPI Help
by: Anonymous

I have been diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer and prescribed Rabeprazole. I feel this is making my liver issues worse, I also have gallstones, and weight gain since starting the PPI is frustrating. It's been 3-4 months now on the PPI. How can I quit the PPI safely? My doctor and GI specialist are very pro-medications, obviously.

Sep 29, 2021
by: Hannah

Hello, I went ahead and bought some Pepto. On the box it says don't use for ulcers. Why is this? Is it safe to use? I have a Dr. appointment today as it's only gotten worse. I have eliminated coffee (the only habit I have) and will be more mindful of what sets my stomach off. Thanks for this post. I dread Western medicine.

Oct 10, 2021
Very helpful!
by: Anonymous

Thank you!

Oct 18, 2021
Reply to " PPI Help" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, by law we cannot advise you on what you can do in this instance. We would recommend that if you are having no success with your doctor, find a reputable naturopath who can help and advise you in person.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best. :)

Oct 18, 2021
Reply to Hannah
by: Troy

Hi Hanna. They would have that on the box as per FDA requirements to cover themselves. It most certainly does help treat and soothe stomach ulcers. Here's what the nih government website actually says... "Medicines containing bismuth subsalicylate link, such as Pepto-Bismol, coat a peptic ulcer and protect it from stomach acid. Although bismuth subsalicylate can kill H. pylori, doctors sometimes prescribe it with antibiotics". The antibiotic is usually the tetracycline antibiotic, exactly what we recommend in our article!

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Dec 09, 2021
Stomach Issues
by: Anonymous

Hi there. Ran across this while searching how to heal my stomach ulcer as I get them a lot. I've been on omeprezole since 2013 when they did a scope and found scaring and an ulcer. They also removed my gallbladder then too as it was releasing to much bile. Now 8 years later I have another ulcer and they still want me on the ant acids. I have also developed gastroporosis. I'm just trying to get off the anti acids but not sure how to without being in a lot of pain, especially now with the current ulcer and stomach emptying issues. Thanks

Dec 13, 2021
by: Troy

Getting off antacids means getting your gut working back in tip top condition. To do this follow recommendations 2-7 listed above. The first recommendation is a short term fix for a current ulcer. You need to be looking at a long term (permanent) fix. Taking a good quality wheat grass or barley grass powder, along with probiotics, is the most crucial as these heal the gut. Be sure to start off slow with low dosages and gradually increase over a period of several weeks or even months. As I said though, be sure to follow all recommendations. As a final note; I suggest leaving out the cayenne pepper (not the turmeric) for the time being. Once your gut is healed and the acidity level returns to normal then add this herb. Also slowly wean yourself from the antacids rather than stop using them completely. This will help limit any undesirable side effects.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Jan 12, 2022
Blood thinners
by: Anonymous

So unfortunately, it seems everything you mentioned for the most part a person on blood thinners can’t take. Cabbage/carrot juice, bananas, coconut oil, probiotics, honey, and pepto/tetracycline is about it. Did I miss something?

Jan 12, 2022
by: Troy

Yes, if you're on blood thinning medication then you would need to speak with your health care professional. :)

Apr 01, 2022
Thank you!
by: Jenna R.

Thank you for this amazing article with tons of great options! It helped set me at ease as this is my first time knowingly having a stomach ulcer and I avoid pharmaceuticals as much as possible. Which specific quality probiotic would you recommend? I seem to get really bad stomach issues (ie gas, bloating) when I’ve tried taking them in the past. Thank you!

May 02, 2022
Reply to Jenna
by: Troy

You're very welcome Jenna. We recommend you look at Dr Tobias Probiotic 30 Billion. You really can't go past it for strength and absorption. You can search for it on Amazon... Probiotic Supplements.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

May 10, 2022
Current Ulcer and Acid reflux
by: Misty

Thanks very much for the advice. I tried to get off my omeprazole couple months back and my acid came back with a vengeance and my ulcer I feel is still not healed. So I think I might try all you recommend plus take the PPI for 3 months till my ulcer is healed then try to slowly ween off of them, hopefully for good! I read it is super hard to get off a PPI once been on them for a long time. Do you have any recommendations on how I should go about doing that? I also drink chamomile tea and take melatonin and drink aloe Vera juice as well to help. Only thing I have not taken is the wheat grass and licorice root. Thanks again for the reply.

May 18, 2022
Reply to Misty
by: Troy

The best way to come off PPI's (or any medication for that matter) is to slowly wean yourself from it over a period of several weeks or even months. I would recommend visiting a Naturopath if you possibly can so they can help you in person with your gut issues. Would be extremely beneficial in my opinion. Best of luck to you! :)

Jan 18, 2024
Stress and stomach ulcer?
by: Anonymous

Does stress cause GI discomfort including Ulcers?

Jan 23, 2024
by: Troy

Yes unfortunately it does. Stress is one of the worst things we can put our bodies through. Stress can literally kill you! It may be difficult sometimes, but keeping stress levels under control is crucial for avoiding gut issues including stomach ulcers. :)

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