Best Topical Creams and Relief Remedies for Arthritis...

Some anti-inflammatory arthritis creams and ointments provide outstanding relief from the awful pain and swelling associated with arthritis. Used in combination with some light, moderate exercise, these treatments really do work amazingly well. 

Here's 4 of the best that you may want to consider... 

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated January 20, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links  

best anti-inflammatory arthritis creams

There are so many creams and ointments out there claiming to provide relief from the pain and inflammation of arthritis that it's difficult to know where to start. Many are bogus and don't do what the manufacturer claims (you’ve probably already tried a few yourself), but there are some good ones that actually work. Here's our top 4 in no particular order…


Epsom Salt (magnesium sulphate): Taking a nice hot bath with some Epsom salt is a popular New England arthritis remedy. This treatment increases circulation to the joints (which is extremely important) along with helping reduce joint swelling. Magnesium is a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic mineral that's easily absorbed through the skin. If you don't have access to a bath, mix together some warm water and 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to create a thick paste. Apply this to your arthritic joint(s) and leave on for 20-30 minutes. This paste won’t drip off but you can wrap the joint(s) with a bandage if you need to move around. So try either of these options. You'll be delighted with the results.

Pawpaw Cream: When rubbed on the skin, pawpaw also increases circulation to the joints. This is a potent anti-inflammatory remedy that gives quick relief. In fact, you can feel the heat come into the joints (from the increase in blood flow) in around ten minutes. Do your research to find a reputable brand of paw paw cream that's specifically designed to treat arthritic symptoms

Mineral Creams: Minerals and protein are extremely important for joint health and treating the symptoms of arthritis. There are some very good creams on the market that contain specific minerals and proteins that significantly reduce joint and muscle pain\inflammation and help repair joint damage. When rubbed consistently on the affected area, they get right into the joint or muscle and give excellent relief. One outstanding anti-inflammatory cream we recommend you look into is Penetrex. You can check it out here if you're interested.

Combination Creams, Balms and Oils: You will find plenty of topical treatments that contain many, or even most of the natural foods, supplements and nutrients we have already listed for internal use. You will need to experiment and try these for yourself to see if they work externally (topically).

Unfortunately, we've found that most don’t.

The reason for this is simple – the most effective way to reverse arthritis (or any disease for that matter) is by internal methods, rather than external. External arthritis treatments may give you temporary relief, but only internal remedies will give you that lasting and permanent cure you're looking for!

Are There Any More Topical Treatments for Arthritis That Work? 

We would like to list more natural topical treatments for arthritis, but the truth is we just haven’t been able to find any that work all that well. If you have found one that works then good for you… be sure to stick with it. At the end of the day, natural creams and balms are still a better and healthier choice than the topical pharmaceutical products on the market.

Try Doing Some Light, Moderate Exercise for Your Arthritis...

Dozens of studies have been able to overwhelmingly prove that exercise, particularly walking, cycling, aqua aerobics and weight training, help tremendously with all forms of arthritis. These types of exercise regimes promote strong circulation and help attract fluid into the joints, which in turn helps to alleviate joint pain and swelling.

Forty minutes to an hour a day is about all you need.

Of course, the most important thing is to start off slowly and gradually build up. We would also recommend waiting until you've been taking your food and supplements for at least 6-8 weeks before starting any exercise program. This will give your body (and joints) enough time to begin the repairing and regeneration process.

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