Best Home Remedies for Grey Hair...

by Daniel B
(Oregon, U.S.A)


You have lots of natural remedies for treating grey hair listed in your article. I'd like to ask what are the top 3 that will work the best. I only have limited funds. Thanks.


Well Daniel, aside from making sure you're receiving all of the essential nutrients, the top 3 "bang for your buck" natural remedies for grey hair in my opinion are...

#1 Black strap molasses: Even people who take black strap molasses for other health problems, or just for overall good health, report that their hair becomes healthier and their grey hair starts to recede when they're on it. It definitely works.

#2 Fo-Ti: This herb doesn't mean "black haired man" in Chinese for nothing! These people have been using Fo-Ti for thousands of years to effectively treat grey hair (and a whole host of other health problems). It's one of the best!

#3 Onion and Lemon Juice: This topical treatment for grey hair is very effective and cheap. Herbalists have already known about this grey hair treatment for many years and most recommend it for reversing grey hair. The only negative of course is the smell!

You can read more about these remedies in our main article here... Best Natural Remedies for Grey Hair

Hope this helps you Daniel.

Good luck and all the best!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist)

Comments for Best Home Remedies for Grey Hair...

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Apr 13, 2018
Protocol for the black seed and olive oil treatment?
by: Anonymous

How long do you recommend doing the black seed oil and olive oil treatment to reverse grey hair? How many times a week/month?

I have tried the onion treatment, but found it unpleasant smelling and ineffective.

Thanks in advance.

Apr 18, 2018
by: Troy

The black seed oil and olive oil combo is best done at least every second day. The black seed oil should also be taken internally at a dosage of one teaspoon twice daily. Remember, it does take time for this combo to work (at least 4-6 months) so a little patients will be needed. Don't forget about the unsulphured black strap molasses and Fo-ti as well. Both of these are incredibly effective.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

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