Best Natural and Home Remedies for Bakers Cyst...


Is there a natural treatment for a Bakers cyst that works fast? I really need help with this problem.


Hello, and thank you for your question regarding a natural remedy/treatment for a Baker's cyst.

I suffered a serious knee injury many years ago while playing sport and ended up with a whopping Baker's cyst. I didn't know much about natural remedies and therapies back then so I visited a doctor who told me he needed to drain the fluid. So he pulled out this giant sized needle and spent the next 1/2 hour sticking it around different areas of the cyst and sucking out the fluid. It was painful as hell! So this is something you definitely don't want to get done, and thankfully, you won't have to if you follow the recommendations listed below.

There really are some natural and home remedies for this problem that work extremely well. These treatments primarily help by releasing the fluid that's built up, but the herbal remedies and apple cider vinegar will also help to prevent further occurrences, which is something you definitely want.

So here they are in no particular order...

#1. Hot and Cold Towel Method: I used this one after re-injuring my knee a little while after (thankfully, an old football coach happen to share it with my dad). It works a treat to remove the cystic fluid.

All you do is have one bucket of hot water (must be as hot as you can handle on your skin, without giving you a third degree burn of course) and one bucket of cold water. Place a towel or good sized rag in each bucket. Start with the hot towel and place it over the cyst (do not squeeze or wring out the towel). Leave the towel there until it starts to cool and is no longer burning (usually around 30 seconds). Throw it back in the hot bucket and grab the cold towel. Place this over your cyst for about 30 seconds. Throw that back in the cold bucket and continue to repeat this
process until you've gone through it at least 6-7 times. Do this 3 times per day, morning, noon and night for best results. It's also advisable to do this outside due to the amount of water that gets spilled and the mess it makes.

#2. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Apple cider vinegar is excellent for removing fluid and freeing up the joints, which is why it's such a great arthritis cure. Simply mix one tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar (must be the same as one of these and still contain the "mother" apple), along with a teaspoon of local or Manuka honey, in a glass of warm filtered water and drink 3 times daily 10 minutes before each main meal. You can also buy the ACV capsules if you can't handle the taste of the apple cider vinegar.

#3. Herbs: Anti-inflammatory herbs and spices such as cayenne pepper, celery seed, turmeric, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon and garlic are all terrific for reducing inflammation within the knee (which is likely what's causing your Baker's cyst). Try and use these in your cooking as much as possible, along with adding them to a daily smoothie so you get a decent amount, otherwise they will have little effect.

#4. Cold Pressed Castor Oil: Rubbing some castor oil on your baker's cyst (or any cyst for that matter) 3 times daily will reduce it's size significantly in just a few short weeks. It may even be completely gone within this time. Just make sure you go with a good quality cold pressed castor oil and not a cheap brand.

So start using these 4 natural and home remedies for your Baker's cyst right away and watch it disappear in a hurry and for good!

Good luck and all the best to you,


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach/Specialist)

P.S. For more information and tips on dealing with a Baker's cyst (Housemaid’s Knee/Clergyman’s Knee), be sure to have a read of our informative article on bursitis remedies. Here's the link... 10 Natural Remedies for Bursitis That Work Like a Charm!

Comments for Best Natural and Home Remedies for Bakers Cyst...

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May 29, 2016
Bakers Cyst
by: Anonymous

Hi there. I have had success in treating a BC with 1/2 tsp Aluminium free baking soda 3 times daily after meals.

May 30, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

Nice! Thanks for sharing.

Jun 09, 2016
Baker's Cyst Treatment
by: Anonymous

With my husband's bakers cyst, we used 5 drops a piece of the Essential oils of Frankincense, cypress, and copaiba in a roller bottle then filled the rest with coconut oil. He used an ace bandage to wrap and ice when he could. In 3 days the bakers cyst was gone! It has just come back which is exactly 2 years later. We will follow the same protocol again as well as add your advice. Thanks!

Jun 10, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

You're welcome. Hope it helps!

Jul 30, 2016
Baker's Cyst
by: Marie

After a knee injury about a month ago I believe I have developed a Baker's cyst. I do not want to deal with this medically so I'm going to try the natural remedies you listed. Thank you for listing them. How long will it take to see results?

Jul 30, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Marie. For me it took about 3-4 weeks to completely heal my baker's cyst using these remedies (particularly with #1), but I definitely started seeing good results and reduced swelling after the first week. Thankfully, these remedies saved me from having to have those awful "horse sized" needles again!

Good luck and all the best to you!

Jul 30, 2016
Baker's Cyst Remedy
by: Marie

I truly appreciate you posting this for those of us who want to try and avoid medical procedures. Thank you so much!

Jul 30, 2016
by: Troy

You're very welcome Marie. :)

Oct 12, 2016
Bakers cyst
by: Rosemary

I just learned today that I have a bakers cyst behind my knee. Do these remedies really work.

Oct 13, 2016
by: Troy

Yes, definitely Rosemary. Give them a try. You'll be delighted with the results!

Oct 25, 2016
Castor oil hot pack?
by: Joyce

I'm wondering if using castor oil with a hot pad over it would be effective? Something plastic in between to protect the hot pad of course. I have had one for 5 days caused by osteoarthritis I'm guessing. I thought I had Fibromyalgia but maybe it's o/arthritis after all, since this is a common cause of a Bakers cyst is it not?

Oct 28, 2016
by: Troy

Yes, both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are common causes of bakers cysts. With the castor oil and hot pad, you can only try it and see how it goes Joyce. Just make sure you use cold pressed castor oil.

Hope it helps you.

All the best!

Nov 09, 2016
Cyst on ACL?
by: Grixy

I have ganglion cysts in my knee on my ACL. I can't flex my knee all the way, but I can walk and run. It can be painful. I tried essential oils for my ganglion cysts but I can't get the oil deep enough into my knee. Not too many Dr's will aspirate it because it can come back and I haven't found a Dr who will even do this. Does anyone have any suggestions? Hot/cold? Etc.

Nov 10, 2016
by: Troy

Have you tried the hot cold towel method? This gets deep inside the whole joint. Magnesium is also very effective for ganglion cysts. Try regular Epsom salt (magnesium) baths.

You can read this article for more info on this...Ganglion Cyst Remedies.

Hope it helps. :)

Dec 05, 2016
Baker's cyst in children
by: Joanne

My 5yo son developed quite a big Baker's cyst. I have started the hot and cold method yesterday and will buy some castor oil very soon. I also made him a roller with Oregano, Lemongrass, Cypress and Frankincense which I am applying morning and night. He's got a referral with a specialist in 5 weeks time and by then I'm hoping to reduce it significantly or even cure it.

Dec 06, 2016
by: Troy

Would be surprized if it's not gone in 5 weeks time Joanne.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Jan 11, 2017
Thank you
by: Sheila B.

Your help and advice is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
God bless.

Jan 11, 2017
by: Troy

You're very welcome Sheila. Hope it helps!

Jan 12, 2017
Bakers Cyst Be Gone!
by: Joyce E. J.

I wrote earlier asking if it was worth using a hot compress and castor oil as a treatment. I decided to use DSMO all around my knee, then put a teaspoon of C. oil on a piece of wool. Then on the cyst area I covered it with plastic large enough to protect the ace bandage from getting gooey. I used a compression wrap or ace bandage to hold everything in place, then elevated my leg daily, rested my leg on a hot surface, and then on cold surface for a couple of repeats.

It's been 7 or 8 weeks, and it's almost gone! I can hardly feel it anyway. Within 2 or so weeks the discomfort was greatly lessened, which I shrugged and thought... "hey I'll take that." I am really happy to let you all know that this worked for me.

I don't know what exactly worked. Maybe the DMSO, or just the castor oil. Or, I read that compression works well too. So be encouraged everyone. You can cure this!

Jan 17, 2017
by: Troy

Nice one Joyce. Thanks for sharing your remedy with us!

All the best. :)

Feb 03, 2017
Thanks for this great post on this topic
by: George

I've been dealing with a bakers cyst for about 2 months now. The doc just gave me a compression knee sleeve to use and said it will go away by its self or will pop eventually. So far none of this has happened. The knee sleeve only helped me to get around without limping. I have read this whole thread & comments and the hot/cold towel, castor oil seems to be the way to go. I hope this helps me. Thanks guys.

Feb 08, 2017
Olive oil instead of Castor Oil???
by: Anonymous

Can olive oil be used instead of castor oil??? I want to try these natural remedies for my cyst. Hope it helps and I can get rid of it without any medical procedures.
Thank you.

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to George
by: Troy

You're welcome George. All the best to you!

Feb 16, 2017
Reply to Anonymous
by: Troy

No. Olive oil doesn't contain the same healing properties and nutrients as organic castor oil. It definitely must be castor oil. :)

Feb 16, 2017
Its working
by: George

Since my first post I've been doing this... I first massage the cyst with castor oil then get a hot small towel and wrap it around the cyst and leave it till it gets cold, then I get an ice pack and put on the cyst for about 10 minutes or so. After the ice pack I put a little more castor oil on it. Thats been my routine before going to bed and so far the size of the cyst has gone down and feeling more like normal when walking.

Feb 16, 2017
by: Troy

Nice one George. Glad it's helping!

Feb 19, 2017
Question about baking soda mixture?
by: Anonymously yours

All these sound great and I'm desperate so I will try each one since I'm afraid of needles. My question is about the mixture and ratio of 1/2 tsp of aluminium free baking soda 3 times daily after meals. I feel silly asking this but mixed with how much water?

Feb 21, 2017
by: Troy

No need to feel silly anonymously yours - there's no such thing as a silly question. You want to fill a good sized glass with roughly 8-10 oz of clean filtered water then add the baking soda (Bob's Best Baking Soda is the best if you can get it). Stir well then drink. The more water you have the less salty the baking soda tastes. :)

Feb 21, 2017
Thanks for the advice.
by: June

I just want to say, thank you for the helpful tips. I went to the doctor today and found out about my cyst. It's painful and I want my knee to heal so that I can clean my house. Thank you.

Feb 23, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

You're welcome June. Hope the tips help! :)

Mar 02, 2017
Painful cyst
by: Sue

I had an ultrasound done after developing sharp pains in the back of my right knee whenever I drove my car. The results came back today...Baker's cyst! I do not like my medical options and came across your posts in my search for alternatives. I am getting the castor oil and starting your treatments asap, along with the essential oils mentioned in the comments. I am hopeful for relief. Thank you!!

Mar 14, 2017
Thank you for sharing
by: Mabel

Thank you for sharing this information, God bless you.

Mar 16, 2017
It's back but not for long!
by: Joyce

Hi this is Joyce again. My Bakers cyst is still shrunk way down, but as has been mentioned, they can come back. I lately started to ache again. A tiny bump is there. (Oh no ya don't I told it!) It's been a couple months since I commented here that caster oil seemed to have done the trick. Plus elevation, hot/cold alternating, and I use a little dsmo. I read that compression is advised, so I bought a knee wrap which fits snugger than an ace bandage. Compression is very comforting and effective. It supports and sorta squeezes things back to where they belong.

So, my bump started to come back but I know from this page how to control it. I'm back using some compression and castor oil. Hey, it's cheap and beats needles and drugs, huh? Keep on keepn' on everyone.

Mar 20, 2017
by: Troy

Nice one Joyce. Thanks for sharing your update! :)

Apr 02, 2017
Baker's Cyst
by: Chang

Hi Friends,
I developed a baker's cyst after a jogging session. I am happy to find your website. I just ordered the organic castor oil.
I want to try a natural method.
Thank you.

Apr 29, 2017
Bakers cyst
by: Anonymous

What is dsmo please?

May 04, 2017
by: Troy

DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a natural by-product of wood. This amazing substance is terrific for helping to relieve muscle and joint pain and inflammation. Here's what it looks like... DMSO pharmaceutical grade.

May 13, 2017
Baking soda and Bakers cyst
by: Anonymous

I suffered a horrible bakers cyst pain for five weeks. I decided to take some baking soda for my heartburn and the pain in my knee subsided. I Googled baking soda and Bakers cysts and found that there is a correlation. I'm only on the first 24 hours and the pain is 80% gone. I can't wait to see what it'll be like tomorrow or the next day! Baking soda for a Bakers cyst is the answer!

May 29, 2017
Bakers Cyst
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the tips. I am putting ice on my cyst now. Isn't apple cider vinegar very acidic and not good for your teeth? What about your bones?

May 31, 2017
by: Troy

ACV can be acidic to your teeth, yes, however, if you clean your teeth half an hour after taking it you'll be fine. You can also drink it with a straw. In regards to your bones, ACV actually helps increase bone density as it contains high levels of calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, boron and potassium. Remember this... once apple cider vinegar enters the body, it goes from being acidic to alkaline (which is a good thing). Not many people (even the medical profession) are aware of this phenomena.

All the best!

Jun 09, 2017
Fluid in calf and down to ankle
by: Anne

I've been reading your natural solutions to Baker's Cysts and I am very grateful for same. I had a sore swollen knee which began to swell. The swelling then moved down my calf and into my ankle. It has been there for almost two weeks and while it's not painful it is awkward and tiring. I was sent to emergency querying a clot but Dr thinks it is a result of a bakers cyst. Could you advise me please if my treatment would be the same - e.g. hot/cold; essential oils; castor oil?

Jun 10, 2017
by: Troy

Yes Anne, it would be exactly the same. You need to get the fluid moving. :)

Jun 18, 2017
Bakers cyst
by: Roanne

I have two bakers cyst on the back of each knee. I'm going to try these methods. Can I drink the acv and the soda concoctions a few hrs apart or should I just choose one?

Jun 19, 2017
by: Troy (Admin)

You can take the ACV and the baking soda together (either at the same time or a few hours apart) as both of these balance each other out. This combo works very well. :)

Jun 19, 2017
Slow progress but it works
by: George

Anne, I had the same issue as you, went to the ER for a blood clot test. Result came in as a bakers cyst. My cyst took nearly 9 months to eventually go away. At nights I used the hot/cold remedy and castor oil. During the day I wore a suppression knee brace. All of this helped. It's best to just stick with the plan you're most comfortable with and can be most consistent with.

Jun 19, 2017
Not 9 months
by: George

Sorry, I didn't check. It didn't actually take 9 months to go away, it was 3 months with each month feeling better and better!

Jul 09, 2017
Bakers Cyst Diagnosis
by: Anonymous

Can someone help me. A Chiropractor told me I have a bakers cyst behind my knee. When I stand up you can see it's swollen behind my knee and puffy. When I lie down it goes away. Is this what a bakers cyst looks like?

Jul 10, 2017
Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda for a Bakers Cyst
by: Jill

It was mentioned here in the thread to take ACV and baking soda either mixed together or take them separately. How much of each do you suggest we take? Thank you for all the info here on Bakers Cysts.

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Jill
by: Troy

The baking soda is taken at 1/2 a teaspoon in a glass of water 3 times per day (after your main meal) and the ACV is taken at one tablespoon (along with a teaspoon of natural honey) in a glass of warm filtered water 3 times per day, 10 minutes before food. Make sure that the ACV you buy is raw organic ACV and still contains the "mother" apple. Processed or filtered ACV's will not work. :)

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to "Bakers Cyst Diagnosis" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, this sounds like you have a Baker's cyst. :)

Jul 10, 2017
Reply to Anonymous - Bakers Cyst Diagnosis
by: George

Most likely it is a bakers cyst, but you can go to your doctor and have him do an ultrasound to make sure. As you can see here there many home remedies that can help.

Jul 15, 2017
So happy to see this!
by: Nicole

I've self diagnosed and I am sure I have a bakers cyst. Funny thing is I've had this twice before but the doctors said that one was a sports injury and one was arthritis. The first time it went away within months of receiving PT. The second time I had it (that was the worst) I was prescribed a heavy duty arthritis med. The swelling was so bad that my leg looked like a tree trunk. I didn't take the meds. One day... it was gone. This beast popped up again a few days ago and I've been taking Benadryl for the swelling and applying dmso. I am going to start cold packs and adding castor oil to the dmso treatment. I had tennis elbow a few months ago and the castor oil worked wonders. I have hope for this too. Has anyone tried an osmo patch? It looks interesting. It naturally siphons out the fluid? Thoughts??
Thank you everyone for posting. I am so happy to have stumbled on this site!

Jul 24, 2017
Bakers Cyst
by: Lee

Thank you to Anonymous... I went with the essential oil's and coconut oil after reading all the posts. The front of my knee that had the arthritis feels great. There is no pain in the back with the Baker cyst but it is still there. Now I am going to try, along with the essential oil's on both knees, the castor oil on my Baker's cyst. Thank you for making this list and for all the advice.

Jul 27, 2017
by: Troy

You're welcome Lee, and yes, thanks to anonymous for sharing their essential oil tip. Don't forget to try the hot and cold towel method too. It works a treat!

All the best to you. :)

Jul 28, 2017
Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) Is The Answer
by: Valerie

I tried someone's suggestion to drink a daily serving of Sodium Bicarbonate. Less than $3 a pack and guess what? In less than a week it's gone!

Aug 01, 2017
Honey and ACV
by: Patrice

Hello! I found out today I may have a bakers cyst (my pain is in the back of my knee). I'm going for a sonogram to make sure that's what it is. I don't recall hurting my knee and I'm no athlete! Once I find out for sure, I will use these remedies so thank you! I'm particularly interested in the vinegar honey cure as I think this is a cure/prevention for lots of ailments, but manuka honey? That is Australian based and I've always heard it's best to eat honey as local as you can. Please let me know about this strange honey from far away! Thanks again! (I'm in Connecticut)

Aug 03, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Patrice. Manuka honey does come from Australia but mainly New Zealand. The reason it's considered the best is because of the exceptional amount and high amount of nutrients it contains. It's medicinal properties are much higher than what you'll find in local honey. Manuka is also high in hydrogen peroxide, which is an all round healer. Local honey is great for treating allergies though.

All the best!

Oct 08, 2017
by: Bigtel

By following the advice on these comments my Bakers Cyst has now almost gone after just 3 weeks treatment.

After suffering for over a year with this intense pain and prescription drugs doing very little to help, I decided to give the natural methods a try. I found an Epsom Salt product at Holland & Barrett called Muscle & Joint Epsom Salt Bath Soak. Apart from Epsom Salt it also contains Lemongrass, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Black Pepper. I soak for about 20 mins in a nice hot bath every other day. Not only does it improve my knee but as an added bonus it leaves my skin lovely and silky soft. I’ve also started taking Turmeric with BioPerine tablets twice per day and have had amazing results all round.

Thank you to all the people subscribing on here for your help and pain relief remedies. 😊😊😊

Oct 11, 2017
by: Troy

Glad you found some relief Bigtel.

Well done!

Oct 24, 2017
A Bakers Cyst is Painful
by: Anonymous

Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. Last Wednesday I went to the ER because I was in so much pain. Long story short, the ultrasound result revealed that I have a bakers cyst. The doctor prescribed me pain medicine and crutches. I can barely walk this is so painful. I was so desperate until I found this website. OMG, it's a dream come true. Thank you so much everybody, I am going to start tonight with the hot and cold water.
God bless you all and I will keep you guys posted.

Oct 30, 2017
by: Helen

What does the DSMO stand for please?

Nov 03, 2017
Reply to Helen
by: Troy

DMSO stands for dimethyl sulfoxide. It's a by-product from the paper making process. :)

Nov 26, 2017
by: Patricia

DMSO. Where would I purchase it?

Nov 30, 2017
by: Troy

You can purchase DMSO from Amazon or eBay... DMSO cream. Your local pharmacy or drug store may also stock it. :)

Jan 06, 2018
Three months later
by: Anonymous

I had knee surgery three months ago and in the past two weeks from revisiting physical therapy, I have developed a very painful BC. I definitely don’t want needles and medication, so I’m going to try the baking soda, castor oil, compress (hot then cold) and ice. I’m going to pray that this works!

Jan 06, 2018
Hot/cold towel?
by: Anonymous

When applying castor oil to the knee and adding hot and cold "towels" is this a hot wet towel and cold wet reel? I know that this may sound elementary but I need to know. I want to run and play tennis again. I’ve been athletic and in shape all of my life and I still am but limited on what I can do without pain and stiffness.

Jan 09, 2018
by: Troy

The hot and cold towel method (use towels for both the hot water AND cold water) and the castor oil remedy are two completely separate treatments. Do not use them together. Wait at least an hour after applying the hot/cold towels before applying the castor oil.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 05, 2018
Baker's Cyst Remedy
by: Vicki

I made a paste of green clay and water, applied this to my baker's cyst, covered with a Telfa pad, then applied an ace bandage. Changed the paste/dressing twice today. Cyst is about half the size it was a few days ago.

Feb 17, 2018
Bakers cyst
by: Donald G

I’ve been dealing with my cyst for over a month. Very painful! Been to the Dr and got a cortisone shot, no luck with that. Just started icing my knee and noticed it feels a little better. Can’t wait to try out the hot and cold method and the oil. Starting tomorrow I'm going to get all this stuff!!

Mar 01, 2018
Nothing works for me
by: Bea

I have been dealing with the most painful baker's cyst in my right knee for over a year. I got it drained once and it came right back. Nothing that I have tried helps at all. Ibuprofen is the only thing that relieves the pain and now I just got one in my left knee about a week ago. The only thing I changed in my routine was I started drinking high alkaline water (Kangen water). I am stopping today and will use distilled water for a week and then back to regular water and see what happens.

Mar 03, 2018
Sky diving crash - old bakers cyst
by: Anita

Hello... I have had a bakers cyst at the back of both knees for many years. Will any of these remedies actually work for me? I drink baking soda and water almost every day... been doing this for the past few weeks. Which of the remedies would work for such a chronic situation. Thank you.

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Bea
by: Troy

Kangan water would not cause your Bakers cyst Bea. You need to get your body alkaline not acidic. Distilled water will make your body acidic. Kangan water would actually help with your bakers cyst. There may be another trigger that you've overlooked. The ACV, along with a good quality wheat grass powder will help to increase your body's pH level and reduce your bakers cysts. Don't forget to use the hot cold towel method too. It works extremely well.

Good luck and all the best!

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Anita
by: Troy

ALL of these will still work for you Anita. Start taking the ACV, along with wheat grass or barley grass powder, and the anti-inflammatory herbs listed above. The hot/cold towel method will also help to reduce the swelling and inflammation significantly.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 12, 2018
Hot and Cold Treatment Effective
by: hmh

I used the hot and cold flannel treatment for 8 months, which quickly reduced the swelling and made my knee comfortable.

Have now stopped, but still take the apple cider vinegar with honey daily. I think the cyst is still lurking, but am hardly aware of it. I can run up and down stairs and kneel too now!

My husband also tried the hot/cold wet flannel treatment for an ankle problem, and for finger-ends damaged by years of chilblains. It worked for both. We imagine that it increases blood flow to the area that's being treated?

I recommend you try the Hay Diet for arthritis and rheumatism. My husband had one hip replaced before we found this, and 26 years later he is still arthritis-free! Doris Grant's Food Combining For Health is also useful. We didn't take the diet that seriously, yet it still worked. It's also effective for other immune system conditions, psoriasis, migraines, IBS, etc.

Many thanks for this page, and keep up the good work!

Mar 14, 2018
Bakers cyst
by: Carol

Hi. I have a 24cm bakers cyst from the back of my knee to my lower calf and a very swollen lower leg. Not so much pain thankfully.

Do these things ever calcify? Apparently it has a bit of mass in it (blood)?

Any advice warmly welcomed.

Mar 14, 2018
Baking Soda vs ACV
by: Marian

What are your thoughts on baking soda vs ACV. I've heard great things about each and also have seen recommendations for combining both. Would they cancel each other out? Do they have the same effect in the body? I'm interested in trying one or both for my husband's bakers cyst, but as usual the same question is bothering me.

Mar 16, 2018
Thank you.
by: Liz

Thank you very much for the helpful information. I am trying some of your recommendations like the vinegar and honey before meals, plus baking soda after meals. Also, Epsom salt baths have been helpful in the past. Adding garlic and the other herbs to foods, including black pepper, tumeric, and other spices have made a difference. I think twisting my knee during line dancing caused my bakers cyst to flare up. What do you think about taking calcium to help? Bless you for all this wonderful information. :)

Mar 17, 2018
3 years and counting!
by: Nicole

I've had a baker's cyst for over 3 years behind my right knee. I'm active and healthy, but can no longer do high impact exercises as this exacerbates the cyst. I then fell hard core on that right knee 2 weeks ago and pushed more synovial fluid into it. So I will give this a shot! One remedy I just started is the homeopathic treatment called Arnica Montana (it's for trauma - which might be helpful if you've got an impact injury). Has anyone tried this? Anyway, my cyst is old news so I look forward to see how this pans out and will repost with results. A BIG heartfelt thanks to all for sharing their remedies and experiences!

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Carol
by: Troy

It's very rare that a bakers cyst calcifies. Normally, you have to have one for a long time for this to occur. If you have a blood mass then I recommend you definitely use the hot/cold towel method. I also had a blood mass with my bakers cyst and the hot/cold towel method worked a treat for this! :)

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Marian
by: Troy

Using both the ACV and baking soda together works well. Combining these with some unsulphured black strap molasses yields even better results. You can read more about it here if you're interested... Powerful Home Remedy for Quick Arthritis Relief.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Marian!

Mar 20, 2018
Reply to Liz
by: Troy

Taking a calcium supplement is a good idea, but you do need to make sure it contains absorbable magnesium, along with boron and vitamin D3. This is crucial. Coral calcium best fits this criteria. This is the best coral calcium supplement available if you can get it... Barefoot Coral Calcium Complete.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Liz! :)

Apr 15, 2018
Maple syrup?
by: Nancy

Could I use maple syrup instead of honey with the vinegar, I just can’t do honey.

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to Nancy
by: Troy

Yes you can, however, unsulphured black strap molasses is your best option/substitute if you can get it. :)

May 18, 2018
Bakers cyst on left knee
by: Parveen Pant

I've had a baker's cyst for 2 years behind my left knee. I'm active and healthy, but can no longer do high impact exercises as this exacerbates the cyst. I want to know what is the best treatment out of these home remedies.

May 18, 2018
by: Troy

The hot/cold towel method. Works the best and works quite quickly. Remember to get the towels as hot and as cold as you can physically stand them (without burning your skin off of course).

Good luck and all the best!

May 27, 2018
Baking Soda
by: Anonymous

Can I use baking soda as a remedy for a bakers cyst? If so, what’s the measurements?

May 30, 2018
by: Troy

Yes, baking soda can be used to help shrink a bakers cyst. It's best combined with organic apple cider vinegar (ACV) with the "mother". A tablespoon of ACV mixed in a glass of water, combined with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda will do the trick. Take this concoction twice daily on an empty stomach for a period of 4-6 weeks.

Hope it helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 17, 2018
Had this for years
by: Mark

For me it started looking like a little blemish and got bigger and bigger. I needle it when it gets too big and expel the fluid. Years later I am just finding out what this is. I am going to try the baking soda. I was a runner for many years and a biker too and never injured my knee, but it still happened? It has been with me long enough now. Embarrassing when I wear shorts (which I live in). Thanks for this Q&A section.

May 31, 2019
I have a ganglion cyst
by: Insiya

Hi Troy,
I've been having pain in both my knees during the last 3-4 years, but especially my left knee. I started exercises and yoga but it increased more. Last year I came to know that I have a ganglion cyst behind my left knee - right is normal. Dr says surgery is not necessary because the cyst is too small but I have a lot of pain and it interrupts my daily life alot. I also have cramps in my left leg as soon as I fold it. I really want to try all of your remedies. Will they work for me?

Jun 03, 2019
by: Troy

While there are no guarantees of course, I do believe the recommendations above will help you tremendously. The hot/cold towel method and anti-inflammatory herbs in particular are crucial for bringing the swelling down and releasing the fluid build up in the cyst. Rubbing some castor oil on the problem area(s) will also help. Find yourself a good quality magnesium supplement to take as well (Natural Calm is the best if you can get it... NaturalCalm Magnesium drink). If you're getting cramps then this is a clear sign that you are severely lacking magnesium.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Oct 14, 2021
Castor oil cure
by: Joy

Put castor oil on my 86 yr old mothers bakers cyst behind her knee and calf area. Her calf had grape like knots under the skin. The two cysts created a blockage of circulation causing her knee, calf and foot to swell badly.
After just one night with castor oil on and wrapped with an ice bandage all swelling had disappeared by morning! What a surprise. Her leg is now looking great and matches the other leg.

Oct 17, 2021
Reply to Joy
by: Troy

Fantastic news Joy. Thanks for sharing.

All the best to you and your mum! 😊

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