How Advances In The Dental Industry Have Changed The Way We Look After Our Oral Health

by Sophie Davidson
(Nottingham, UK)

The health industry is always striving for change and improvement. One area that isn’t so widely publicised is the field of dentistry. Yet it’s thanks to fluoridation, dental health campaigns and advances in technology that we should be more aware of the importance of dental health.

Keep it Simple...

Centuries ago dental surgery was carried out in the barber’s shop, hence the red and white poles displayed outside many contemporary stores. Modern clinics are clean and hygienic. The introduction of disposable gloves means that patients can be rest assured that their treatment will be carried out in pristine conditions. These simple steps, as well as the introduction of sterilised drills and other surgical appliances all indicate that the 21st century dental patient can expect the highest standards when they visit a dental clinic.

Innovations Abound

Dental surgical advances exist in many other areas apart from those of hygiene and sterility. A report from the British Dental Journal reveals that 3D imaging is going to play a huge part in the future of modern dentistry and the management of tooth decay.

The report also cites the importance of prevention rather than cure. Professor Nigel Pitts, from King’s College London, a centre of dental excellence, believes that patient change is important. ‘Management is about being able to install behaviour change in our patients, helping them to be careful about sugar intake, using the right level of fluoride… and making appropriate dental visits
a priority.’ In other words, looking after your teeth on a daily basis will always reduce pain from toothache!

The Relationship Between Food and Teeth

The dental industry hasn’t always been efficient at communicating its message. Recent innovations in this field have highlighted that a public information campaign can be highly effective in slowing down tooth decay. The ‘Designed to Smile’ campaign, as featured on the BBC Wales website, showed that tooth decay for children in Wales was down by 47.6%, though the Daily Mail suggests that this optimistic result isn’t prevalent throughout the UK.

Once children reach the dentist they can expect the very best treatment, but if they are still drinking sugar-laden fizzy drinks and other products their teeth will be in an appalling state before they even see the inside of a dental surgery.

Look After Your Teeth!

Dentists can reproduce teeth through 3D printing, replace teeth through implants, and may be able to treat many other problems resulting from tooth decay through regenerative surgery. Figure show that ‘the number of adults with 21 or more natural teeth has risen to 86% across the UK,’ but surveys have also discovered that ‘one in four adults don’t brush their teeth daily.’ All the dental innovations in the world won’t help a patient who doesn’t brush their teeth. Greater publicity about tooth care, new techniques and other innovations can only improve the state of the nation’s, and the worlds, teeth.

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Informative Article
by: Troy

Some great information here. Who knew the real reason behind the red and white poles outside barber's shops? Very interesting indeed.

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