How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes...

by Jessica
(New Zealand)

A personal account and testimonial on how to eliminate the herpes simplex virus (genital herpes) by someone who did exactly this!

Hello, my name is Jessica. Two years ago I was just your average party loving young woman in her 20's. I was doing well at university and felt like I had my whole life ahead of me. I met my ex partner through the party scene. We both had a drug addiction, which is what we bonded over.

A few days after we met we slept together. After this I began to feel rather unwell. I had a fever and the glands in my neck were very swollen. Within the next day or two I began to experience a burning, tingling sensation in my downstairs region. Within hours, several sores had appeared which were UNBEARABLY painful. I could hardly walk and howled in pain when I peed. It was horrendous! After rushing myself to the after hours ER the doctor gave me a matter-of-fact visual diagnosis before taking a swab... "mmm definitely looks like herpes to me". I nearly fell off the examination table.

Within a few days my results were back and my diagnosis confirmed.... I had HSV2. I felt angry and betrayed because he had not been honest with me and I had a feeling that he knew he had it based on how he responded when I gave him the news.

Fast forward to a year down the track and I finally broke free of my drug addiction and my extremely toxic relationship, but I felt tainted and overwhelmed now more than ever by this condition. So I sucked it up and decided I would not live like this - despite every person I talked to about it saying that herpes was incurable, once you had it you had it for the rest of your life, blah blah blah. Excuse my french but I knew this was bullshit. Deep down I trusted my body and I wasn't about to let anyone tell me what was and was not possible for me to achieve once I set my mind to it.

I started off by ordering all of the recommended supplements in the Natural Herpes Cure article listed on this website. I organised my own colloidal silver though as I had access to a high strength variety just down the road from my house. Before starting on my supplements, I did a bowel cleanse so that my body could utilise the supplements as effectively and as quickly as possible. I'm not going to sugar coat it, I was overwhelmed at times. I wanted to stop and just get on with my life, but something deep down told me I was getting closer every day and to just suck it up - it wouldn't be forever.

I would eat all organic food, trying to source as much as possible from my own home garden and markets, as well as supplementing from the organics shop. I was taking all of the recommended supplements as well as my own script of liquid herbs that I had made up for me from the health shop which included hypericum, elderberry and astragalus. Each day I would also make a smoothie containing:

*organic banana
*organic cup of mixed frozen berries
*two heaped scoops of wheatgrass
heaped scoops of spirullina
*one scoop matcha green tea powder
*chia seeds
*acai powder
*goji berries
*organic coconut water

I didn't eat all raw food, and to be honest I doubt my body could have sustained itself on this diet as I am very, very tiny. I would eat some cooked organic meat and eggs as well as vegetables and pastas made from organic brown rice and lentil flour.

What I did do however is with every meal I would eat a HUGE amount of raw leafy greens and herbs like parsley and coriander (cilantro). And when I say a lot, I mean an enormous bowl full! I would also drink green tea several times a day and filtered alkaline water with lemon in it.

What really started to resonate with me was the importance of listening to my body. Instead of having the mindset of "this is a shit diet - I can't eat whatever I want", start thinking instead about everything you are putting into your mouth and if it has a purpose for your body. Think of nourishment, think of lifestyle and inner health and I promise you will eventually stop craving the rubbish.

For months on end I had a constant 'tingling' sensation and itchiness that never seemed to go away, and I was beginning to find it too much. I'd email Troy in these times and he was so incredibly encouraging. The difficult part for me was that at my end of the world (New Zealand) no blood tests are used to diagnose herpes, therefore I had no way of seeing how well I was doing, which naturally was extremely frustrating for me. Eventually, a few weeks ago I came across an online health website that sends HSV2 blood test kits out from Australia. I sent Troy my results and he said these IgG testing kits and testing procedures were legit and were even approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO), so that was good enough for me. I took the test, 95% sure that it was going to come back positive as I had only been on the detox diet for 8 months and expected I would need at least a year to come back with the results I was hoping for. The results came in... NEGATIVE!

I can't even tell you how overwhelmed I'm still feeling. It honestly hasn't even sunk in yet. But slowly, day by day, I'm learning to stop the obsessive worrying and I'm even starting to enjoy my life again. Being free from this virus is a feeling like no other, I can tell you that.

Please everyone, treat Troy with the utmost respect when requesting information instead of throwing accusations and lashing out. He is providing all of this information free of charge and takes a lot of time out of his life to respond to you the best that he can. I owe Troy my life, and in all honesty he gave me back something that no doctor ever could.

Thank you Troy, I will never be able to repay you for all that you have done for me.

Kind regards, Jessica.

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Please Read First Before Asking a Question About This Post or Our Natural Herpes Cure Protocol.

Comments for How I Successfully Treated & Cured My Herpes...

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Sep 12, 2017
by: Troy

Congratulations to you Jessica. You worked really hard, stuck with it when you felt like giving up, and gave it your all, which is why you got the result you were hoping for.

Thank you for sharing your story with us. For those who don't know, Jessica's family is quite well-known in her home country, but in spite of this, she still agreed to share her story (but did not want to reveal her surname, which is understandable). She, like every other herpes sufferer, was/is afraid of the backlash and repercussions that may result if people found out.

Just to let everyone know also, I didn't give Jessica any special treatment (I was accused of doing this with Heather). If you need help and you post a question that hasn't already been asked I will answer it. It may take a little while due to the amount of people that are now requesting information about the protocol, but I will do it. I'm 100% committed to helping everyone who genuinely wants it.

Thanks again Jessica, and congrats once again. You should be extremely proud of yourself!

Sep 12, 2017
by: Anonymous

To Jessica. All the ingredients you stated, can you get that at any store to make your drink?


Sep 16, 2017
by: Mike

When I read this a part of my brain says "Wow there is a possible cure" but another part says "it's not possible to get a negative result after once getting this shit".

It's really sad because when you search through Google for "herpes cure" there are soooooo many websites trying to convince you their products can cure you and so on. That's why a lot of people smell scams even if it's an actual working solution!

Jessica, if your result was negative after all, what did your doctor say? What do other doctors say? I mean science is telling us that Herpes is not curable at all!

Thank you for this great sharing!

Sep 18, 2017
Thank u for sharing
by: Anonymous

I have lined up all the ingredients listed but have never found the time to get started. It's never a good time to be healthy. People might think I'm crazy for saying this but I live in a world where "fun" typically means drinks and such. Doubt continually shows up when the idea of not having anymore fun comes into play. Summer is ending in Canada and your post was exactly what I needed to DECIDE to commit and become hsv free. I look forward to posting my own cure report.

Sep 21, 2017
by: Ryan

So is she indicating that she took everything on the top 5 from the protocol? Is it recommended to detox your colon and liver first before anything else like Jessica did? I have been on a 95% raw diet going on 3 months and have been taking antioxidant powders (super expensive) the Oregano Oil from NAMR, Olivus MAX (4 Capsules a day), NAMR Olive Leaf (1 Capsule a day), Sovereign Silver (5 tsp a day), Vitamin B-12, and trying to consume as much fruit in mono meals as possible without over exhausting my digestive tract.

Also, I am embarking on a total body detox with all natural herbs as I have read that has worked for others. I am nervous to get started. The herbs come in vegetarian capsules from They have a regiment for a full body cleanse and viral cleanse. This is where I have read that several people have performed this and tested negative for HSV1 & HSV2. I love to workout, however, I have read and received input back from other herbalists that "bodybuilding" will hinder your body from detoxing because of the lactic acid. I was 180 pounds of muscle at one point, I am now down to 165 pounds and feel like a twig. Troy, can you offer any further advice?

I promise that if I eradicate this virus, I will write a step by step VERBATIM of what I did to eradicate the virus so as to help anyone else in need. I do not want payment, I just want a second chance at life and with the woman I love. I am determined to do this and if/when successful I promise to help whomever needs it. This is bigger than me and that would be my ultimate repayment to God and everyone, to be able to give back to those who suffer.

I am also not advocating for any company.

Thank you.

Sep 25, 2017
Reply to Ryan
by: Troy

Hi Ryan. Firstly, your desire/commitment to helping others once you are free from this virus is admirable (and you will be free from it, believe it!) I look forward to reading your story. In regards to your question(s), if I remember correctly, Jessica followed/used all of the first 5 remedies listed, along with a herbal mix of her own that she had made up. It's not a prerequisite that you perform a colon/liver detox and cleanse before starting, but it can certainly help. There is some truth to the lactic acid affecting the body's ability to detox, however, if you keep your exercise moderate you'll be fine. Remember, exercise is good for you up to a point. Too much and going too hard can lower your immune system and put your nervous system under extra stress so try and avoid this until your 12 months is up. Everything else you are doing and/or deciding to do is good. The Dherbs full body cleanse/herbal formula is a good one and works well so this is a great addition.

All the best! :)

Sep 26, 2017
Herbs for Herpes
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
I've been taking the herbs that have been listed for over 6 months now - I think it's getting closer to a year. But can you list for me please the most important ones to really use on a daily basis?
Plus, I exercise and am going to try the smoothie drink that Jessica mentions. I've also been eating a lot of fruit, especially green foods, but not too much. As well I make infuser drinks and add all different fruits such as kiwi fruit, lemon, watermelon, mint, rosemary, basil and oregano leaves with water and drink this every day or every other day. Do you suggest adding anything else?
Also, I love eating a lot of avocados and drinking green tea and I add a lot of onions and garlic to all my prepared food. I've also been drinking a smoothie with mint, rosemary, lemon, cucumber, fresh ginger and honey.

Thanks so much. You've been very helpful to me.

Sep 26, 2017
by: Troy

The most important herbs and spices to use are... cilantro (#1), garlic, thyme (which includes onions), turmeric & black pepper, oregano, cayenne pepper and cinnamon. Other great immune boosting and anti-viral herbs include... echinacea, elderberry, cats claw, calendula and astragalus. This article has some handy information on these... Use Antiviral Herbs to Boost Immune System & Fight Infection - Dr Axe.

A green food such as chlorella or wheat grass powder is also crucial for removing heavy metals from the body (along with cilantro) so make sure you include one of these supplements in your smoothies/drinks as well.

Everything else you are doing is great. Keep it up!

Best regards.

Sep 27, 2017
HSV protocol and exercise
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

I am starting the protocol to rid myself of HSV in addition to following an all raw food diet. I am an athlete and exercising is important to me. I understand that I need to keep exercise at a moderate level, however, I do not want to lose all of my muscle mass throughout this journey. I wanted to know if it would be okay to consume a raw protein powder, for example, SunWarrior protein blend, during this protocol. Specifically, can I add a protein powder to the anti-oxidant shakes that you recommend?

Your input is greatly appreciated.

Oct 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

I'm very determined to get started on my raw diet and begin taking the recommended supplements. My biggest issue is that I'm going to be living in Vietnam for at least a year and it's too expensive for me to drop money on over 3 months worth of supplements. Do you have suggestions for how to acquire these supplements internationally? Any sites that ship to Asia? Thanks for your help.

Oct 01, 2017
Reply to "HSV Protocol and Exercise" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, a protein powder, particularly pea protein like the one you suggest (which is actually a very good one) can be taken. Just be mindful of the amount of arginine. Some protein powders can be quite high in arginine, so taking a high amount of lysine to offset this is crucial (1000 mg's 3 times a day). Try and have your protein shake separate from your antioxidant shake too if you can, even if it's only 10-15 minutes apart. The more you can break up each shake/supplements the better.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 02, 2017
Reply to "International" Comment
by: Troy

Olivus ship to Vietnam, and I think Amazon do as well through their Amazon Global page (Google it). Ebay may also be worth looking at or a local supplement supplier based in Vietnam such as Biovea...

Hope this helps.

Good luck!

Oct 02, 2017
Checking In
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

Thank you for responding and thank you for showing faith. I have heard good things about DHerbs and they have all of the natural herbs, plus more, that you have suggested for use. I have read that this helps to cleanse out your blood and pull the virus out of the hiding spot by boosting your immune system. Can I continue to take this until I eradicate the virus? I am about to do a kidney cleanse because from what James indicated, as well as Dr. Morse (don't know if you've heard of him), it is crucial to get the lymphatic system going and the kidneys filtering. Dr. Morse also shares great information on how to detox the body and he sells some very powerful herbs and tinctures (again, not making money off this) but they are very expensive.

Questions wise. You said it is alright to eat some very lean and clean protein like fish and chicken as long as they are wild caught? This will not hinder the detox at all? I would love to have some meat in my diet and it would go a long way as well as lightly steaming vegetables or possibly Quinoa or brown rice noodles. I do not take the BHT, Vitamin C, Zinc, or Lysine but I can start if necessary. I am also taking a few tinctures that are all natural to help remove heavy metals and boost my stamina. Is this okay? Also, I can't help but eat raisins, dates, coconut date rolls, figs, Brazil nuts and almond butter from time to time. I understand the importance of not having arginine so should I knock these off the list of foods to consume?

I really appreciate this because if it is to be a year I want to be able to enjoy a little bit of something, even if it is a very small amount. Do you think I should continue these things or add anything? I look forward to your response. I will post soon of my daily protocol so as to assist others so that they may build upon their regimen. Thank you again and God Bless!

Oct 05, 2017
by: Troy

Taking the herbs you mention is fine and can be done throughout the protocol - no problems there. Tinctures are also good. A kidney (and liver) cleanse is certainly a good idea also. It's all about detoxing the body, building up the immune system and removing heavy metals, that's how this works. I would still recommend the BHT, vitamin C, zinc and lysine simply because they work so well and are powerful immunity boosters and detoxifiers. Eating some wild caught fish and free range chicken is necessary in my opinion. If you don't then you will find yourself losing alot of weight, which is not healthy. The other foods you enjoy eating are also fine. Don't get too hung up on arginine. Virtually all foods contain some arginine. As long as you don't go silly with the foods that have a higher content you'll be okay.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 05, 2017
Herpes Tests in Australia?
by: Miss C

Hi Troy,

I have just completed the Ultimate Herpes Protocol by Melanie Addington using the Hydrogen Peroxide and DMSO cream. It certainly did something as when I increased the dosage I had weird outbreaks and redness itching, which I hadn't really experienced before, and it tapered off as the dosage was lowered. I have since had a blood test done, but this just shows if you either have the antibodies still or not! So even if the virus is gone, your body still carries antibodies, which makes the test show positive! Is there another blood test in Australia that shows you can be negative or as a link on your site showed a test with a range that your antibodies fall within??? I mean, how do you know if you still have it or not! Also, because I have since found your site and I am unsure of what the Ultimate Herpes Protocol has achieved so I have purchased the olive leaf capsules, am waiting for the oregano oil, and will try to complete the regime! I have had this for over 20 years and I am totally over having to tell people or feel so less of a person because of it. Can anyone really rid the body of this horrid virus following this protocol? I hope so because for years I was told you can never get rid of it and I feel angry that no one speaks up about this virus! So grateful to now have this information at hand, which gives me some hope! Many thanks. Miss C

Oct 05, 2017
by: Ryan

Sorry for the anonymous entry before. I forgot to add my name. Thank you again. As promised, here is my daily regime:

6:00 AM - NAMR Oregano Oil 3 Drops under tongue and on lower spine. (Use Coconut oil under tongue and on spine for absorption)
6:15 AM - Antioxidant Powders which include:
Maca - 1 tsp
Lucama - 1 tsp
Acai - 1 tsp
Camu Camu - 1 tsp
Matcha - 1/2 tsp
Pomegranate - 1 tsp
Turmeric - 1 tsp
7:00 AM DHerbs, Sovereign Silver 1 tsp.
7:15 AM Shake that includes Kale, Cilantro, Parsley, Dandelion Leafs, frozen berries or fresh apple, ice, chia seeds, & flax seeds.
8:00 AM drink water with ACV and Lemon, take Olivius MAX 2 capsules.
9:00 AM Eat fruit (usually melons)
9:30 AM Take chlorella broken cell wall tablets
10:00 AM DHerbs. Sovereign Silver 1 tsp.
11:00 AM eat fruit (grapes or berries)
12:00 AM Drink water with ACV and Lemon, take Olivius MAX 2 capsules.
12:30 PM Sovereign Silver 1 tsp
1:00 PM eat lunch (salad: spinach, onions, tomato, natural garlic balsamic vinegar from farmers marker or fruit: berries, grapes, or watermelon)
2:00 PM DHerbs. Drink water with ACV and Lemon.
3:00 PM Fast or Drink water with ACV and Lemon. Sovereign Silver 1 tsp.
4:00 PM Snack on raisins, apple, or other fruit.
5:00 PM DHerbs.
5:30 PM Sovereign Silver 1 tsp.
6:00 PM Drink Drink water with ACV and Lemon. Take antioxidant powders;
Chlorella - 1 tsp
Spirulina - 1 tsp
Wheat Grass - 1/2 to 1 tsp
Milk Thistle - 1/4 -1/2 tsp
7:00 PM Eat dinner. Salad, fruit, avocado and vegetables, or shake. Depends on the mood. Might have dates, coconut dates, pumpkin seeds, or raisins.
8:00 PM NAMR Oregano Oil 3 drops under tongue, 3 drops on spine. (Use Coconut oil under tongue and on lower spine for absorption).
8:30 PM NAMR Olive Leaf Extract, 1 capsule.
9:00 PM Oxy Powder and Flora supplements for bowel movements and clearing debris.

I have a reverse osmosis filtration system under my sink from APEC. Seems to work just fine and will save money on Fiji water. I also take baths with the LL Magnetic Clay 2-3 times a week. I drink Bentonite Clay, Psyllium Husk, and Activated Charcoal as well to help remove mucoid plaque and heavy metals. I can't workout the way I want to and have lost all muscle mass and have dropped down to be very skinny. I am afraid to even show up at the gym and workout anymore.

I feel like I am not doing enough however and could use some more advice. I plan on possibly taking the full body detox from Global Healing Center which cleanses everything, step by step. It would be a 3 month protocol costing about $480-$500. I am desperate like everyone else, but I can't give up. This is bigger than me because I want to be cured and help people to be cured as well. This virus isn't fair to anyone.

If I do not experience any breakouts, is that good or bad? I have only had 2 breakouts since having this, 3 technically, but it was minor.

Troy, once again I appreciate your help with everything. You are the only person who will answer back and give detailed instructions. As a side note, while using the kidney cleanse from Global Healing Center, I saw kidney filtration on morning 3. Lots of sediment in the morning. I do not know if this will continue though after I am done with the four day cleanse. I only see sediment in the morning and I've read it is supposed to happen every time in order to ensure that lymph is moving and to fully eradicate the virus. I hope this helps others as well.

Oct 05, 2017
by: Ryan

I ran out of room so I was inquiring about more. I apologize if I am being a pest. I wanted to help others by them seeing what I do. I had a few more inquiries and questions.

First off, I am completing the colon and kidney cleanse from Global Healing Center. I was able to get proper kidney filtration on the third morning of doing this. My urine was very dark and lots of sediment. I have read that the key to eliminating all heavy metals and proteins (aka the HSV 1 & 2 virus) is through the liver, lymph, and kidneys.

Questions wise, is it okay to eat chickpea noodles or possibly make squash noodles by baking it and then stringing out the noodles? That way there is zero wheat and flower going into the body.

Also read that wild caught Cod is beneficial in magnesium, zinc, and other essential vitamins. Since Alaskan caught salmon is very hard to find, is Cod okay to eat maybe 2-3 times a week?

Did Jessica take Zane Hellas or James's oregano oil? Just wanted to see because it sounds like Heather was able to cure this using Zane Hellas if I'm correct?

Also, just as a specific question, since both of the people able to eradicate the virus were women, does this play any roll in how men and women's body's may function differently to eliminate the virus?

On a final note, since detoxing is the key to eliminating this virus, do you think it would be beneficial to do one that hits all elements of the body? Global Healing Center has a 9 step regiment that has great results to purge the body of all toxins and boost the immune system.

Just looking for your thoughts and again much appreciated. I hope I am able to help others one day as much as you are. God Bless!

Oct 06, 2017
Reply to Miss C
by: Troy

Hi Miss C. In regards to herpes testing, yes it's true that you will always have some of the antibodies in your system. This is your body's way of being able to know (for the future) if you ever contract the virus again what it is, along with how it needs to fight it based on its past records. It's really quite amazing how it works. Now, where you are getting confused is in regards to always receiving a positive test no matter the circumstances. This is not true. A type specific IgG test (which is the only test you should bother with) will detect HSV1 or HSV2 IgG antibodies, however, a reading below 0.9 is considered a negative reading. The reason? You will still have a tiny amount of antibodies in your body for future reference, but the virus has been destroyed! If you are still testing "positive" then your antibody count is still too high, which means you probably still have the virus. You have to get it below that 0.9 level (which is possible of course). What was your IgG antibody count/level from your last test?

While using the H2O2 method, along with DMSO, is a step in the right direction (we recommend these in our protocol), I don't believe you can eliminate the virus solely from these. You MUST adopt a holistic approach and hit the virus from all different angles to kill it. I don't know what else Melanie Addington recommends, I've never read the book. The fact that you're now on the OLE, oregano oil, detox diet, etc, is definitely a good thing. I would recommend you still use the H2O2 treatment that's outlined in the free "One Minute Cure" book (see #10 cure). Also be sure to follow the advice recommended by Heather, Jessica, Stacy (all 3 have tested negative), along with others in these posts.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Oct 06, 2017
Reply to Ryan
by: Troy

You're not being a pest Ryan. Your regimen list is very detailed, which is good. I think the only things I would add are...

#1. The H2O2 therapy from the One Minute Cure book. It's dirt cheap to implement and helps tremendously. The only downside is you need to be vigilant in your application, though I don't see this being a problem for you.

#2. BHT, vitamin C & zinc. All of these build up the immune system like nothing else. They are all super powerful detoxifiers as well.

Chick pea noodles or squash noodles are perfectly okay, so is wild caught cod. Both Jessica and Heather used Zane Hellas oregano oil. Stacy (who has also just tested negative... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2) - Comments) didn't list what brand of oregano oil she used. As far as all three being females, this is pure coincidence. Do everything right (which you pretty much are already doing) and you will get rid of the virus... period! Being a man makes no difference at all. Detox the body, build up the immune system, and it will respond in kind.

Hope this helps you Ryan, and thanks for sharing your regimen with everyone.

All the best!

Oct 06, 2017
by: Ryan

I appreciate your reply again Troy. I have read into Stacy's journey and congrats to her. I am nervous about taking the H202 and DMSO. I have the DMSO cream with aloe vera which I sometimes use when rubbing the oregano oil on my lower spine. Did Jessica use this do you know? I know Heather and Stacy didn't. Just not sure about these products with everything else.

Absorbic Acid and the other Vitamin C supplement I have researched shows they have synthetic ingredients. I apologize for being particular, I am just trying to ensure I give my body the best chance at fighting this virus. If you say those and the zinc supplement are good, I will have to incorporate them. I've been on the Oregano Oil and OLE for 3 months, along with the Sovereign Silver. I don't know if these DHerb pills are doing anything to be honest. Only causing me to break out with acne on my face and back a little. I went overboard with organic dates as of late because of the ability to fill you up and the large amounts of potassium. I will be completing the full body cleanse on 10/11/17. I will then be going directly into the Anti-Viral Cleanse, which is for another 3 weeks. I've read several people with HSV-2 were able to test negative after 40-60 days using these formulas, plus the bath and skin-brushing.

The BHT is what I'm up in the air about. St John's Wort I believe can help, especially with depression. I also bought a 3 month supply of Synergy Pharmaceuticals protocol when I was first diagnosed, but it seems like this could be a scam? I think I wasted my money. They use Rhodiola Rosea, Astragalus, Tribulus Terrestris, Lysine, and some special Amino Acid Blend. They claim this cures you from the virus in 4-6 months with a 80% success rate. The company is out of Australia. Not down talking them, just wondering. I have been off their protocol for 2 weeks now because I was unsure as how this would react with everything and I felt like I was overloading my body.

I mentioned the full body detox from global healing center which would be for 3 months and I know you can't guarantee anything, but wouldn't it make sense if we are trying to detox the virus out - that if I detoxed my entire body, the virus could potentially be detoxed out? It would be a colon cleanse, liver cleanse (2 in the beginning), kidney cleanse, harmful organism cleanse, heavy metal cleanse, and then another liver cleanse.

I will be scheduling a test the day after I get done with my Anti-Viral Cleanse to see if I made any progress or potentially eliminated it.

As far as the H202, I watched a guy on YouTube who supposedly cured himself in 60 days using just the H202. He has tons of videos.

I appreciate the fact that you answer everyone because no one else will help people like me and others who have the virus. I've read many of James's testimonials on his page under the review section. Some people do not indicate at all whether they followed his diet and said that they still tested negative. I don't plan on straying or eating junk whatsoever, I guess I am just afraid that if I started eating meat again after the DHerb cleanse that I won't be able to get rid of the virus. I am also afraid that I am not eating enough. There are days where I am not in the mood for a shake and I skip it. That is usually how I get parsley, Kale, and cilantro. It is just hard to stay to one regimen of food and know if it is working. I bought James NAMR Health Guide, but it does not specify everything for the price you pay. Sorry for the rant. Could just use more advice and I will continue to try my hardest.

Oct 07, 2017
Did I take the wrong thing?
by: Lori

Hello Troy, Thank you very much for your help and expertise!
Two questions- I've been taking magnesium during my detox because I thought it was a mineral that is associated with building stronger bones. Was this a serious mistake?

Also, I read somewhere in this thread about keeping exercise moderate. I have been doing heavy cardio 30-60 min every other day for over 30 years - and have never stopped. Is this a problem? I'm addicted to cardio and my body always feels restless if I don't do heavy cardio 3-4 times a week.

Thank you again for your help!!

Oct 08, 2017
Tailbone pain
by: Anonymous

Jessica, thank you very much for sharing your inspirational story! Quick question... I've been on the detox for a month now, and the last 15 days or so my tailbone has been very sore/achy. Do you think this might be the virus fighting back?
Thank you!

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to Ryan
by: Troy

Hi Ryan. You've said a lot there. My best advice about all of this is to not overthink it. Detoxing the body and building up the immune system, REALLY building up the immune system nice and strong (which of course includes taking OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, etc) is what rids the body of this virus - any virus in fact, no matter what it is (yes this includes HIV but that's a whole different discussion). Go with your gut on this. If you think you need to include something then include it. If you think you shouldn't include something then don't. I will give you one bit of advice though... don't be afraid of taking too many supplements or "overdetoxing". Think about how many people eat rubbish/junk food every single day, binge on alcohol, drugs, etc - for years on end. They abuse their bodies to no end and still it keeps running. What you are doing is on the opposite end (the good end). You are cleansing your body and giving it the nutrients, antioxidants, and so forth that are going to make it healthier and allow it to repair and regenerate itself. This is a good thing. Don't be afraid of doing too much, be afraid of doing too little. I would still strongly recommend that you consider the H2O2 protocol. It works like a charm and there is no harm. Your choice of course.

All the best!

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to Lori
by: Troy

Hi Lori. Firstly, taking magnesium is a good thing! This crucial mineral does more than just help keep your bones strong. It's probably the most important nutrient there is (if you had to pick one) so definitely keep taking it. Just make sure you go with a highly absorbable form such as magnesium citrate. In regards to the exercise, listen to your body. If you feel run down or feel like you need a break then take one. Stick to this and you'll be fine.

All the best!

Oct 12, 2017
Reply to "Tailbone Pain" Comment
by: Troy

Yes this is a common occurrence, especially when applying the oregano oil to the base of the spine. It will diminish over time though. :)

Oct 15, 2017
Tailbone pain again
by: Lori

Hello, Troy,

My tailbone pain seems to be getting worse. Do you think this is the HSV virus fighting back against all of the herbs/supplements I'm taking or the supplements themselves? The only thing I've applied to my tailbone is DSMO, which doesn't seem to make a difference either way.
Thank you very much for your help!

Oct 16, 2017
Citrus and chlorella
by: Lisa

Hi. I read that citrus can counteract the effects of chlorella. Is that true, and if so how long should I wait after consuming lemon or grapefruit to take chlorella?

Oct 17, 2017
Thanks so much!
by: Miss C

Thanks Troy, I believe that was the test I had done but the Doctor showed me the results, which was just an outright HSV2 detected. There was no numerical level to say what amount of antibodies were found. Hope that makes sense. That was why I was asking about the different tests.

I will definitely start ordering all the other bits and pieces and follow just as you say. So you believe ingesting H2O2 is better than the DMSO way? One other thing, we are supposed to drink only pure water correct? I have a filter but it doesn't remove fluoride so should I make sure to buy something that does? And with the oregano oil on the spine, do you need to put in olive oil first then rub in with DMSO?

I have noticed, and I am not sure if correlated, but I feel tired all the time. Do you think that is the Olive Leaf tablets? I am taking 6 per day of OliveMax?? So many questions and you are so patient and informative!!

I have to say this is so overwhelming. I cannot imagine the feeling of knowing to have beaten the virus!

You are doing an amazing thing for us all. There was no internet 20 years ago and no way for anyone to know that healing herpes is actually possible... I almost still cannot believe it but I will do anything to succeed!

Much gratitude Miss C

Oct 19, 2017
Hsv2 blood test
by: Anonymous

I just recently took my yearly physical and I already knew I had herpes 1&2, however, I have been doing the natural cure/protocol for 2 months now and my index value came back pretty high (16.80) which was kind of depressing. Do you think the numbers will go down in time because I know it takes up to 12 months to cure this.

Oct 20, 2017
Reply to "HSV2 Blood Test" Comment
by: Troy

If you've had the virus(s) for a while (years) then your count will be high, that's just how it is. Yes, it will definitely come down over time. 2 months is not very long to be honest - your body will just be starting to really detox. Don't get another test until you're at least 6 months into the protocol. You have to give your viral count time to go down. Unfortunately, this happens very slowly, which is why there is no benefit in getting tested early on in.

Hope this helps. :)

Oct 20, 2017
Reply to Miss C
by: Troy

Hi Miss C. Yes, I believe the H2O2 treatment as outlined in the One Minute Cure book is more powerful. Read the book and you'll understand why. Make sure you go with this one. It really works. With your water, it CANNOT contain fluoride. Fluoride is the devil! You're body cannot detox when this heavy metal is present. Get yourself a filter that takes it out. With the OLE, 6 capsules a day is perfect, and yes, you will feel tired in the beginning. This is the detoxing or herxheimers reaction. Unfortunately, there's no way around this, you have to go through it. It will eventually subside though and your energy levels will increase again - way better than what they were before in fact. With the oregano oil rubbed on the spine, you either mix it with a slight amount of coconut oil (not much) OR you mix it with the DMSO and apply. Only do one of these. If you dilute it too much it wont work.

I agree, this can seem quite overwhelming. Just take it one day at a time and do the best you can. Remember, it doesn't need to be perfect - you will still get rid of the virus. Keep that 5 letter word at the front of your mind at all times... "detox" and you'll be fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Oct 20, 2017
Reply to Lisa
by: Troy

It's the vitamin C that can counteract with the chlorella (it loosens the binding of the mercury and other heavy metals the chlorella is holding so they end up back in your system rather than being dragged out and eliminated). However, it would need to be a high dose (5000 mg's or more) for this to happen. Make sure you take any vitamin C supplement at least 2 hours before or after your chlorella. In regards to citrus fruits and chlorella? It's always best to have them separate to get the most benefit (detoxing effect) out of them. They are not high enough in vitamin C to cause any ill effects if you did have them together though. Just keep in mind also that grapefruit, and even oranges, can invoke herpes breakouts. This is why James at Destroy Diseases recommends eating these when you want to test for the virus - lemons are fine though. I would recommend going easy on the grapefruit. :)

Oct 20, 2017
Reply to Lori
by: Troy

If your tailbone pain is getting really bad then it would be better to back off on the supplements for a few weeks and then slowly build back up. You've woken up the virus and it's definitely fighting back. Are you using the oregano oil on the base of your spine? Doing this helps to draw it out much quicker. The down side is it can make the bottom of your spine ache. The DMSO should be helping though. Make sure it's a good quality cream that you're using.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Lori. :)

Oct 21, 2017
Congrats, Jess!
by: Heather (Yes, "the" Heather)

Jessica. Congrats on persisting to the other side girl - words can't describe the feeling of being free after feeling the confines of this virus. Going through this detox and mental anguish of not knowing whether this would work or not was one of the hardest things - but you really do have to believe. Miss C, you mentioned you can't imagine the feeling of coming out the other side of this - words are powerful and those words may seem innocent but cancel those thoughts out completely. SEE your test results coming back negative. FEEL what it would feel like as if it already is. This is important. And Ryan, you are so beautifully dedicated - I have zero doubt in you! Your momentum is a beast that can't be stopped. Don't you dare put the brakes on until you hit the end of the tunnel - you are doing an AMAZING job!!! And in regards to Troy, there are no words for how deep my gratitude and admiration for this man runs. Like Ryan said, he is the only one who will reply when you're racked with torment and grasping for hope of any kind. And he doesn't just reply - his responses are heartfelt and genuine. I was shocked at the comment(s) of my story being falsely written, but I believe this person was also in this thread looking for relief from their own anguish... why else would they be here reading all these threads about getting cured? Troy even handled him with a steady hand of ease and grace. What amazes me most is how much thought and effort goes into his responses. Truly... what a blessing he is. A Godsend. I honestly cannot say enough good things about this man. Blessed!

Oct 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I've been on the protocol for 2 weeks now and had some questions...

Firstly, I am eating both organic vegetables and fruits, but was wondering if there was such a thing as having too much fruit as compared to vegetables? I am having a lot of bananas, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries. I know these are good in general but as there is natural sugar in fruit, should I be limiting how much I have? Does natural sugar feed the virus? I also make sure to have leafy greens; broccoli, etc, and am also having raw sashimi-grade salmon everyday and all the antioxidant powders.

Also, for genital HSV1, should I be doing the oregano oil treatment any differently, like not on the spine? I think you had mentioned that it might be possible to kill HSV1 faster than HSV2, is that true and if so how much faster? I think it was Stacy who did that quickly.

Lastly, I don't want this to come across the wrong way, but how did you come up with this protocol and how are you confident that it definitely works? I know there have been a few that have come forward saying they are cured, but I assume you listed the protocol before that. Were you personally healed of HSV, or do you personally know others that were healed of HSV that caused you to list the protocol?

Thank you so much for this website and all the helpful information and taking the time to answer my questions.

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to "Questions" Comment
by: Troy

It is possible to eat too much fruit, however, as long as you stick with the high antioxidant, low/reasonable sugar fruits (berries, etc) you don't need to worry. Citrus (except for lemons/limes) should be avoided as they can induce breakouts. The high sugar fruits should also be kept to a minimum - a small amount is okay though. Natural sugar doesn't feed the virus as such, but you don't want too much sugar (of any kind) because it lowers the immune system and you want to build it up. Even for HSV1 genital, you still need to rub the oregano oil on the base of the spine. It's impossible to put a time frame on "how long" it takes to kill the virus. There's so many different factors at play. Technically, it's easier to destroy HSV1, but this still all depends on how well you detox the body and build up the immune system. In regards to how sure I am that this protocol works. I'd put my life on it! We were using it successfully long before these articles were ever written. One thing I do want to add though, if you don't work it it wont work for you! By this I mean you have to give it 100%. A half hearted effort will give you a half hearted result. The cure is simple... detox the body, draw the virus out, build up the immune system.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 23, 2017
Teary Eyed!!!
by: Miss C

Dear Troy and Heather, how heartfelt to receive kind words from a now cured Heather, and again supportive affirmations and advice from Troy.

I am struggling with not being able to drink coffee or have any nice wine!! It's a little depressing to think I can't have it for so long but I will if it needs to be done!

Please make it clear to me if I must not drink any coffee or wine? I don't want to waste a minute, but even if I have one small piccolo a day will that hinder the process if I am doing everything else?

I feel pressured from some family and friends regarding drinking and it makes it hard as I love a nice red... so will drinking 2 glasses every now and then take me backwards! And how long should I wait before getting another test done? A year from now????

I can't tell you how grateful I am and thanks to you both for your support to us all! It made me a little teary as I now realise this site is legit and the opportunity to be cured is very very real!!!

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Miss C
by: Troy

Hi Miss C. Firstly, you're very welcome. Yes, Heather is in fact a very real person (I say this with a hint of sarcasm as I've been accused by others of writing both Heather's and Jessica's stories myself). She really did get that negative test, and you can too. Now in regards to your questions, firstly, the coffee. Sorry, coffee is a definite no no. It makes the body acidic. You want your body to go the opposite way... alkaline. Substitute the coffee for Matcha green tea or even just normal green tea. Drink as much of this as you like. With the wine, a glass of red (only red) every now and then is okay. Remember, a little bit only every now and then! If you can get a red with no preservatives, this is ideal - preservatives are not good. As far as when to get re-tested, wait at least 8-9 months. This will give you a clear indication of where you're at. If you aren't already negative around this time you should be very close.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Oct 23, 2017
Thank you!
by: Miss C

Much thanks, have ordered all I need including filter, have started slowly the raw food, and supplements that I have thus far!

Wish me luck... I will keep my eye on this site and be in touch in the future and hope to bare good news... I am wondering about people that have not found this site that may be just sitting with the fact that herpes is incurable, that would be millions of people! Have you thought about going public via media or making a documentary about peoples recoveries with these natural cures? I just find it fascinating that a virus that is so incredibly prevalent and yet so undisclosed, and socially shameful; perhaps wrongly so, can not be given more exposure so that it becomes not so much of a stigma, particularly that it is in fact curable? Thank you again for your attention.
Best Miss C

Oct 23, 2017
Fruit and diet
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Thank you so much for your reply about sugar in fruits, good to know. I am having trouble eating just vegetables so having fruit is what keeps me going sometimes. I am not having any citrus fruits but am having a few bananas a day. I would summarize my daily food consumption as: broccoli, spinach, 1 other leafy green, carrot, 2-3 avocados, 2-3 bananas, raw wild salmon sashimi, and snacking on berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) throughout the day. All organic. I also have Heathers powdered antioxidant shakes 2x per day: camu camu, acai, maqui, pomegranate, matcha, wheatgrass, chorella, maca, adding cilantro. For supplements I'm doing OLE, silver, oregano oil with DMSO or coconut oil, ACV with Manuka honey, lysine, and vitamin C, all as instructed. All water is filtered.

Does this sound like I'm on track? I still find myself hungry at times - in that case is it better to have some more fruit, or is ok to have some more salmon/chicken? I don't want to overdo it on the salmon and chicken but I'm trying to keep my weight up. Is there a vegetable that would be better for protein for that like lentils?

Thank you again for your generousity of time.

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to Miss C
by: Troy

You must be clairvoyant Miss C. I'm hoping to do an interview/documentary with Ty Bollinger (of "The Truth About Cancer" fame) sometime next year. I've already been in contact with him so hopefully we can make it happen. He's a very busy man though. Keep us updated on your progress.

All the best!

Oct 23, 2017
Reply to "Fruit and Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Stick with the bananas. Yes, they're a little high in sugar (natural sugar, lets not forget that) but they're also packed with lots of goodness. Other fruits that are high in lysine (and therefore good to eat) are apples, figs and pears - mangoes and apricots are also beneficial. With vegetables, cauliflower, beans, beets and sweet potatoes are also good ones to include. Lentils are high in arginine so it's best to avoid these. If you find yourself still hungry during the day then maybe do a combination of upping fruits AND upping protein from sources such as salmon and chicken. In my opinion, it's better to eat more fruit if you're hungry than to starve yourself and wilt away to nothing.

I would also recommend you follow the hydrogen peroxide treatment listed in The One Minute Cure book (chapter 4)... The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases. It's dirt cheap to implement and is incredibly effective. Make sure you read the book in its entirety (it only takes about 20 minutes) for a full understanding of why it works and why its effective for herpes.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 30, 2017
by: Miss C

Hi again Troy, I wish I was a clairvoyant I can tell you! I am in touch because I had ordered the BHT but it was stopped at the Global Shipping Centre. I am thinking it cannot be shipped internationally, so do you know if I can get it in Australia? I cannot seem to find it anywhere. Also, are we supposed to not have any dairy at all on this raw diet? Also, the oregano oil is pretty hard to swallow, is it ok to just rub on the spine 2x per day and swallow in orange juice 2x per day. I really can't hold it under my tongue for 10 minutes. It's almost impossible and it makes me want to gag it's so strong!

Much thanks Miss C

Nov 01, 2017
No Outbreaks
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,

I’ve been taking the three main supplements... OLE, oregano oil and Colloidal silver since June. I just recently added the BHT and St. John's Wort with the coconut oil this month (October). I have Dr. Schulze’s formula 1 and 2. I’ve been having trouble sticking to the diet because I love pizza and blueberry muffins, but I’ve gotten a lot better. I have not had any outbreaks since my first one, I’ve tried a lot of things to trigger it. I’m sure that sounds crazy, but I just want to see if I can weaken it more. Does having no outbreaks mean it’s working or a good sign in general? Because I read that having only one outbreak is normal. How can I get rid of the scars? Also, I eat alotttttt of leafy greens, fruit, salmon, shrimp, organic chicken or turkey w/ beans and brown rice. Are we suppose to stay away from whole grains? Because my mom is trying to help me with this diet. I’ll buy organic meats, and she’ll buy natural meats. I’m not sure if there's a difference? Only thing I’m missing is my powders for the smoothies every day. I drink matcha tea almost every day since I don’t have the powders yet. My other questions are... is it okay to be sexually active? I’m really scared about this but I thought I should ask. I’ve been celibate since my diagnosis. TMI ( too much information) I know, but I just don’t want to ruin anyone’s life like mine has been. I don’t want to have the "talk" either. Is it okay to shave? (I’m sure that sounds childish). I just want this to work I’m trying my best. It’s really expensive to keep up with but I really want this gone.

Nov 02, 2017
Reply to Miss C
by: Troy

I'm pretty sure you can get the Life Enhancement brand of BHT in Australia, which works very well. Try these guy's... Life Enhancement, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw's BHT. Yes, you need to avoid all dairy, especially all processed dairy. With the oregano oil, try diluting it with more coconut oil so it's not so strong. Also, if you can't hold it for 10 minutes, just go for as long as you can. This will still be okay. It's important that you have the oregano oil under the tongue so try and persevere with it if you can.

All the best!

Nov 02, 2017
Reply to "No Outbreaks" Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, try not to induce breakouts. If you get them then deal with them but don't "test the waters" so to speak until around month 8... month 6 at minimum. Not having any breakouts is actually a good thing so don't begrudge this. You're on the right track with everything else, just stay completely away from those pizzas and blueberry muffins! With any meat or produce you buy, always try and go organic if you can - hormone, GMO free are also crucial. With the scars, try the DMSO with aloe vera, this works very well, or even colloidal silver applied directly to any scars. In regards to having sex? Really not for me to say I'm afraid. Just remember, until you are completely free from this virus there is a chance you could pass it on (sex, oral sex, etc) so keep this in mind. Of course, safe sex should always be practised regardless (not giving you a lecture here, just stating the facts). At the end of the day though, you would need to decide for yourself.

Hope this helps.

Keep going and all the best to you!

Nov 02, 2017
Leg aches
by: Jade

Hi Troy, I have a few questions. Ever since I contracted HSV2 my right leg has felt a little weaker than my left. I also get random joint and muscle aches in that leg, regardless of if an outbreak is present or not. With following the regimen, do you think this will stop over time? Or do you think the herpes virus has caused permanent nerve damage?

I tried getting a detachable water filter for my kitchen (I live in an apt so a full reverse osmosis system can’t be installed) and was told that it can’t be installed because I have a pull out faucet. This is the case with all of the faucet filters I have looked up. Is there any other option for me? I know you say clean water is a must but it seems almost impossible for me to get. The other company I considered for clean bottled water can’t deliver to the third floor because of liabilities.

Also, how do I deal with the social aspects of this process. Most of my friends and family are wondering why I’m making such drastic changes with my diet and they really don’t understand what I’m going through. Part of me wants to tell my mother but all she would do is quote what the medical community says about this disease ("it’s not curable") and at this point I do not want any negative comments to affect my outlook on things. While I’m happy to have found a site like this to help eradicate this issue, it’s also difficult as I have no one to confide in, and it’s extremely expensive for me to keep up.

I really appreciate any advice you can offer. Thanks!

Nov 03, 2017
Reply to Jade
by: Troy

Hi Jade. Firstly, yes, the aches will go away, but it will take time though. A good idea is to up your magnesium intake. This mineral is crucial for the nerves (and helps to control muscle and nerve pain). Either get hold of a supplement called Natural Calm magnesium drink or make up your own transdermal magnesium spray and use this on your skin every day (read #2 cure from this article on how to easily make up your own oil). With your water, even something as simple as a water filter/jug (Brita or something similar) is fine and will do the job. As far as the social aspect, it's definitely not easy. There aren't even any decent support groups out there that can help. I don't know what to say on this one. It can certainly be a bit of a lonely road. You just have to hang in their (keep focusing on the end result) and be determined. It will be worth it.

Hope this helps.

Best regards. :)

Nov 03, 2017
Starting Plan
by: John

Hi Troy,

1 Month ago I was diagnosed with HSV2. I can't thank you enough, this site has given me hope, and I'm grateful for all that you do. Today I'm ordering all the items to start the plan. I'm very dedicated and will follow through. I had a question in regards to the hydrogen peroxide 35% food grade. If I was to take it 3 times a day like the 1 minute cure suggests, will it be safe to do the other recommendations, especially when you get to the 23 drops on the 23rd day, and if so how far apart. Like if I take the drops at 6am on empty stomach, would I be safe to take the other supplements at 7am? I was wondering if after you do this plan and get rid of the virus, get tested and come up negative has anyone ever had it come back or can it come back? Thank you again!

Nov 06, 2017
Reply to John
by: Troy

Hi John. Firstly, once you complete the protocol, eradicate the virus and receive a negative test, you cannot have it come back unless you happen to be re-infected by someone who has the virus. Even in this case, as long as you continue to look after yourself after the 12 months and keep your immune system strong, the chance of being re-infected is slim (you should always practice safe sex though just to be sure). With the HP, you can definitely work up the maximum amount and still take the other supplements (along with eating lots of detoxing foods) without any harm. Plenty of people have done this and suffered no ill effects. Remember, the HP boosts your body's pH level (alkalinity) which is a good (and healthy) thing to do. You don't need to wait an hour in between either to have the HP and other supplements. 15-20 minutes is usually enough.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you John!

Nov 06, 2017
Starting plan
by: John

Troy, thank you so much for taking the time to give such a detailed response. I'm looking forward to starting the plan when the supplements arrive. I will keep you all posted on my progress and in a year I hope to report a negative result on my testing. Thank you again!!

Nov 06, 2017
Hopeful from Asia
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have a few questions I wanted to get clarification for so that I'm doing this protocol correctly:

1) Oregano oil taken sublingually: Do I need to swallow or can I spit this out? I'm already ingesting 1 tbsp of coconut oil with 3 drops oregano oil as part of the protocol

2) Colloidal silver: Does it have any interaction with OLE, oregano oil, antioxidant powders, Vitamin C or lysine? Is it ok to take with or without food?

3) Colloidal silver: Will taking 1 tsp 5x a day upset the balance of gut health and gut flora since it kills all bacteria, good and bad? I would prefer not to add another supplement (ie, probiotics) if I can help it as there's already so much to remember and to take at varying intervals during the day. However, if probiotics is necessary to prevent an imbalance then I will add these to my protocol

4) Almond milk: I read that almonds are high in arginine, however you suggest almond milk as a substitute to milk for beverages/smoothies/etc. Can you explain why it's ok to consume even though it's high in arginine, which encourages herpes growth?

5) Organic yogurt: There are no raw yogurts in my part of the world. Do I have to give up organic yogurt completely since all are essentially made with pasteurized/homogenized milk? Is it as evil as chocolate or caffeine and thus detrimental to the protocol?

6) Probiotics: If I were to add probiotics to my protocol, how and when do I take them? I'm assuming it shouldn't be taken around the same time as the colloidal silver?

That's all from me today and thank you so much Troy!

Nov 06, 2017
Pills & Prescriptions
by: Scott

Hi Troy,

I am embarking on this journey to heal and remove the HSV virus from my body. I understand that the detox aspect is very important in order to clear your immune system so it can do its work... and this means not imposing any toxins into your body. My question is in regards to my daily prescription as well as an anti-inflammatory like Aleve. My PT recommended taking Aleve twice daily until my fractured rib heals. Will these inhibit the effectiveness of all of the supplements and cures that I am adopting? Should I wait until my rib has healed before I begin the protocol?

Thank you for your help.

Nov 07, 2017
Doing the protocol while herbal detoxing
by: Lynn

Troy - you are a God send and I hope you wake up every morning knowing you are helping to change the world. God bless you from the bottom of my heart. I too can't wait to write my testimonial for this site.

I'm currently taking the DHerbs Full Body Cleanse for 20 days (fully raw vegan). The fully raw diet is so hard as you can imagine, though veganism in general is easy for me (I've been meat free for over 3 years now and have no other ailments but HSV 1 on genitals with limited outbreaks). James from Destroy Disease says not to add his oregano treatments till after a 30 day detox. Do you think I should wait till I'm done with this 20 day cleanse (or 30 days raw) to start these protocols? Or can I just do it all simultaneously? The idea of being raw for many more months is beyond daunting, especially in a cold New England winter. Hopefully I can stick to 70% raw and vegan after this while doing the protocol?


Nov 07, 2017
Reply to John
by: Troy

You're welcome John. Give it all you've got and you'll get that negative test.

All the best!

Nov 07, 2017
Reply to "Hopeful From Asia" Comment
by: Troy

The oregano oil taken in "sublingual" form should be combined with coconut oil and not be spat out after it is held under the tongue - it should be swallowed. The oregano oil taken with water should also be swallowed. The colloidal silver doesn't have any interaction with the other supplements, but should always be taken separate (on an empty stomach, held under the tongue then swallowed as well) for best results. Colloidal silver can certainly upset the balance of good bacteria in the gut so, yes, taking a probiotic supplement is crucial, along with eating probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, pickles, etc, (see this terrific website on how to easily make your own). When taking a probiotic supplement, the best way is to combine it with a prebiotic such as wheat grass powder or chlorella (which you should already be taking to remove heavy metals, etc). The probiotics feed off the green food, which significantly enhances it's effectiveness. In regards to milk and yogurt, this is a tricky one. It's difficult (if not impossible) to find unpasteurized milk or milk products in any country. You just have to do the best you can with this. Make your own probiotic rich yogurt (the website above shows you how) and as a milk substitute, coconut milk is your best choice (coconut milk is also high in lauric acid, which helps stop viral outbreaks). Soy milk can also be an alternative. Almond milk is a last resort - even then you would still want to go easy on this. The bottom line is the only way you can totally avoid arginine is to not eat at all! (There's arginine in virtually every food). This is not viable of course, so just do the best you can. Remember too, taking lysine helps to offset the arginine.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 07, 2017
Reply to Scott
by: Troy

I would definitely wait Scott. Aleve (naproxen) is a potent drug and can come with some pretty unpleasant and potentially nasty side effects (I would use with caution). It could also interact with some of the supplements you will be taking.

All the best.

Nov 07, 2017
Reply to Lyn
by: Troy

Hi Lyn. Firstly, thank you for your kind comments. You are the one who has to to the work though so you should be praising yourself for having the courage to do this and follow in blind faith (that's essentially what you're doing). It will most certainly be worth it at the end though. In regards to your question, yes a full body cleanse is a good idea. If you've already started on the Dherbs cleanse then wait until you finish before starting on the other supplements. If you begin taking them now while doing this cleanse, you wont get maximum absorbability or benefit from them. Start the protocol after your 20 days cleanse and you'll be off to a very good start.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Lyn!

Nov 09, 2017
Hopeful from Asia
by: Anonymous

Troy, I just want to say thank you very much for your reply. I had forgotten that I posted on this thread vs the Heather thread. My apologies.

I really appreciate your clarification on how and when to take the various supplements and vitamins as I haven't been optimizing my protocol (eg. replacing milk with almond milk instead of coconut or soy milk) and your detailed reply and explanation was extremely helpful.

Gratefully yours.

Nov 10, 2017
100% raw food diet vs raw diet
by: Jade

Hi Troy, I know that Jessica was still able to get rid of this virus while eating some cooked organic meat. Has there been any one else that was able to get rid of HSV2 while still eating meat? I’m asking because I’m really struggling with the choice to have cooked organic chicken or not. James at Destroy diseases says we shouldn’t eat any animal products whatsoever and that it will be impossible to get rid of the virus if we do. Then I read Jessica’s story and I’m thinking organic chicken won’t hurt a couple of times a week. I’m really torn because I’m trying to keep weight on me by eating mostly raw but I’m also stressed out because I’m starting to feel weak and I’m losing too much weight. This entire ordeal is really stressing me to the point of tears. Advice please?!

Nov 11, 2017
by: Patricia L

Hello Troy , I’ve read so much about the h202 protocol but can’t seem to find actual 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. I’ve only been able to find 12%. Is there really a 35% available on the market?

Nov 13, 2017
Reply to Jade
by: Troy

If you read some of my replies here and in Heather's article, you'll see that I advocate eating organic free range chicken and fish such as wild caught salmon. Following a plant based diet only causes one to lose too much weight (as you are discovering). I don't agree with James on this one. You CAN still eat cooked chicken and fish (moderate amounts of course) and still get rid of this virus. Your body needs protein - remember that. Read this article in full for more information on following a raw food diet... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It.

Hope this helps you Jade.

All the best!

Nov 13, 2017
Reply to Patricia
by: Troy

Hi Patricia, yes you can definitely get 35% food grade HP. Make sure you do your homework first though as some manufactures dilute their HP products and even add chemicals. These are good brands... 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide. If not, Google "Guardian of Eden 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide".

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Nov 14, 2017
When to attack?
by: Patricia

I read somewhere that HSV is hard to kill because it hides. Is it easier to fight it and/or kill it during an outbreak? I’m a little confused because some people say not to force an outbreak but if you need it to come out of hiding in order to kill it then how does this thing actually work?

Nov 17, 2017
Dr Sebi
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I hope you're well and thank you for all your help. I have previously posted some questions on via the "Ask a question" tab but to know avail... what is the best means of contacting you?

Also, I have seen somewhere that you greatly admire the work of Dr Sebi, as I do. I am now torn between this protocol and that of his. I guess I trust both. I have however already started this one and intend to continue until my supplements are finished. Nevertheless, what made you conjure up this protocol as opposed to advertising say, Dr Sebi's? Any pros and cons of each?


Nov 18, 2017
by: Patrick

Hi Troy,

I am about to begin my journey to freedom. I am excited but I am seeing some contradiction between you and James from Destroy Diseases when it comes to lysine. He states that the cons outweigh the pros. He states that there are heavy metals in the lysine. It causes arteries to harden, etc. Here is the link to that video.

Could you please shed some light on this uncertainty for me?

Nov 21, 2017
Reply to Patricia
by: Troy

You don't need to force outbreaks to destroy the virus. I'm not a fan of doing this. Outbreaks will occur naturally on their own as the virus is brought out of hiding. What you are doing with this protocol/method is attacking and destroying the virus at the cellular level. When outbreaks occur, this does allow the immune system to attack the virus. Bottom line... let outbreaks occur naturally. There is no need to try and bring them out unless you are testing to see if you still have the virus (eating grapefruit, etc).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Patricia!

Nov 21, 2017
Reply to "Dr Sebi" Comment
by: Troy

You can ask questions here, this is the best place when it comes to this protocol. Yes, Dr Sebi's protocol/supplements are first rate. We've received very good feedback in regards to his supplements. Remember this... when it comes to destroying this virus it's all about detoxing, removing all toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, and so forth that the virus attaches itself to. It doesn't matter if you follow Dr Sebi's advice, or James at Destroy Disease, or us, the dynamics are exactly the same - detox your body and you get rid of the virus (or any virus or pathogen).

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 21, 2017
Reply to Patrick
by: Troy

Yes, I don't agree with James on this one. While it's true that the CHEAPER lysine supplements can contain heavy metals, the high quality brands do not. In addition, there have been many people, myself included, who've taken lysine for years and never suffered any ill effects - even though on this protocol you only take the lysine for the first 6 months (at the most) to get your outbreaks under control. The key here of course is not to "oversupplement". Anything can be potentially bad for you if you have too much. In the beginning of the protocol, when the virus has been woken up, outbreaks can be relentless. The lysine helps to control these, as does the BHT. I do find it strange too that James uses information from a medical site. Of course they're going to find everything wrong with a natural supplement and nothing right. They don't want you to have it! You don't have to take the lysine if you don't want to of course, however, as long as you purchase a quality brand and follow the recommendations, you'll be fine. I choose to look at the studies proving that lysine is effective for herpes... Success of L-lysine therapy in frequently recurrent herpes simplex infection.

Hope this helps you Patrick.

All the best!

Nov 28, 2017
by: Diana

Hi there Troy. Thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it. The detox is going well for me thus far. I really enjoy yogurt. Just wondering if you know of any safe brands that I can buy here in America that are unpasteurised or brands that you recommend.

Thank you very much.

Nov 29, 2017
Zane Hella's Pills vs. the Extract
by: A.R.

Hello Troy!
I've was diagnosed a week ago, exposed for about 2 months. I've purchased everything in the protocol, however the extract was going to take longer to arrive so I got the pills that were readily available. I'm wondering if I can break open the extract capsules and use those on my spine and under my tongue? Also, would you say since I am newly exposed I have a higher chance of eradicating this virus quicker? I've also never had an outbreak. Minor flu symptoms once, never sores. Does this mean my immune system has done its job thus far? Should I expect sores once I start the protocol?

Thank you so much! You have no idea how hopeless I was a week ago!

Nov 29, 2017
2 questions
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, 2 quick questions:

1) Can you please recommend a quality probiotic supplement?

2) Did Heather and Jessica use hydrogen peroxide as part of their protocols? Do you think it would be OK to skip this?

Thank you so much for all that you do!

Nov 30, 2017
Almost there
by: Naila

Hi Troy and everyone else on this journey.

I just wanted to say thank you to Troy and everyone for all the positivity, strength, hope and confidence I've gained. I have been following the raw food protocol, along with most of the supplements including Olivus Olive Leaf Extract, Zane Hellas Oil of Oregano, BHT, Coconut Oil, Lysine, Camu Camu Powder, Spirulina, Wheatgrass, Cilantro, and many other herbs such as sage, mint, holy basil, turmeric, etc, that I've used in my smoothies. I am proud to say that I have been outbreak free for 5 months and I have physically felt the virus weakening and believe I have almost detoxed it out completely. I also do hot yoga and kick boxing - the sweat really helps to calm me down and detox my body and strengthens me from the inside out. I bought a dehydrator and make my own raw bread out of vegetables & sprouts. For desserts I have coconut date balls as well. I eat quinoa and wild rice which Dr. Sebi recommends as well (He has a specific food list online that is really helpful). I sometimes eat salmon or shrimp, but never chicken or beef. I try to make sure most of my food is organic as well. I love how far I have gotten and your website has given me the most hope out of anything I've read and anyone I know. I have kept this a secret from all my friends except my sweet mom who has supported me throughout. I know I am so close to achieving that negative result, and once I do nothing will stop me from accomplishing everything else I am destined to in my life. Everyone here is destined for greatness because we have been chosen to overcome this, and it will strengthen us for the future if we allow it to. My immune system is so much stronger that I haven't even gotten sick since I started this protocol!

Troy, do you have any advice for me for the next few months before I finally get re-tested? I'd like to provide my testimony here for the believers and non-believers as soon as I do... just to prove that anything is possible.

P.S. Thank you and sending strength and will power to everyone here.. you CAN DO IT.

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to Diana
by: Troy

Very difficult Diana as most commercial yogurts are pasturized. Try making your own instead using a vegan starter kit, or even with raw milk if you can get it (it tastes better and is FAR more healthier). Here's a handy website that has vegan starter kits and tutorials on how to make your own... Cultures for Health. :)

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to AR
by: Troy

The oregano oil capsules are fine to take internally but they wont work externally, you need the liquid. You also need the liquid oregano oil to mix with coconut oil and place under the tongue. Wait until it arrives and then start using it (you can start taking the capsules now though). Begin with everything else. Because you've only been recently exposed then yes, theoretically, you should be able to get rid of the virus quicker. but you still need to be committed. Don't take shortcuts. Do what needs to be done... detoxification is the key. You may start experiencing breakouts once the OLE starts to kick in so be ready. The OLE usually stirs up the virus.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to "2 Questions" Comment
by: Troy

Dr Tobia's probiotic supplement is definitely the best on the market if you can get it. In regards to Heather and Jessica and the HP, both did not use it, however, I firmly believe that both of them could have eradicated the virus much quicker if they had. In fact, I'm working with Jessica and a friend of hers at the moment who was recently infected with HSV2 and she's been using the hydrogen peroxide protocol with great success (along with the OLE, oregano oil, etc). After 3 months of relentless breakouts, she is now completely free and is well on her way to being herpes free. Don't pass up the HP protocol. It's incredibly powerful. :)

Dec 01, 2017
Reply to Naila
by: Troy

Great post. You have the love and support of your mom which is fantastic - not many people have that. She must be an amazing woman. You're doing everything you need to be doing, your mind set is perfect, all you have to do is continue on your current path. That negative test is coming up for sure.

All the best to you!

Dec 01, 2017
Updated Protocol Timing
by: Lynn

Hello Troy - you magical healing master! So still waiting on ZANE’s but this is a huge list of things as you know so I wanted to run my schedule by you again since I just added the H2O2. My concern is that the H2O2 seems to negatively interact with food, silver, and especially Vit C. I want to make sure I’m getting maximum absorption of everything and not having anything interact. I’m still not sure how to get a bunch of these on an empty stomach. I am LOVING the feeling I get from the Matcha, but want to know if I can take this 30 mins after the H2O2 or will they clash? Getting in the silver 5 times a day seems near impossible with the others. Would 3 X suffice? (Reminder, I don’t have significant outbreaks but I have had this for 15 years).

Have you heard of the Niacin detox using saunas and activated charcoal? Considering adding this to my regimen if I can find a way to work it in with the 10,000 other things I’m taking. :) Still trying to fit in my probiotics and B12 supplement (I am vegan). My brain hurts from all this haha.

The following has me doing something almost every hour. Do I have this right and can you tell me what I should move around or change? - be as picky as possible as I am committed. THANK YOU!!!!
My dream is to spread my healing to the world like you are doing.

9 am- H2O2 empty stomach and Oregano on spine
9:30 - Matcha tea
11 am - 2 OLE Empty stomach
12 am - Colloidal silver
1 pm - Chlorella, Lysine and Vitamin C (1000mg)/Zinc with FOOD (can I take these all at once?)
3 pm- Oregano with coconut oil under tongue (Do I need the coconut oil? I can handle the strong taste - I don't want this interacting with the H2O2).
4pm- H202
5 pm - Chlorella, Lysine and Vitamin C/Zinc with FOOD
7 pm- Colloidal Silver
8:30 pm -Lysine and Vitamin C/Zinc with FOOD
10- Oil of Oregano under tongue
11 am- 2 OLE Empty Stomach
12 am - H2O2 and Oregano On Spine

Dec 05, 2017
Anti-oxidant Powders
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! Can I mix/drink the antioxidant powders with green tea?
Thank you.

Dec 05, 2017
OLE making me sick
by: A.R.

Good morning Troy!

I am officially day 2 into my protocol! However, I'm having a hard time stomaching the OLE max. Sunday night I took one, and felt nauseous almost instantly. Monday was fine. I had one in the morning no issue, then one at night with some minor upset stomach symptoms (I smoke medical Marijuana and this helped to alleviate the nausea). My concern is now, Tuesday morning, I woke up and took my first OLE with about 6 ounces of water, 25 minutes later I just threw up everything, water and maybe the pill (didn't see it but had some stuff floating around in my regurgitated water). Is this normal? Is there anything you'd recommended to help me keep this down? Is it okay to just pop another one in maybe an hour? After I eat an apple or something?

Another thing (sorry for the length, I am in this fight alone and it's so isolating... I have no one to talk to and this diet is taking a lot of mental will power.. especially with the holidays coming up), would you say drinking 2/3 super green smoothies a day be enough raw veggies for the diet? I eat fruit as well, but am curious to know if I make sure I'm getting my servings of raw greens via chugging smoothies, can I have my dinners cooked?

Lastly, I believe I contracted the virus September 28th-Nov 5. I tested October 7th as a routine, everything came back negative. Went again and tested November 13th after having fever/flu symptoms on November 7-10th. To my dismay it came back positive for HSV2. Bright side is I caught it right away. Now, I know I asked before but now that you know all my information and testing dates, what do you think about my eradication process? I know it won't be easy, but I'm hoping for a negative before my birthday (May 20th), roughly 6 months. Do you think it's possible to eradicate it by then? Since I'm going at it right away? With everything I have in me, I see a lot of people tell James they did it in 3-8 months, but they always mention his product in their comments which makes me wonder if their comments are endorsed?

I've seen you say to people that their antibodies have to peak before they go down, which means that they can test higher mid protocol than they did when they started the protocol. Can you elaborate on this? In my situation, will starting all the supplements and diet stop the antibodies in their tracks? Or can I expect them to keep going up?

Thank you so much. I'm sorry it's so long. I just want to be thorough so I don't have to bother you too much. I will be on here avidly as I work through this. Troy you're a Godsend. I will be telling you my negative results before my birthday! Cheers!

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to Lynn
by: Troy

You've pretty much nailed it Lynn. With the chlorella, this definitely MUST be taken on an empty stomach and completely on its own to detox and remove the heavy metals. I know this makes it even harder with everything else you're taking but it's crucial. Having the colloidal silver 3 times daily is okay. With the oregano oil under the tongue, it must be taken with coconut oil. Never put straight oregano oil under the tongue as it will burn. The niacin detox is also a good idea if you can do it. You don't need to wait an hour to have each supplement either. 30 minutes in between is fine. Doing this will make it easier to get everything into you during the day. It's not easy though I know. You have to live by your routine and plan it out every day. Thankfully, it's not forever.

Hope this helps you Lynn.

All the best!

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to AR
by: Troy

Id the OLE is making you sick then take it with food (ie, an apple) until you can stomach it. Throwing it back up is not good. Also make sure you're taking probiotics and eating lots of probiotic rich foods. Your gut is obviously not in a healthy condition at the moment. The chlorella and/or wheat grass powder is also excellent for healing the gut, along with detoxing and removing heavy metals. Drinking 2-3 green smoothies a day (preferably 3) is perfect. In regards to your test, you've said a lot on this. In a brief nutshell, if you're IgG was up at 12.90 then yes, this is very high if you were only infected a few months ago. I think the result is probably false. With that said, I suggest you stop focusing on your test result(s) and start focusing on what you need to do to get rid of this thing. If you do everything right then, yes, you could certainly be negative by May, however, I never like putting time frames on this. Each person is different. It's great when you hear that someone has tested negative in 3 months or so, but you need to be looking at the full 12 months for yourself. If you test negative before your 12 months is up then great, that's a bonus. It's not a race and you must be it for the long haul or you wont see it through. Do it properly and do it for as long as it takes then you're free for the rest of your life - don't forget this. Short term pain for long term gain.

Hope this helps you AR.

All the best to you!

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to "Antioxidant Powders" Comment
by: Troy

No, you're better off keeping them separate. The detoxing effect is much more powerful. :)

Dec 08, 2017
19.40 Igg results
by: Chantel

Hi Troy,
I just received my test results for hsv 2 and I’m definitely positive. I more than likely have had it since 2014 and mistaken it for a bad yeast infection. I have ordered all the supplements and I’m waiting for them to be delivered. I was wondering since my IgG levels are really high (19.40), will it take longer than 12 months to kill the virus. I’m willing to do whatever it takes.

Dec 11, 2017
What do you think of my schedule?
by: Patrick

Hello Troy,

I am one week into my journey. I think this was probably the most difficult week I will face because I had to deny myself pizza, birthday cake, chic-fil-a chicken biscuits, coffee, and the list continues BUT I overcame! I am 6’4" and 185 lbs, so I’m not a very large guy. I’m rather tall and thin. Based on my size I need to eat roughly 2,300 calories to maintain my size. I have been extremely cautious this week about what I eat because I don’t want to waste my time or money so I have been only consuming 1,300 calories. I am very hungry and I feel lethargic. Please review my schedule and give me pointers as to what should change to yield better results. In addition, I need some confirmation on things I may be able to eat that I haven’t been. Can I have free range organic chicken? do I need to drink drops of oregano in water also?

The schedule is the same every day
6am- OLE (500 mg)
7am- oregano oil under tongue and on spine, spirulina & chlorella tablets
8am- colloidal silver under tongue
- 3 scrambled eggs with organic black pepper or 3 boiled eggs
-all organic shake (cilantro, parsley, carrot, celery, kale, banana, 5 strawberries, chia seed (1 tbsp)
9am- BHT (500 mg) & St. John’s Wort (1000 mg)
10am- L Lysine (1000 mg) & Vitamin C (1000 mg)
11am- Zinc (24 mg)
12pm- OLE (500 mg)
12:30- organic avacodo, cherry tomatoes, wild caught 4 oz pack of tuna (no added salt), apple
1pm- colloidal silver
2pm- L Lysine (1000 mg) & Vitamin C (1000 mg)
3pm- colloidal silver
4pm- Vitamin C (3000 mg)
5pm- OLE (500 mg)
6pm- colloidal silver
7pm- L Lysine (1000 mg)
- wild caught cod with organic black pepper, organic onion powder, organic garlic powder. Sautéed (with organic olive oil) 1/3 organic red onion and 1 organic bell pepper
-all organic shake (cilantro, parsley, carrot, celery, kale, banana, 5 strawberries, chia seed (1 tbsp)
8pm- Vitamin C (2000 mg)
9pm- colloidal silver
10pm- Vitamin C (3000 mg) oregano under tongue and on spine

Sorry for being so long winded but I NEED to get this right!

Dec 12, 2017
Reply to Chantel
by: Troy

Yes, it may do Chantel. If you do everything right, however, it will come down fairly quickly. Don't try and put a time frame on it though. Day by day, month by month, that's the best mind set to have.

All the best to you! :)

Dec 12, 2017
Reply to Patrick
by: Troy

You've got it just about right Patrick. The most obvious thing I see missing is the hydrogen peroxide protocol as per the One Minute Cure book. Don't leave this one out as it's incredibly powerful and will speed up your progress. With the oregano oil, yes you need to also take it with water (so on spine, under tongue and with water). If you can't handle the taste then try it with 100% juice instead. With the olive leaf extract, you've currently got it at 1,500 mg's total for the day. After 3-4 weeks you'll need to increase this to double the amount (3,000 mg's a day). It's a lot yes, but the OLE is one of the most important ingredients to this. The scrambled eggs you're having, make sure you don't use pasteurized cows milk. Remember, no refined or processed foods. Organic chicken is okay too, not too much though. Everything else looks good.

All the best to you Patrick! :)

Dec 13, 2017
To be continued..
by: Ryan

This isn’t intended to deter anyone away from this protocol because I do believe it can work and that Troy is telling the truth. I’ve seen and experienced my body detoxing so I know that kidney filtration, colon cleansing, and liver cleansing all works. Unfortunately, after 4 months of trying the raw food diet, I had to break the diet. I went from 185 pounds of solid muscle to 150 pounds. I was malnourished and I almost had to go to the hospital because my body was so weak. This virus is awful and it kills your mindset. I have always dealt with anxiety and I am now on anxiety medication because I needed to be mentally stable to be able to deal with everything. I am still watching my diet from a processed foods perspective. I went back to cooking healthy meals.

I’m still taking OLE, Oil of Oregano, Colloidal Silver, heavy metal detox tinctures, heavy metal detox footpads, drinking RO Water, drinking smoothies with cilantro, taking chlorella, barley grass, wheat grass, and spirulina, taking natural probiotics to help with digestion, B-12, selenium, monolaurin, organic vitamin-C tablets, zinc, lysine, tribulus terrestris, astragalus, rhosea rhodiola, and amino acid blend, and taking Oxy-Powder to help with cleaning the intestines.

I will have to pick the diet back up, possibly later when my body is healed and I can manage the stress of it all. I am hoping that the above herbs and tinctures will still combat the virus. I hope all is well with everyone else and that you continue on your journey. If anyone has any advice, especially you Troy, I am open ears. I do not like to quit and I feel like I am giving up, but not being mentally stable and having my body nearly shut down due to being malnourished really made me afraid.

Dec 13, 2017
Full dosage of HP?
by: Jade

Hi Troy, just want to say thanks again for all your help and support. I know you encourage everyone to include the hydrogen peroxide in their regimen and I’ve read the part in the One Minute Cure that instructs you on the build up for the daily dosages. I’ve been on your protocol for almost 3 months now, but I’ve been very skeptical about taking this stuff. Now, I actually do want to add this to my regimen. My question is this, do I have to go all the way up to the 25 drops? Or can I just simply take a maintenance dosage of 3-5 drops per day only at night? Do you think that dosage would still be helpful? It just seems like it would be even more difficult to incorporate something else into the protocol (especially since it has to be taken on an empty stomach). I already find it overwhelming to take all that I’m currently taking, but I’m willing to add the HP if it would still work only doing 3-5 drops once per day. Please let me know what you think about this, thanks!

Dec 13, 2017
Need more calories
by: Patrick

I need more calaries. I’m getting more thin by the day. Can I have quinoa, sweet potatoes, or regular potatoes? These all seem to be high in calories.

Thanks for being quick with your responses btw!!

Dec 18, 2017
To Troy
by: Anonymous

Troy, I’m about to give birth and after I get breast feeding said and done with I plan on starting the regimen. I believe I’ve reached out to you in the pass but didn’t get a response. Can you let me know how you can be contacted in the near future? I’ve been waiting to be able to start this since I got pregnant - shortly after I contracted it - and it’s really hard for me. I’m trying to line things up for when I can focus on my health again. Also, does taking antivirals short term make it harder in the future to pull the virus out? All of you are so inspiring and part of the reason I have hope, knowing people have overcome this healthily and become HSV free again.
Thanks all

Dec 20, 2017
Reply to Ryan
by: Troy

Hi Ryan. I believe you are still on track. Following a raw food diet still allows you to eat cooked foods such as organic chicken, eggs and fish. Even some organic red meat is okay. I know many people, including James from DestroyDisease and Dr Sebi's protocol say that you shouldn't eat meat and eggs, but I 100% don't agree with this. Your body needs protein, and carbs too. Eating only fruits, vegetables, seeds, etc, is not enough. That's why I'm constantly telling people to eat more cooked animal protein! If you don't then you lose too much weight and become weak (exactly what happened to you). Stay with what you're doing now - no refined and processed foods of course. Have a read of this article and use it as a guide (remember, only as a guide)... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List. Don't forget about the hydrogen peroxide protocol as well. This will actually give you more energy and you'll feel better. With your anxiety, look into a supplement called Natural Calm by Natural Vitality. It works extremely well and is very calming. The magnesium is also very good for you too.

Like I said, a raw food diet still includes animal protein. Stay with what you're doing and get your energy back up.

You can still do this!

All the best to you Ryan!

Dec 20, 2017
Reply to Jade
by: Troy

Taking the maintenance dose of the HP is certainly better than not having it at all, so yes, it would still help. You could even just work up to half the recommended dose rather than going up to the full 25 drops. Another option perhaps?

All the best to you Jade!

Dec 20, 2017
Reply to Patrick
by: Troy

Quinoa and sweet potatoes yes, not so much regular potatoes as these are too starchy. Eat more organic chicken, eggs and wild caught fish, even some organic red meat, if need be to keep your weight up. Don't allow yourself to go hungry. :)

Dec 21, 2017
Reply to "To Troy" Comment
by: Troy

You can contact me through this page if you have a question. Because of the sheer number of people and contacts, I don't do personal consultations. I'm struggling to keep up with the Q&A's here as it is. In regards to taking anti-virals, most people continue to take them in the beginning and slowly wean themselves from them. The anti-virals will eventually need to go for the body to fully detox.

Good luck to you when you start.

All the best! :)

Dec 26, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy!
I was doing some research and found that Lysine is really good for oral herpes, but not genital herpes. The article noted that monolaurin is extremely good for genital herpes and it's available over the counter. Do you recommend adding it to my protocol?
Thanks for your help!!

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to "Monolaurin" Comment
by: Troy

Lysine does work for genital herpes as well as oral... Study - Subjective response to lysine in the therapy of herpes simplex. The monolaurin works well also and can certainly be included. Coconut oil is rich in monolaurin, which is why it's effective and why we recommend it as well.

All the best! :)

Jan 04, 2018
by: Jess

Hi Troy,

I have been learning a lot by reading the comments and your answers, you are truly a saint. I was just diagnosed with hsv2 12/26/17 and was infected 12/15/17. I am gathering my thoughts around this protocol. Since finding out my diagnosis I immediately started researching. I currently eat a tablespoon in the morning and a tablespoon at night of organic, unrefined coconut oil (63% medium chain triglycerides and 50% lauric acid) as well as 990mg a day of Monolaurin and 1,000mg a day of echinacea. I am lucky enough to have not experienced a breakout - I am assuming thanks to my immediate action in ingesting these three things. I want to start the protocol once I have a solid plan and the funds to purchase everything, but I want to do a cleanse first. I primarily eat healthy (esp since finding out my diagnosis), but want to still cleanse beforehand. My question is, with the issue of limited funds in mind, what do you recommend as a good full cleanse before beginning the protocol? Again, it doesn't need to be top of the line since I do already workout and have very good eating habits. (lots of organic veggies/fruits, lean protein and fish, smoothies).

Thank you!

Jan 06, 2018
by: Anonymous

Troy, first and foremost, thank you for everything you are doing. Thank you for taking the time out of your day and helping desperate people with this disgusting virus in our time of need and guidance. I am a 21 year old female who was just infected beginning of Dec, 2017. I am scared, lost, and don't know where to start. I went through the worst, most terrifying outbreak a week short of being exposed. I also have SLE (Lupus). I am taking Plaquenil, 500mg a day and also have been put on Valtrex once a day. Can I continue my medication as I embark on this detox journey? My main question is where do I begin? How do I go from one lifestyle to the next in a day? I've ordered hundreds of dollars worth of supplements the past week and have been staring at them in my kitchen because I don't know how to physically begin, or even attempt to begin. Should I detox my body first before starting this protocol? I got my test results back and I had an antibody index of .091... what does this mean? The doctor said I was borderline negative, because my body wasn't used to this antibody... is that true? Does this mean I have a better chance at ridding this virus out of my body quicker if I follow this protocol? I know there are a lot of questions, my mind is just scrambled. I can't figure out how I am going to fit all of these steps into my daily routine as I am constantly on the go. Thank you Troy.

Jan 07, 2018
Medical Marijuana
by: Amanii

Hi Troy.

I want to start by saying thank you so much for all of the information you’ve provided. I use medical marijuana to help with the pain of hsv2. Is this okay to continue once I start the protocol? I start next week.

Thank you.

Jan 07, 2018
Questions that have not been asked.
by: Alex

I first want to say Troy, I am extremely grateful to find you and this page. I could write pages about how grateful I am but I'll just cut to the chase with my questions:

-I have some black cumin seed oil, is this recommended?
-What about turpentine to remove parasites?
-Urine Therapy?
-I am already vegan and eat alot of raw fruit and veggies. I'm on a tight budget though. Could you possibly state the MOST important things here. I won't be able to afford them all for 1 year.
-In what order should I take the supplements? How far away from each other and does the order matter?
-One last question, is there any possible bad outcomes taking all these things for so long?

Again thank you so much. I am forever grateful and will surely make a post when I cure myself.
Peace and Love.

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to Jess
by: Troy

I recommend you go with Dr Shultze's intestinal cleansing program. This is what Heather used and she swears by it... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2). If not, find a good quality colon cleansing product. There are plenty on the market.

Hope this helps.

All the best Jess!

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to "Help" Comment
by: Troy

The way to approach this is slowly and one step at a time, otherwise you'll end up overwhelmed (if you aren't already). You don't have to change your diet and have everything down pat in one day - remember this. If you aren't accustomed to eating healthy, eating regularly, and taking supplements then there is going to be an adjustment period. One day at a time. Start to eat better, go with raw foods, etc - a bit at a time if need be. Start on your supplements and get into the habit of taking them. Remember, this is not a race. Be in it for the long term (full 12 months). Taking your medication is fine also. You'll actually find that your lupus will be gone (cured) by the time you finish this protocol. In regards to your test result, because you've only been recently infected, expect your viral count to increase (this is normal). Your viral load wouldn't have peaked yet. Eventually it will go back down to that negative range though... Herpes Testing - What Works, What Doesn't, And Where To Go From Here.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to Amanii
by: Troy

Medical marijuana is okay if it's not exacerbating your breakouts (which it can do). Just make sure the cannabis you are using is at least 100% pesticide and chemical free. This is really important. :)

Jan 08, 2018
Reply to Alex
by: Troy

Hi Alex. Okay, black seed oil is perfectly fine. Turpentine? No, dangerous and not healthy. Urine therapy? Yes, I'm a big believer in urine therapy, I've seen it work on so many occasions. The most important foods/supplements in order of importance (which is really hard to list because they're ALL important) are... olive leaf extract, oregano oil, colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide, BHT, and foods such as cultured/fermented foods (probiotics), cilantro, chlorella and onions. In regards to when to take your supplements, there is no ideal time as such - on an empty stomach and separate from each other if possible (15-20 minutes apart) is the most important thing. Taking all of these supplements and following a primarily based raw food diet carries no long term "bad" effects, only "good" effects. Think about how many people eat rubbish, smoke, drink alcohol, abuse their body in general for many years (and still it continues to run and perform for them too). These practices are what will produce bad effects (at some point), not taking supplements and eating foods that cleanse and repair the body.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 11, 2018
Parasite cleanse?
by: Anonymous

Just wondering. Could we take a parasite cleanse throughout this protocol?

Jan 11, 2018
by: Troy

A parasite/colon cleanse is a good idea and many people do this to get their digestive system in optimal condition, but make sure you do it BEFORE you start the protocol, not during, or you'll just end up wasting (pooping) your supplements down the drain. :)

Jan 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

Is this good enough to detox and clean up my hsv1?

Oregano Oil (1500mg)
Olive leaf Extract (500mg)
Colloidal Silver
Lysine (1000mg)
Vitamin C (1000mg)
Propolis (500mg)
BHT (250mg)
St John's Wort (500mg)
omega-3 fatty acids (1000mg)

Jan 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

Once the 12 months are up, and one is healed and physically cured from this virus, if all these supplements stop and this lifestyle isn't practised anymore, can the herpes virus come back? I hope this is not a dumb question. Also, after these 12 months, can I not transmit it to anyone else?

Jan 16, 2018
by: Leslie

Hey Troy, Is yogurt ok to have with the same results or would it delay the outcome?

Jan 19, 2018
5th times a charm?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy! So, I'm sure you know who this is again. I apologize for another question but I actually called my gynecologist to confirm a culture when I had my first OB last month. They said HSV2 was negative, HSV1 was present. This was in my genital area. What does this mean? This is so confusing. Not to be too forward, but this was obviously passed through oral sex. Does this change the amount of OB's I'll have? Does this make it easier to rid with this protocol? So confused. Thank you Troy.

Much love.

Jan 21, 2018
Struggling with oregano oil
by: Alex

Hello Troy and others. The last thing I'm struggling to implement is the oregano oil on my spine. There's a couple things I'm struggling with...
1. When I put the coconut oil on my finger it starts to melt and run off. The same with the oregano oil once I put the drops on. I seem to be spilling it. Is it okay to make a pre-mixture of the 2 oils and then apply at once for convenience?
2. The smell of oregano is getting everywhere. On my clothes. On my bed. My whole room stinks of it. How can I try to avoid this? Could I still cure myself by not putting the OO on my spine?
Thank you very much, you are a great person for wanting to heal people. I will share the message once I am cured.

Jan 21, 2018
Reply to "HSV1" Comment
by: Troy

This looks fairly good. The only two recommendations I would add are chlorella (for heavy metal removal and detox), along with the hydrogen peroxide protocol outlined in the One Minute Cure book. Don't forget to also consume lots of cilantro and probiotic rich foods to build up your good gut bacteria.

All the best! :)

Jan 21, 2018
Reply to "Continuation" Comment
by: Troy

Once you test negative and the virus is gone... it's gone for good! You cannot get breakouts or infect other people/partners. Hopefully though you learn something from following a healthy lifestyle and continue to eat and live healthy even once your 12 months is up. Of course, you don't need to take all of the supplements, only a few if you choose to keep yourself healthy and your immunity up (for me it's chlorella/wheatgrass, probiotics and OLE). I answer this question in more detail in the Q&A's at the bottom of Heather's article... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2).

Best regards. :)

Jan 21, 2018
Reply to Leslie
by: Troy

Yogurt is fine and good for your gut health. Just make sure it's natural yogurt (Greek). Try and make your own if you can... How to Make Greek Yogurt. :)

Jan 21, 2018
Reply to "5th Times a Charm" Comment
by: Troy

HSV1 can definitely be transferred to the genitals through oral sex. Nothing changes for you. The protocol and ridding yourself of the virus is exactly the same as it would be if you were HSV2 positive. Yes, your outbreaks should be less and technically you can rid yourself of the virus quicker with HSV1 (there are always exceptions to the rule though so don't take this as gospel). But don't be fooled either, you're still going to have to work hard and give it all you've got if you want to rid yourself of this virus.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 21, 2018
Reply to Alex
by: Troy

The oregano oil applied to the base of the spine is one of the most CRUCIAL parts to this protocol and ridding yourself of the virus. You must not leave it out. I agree, it smells and it gets into everything. I don't know how to overcome this to be honest. In regards to premixing the two oils, this is actually what you should be doing. Use a small container and add 3-4 drops of the oregano oil then add a SMALL amount of virgin coconut oil (not too much) and mix thoroughly. Apply this to the base of the spine. Cover roughly 2-4 inches starting from the very bottom part of the spine right near the top of the butt-ox. Do this once in the morning and again at night.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Alex!

Jan 25, 2018
HSV 1&2
by: Anonymous

Just got blood work back and have both HSV 1 and 2 down below. I am scared and upset with myself, but reading these articles has given me hope. Already started day 2 of the diet and oil and am waiting for the supplements to arrive. Keeping my fingers cross it works for me too. Thanks for the inspiration.

Jan 25, 2018
by: Anonymous

I would like to know if you can choose one of the 5 or is it recommended to combine all herbs. I’m looking forward to embarking on my eliminating herpes journey.

Jan 28, 2018
Weight gain
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, hope you're well.
I'm one month in and feel like I'm really getting into the swing of this new living. The change has made me want to start disciplining myself in other aspects of my life also and so, having suffered with severe weight loss in recent times, I've decided to hit the gym and gain some muscle!

My current diet involves cilantro, salads, fruit, & bean/brown rice/quinoa dinners & kale.

I would like to incorporate some new things into my diet that I'd like to run past you:

1) Yoghurt... I can get organic non-Greek or organic Greek yoghurt... I'm not sure which one is better.

2) Soya & Linseed bread?

3) Peanut butter (made only from peanuts, palm oil and sea salt). I understand the arginine issue which I will simply see how my immune system deals with, however, I had heard that non-organic peanut butter (which I unknowingly bought 1kg of) is very high in pesticides... would it be best to throw this away?

Lastly, I would like to start measuring my pH... is there a ballpark number you can give me to strive for?

Many thanks.

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to "Choice" Comment
by: Troy

Try and use/consume as many antiviral herbs and spices as you can. You can never have too many of these. :)

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to "Weight Gain" Comment
by: Troy

Yogurt is good for you. Organic Greek yogurt is the best. Try and make your own if you can. Bread (regardless of what's in it) is not overly good so limit this if you can. Organic peanut butter is fine - don't go overboard with it though. I would throw the non-organic peanut butter out (don't eat it) or give it away to someone else. Your pH should be up around 7.5 (7.25 is the perfect level for healthy people), however, in the beginning, for the first month or so, try and get it up around 8. You don't want to be too alkaline but you need to be alkaline enough, if that makes sense.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 01, 2018
DMSO vs. Coconut Oil as a carrier
by: Lyn

Hello again,

Do you think DMSO cream is a superior carrier method for the oregano oil into my lower spine? I know there's some controversy over DMSO so I've been avoiding it, but if it breaks through the protein barrier, I'm willing.

The pharmaceutical grade seems to be in liquid form and we need gel or cream? Is Pharmaceutical grade necessary and am I potentially "carrying in" sketchy ingredients if I use one of the scented ones?

Also, I contacted Zane's to ask about how to take the OO internally in regards to with or without food and they specified it must be taken with food, so thought I'd share.

Much love

Feb 01, 2018
Reply to Lyn
by: Troy

Hi Lyn. In our original article (#10 cure) you'll find information on DMSO. The 70% cream is already pre-mixed. This is best in my opinion. If you can get it with the aloe vera then even better. The aloe helps stop your skin from drying out. Use it in place of the coconut oil as per our recommendation. With the oregano oil, as long as it's diluted enough it's still okay to take on an empty stomach. I usually recommend 10 minutes before food - just enough time for the oil (or other supplement) to mix with your gut flora in your GI tract and make its way down to your duodenum. When you take supplements with food, the gastric juices in the stomach start flowing and digestion begins to happen. This causes your stomach acid and digestive enzymes to destroy or damage the contents/supplement before it has time to reach your duodenum (which is crucial). If the oregano oil is causing stomach irritation or stomach upsets, then, yes, it's better to have it with food, but this should still be as a last resort.

All the best to you Lyn!

Feb 02, 2018
Coconut oil/dmso/oregano oil
by: Maggy Lee

Do you think it’s a good idea to use oregano oil, dmso and coconut oil at the base of the spine? I ask because coconut oil has monolaurin which is known to destroy lipid coated viruses such as herpes. Wouldn’t dmso help the monolaurin get to the virus where it hides just as it helps the oregano oil?

Feb 02, 2018
Reply to Maggy
by: Troy

You can certainly use all 3 together. Just be careful that you don't dilute the oregano oil too much by using/adding both the coconut oil and DMSO or it will lose its effectiveness. :)

Feb 04, 2018
Anyone Willing to Work Through This Process With Me?
by: Anonymous

Is there anyone who would be willing to work through this process with me? If this is at all possible there could be a lot of lives we could change in the future. We could make YouTube videos, etc, and walk people through on a day to day basis on how to cure themselves. Someone please reach out to me or get in contact with me! We could save so many lives. I just need a little help and want to motivate and help other people as well.

Feb 06, 2018
Raw Food Recipes
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, I was wondering if you can give some sample recipes because I'm a little confused on how to do a raw food diet. I tried before all at once and I lost about 50 pounds in one month. I also starved myself to the point where I was afraid to eat anything other than raw foods and I gave myself nutritional deficiencies. So I was wondering if you had some sample recipes, about a week's worth, that I can try. I would be so grateful! So any advice or recipes that you can give would be helpful. I also have two children that I need to cook for which can be very difficult as they don't follow the raw food diet plan. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart!

Feb 06, 2018
Reply to "Raw Food Recipes" Comment
by: Troy

I recommend you get a hold of this raw food book and eating plan... Raw and Simple Detox by Judita Wignall. What I like about it is she still recommends things like eating fish a few times a week. Some foods still need to be cooked as well. This is one of the more practical raw food diet books in my opinion. There are other very good ones out there too. Visit your local bookstore or go online.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 07, 2018
by: Lynn

Hi again -- so I bought the DMSO w/Aloe and added 3 drops of Oregano and applied it to the base of the spine and it hurt so much. I tried again this morning and it stings so badly. It subsides after about 15 mins and I can take it as long as I know that means its working? I feel like I'm burning my skin off, haha. I showered later tonight (12 hours later) and it started to sting again just by getting wet in the water. So I skipped tonight's application because I'm kind of worried. I have been using the oregano with coconut oil with no pain at all. So, is this normal and safe?

For the person asking about raw recipes, I found a ton on YouTube and on :)

Virtual hugs!

Feb 08, 2018
Ocular herpes? Systemic outbreak?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy and others,

I was infected a couple of months ago and started the protocol right away. Prior to diagnoses I was being evaluated for autoimmune disease because of positive Ana. A week ago I noticed my symptoms were exasperating throughout my body, but the outbreaks on my genitals were calming down. Now I have redness in my eye, nerve pain and gastrointestinal issues and I'm worried I may have ocular herpes. I've tried terribly hard not to resort to using meds. Any advice? I don't see where others have experienced this on the protocol.

Feb 08, 2018
Reply to Lynn
by: Troy

There's a few things you can do Lynn. Either add some coconut oil to the mix to dilute more, or alternate between using the coconut oil and DMSO (one day with the coconut oil, one day using the DMSO, and so forth). The DMSO and oregano oil combo can certainly sting (this is quite normal), but it shouldn't burn like crazy.

All the best!

Feb 08, 2018
Reply to "Ocular herpes? Systemic outbreak" Comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately, I can't give you medical advice. I do recommend you back off on all the supplements by about half until your symptoms have dissipated. If you started on high dosages, this could be a cause. Be sure to also visit your health care professional and get checked out fully so you know exactly what is going on.

Good luck and all the best to you. :)

Feb 08, 2018
Negative for Ocular Herpes
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your prompt response. Saw your message and saw the ophthalmologist right away. Turns out it's just dry eyes, probably linked to the autoimmune stuff. But, it's an eye opener. I haven't had the virus long so my body doesn't have a strong defense established. I guess I should go easy on the supplements and trying to keep it from going into hiding. Also, I think my exasperated symptoms are linked to the red marine algae I added to the protocol recently and since discontinued. Just wanted to share an update in case I freaked anyone out. Just hate that I freaked myself out and took a valtrex last night and this morning. Back to square one of the detox, but it's a marathon and not a sprint, right? :-)

Feb 08, 2018
Reply to "Negative for Ocular Herpes" Comment
by: Troy

Good to hear it's nothing serious. The problem is when you start detoxing the body, it can bring out a whole range of symptoms. This is to be expected when you're cleansing the body, but of course, this can cause one to think straight away that it's the virus causing the problem, when it's actually the detoxing (the mind also starts to go out of control and conjure up all sorts of negative and bad scenarios). Once you back off on the dosages, begin to slowly increase them again over the next few weeks. You should be fine.

All the best! :)

Feb 09, 2018
DMSO Warning 1st degree burns
by: Lyn

UPDATE -- well 2 days later and my back was still stinging so I just looked and it appears my whole lower spine has 1st degree burns- large red blotches all over. It explains the pain, but this combo literally tore through my flesh. I'm researching online for similar stories as well.

I hope the coconut oil is enough to penetrate into the cells.

Feb 14, 2018
Reply to Lyn
by: Troy

The coconut oil and oregano oil combo is still very effective. I'm quite surprized the DMSO burnt though. I've used it myself with absolutely no problems. Don't rub the DMSO into your skin or, yes, it will burn. You really only dab it on and/or give it a very light rub then leave. Give the DMSO and oregano oil a rest to give your skin time to heal and use a natural aloe vera gel (or fresh aloe if you have some in your garden) to help speed up the healing.

All the best to you Lyn! :)

Feb 15, 2018
Eye herpes
by: Wes

Hi Troy, I got eye herpes a few months ago and have just started your protocol. Just wanted to know is their anything else I can do, I really want to get rid of this. I really appreciate what you're doing here for people. Thanks.

Feb 16, 2018
Reply to Wes
by: Troy

Along with following the protocol, you can also apply some colloidal silver to your eyes. Colloidal silver is safe for the eyes and will help speed up the healing.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Wes!

Feb 20, 2018
Trying to comment?
by: Alex

My comments aren't posting for some reason but I'll try again...

-Is taking a spirulina/chlorella/wheatgrass powder okay? Or does chlorella need to be isolated?
-Can I mix a bunch of oregano oil and coconut oil in a jar and just take from that solution daily?
-is juicing cilantro okay (I can't handle eating it)
-I eat immense amounts of raw fruits and veggies but also consume cooked oatmeal and beans and rice on occasion. Is this fine?
I probably have more but that's all I can think of for now. Praying this goes through this time. Thank you.

Feb 22, 2018
Just starting
by: Demetrius

Troy, I've just found out I caught HSV2, luckily I know exactly when I caught it. My test came back at 3.03. I've bought most of the supplements so I'm almost ready for the battle. I want to say thanks for giving people a real solution rather than a pipe dream. I would also like to ask if Sun Valley supplements would do the trick or should I try something different? I want to go the full year regardless of test results. When do you feel it would be a good time to be retested because I've only had it for a week or two.

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to Alex
by: Troy

Taking a chlorella/wheatgrass/spirulina combo powder is perfectly fine. As I've been saying, just make sure you check your supplier and make sure they don't get their powders in from China. Also, take your probiotic with your green powder as this is a terrific food source for the probiotics (prebiotic). The oregano oil and coconut oil should be mixed fresh each day rather than made up to last for days or weeks. Making it up in the morning for one day's supply would be okay but no more than this. Cilantro can be added to your smoothies and juiced as much as you like. It doesn't need to be eaten. Cooking beans, rice and oatmeal is okay also. Some foods need to be cooked, just don't overcook them.

Hope this helps.

All the best Alex!

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to Demetrius
by: Troy

Hi Demetrius. I haven't heard of Sun Valley Supplements so I can't tell you whether they're good or not? In regards to getting re-tested? Waiting AT LEAST 9-12 months would be wise. You need to give your antibodies plenty of time to peak and then go back down. It usually takes about 6 months for them to fully peak and then another 6 months (at least) to go back down. Patience is certainly the key when it comes to testing.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Demetrius!

Feb 26, 2018
by: Anonymous

Would this method actually work in 8 months? I just found out that I have hsv2 and I wanna do this.

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to HSV2 Comment
by: Troy

You can certainly get rid of the herpes virus in 8 months or even less. However, putting a time frame on how long you will need yourself is not feasible nor practical. Everybody is different. Even the 12 months we recommend is only a guide. If you decide to do this, you must be in it for the long haul and be willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. It's certainly not an easy road - but it is a very rewarding one.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Feb 26, 2018
H2o2 drops
by: Lyn

Hello again,

I just got to 25 drops of h202 and am on day 3 of that amount. I’m curious as to how long you suggest I stay on this before working my way back down. I’ve read that people stay on it for a month or longer. I don’t have symptoms and am surprised I have had no breakouts at all since beginning this. I’m a little worried it’s hiding deep in my nerves (or on the bright side it’s already gone or very very low!?)

So since I’m pretty healthy, high immunity, no outbreaks, and also doing the OLE max plus some of the others, how long should I stay on this? It is quite the commitment and it’s not delicious (I suggest taking it with mints).


Feb 26, 2018
Reply to Lyn
by: Troy

Follow the exact regimen as outlined in the One Minute cure book Lyn. It says... "When you have completed the 23-day regimen in the table, gradually decrease the dosage by one drop a day until you get to the maintenance dose of 3 drops (diluted in 6-8 ozs of distilled water) 3 times a day. This suggested protocol is based on years of experience and success stories from thousands of users." So once you get down to the maintenance dose, stay on this for around 3 months. I recommend that you then repeat the protocol again in another 3-4 months after this to give your body one last clean out and alkaline shot. It's highly doubtful that the virus is simply hiding in your nerves and not coming out. The OLE, oregano oil, and even the H2O2, are exceptional for drawing the virus out (and destroying it too of course). You're definitely on the right track and doing very well. Keep it up.

All the best to you Lyn! :)

Mar 08, 2018
by: Michelle

It’s so nice to find this thread. I have been struggling over the past year trying to eradicate HSV from my body. It’s refreshing to find out I’m not alone. I have been trying to follow the Medical Medium protocol since January and have been on all kinds of herbs since last May. How do you feel about eggs? Medical Medium says to avoid eggs and I see here soft boiled is recommended. Can this be explained to me? Also, do you recommend a completely raw diet? Are some cooked veggies ok? This is an area I struggle with. I enjoy cooked veggies, mostly sweet potatoes. Thank you!!

Mar 08, 2018
Reply to Michelle
by: Troy

Yes, a primarily raw based diet is what you need to follow. The problem, however, is that when you do eat a completely raw food diet you experience a significant amount of weight loss. This is not a good thing. That's why we say to eat eggs (not too many of course), to help keep your weight up. Some animal protein such as wild caught salmon and a small amount of organic chicken are also recommended for this very reason. Some foods also need to be cooked - sweet potato for instance is okay cooked. Just lightly bake without using any oil.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Michelle!

Mar 13, 2018
Getting started
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I've just recently had an OB but have not yet been tested, but I'm 100% positive it's HSV2. I will be getting a test done ASAP to confirm. In the mean time I'm wanting to get some extra information as I gather up the vitamins you have mentioned for this treatment. I'm really wanting to be successful as my personal health and fitness for myself and others is a way of life and is also the way I make a living - I'm a personal trainer

1: With the BHT and St johns wort is it ok to take the full 1000mg of BHT and 900-1500mg's of st johns wort all at once of a morning, or would you recommend it being spaced out?

2: With the oregano oil, when you mix it with coconut oil and water is this to be ingested or just rubbed on your lower spine?

3: I enjoy going to the gym and keeping fit and healthy so I'm hoping the raw diet wont be to much of a problem and will hopefully aid me in my healthy lifestyle. Just wondering if there is any red meat I can eat (even if it is wild game meat) or is it only chicken and fish?

4: Also, I was wondering if you could recommend a particular protein powder to use during this so I can hopefully maintain my current body shape during this process. I lift heavy and run 2-3 times a week. Would I have to alter my current training program in anyway during this process?

Also one last thing, is creatine ok to take or should I cut it out during this process?

I thank you so much for your help, as does everyone else. Wish me luck. I think I'll need it.

Best wishes

Mar 16, 2018
by: Troy

With the BHT and St John's Wort, definitely do not take them all in one hit. It lessens the benefits and will probably make you feel nauseous. You must take them together, yes, but space the dosages out throughout the day. Don't forget also to start off on the correct dosages as listed in our article and slowly build up. With the oregano oil, there are three parts to it's use. Here's what they are from James's article...

Steps on How to use the Oregano Oil

First: You must take several drops of this oil in water, usually 6-8oz of liquid. You need to do this once or twice per day. The less liquid, the stronger the solution will taste. The less liquid, the stronger it will be. You must use at least 4oz of liquid, or, it may have more of a slight burning sensation on your lips. Applying some virgin coconut oil can relieve that sensation.

Next: You need to rub the oregano oil diluted with some virgin coconut oil on the bottom portion of the spine. Cover about 2 to 4 inches starting from the very bottom part of the spine right near the top of the butt area. Try not to over-dilute the oregano oil or it will not work. A slight tingling sensation may be felt and this means it is diluted properly! Normally, just a small amount of coconut oil will be needed with around 3 drops of oregano oil. It should never burn the skin, only tingle a slight amount. Since the virus lives in the lower part of the spine this is a very significant part of the process that should be made. This should be done once in the morning and once at night for best results. This may need to be done for many consecutive months to "ensure" best results. If an outbreak occurs, which can happen when the body is fighting back this is especially necessary to do.

Finally: You need to dilute 2 or 3 drops of the pure oregano oil with the gold label virgin coconut oil and hold this under your tongue for at least 10 minutes. Be careful to make sure you dilute this enough, so it has only a slight tingling feeling; otherwise you might temporarily burn the bottom of your mouth. This should be performed at least once per day. If an outbreak has occurred, this should be done several times per day. If that happens, just use plain coconut oil (no oregano oil for this) should fix this problem by holding the oil under your tongue for several minutes. Repeating this step by holding the coconut oil under your tongue several more times may be necessary.

Red meat is best avoided if possible. If you do have it, make sure it's organic grass fed beef and no more than 100 grams in weight. A natural (no additives) pea protein is the best if you're looking for a good protein powder. With the creatine? Not sure? Creatine is in foods but creatine monohydrate is a synthetic version. Probably better to leave it out if possible. With your training, you must be careful that you don't overdo it. Over training will weaken your immune system, something you definitely don't want.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 16, 2018
by: Valerie

Hello Troy, I’m currently taking 35% Hydrogen peroxide protocol, a product called lauricidin (monolaurin) because after much research, I learned that it destroys lipid coated viruses such as herpes. I’m also taking the olive leaf extract and oregano oil. I’m going to add AHCC to my routine because I read studies where it eradicated HPV within 3 months of use on patients. It’s supposed to activate the T-cells so I’m sure it can help with HSV as well since it’s a strong immune booster. What are your thoughts?

Mar 18, 2018
Salmon and shrimp
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,

Before I begin this journey, I want to make sure I'm eating right. Currently I'm on a plant base diet cleanse for about 28 days. I do miss seafood. If the success of the cure depends on my raw food lifestyle, is it ok to cook salmon and shrimp? If so, is there a heat maximum to cook? Lower than 100 degrees for example.

Thank you for all you do.

Mar 18, 2018
Reply to Valerie
by: Troy

Yes, Ahcc is a powerful immune booster. Most of the research has been on using it to control/cure HPV, but for herpes HSV1&2, it would help also as these 3 are all herpes (lipid coated) viruses. The monolaurin is also good, which is why we recommend you take/eat plenty of organic coconut oil as this is rich in monolaurin.

All the best to you Valerie!

Mar 18, 2018
Reply to "Salmon and Shrimp" Comment
by: Troy

Salmon and shrimp only need to be cooked just enough so that they're not raw in the middle. I know Heather ate shrimp but I'm not really a fan of shrimp since it's a scavenger crustacean. With the salmon though go right ahead, nothing wrong with salmon. Just make sure it's wild caught salmon and not farm raised. :)

Mar 19, 2018
Encouraged beyond belief!
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, after reading Heather's story and reading other testimonials, I am very encouraged and excited that I too could be healed! I wish I had of had access to all of this information decades ago as I have been carrying the HSV2 virus for 37 years and using Acyclovir only when I felt an outbreak coming on. Last year I started twice daily. I have never had a confirmation test but thinking about taking one since I've had the virus for so many years. I'm wondering since I've carried the virus for so long, do you think will I still be able to cure myself? I plan to follow the protocol you provided but will start out doing Dr. Shulze's 30 juice flush and detox program. Currently working on building my immune system up using the vitamins and nutrients listed and adding more fruits and veggies into my diet. Going to be doing some travelling so won't be able to do the juice diet/detox til mid-June. Thanks for all of this great information!

Mar 19, 2018
Food Question
by: Maggie


I'm struggling to keep my calories high enough to avoid weight loss. Are there any kinds of beans you'd specifically recommend? Also, I saw you mention that goats cheese could be okay in some instances and I wanted to make sure that is still the case. I'm on Day 24 of this raw food eating plan, combined w/ OLE, Oregano Oil, Lysine and the same antioxidant shakes that Heather drank 3 times a day. I'm hopeful it's enough to kick HSV1 to the curb. Thanks for any insight and know people are so grateful to you!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to "Encouraged beyond belief" Comment
by: Troy

Doing Dr Shultze's detox/cleansing program is an excellent idea. His program is very good. Focusing on building up your immune system is also terrific and exactly what you need to be doing. Yes, you can certainly get rid of the herpes virus, absolutely 100%. It may take longer since you've had it for quite some time but it definitely can be done. I would also recommend you get tested (type specific IgG test) before you start so you know exactly where you're at.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to Maggie
by: Troy

Most beans and lentils can be eaten. The only beans you definitely should avoid are soybeans. Pinto beans, black beans, kidney beans, peas, chick peas and lentils are all fine (non GMO of course). Raw goats cheese and raw goats milk are both okay and healthy alternatives to cows milk. Try and make your own raw (natural) goats cheese if you can.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Maggie! :)

Mar 24, 2018
Weight Loss?
by: Jay

Does this virus cause weight loss of itself? Within two years of contracting it I went from 155 to 120 in a few months. This is before I even thought about changing my diet. I believe the virus caused this and not the diet that I'm just now starting. Could this be true? How can I keep from losing weight on this diet?

Mar 25, 2018
by: Maggie


I'm one of those people that absolutely cannot stand the taste of cilantro. There's even research out there tying it to a specific genetic quirk, thus making it taste like soap to some people.

That said, would you see any benefit of buying a concentrated cilantro oil, as I would really like to incorporate it somehow. Any thoughts are appreciated!

Again, thank you for the plethora of knowledge and help. You are so appreciated!

Mar 25, 2018
Reply to Jay
by: Troy

If you have the virus in its full blown form then yes, you can lose weight from it. You should also think about how your diet was before you started on this protocol. It you weren't eating regularly and eating healthy then this could have accounted for your weight loss, in addition to contracting the virus. Eat 100 grams of organic chicken or up to 200 grams of wild caught salmon per day while on this diet/protocol to help maintain your body weight.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Jay! :)

Mar 25, 2018
Reply to Maggie
by: Troy

You can buy cilantro in capsule form, or even a liquid extract. These are better than the oil and are much more concentrated. I do agree, cilantro can be a bit of an acquired taste. :)

Mar 26, 2018
by: Maggie

Would this protocol also cure HPV? It seems that the same components that attack viruses would benefit HPV as well, but curious as to your thoughts.

Mar 30, 2018
Reply to Maggie
by: Troy

Yes, it would work identically for HPV. You destroy a virus by surrounding it and preventing the pathogen from moving into other cells. This practice effectively starves the pathogen. This is primarily what the OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil do. :)

Mar 30, 2018
Regime Help
by: Anonymous

I've had recurring cold sores HSV1 since I was a child. I love to be in the sun, but always end up with a cold sore afterwards. So glad I found this amazing website. On Monday I started the regime. Was hoping someone could look over my plan and let me know if I should make any changes or if you have any suggestions? Thank You!

Early Morning:
Olive Leaf Extract (empty stomach)
Collodial Sovereign Silver (use plastic spoon)
Lysine 1000mgs

Mid Morning:
Olive Leaf Extract (empty stomach)
Collodial Sovereign Silver (use plastic spoon)
Vitamin C 5000 mgs
Absorbic Acid 5000 mgs
Collodial Zinc 50 mgs

Before Lunch:
Olive Leaf Extract (empty stomach)

Lysine 1000mgs
BHT, St Johns Wort, Coconut Oil

Mid Afternoon:
Olive Leaf Extract (empty stomach)
Collodial Sovereign Silver (use plastic spoon)
Oregano Oil

Late Afternoon:
Olive Leaf Extract (empty stomach)
Collodial Sovereign Silver (use plastic spoon)
Lysine 1000mgs

Olive Leaf Extract (empty stomach)
Collodial Sovereign Silver (use plastic spoon)
Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade per page 74

Apr 04, 2018
Reply to "Regimen Help" Comment
by: Troy

Okay, you've got a very good list and regimen so far. There are a few things I would recommend you do/add. Firstly, with the vitamin C and ascorbic acid, don't take these both together. 10,000 mg's all in one hit will not be as effective as breaking up the dosage throughout the day (and will give you an upset stomach and gas). Even if you have the vitamin C with some of the other supplements, this is still much better and will be more effective than having it all at once. With the oregano oil, make sure you use the 3 steps. These 3 steps are outlined in my comment/reply above dated March 16th 2018. In regards to the hydrogen peroxide, it must be taken 3 times daily. If you look at the chart on page 73 of the book it tells you the number of drops and times administered daily for the 23 days. After the 23 days is up continue with the maintenance dose as described in the pages following the chart. Don't forget also to take a good quality wheat grass or chlorella supplement while on this protocol to remove those heavy metals, along with consuming plenty of probiotic rich foods to keep your gut healthy so it can assimilate your food and supplements fully. Take a vitamin D3 supplement also at around 5000 IU's a day to build up your immunity. Don't forget, lots and lots of cilantro too.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Apr 05, 2018
My regimen... help?
by: D

Hi, I’ve been following this protocol for maybe a month and a half now. I was infected in early February and started my detox as soon as my outbreak ended (maybe February 29th). I started with just salads, but my body craved meat so I was eating fish for a few days but stopped completely. Maybe even before the month of February ended.

I wanted to know, now that it’s been a full month without meat, I've received my oregano oil, olive leaf extract, and colloidal silver last month and have been using them as instructed by a friend that cured his hsv in three months with your help. I’m not saying I will have the same result as quickly as he did but I did notice that when I started using the products I felt some of the symptoms of an outbreak but no sores or anything - just some mild burning/tingling and itching. Is that good? Or should I try to bring up a real outbreak with grapefruit juice?

This disease has really torn down my self esteem and I really want to be rid of it as soon as possible. Again, I know it takes time and I’m willing to be as committed and by the book as I can. Will trying to eradicate the virus as soon as you’re exposed to it kill it easier? Also, I am in college so being able to purchase groceries often is a bit hard but I try to make it work. I try to buy berries to eat frequently but not every week and I include cilantro and parsley to my salads every few days.

I don’t have the powders yet but I’m hoping to have them all by this month. I take OO, OLE (5 tabs now), and the colloidal silver every morning. Followed by any fruit I have on hand. Then, I have my salad: lettuce, herb (parsley or cilantro) when I can get it, chickpeas, and a few other veggies. Then a snack of fruit or pumpkin seeds. Followed by the same salad at night.

I also take the silver maybe x5 a day, 5 drops each. Then I take the oregano oil again at night.

Is there anything else you suggest?

Apr 05, 2018
Help With Oregano Oil
by: Anonymous

I'm having a difficult time with the oregano oil. I've burned my throat while drinking with water. I also read on the instructions that I should take a break one week out of the month. Kindly advise if I should continue without breaks and if there is an easier way to not burn my throat.

Apr 05, 2018
Help with diet
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy, I've been trying to follow this protocol for the past month in order cure myself of this virus. As of now my regimen is taking 100mg of chlorella a day, olivus OLE 2x/day (4 pills), 1000mg lysine 2x/day, st johns wort 500mg 2x/day, oregano oil diluted with coconut oil on my lower spine 2x/day, along with eating organic kale and spinach throughout the day in a salad (although I do add walnuts, craisins, organic dressing, and blue cheese to the salad). I also have an organic fruit smoothie daily for breakfast. I only drink bottled water and add oregano oil (around 10 drops) to 8oz of water 2x/day. I've been trying to buy wild caught fish but it is pricey especially with buying all of the supplements. I do buy farm raised salmon because it is easier on the wallet but will consuming this hinder the effects of the supplements? Also, sometimes I cave and have a vegan burger (morning star brand) because I do not want to risk losing weight on this diet as I'm already thin. Is this a very poor diet to have? I'm in grad school in a doctorate program so I don't always have the time to make sure I eat right. Should I just stick to fruits and green vegetables to keep track on the diet? I'm really trying to do this but I feel like I'm all over the place with my diet and I'm feeling a little defeated.

Apr 06, 2018
Reply to D
by: Troy

Hi D. Firstly, it takes what it takes to get rid of the virus. You have to have this mindset to see it through. If you manage to get rid of it sooner like your friend did then great, but don't focus on how quickly you can eradicate it, it wont help you. Have the mindset that you're in it for the next 12 months and only focus on this. With the tingling, etc, this is quite normal. You can, and probably will, still get breakouts too so be ready for these. This is also quite normal. Don't try and bring the virus out at this early stage. There is no benefit to this. Now, in regards to what you're doing, don't forget the 3 crucial steps with the oregano oil. All 3 need to be done. Also look to take a wheat grass powder or chlorella powder daily, along with a good quality probiotic supplement, to help your body detox and remove those heavy metals. In addition, begin the the hydrogen peroxide protocol as soon as possible. The BHT would also be handy, but if not, the suggestions above should still suffice. Remember, detoxing is the key so be sure to eat lots of detoxing foods, especially detoxifying herbs and spices... 15 Foods & Herbs for a Super Powered Detox.

Hope this helps you D.

All the best to you!

Apr 06, 2018
Reply to "Help With Oregano Oil" Comment
by: Troy

If the oregano oil is burning then have it with more water. It doesn't matter how diluted it is. In regards to taking a break, you can certainly do this if you feel you need to. Personally, I don't think any more than a 2-3 day break each month is needed. You want to still make sure you're receiving the full effects of the oil.

Hope this helps! :)

Apr 06, 2018
Reply to "Help With Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Farm raised fish should definitely not be eaten. If wild caught salmon is too expensive then maybe look at organic chicken instead (100 grams daily only). Yes, it's still more expensive than hormone raised chicken, but less expensive than wild caught salmon. You can't go wrong with fresh fruits, vegetables and salads. Also look to incorporate the hydrogen peroxide protocol into your plan as well, it works extremely well.

Don't feel defeated. One step at a time. You don't need to have your diet, etc, down pat straight away. Even small changes made every week will make a difference and add up over the long term.

Keep it up!

Best regards. :)

Apr 06, 2018
by: Winnie

Hello, I have a question. I have taken colon cleansers for years and have only been drinking alkaline water for years so I wouldn’t have a backed up colon or an overload of heavy metals i don't think, but I got diagnosed with HSV2 almost a year ago. I started this protocol with also adding monolaurin at full dosage, hydrogen peroxide (the 25 drops 3x a day) and added 3 grams of AHCC a day. I haven’t experienced ANY DIE OFF EFFECTS AT ALL!!! I actually feel great. What’s wrong with me? Is it not working??

Apr 08, 2018
Help please!
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy! I recently was dignosed with HSV. I want to start your protocol ASAP to try and get this out of my body. I know you may have already said this in previous comments but I didn’t see it... do you have a list or website I can go to to follow so I know exactly what I need to get and do? I’m seeing a lot of different things and I don’t want to make this any more expensive or harder on myself than it has to be. I went out and bought myself a blender bottle, a blender and some silver spray (is there a specific kind I need?). Also, I know I need the oregano oil? Is there a specific kind I need for that? James says we need the 100% pure kind without olive oil but his is like $40 a bottle. I ordered some online that was 8.99. Will that work? I’m scared to death because I’m desperate for this to work but I feel overwhelmed already and I haven't even started. Also, I know going raw is the best way to do the detox. So that means basically just fruits veggies and salads? Can I put a small amount of dressing on the salad? I need help as I feel like I’ve read too much info and my brain is overwhelmed on what I really need to do. Thanks

Apr 08, 2018
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Thank you for responding about the oregano oil Troy. I'm having a difficult time not incorporating bread in my diet. Is there any bread and dressings I am allowed to eat? Also, I can't find organic cassava anywhere. Is it okay to use the frozen regular yucca? Kindly advise. Really trying to keep up with the supplements too. Single mom with a 21 month old, it gets very pricey and time consuming trying to keep up with the regime.
All of your help is appreciated.

Apr 10, 2018
Travel Question
by: Maggie


I've been following the protocol for 45 days now. I do the lysine, Vitamin C, colloidal silver, OO, and OLE, along with salmon, chicken, wild rice, some veggies, organic chicken stock, sprouted grain bread, berries of all kinds, etc. I also drink three antioxidant shakes daily with chlorella, wheatgrass, spirulina, camu camu, maca, maqui, pomegranate, acai and goji powder.

I have to travel for work next week. I can bring all the stuff for my shakes and supplements, I'm just worried about the food part since I'm staying in a hotel and can't make my own food. Do you have suggestions? I've followed the protocol perfectly, with the exception (and if you have suggestions or if I should change something, please advise) with a bite of mashed potatoes I had once.....I'm so scared I'm going to lose progress!


Apr 14, 2018
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

I used to be a heavy weed and cigarette smoker and I am trying to quit for this protocol. I've done really well so far. I smoke no cigarettes but smoke weed maybe 5 times a month? Its non-organic skunk. I've made great progress but a lot of my friends do it and it's the one thing I enjoy (I'm currently at university, I don't go out so I can stick to my routine and make sure I'm not tempted to sway in my diet). I'm having a hard time cutting down anymore though... once a week max would be nice to allow? I'll continue to try I guess but it's a toughie. Am I nullifying my efforts by smoking a joint once a week?


Apr 16, 2018
Reply to Winnie
by: Troy

Die off effects or Herxheimers is not a prerequisite to this protocol working Winnie. If you were fairly healthy to begin with then you will definitely experience less detoxing reactions than someone who wasn't so kind to their body before they began. Feeling well is a good thing. You're on the right track.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Apr 16, 2018
Reply to "Help Please" Comment
by: Troy

The first thing you should do is take a step back. There's no need to rush into this. Give your brain time to digest everything. Even if this takes several weeks, it doesn't matter, it's not a race. In regards to what you should be doing, the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver (liquid not spray), BHT/St John's Wort, HP protocol, along with taking a good quality green food supplement (wheat grass or chlorella) and probiotics are the essentials. Of course, following a raw food diet and detoxing (yes, mainly fruits and vegetables), as well as keeping your stress levels to a minimum, are also crucial. What is the brand of oregano oil you have? The New Age oil is expensive, I agree, but it works extremely well. Zane Hellas oregano oil is also very good... ZANE HELLAS Wild Pure Greek Essential Oil of Oregano.

Take a look at Vincent's routine in the comments section here (April 5th 2018 comment - Daily Routine Revised)... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2). It's very close to the mark of what you need to do. The only thing I recommend you include is the hydrogen peroxide protocol.

Hope this helps you out.

All the best! :)

Apr 16, 2018
H202 in UK
by: Rich

Hi Troy... Can I just say you're an amazing guy giving your time and expertise to so many of us. I too, like everyone else, have just found out I have herpes via a red patch and a visit to a Dermatologist who thinks my rash/sore is a breakout. I know I got this from a girl I saw back in Jan/Feb... annoying I know. I have most of the bits I need to get started, antioxidants, OO and coconut oil, etc. Going to go and get some OLE from Holland and Barrett health store over here in the UK. My question is I've looked online and it's now illegal to sell 35% HP in the UK. The highest percentage I can get online is only 12%, Garden of Eden brand. Is 12% any good? What do you recommend I do if this is such an important part of the procedure to rid myself of this? I have faith in both what you and James are saying, that we do not have to live with this forever. I wish I could talk to the girls, Jessica and Heather who have cured this with your help and protocol.
Many thanks. Hopefully you get time to reply to this. I know you're a busy guy.

Apr 16, 2018
Question before getting started...
by: BD

Hi Troy! This has given me so much hope to rid myself of this awful virus and I am so thankful I found it. I first came across the protocol in November of last year and I will be starting the protocol May 1st. I've read all of the comments but I haven't seen anything posted about oral contraceptives/birth control. Are these ok to continue taking while doing this? Also, another girl question, are tampons ok to use while doing this as well? Sorry if... awkward.

Apr 16, 2018
Reply to Rich
by: Troy

Hi Rich. Yes, this seems to be a bit of a problem for you guy's over there in the UK, however, it's easy to overcome. You can still buy the 12% food grade HP as you've said... Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 12%. So all you do is triple the amount to make up the 35% grade. So for instance, on day one of the One Minute Cure protocol you're supposed to have 3 drops of the 35% food grade HP 3 times a day. Instead, with the 12% grade you have 9 drops of the HP 3 times for the day. On day 23 it's 25 drops of the 35% grade 3 times daily. You will need to have roughly 75 drops of the 12% grade 3 times for that day to get the same amount. The down side to this is it takes extra time to measure/count out the amount of drops, but at least you can still do it. The HP is an important part of this protocol and crucial to ridding your body of the virus.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Rich! :)

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to "Thank you" Comment
by: Troy

Wow, being a single mom with a 21 month old is challenging enough, so I take my hat off to you for following this protocol as well. That's certainly no easy feat.

In regards to your questions, frozen yucca is fine if that's all you can find. For some healthy bread alternatives, have a read of this article... 10 Healthy Ways to Replace Conventional Wheat Bread. I would recommend, however, that you avoid the corn tortillas (most corn is GMO), along with the ezekiel bread and rye bread (because of the gluten). As far as dressings for salads, etc, organic apple cider vinegar and cold pressed olive oil are your best and healthiest options.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to Maggie
by: Troy

My reply may be a bit late for you Maggie. Hopefully you managed to work out your eating regimen while you were away. When you travel or if you ever find yourself stuck and not able to prepare your own food then finding a restaurant that supplies healthy meals is your best option. And don't be afraid to tell them what you want added/not added, etc. Most eating places are very accommodating these days since so many people suffer from food allergies and the like. :)

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

Non-organic cannabis contains chemicals, but then so does non-organic fruits and vegetables. Cannabis can also cause breakouts in some herpes sufferers, so be weary of this. I can't tell you what to do Kay, you have to decide. What I will say is that smoking cannabis 4 times a month is certainly better than 5 times a month. As I say to everyone... do the best that you can. I also applaud the fact that you've given up the cigarettes - that's not an easy thing to do.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Apr 17, 2018
Reply to BD
by: Troy

Birth control pills do contain chemicals, however, if this is the only form of birth control available to you or that you're comfortable using, then of course, it would be wise to continue. In regards to using tampons, this is actually a good question. Regular tampons (Tampax, etc) are not good and contain many toxic ingredients. You can now buy organic cotton tampons, which are a much better and safer choice.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Apr 18, 2018
Genital HSV1?
by: Anonymous

I’ve been going pretty strong with this raw diet and taking the supplements for removing heavy metals from my body. But I have a question... a friend of mine had an outbreak during this protocol about three weeks in. I was diagnosed with genital HSV1 in mid to early February 2018 and have been on the protocol since the week after my first outbreak. I haven’t had any breakouts at all since. I couldn’t begin the oregano oil and tablet till around late March but I was raw the entire time. Since the supplements, I’ve only had some mild burning and itching, like an outbreak, but no bumps or sores whatsoever.

My friend had HSV2 and realized he was cured after eating nuts, chocolate and grapefruit towards the end of his second month to see if he would trigger anything. I was hoping to try in May to see if I can trigger any outbreaks since it will be my third month and I’ve heard HSV1 is easier to eradicate. But I’m still very unsure since I haven’t had a single outbreak during the protocol.

Is this due to the fact that HSV1 is in the genital area, where it isn’t usually found? Is not having an outbreak a bad thing? Is this working? I’m doing almost everything exactly right.

Even though he was cured before me, my friend has been helping me through my journey and says that I try to trigger an outbreak to see if I should retest now.

Apr 19, 2018
Reply to "Genital HSV1" Comment
by: Troy

Don't be in a rush to try and force a breakout. Be patient with this. I know it's hard when you see your friend getting rid of the virus so quickly, but as I constantly say, everybody is different. Personally, I would wait until you're at the 6 month mark (at least) but it's up to you. What you're doing is obviously working, but think about this... you've only been on the oregano oil for a month. I suggest you give it more time to really get in and work. It will be worth it. You're on the right though so keep going!

All the best! :)

Apr 19, 2018
Follow up on taking birth control medication
by: Teresa

Hi Troy,
I was reading the comments on this post and noticed BD's question about birth control. Before I started the protocol I researched interactions between herbal supplements and birth control. I found that St. John’s Wort can cause birth control to be less effective. Sometimes it can cause problems through bleeding as well (that ended up happening to me). I just thought I’d put that out there in case others are using birth control as their only method of contraceptives.

Apr 20, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hello. Thank you for all the information provided. I plan on starting my journey very soon. A few questions before I begin. Is quinoa and brown rice ok to eat? Also, is it alright to have baked chicken and fish with this diet? Your response is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Apr 22, 2018
Skin care?
by: Anonymous

I’m almost on my third month of the protocol and I’ve noticed my skin making some pretty weird changes. I’ve always had dry skin and in the beginning of my detox my skin felt very dry and uncomfortable — all over. Now that my body is used to this diet I am feeling a bit better skin wise, but I’m still very dry around my arms and legs.

Do you recommend anything to help with the scars from sores in the past? I haven’t had an outbreak since my initial one in February.

Also, I’m interested in trying a diy mask to rid myself of the dark marks on my face, but I wanted to make sure the ingredients won’t effect the protocol:

Honey (raw or natural)
Milk (or is almond milk an okay substitute?)
Lemon juice
Apple cider vinegar
Aloe Vera juice

Apr 22, 2018
Thank you/Starting Protocol/Share Cure
by: James

Dear Troy, I just found your website and will be starting the protocol soon after my first IgG test. I have a personal blog with over 300,000 views and I can promise you I will write about your method and protocol if I am healed from my HSV2. I admire your consistency and dedication to your followers. I just hope that it will work. Apart from your 3 testimonials, can you confirm you have others that have healed from HSV2? If they have, I don’t understand why some of them wouldn’t write a book or create a website to share their life-changing event. I personally want to see people on YouTube or through their blog explaining how they cured herpes. Thank you and I will be in touch.

Apr 25, 2018
Reply to Teresa
by: Troy

Yes, St John's Wort is one herb that can cause pharmaceutical drugs to be less effective, so it definitely pays to check first. Thanks for sharing Teresa. :)

Apr 25, 2018
Reply to "Diet" Comment
by: Troy

Quinoa is fine. Go for black rice over brown rice, it's much better for you and more nutrient dense. Baked fish (wild caught salmon) and organic chicken are fine, but no more than 100 grams of chicken and 150 grams of fish per day should be eaten. :)

Apr 25, 2018
Reply to "Skin Care" Comment
by: Troy

Nothing beats organic coconut oil for moisturizing the skin. It's very effective and perfectly safe (don't forget to consume it internally as well). In regards to your DIY face mask, everything on your list is fine, except for the milk - only because it would be pasteurized milk (I'm gathering?) I would go with the almond milk instead if I were you. :)

Apr 25, 2018
Reply to James
by: Troy

Hi James. Off the top of my head I think there have been 5 people, could be 6, who have tested negative after following this protocol. Unfortunately, most people either don't see it through or fall off the wagon at some point, which is why I believe there aren't more. The only person I know of that is putting together a website/blog about his experience is Eric. Why don't more people do this? I don't know to be honest? Most just want to get on with their lives again after receiving that negative test. Virtually every person who finds out they have herpes says the same thing... it totally consumes you. You think about it 24/7. I suppose we can't blame the people who've been successful for wanting to live again and leave this part of their lives behind. With that said, I would love to see people blogging, YouTubing, etc, about their success. It would definitely help other sufferers in a big way.

Good luck and all the best to you James!

Apr 26, 2018
Citrus? Chicken?
by: Anonymous

Hi, I was going through some of the older comments and found that you said citrus and grapefruit can provoke outbreaks. Well, I have access to oranges and grapefruits in the mornings at my schools dinning Hall and honestly I’ve been eating them for the last two months. At least one a day. Not grapefruit, but oranges. I’ve been eating a lot these the last two days though, due to a mild cold I have.

I won’t lie, when I first started eating them at the beginning of the protocol, I felt a slight burn or tingle in my genital area (hsv1) but I never had an outbreak. Now, I eat oranges almost 4 times a day with no problems. Does this mean anything?

I know grapefruit is the real test to see if you still have the virus but I don’t think I should try that yet. Also, I go to college and rely on a majority of my food to come from my dining hall. It’s the only place I can get an abundance of veggies and fruits.

I have my own berries and cilantro though that I eat daily. Especially within this last few weeks. I did have a bit of grilled chicken breast a couple of days ago, the first time in almost three months. Is this okay. It was only a small piece that I didn’t even finish. I was afraid it would damage things.

Apr 26, 2018
Getting ready to start
by: Matthew

Hello Troy, I discovered your site after a week of searching for hope. Thank god for you man. I was diagnosed with hsv2 one month ago. At the same time I found out I also have hep C. I have read all your info and most of your Q&A pages. After countless hours of researching and getting a glimpse of hope I am determined to heal myself of this. I am about to do a 10 week master cleanse and then start your protocol. I have a few questions that I would appreciate so much if you could find the time to answer them. I have many less questions after reading your thread. It has helped greatly with my depression...

1. If I need to take acyclovir, Advil for pain, or Zyrtec for allergies. Will these mess with the protocol?

2. I drink high quality beer every night. Which I am weening off since it's been part of my life forever. I am truly determined to destroy this virus whatever it takes. Would it completely throw everything off if I have a beer every now and then?

3. Are there any vitamins or supplements that could interfer with the protocol?

4. Can I fast during the year of treatment?

5. Is it ok to use liquid amino acids because they contain arginine?

6. I will be getting the 3 month pharmaceutical pills to cure my hep C. Will these pollute my body or effect it negatively in my healing in any way?

7. I was going to use Shilajit, but read it has low levels of heavy metals. Probably better to stay away from any heavy metals?

8. I read that BHT can effect the liver in different ways. Could it counteract with the hep C or the hep C medication?

9. I have only seen testimonials from women being results negegitive hsv2. Have you known any men to be cured?

Thank you soooo much for all the information and for giving so many people hope again.

Apr 26, 2018
Just Curious (don't yell at me for testing early! ;) )
by: Maggie

So my original IgG was 22.30 for HSV1 - infected in May of 2017. I've been on the protocol for 60 days and just was curious to see what my body was doing and was able to test again for not a lot of money. I had no unrealistic expectations being this early on for being cured or anything like that. My IgG came back higher at 32.90. I'm curious as to the science that would explain this. Is it possible that by waking up or poking at the virus, the antibody count increased to better fight it off? Was curious as to your thoughts on why this might happen.

Thanks again for all you do!

Apr 26, 2018
Heather, Jessica, Stacy
by: I am that I am

Hi Troy,

I have seen yourself and a few other people mention a 3rd lady "Stacy" that removed the virus from her body. Where can I find her testimony? I looked throughout this post and didn't see her anywhere.


Apr 29, 2018
Road to recovery
by: Adriana

I have had Hsv2 since the 20th of February 2016. I knew from that moment on I had to do something. From then I researched everything I could and that was when I came across James destroy disease. I started his regimen in April of that year. Although now looking back at it I think I was not eating correctly with it. For example I ate more corn chips and salsa with cheese than anything. I really didn’t understand that I needed to be on a raw and high antioxidant vegan diet. After a couple of months of eating what I thought was raw and using oregano oil, I got tested and my IgG level was 4.31. At that point I let go of the oregano oil and went on to a new regimen, Dherbs as well as Dr Sebi’s products. My diet has been sometimes raw sometimes vegan and sometimes vegetarian while using these products. I will say that I haven’t consumed meat at all in these two years.

Recently My igg levels reached 2.06. It should have went down more after two years but my eating habits have not been consistent or healthy.

I am just now starting to eat completely raw, taking my dHerbs (anti v cleanse), applying oregano oil (2x a day) and colloidal silver (5x a day). I literally just recently discovered colloidal silver after these last two years.

In the morning I consume a mix berry shake with home made hemp milk. Quinoa with lots of cilantro, parsley, and cayenne pepper for lunch. And a big kale salad for dinner with plenty of cilantro and cayenne peppers. I plan on consistently sticking to this diet until I get tested again, which will probably be in a month. (The last time I got tested was a month ago).

This has been a long journey that I am ready to be over! I have learned a lot from it and have spent a lot of $$$ with all the herbs I have been using. I could have saved a lot of $$$ if I stuck to a clean raw vegan diet completely, instead I got caught up eating very unhealthy at times. I will say I am happy that my igG level has never gone over a 4.31 in these years but I wish I would have stuck to eating right because it would sped up the process!

Anyways, I am glad for this website because it helps so much to get motivation from people that are going through the same situation and are providing free information to help heal herpes. No one knows what we go through but us! Big respects to you Troy.

Sorry if my story is all over the place but I will defiantly keep everyone updated on my recovery. I hope soon to be cured with what I am doing now. I suggest eating raw alkaline vegan foods because that’s when I see the best results. My igG went from 2.36-2.06 in two weeks once I started eating raw vegan alkaline foods along with only consuming Dherbs (anti v cleanse) and oregano oil (2x a day, orally 3 times a day).

Hang in there everyone. We've all got this!

*Oh yeah and I heard that you should be careful about how much fructose that you consume while cleansing because sugar (whether good or bad) feeds the virus. I limit myself to less than 30 grams of sugar a day.

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to "Citrus? Chicken?" Comment
by: Troy

If oranges aren't affecting you then continue to eat them. Hold off on the grapefruits though. Give your body a chance to fight the virus first before testing it out. When you do, eat plenty of grapefruits - you want to know for sure if the virus is gone. In regards to chicken... it should be organic chicken and if you're going to eat it, no more than 100 grams per day. If you can go without it and focus on the raw food/eating plan then this is definitely best. The only reason you should include chicken in your diet is if you're losing obscene amounts of weight. If not, try and leave it out.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to Matthew
by: Troy

Hi Matthew. Lets go through your questions one at a time...

Firstly, doing the 10 week cleanse first is an excellent idea. With the acyclovir, most people stay on it in the beginning and slowly wean themselves from it. Pharmaceuticals (all of them) contain chemicals and additives so avoiding them is the best option (including the pain killers and allergy medications). If this is not possible then at least use them sparingly. Beer? No good. A glass of NATURAL beer every now and then would probably be okay though. Remember, you don't want to undo all of your hard work. Don't know of any vitamins and supplements that would interact with this protocol - no one has ever had a problem. Remember though, with the BHT you must take it separate from everything else (except the St Johns Wort and coconut oil of course), particularly when it comes to the vitamin C. Keep these two completely separate. Fasting is perfectly fine, however, you still should continue to take your supplements, especially the wheat grass/chlorella and probiotics for the nutrients and continued detoxing. With the liquid aminos, you can only try them. Be careful though, many liquid amino supplements contain additives, preservatives, etc. I can't comment at all on the medication you're planning to take for your hepatitis C (not allowed to, sorry). In regards to the Shilajit, this supplement is extremely good. I recommend you use it if you can. The heavy metal content is very low, almost non-existent. Just make sure you go with a quality supplier. Read this article before you go out and buy some... Shilajit: The Ancient Brain-Boosting, Hormone-Regulating Medicinal Herb. The BHT will actually help cure your hepatitis C ... A Natural Cure for Hepatitis B&C That Works although I don't know what effect/interaction the BHT will have with the hep C medication you're planning to take. You'll need to speak with your doctor about this. You can read about Eric and some of the guy's who've managed to rid themselves of HSV in Heather's article/testimonial here... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2).

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Matthew!

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to Maggie
by: Troy

Getting retested 2 months in is a waste of time and actually does you more harm than good (you begin to have doubts and experience that sinking feeling your gut, which does not help you at all). While your body is detoxing, antibody levels will rise. The reason? Your immune system is under extra stress, and when the immune system is under duress, antibody levels in the body go up. This is a normal occurrence. Even if you have a slight cold or are feeling a bit run down your levels will rise. Remember, an IgG test only measures antibody levels, not the actual level of the virus in your body. At two months your body is still well and truly in the detoxing phase. My advice, don't get rested for another 9 months at least. Like I said, there is zero benefit and nothing to gain from regular testing. :)

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to I am that I am
by: Troy

You can find Stacy's posts in the comments below Heather's article... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2). :)

Apr 30, 2018
Reply to Adriana
by: Troy

Thanks for your post Adriana. You make some interesting and good points. I would caution you about getting rested after only 2 months since your last test. You would be better off waiting longer. Give your body time to work it's magic. Regular testing is unnecessary and counterproductive in my opinion. Your choice of course.

All the best to you Adriana!

May 03, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have been following this regimen for 4 months now and my IgG levels have gone down to 1.30 for HSV2. I am going to continue to do the raw food diet, but I am just asking is it okay to start having protected sex? Will having sex ruin everything? My partner knows that I am doing the regimen and sees that I’m healing so is this okay?

May 03, 2018
Oil internal sores?
by: Anonymous

I have genital hsv1 and I think I'm having an outbreak during this protocol. There aren’t any outer bumps that I can see, but there is an internal pain. Is the oregano oil safe to use internally?

May 08, 2018
Reply to "Sex" Comment
by: Troy

Sex wont ruin anything. Of course, and like you said, make sure you take the necessary precautions for your partners sake until you get that negative test/all clear. :)

May 08, 2018
Reply to "Oil internal sores" Comment
by: Troy

Oil of oregano is safe for internal use BUT you must make sure the oil you have is safe for oral use. Some oregano oils are essential oils, meaning they can only be used externally. The oil should say if it's fit for internal use (and remember, always dilute as recommended). The Zane Hellas brand of OO is the best if you can get it.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 18, 2018
Message for Everyone... PLEASE READ!
by: Troy

Hi everyone. People have been asking me if "Keeva" on the BSupportive chat website/forum is really Jessica. I can confirm that, after speaking to Jess today, it is/was definitely her. She initially went on the forum to see if she could help anyone, but after seeing the negative comments, people saying that "Jessica" does not really exist and her testimonial/story is fake, she ended up posting a bunch of pretty harsh (but needed) comments. To say she was upset is an understatement. Here's what she said...

"Look, I'm sorry that I haven't been on this site for a while, I am pretty busy with university. Yes I am Jessica off Troys site. And no I am not a false testimonial and I find it kind of insulting that people would insinuate that. I can appreciate you are skeptical. Let me make one thing very clear, EACH PERSON IS PHYSIOLOGICALLY UNIQUE. What will work for me, will not definitely work for you. What Troy has provided on the site is a FRAMEWORK of a protocol that you can follow. Both Heather and myself put a substantial amount of research into our regimes before we began. We both also completed intensive heavy metal detoxes before we started. As stated in my story, I even had herbs that I helped select with my herbalists made for me on a regular basis, I attended hot yoga, was extremely selective with what I ate and at no point viewed this as being a process that could be rushed. Don't whinge about it, you can do it. And if you feel you aren't getting anywhere with the protocol go back to square one and review, there could be something you are missing, or something that is causing you to react. It is not fair to be frustrated with a protocol that obviously cannot be catered to your individual needs. That is why I suggested working closely with a well trusted natural healer while you completed this.

I put in the hard work, I sacrificed so much of my life to get where I am, I am only 21. I didn't whinge or bitch or cry about it, I sucked it up and I did it. Because for me there was never any other option. I was not prepared to live with this and now I don't. I did this by myself, with virtually no guidance from anyone. So unless you're coming from a positive place, and actually want to ask me some constructive questions, I would seriously reassess if doing something like this is right for you. And also, I did not cheat, not a SINGLE TIME. Not with food, or weed, or alcohol. Do not underestimate the sacrifice and the level of difficulty. You have to decide whether or not it is worth being free of the virus for the rest of your life.

I am sending all of you love, and I'm sorry if my responses were harsh, but you have got to snap out of some of these negative attitudes. You're in survival mode okay? Your body is going through a healing crisis. Work through it".

Jess is not planning to go back on this forum again, which is a shame. To be honest, I'm a bit pissed too. I'm sick of Jess's and Heather's testimonials/stories being called scams, lies and made up by me. If you don't believe their stories are true then move on, it's as simple as that. Also, both of these ladies committed 100% to getting rid of this virus. Neither one cheated, broke their diet, ate or drank something they shouldn't have or broke their supplementation regime, not once! There was no back door for them. Living with this virus wasn't an option for either of them, and as such, they did what they had to do to get rid of it. And neither cared how long it was going to take. I never once had Heather or Jess ask me how long it was going to take for them to kill the virus... it took what it took, period.

I still hear from Heather, and Jess, occasionally. They have gotten on with their lives but still keep in touch every now and then. They are both amazing women and I have the utmost respect for both of them, and quite frankly, I'm sick and tired of people bad mouthing them and calling them fakes. These ladies do not deserve this. I recommend everyone reads Jessica's comment above again. If you aren't willing to commit fully to getting rid of this virus then maybe the time is not right for you at this point in your life. Maybe you should wait until it is. People always ask me... "can I still drink alcohol" "can I still smoke cannabis" "can I still eat those processed corn chips", etc, etc? Of course, you can do whatever you like. I'm not your mom. But just remember, every negative thing you do takes you further away from your goal. Every positive thing you do brings you closer to your goal.

As always, I'm here to answer any questions (that haven't already been asked of course) and help those who genuinely want to be helped.

Best of luck to you all!

May 20, 2018
by: Kat50

I have been drinking bottled water and I think I read that you are not supposed to drink bottled water somewhere. It needs to be alkalized filtered water? Can you help me figure out how I can get this? What brand or what I should get to make it? I certainly don't have a lot of money at this time. Also, trying to buy little by little of everything so I can start this program. I already take L lysine and take it with grass fed Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides - 18 grams of protein with 2 scoops. Has alot of amino acids. Hope this is good to take. What about purified bottled water?

May 20, 2018
Oregano oil caps
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I recently purchased the oregano oil capsules that I've seen you recommend in other comments as unfortunately the liquid form makes me sick. I just wanted to clarify how many capsules I need to take per day in order for it to have the same effect as the liquid form?

Look forward to hearing from you!
Many thanks

May 21, 2018
It's working for me - 7 months
by: Anonymous

I am seven months in. No outbreak in two months now. I only get subtle tingling sometimes and then I axe that with 500mg of BHT immediately, along with the rest of the protocol. Things definitely got worse before they got better. I also practice 1 hour of meditation daily (guided), and listen to Dr. Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks and Louise Hay. I plan to continue for at least one full year.
I agree that the protocol is a framework, and you have to find a way to make it work for you independently and suit you personally. But don't give up. I can't guarantee a negative result - I am not there yet and won't even test myself until the one year mark or until I am symptom free for a period of five months. But I've even tried some of my known triggers in the past two weeks and I am not even getting tingles. So it is working for me.

Peace, Love and Health to you all.

And thank you Troy.

May 22, 2018
Reply to Kat50
by: Troy

Buying a filtered water pitcher such as ZeoWater or Brita is the best option if money's a bit tight. These aren't overly expensive and you can fill your water bottles with these to take with you during the day. They also work out to be much less cheaper overall than having to pay for bottled water.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 22, 2018
Reply to " Oregano Oil Caps" Comment
by: Troy

The dosage is one capsule a day of the Zane Hellas softgels. You could increase this to two a day after 6-8 weeks if you're feeling no ill effects but this would be the maximum. :)

May 22, 2018
Reply to "It's Working for Me" Comment
by: Troy

You're definitely on the right path and doing well. The meditation part is actually so important. I don't really talk enough about just how important and crucial it is. Stress hurts the body in so many bad ways. Meditation and/or relaxation do the opposite. You can follow the "perfect" protocol for getting rid of herpes, cancer, or any other disease or pathogen, but if you're continually stressed then it just isn't going to work... nothing is going to work! By the way, the teachings of Abraham are my favorite. I love listening to Esther Hicks.

All the best to you! :)

May 23, 2018
by: Adm

I want to ask you, I am doing this protocol but feel very weak. I don't eat any kind of meat and don't want to eat it. What about me taking this HGH supplement?

Proprietary Blend Content:
L-Arginine (L-Arginine HCI)
L-Lysine HCI
Astragalus Extract (Astragalus membranaceous)
Deer Antler Velvet
GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric acid)
Phosphatidyl Choline

What do you think?

Thank you for what you do for us and all the best to every one here.

May 24, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
Thank you for all the information you provide on this site. I have started the protocol and am on a completely raw diet. I was a little curious to see how this would be so I went to get an IgG test done after about 2 weeks. I was bummed to see that it went up about 1.5 points. I know I shouldn't have done it so soon but I just wanted to see if the protocol was working.
Do you know as to why this would happen?


May 24, 2018
Bottled Spring Water & Vitamin C
by: Kat50

Oh my! Zephyrhills brand of spring water has fluoride added in their water. 2 brands locally that do not that I just discovered are Crystal Springs Natural Water (blue and white package) and Evian. I am racking my brain trying to get a protocol and a schedule. I like Victors protocol with the food grade hp, combined with both of Jessica's and Heather's smoothies. Planning on soaking my feet in Epsom salt 10 to 15 min a day. Thank you so much for your much needed help. Is time release vitamin C a no no? Guess I should do a detox first too. I have had this virus for years. Was not aware at first. Sacral hv2 only one spot. Recently it got more frequent and a different location for the first time. That hit me hard. Very upsetting. Thank God I found you!

May 28, 2018
Olive leaf extract
by: Mrs F

Good day Troy. I trust that you are well. I'm concerned about the oleuropein that's 25% in the Olivus capsules. Does the oleuropein have to be 25%? I cannot find any other olive leaf extract capsule in my country with oleuropein higher than 20%. Will 20% be sufficient or can I increase the intake of the 20% oleuropein capsules to achieve the suggested 25%?

Thank you


May 29, 2018
Reply to Adm
by: Troy

This supplement is no good for two reasons... number one it's high in arginine, which can exacerbate breakouts, and number two it's not raw/fresh, it's synthetically made. If you're lacking energy then look to eat more foods such as sweet potato, cilantro, asparagus, low sugar fruits such as berries and sauerkraut, along with drinking lots of lemon water (filtered water with a slice of lemon added). Raw, fresh foods are what you need, not a synthetic bodybuilding pill. Have a read of some of the comments here and under Heather's story for more ideas and tips.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

May 29, 2018
Reply to "Concerned" Comment
by: Troy

The protocol wont start to work after two weeks, not even close. Your body hasn't even really started to detox and cleanse after this amount of time. You IgG levels will continue to rise in the short term, depending on when you were infected (I've written about this many times). That's just how it is. You must learn patience or else you wont make the 12 months. Stick to your plan and don't get tested again until AT LEAST the 8 month mark. Then you'll know exactly where you're at.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 29, 2018
Reply to Kat50
by: Troy

A time release vitamin C supplement combined with powdered vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is the best way to go and an excellent combination. Yes, a detox beforehand is a very good idea and sets your body up nicely for the protocol. Zephyrhills spring water is owned by Nestle and was recently on the list of "don't touch with a ten foot pole" bottled waters. You don't really need to buy bottled water and then filter it. This does work out to be quite expensive. If your filter is good, tap water is fine.

All the best to you Kat! :)

May 29, 2018
Reply to Mrs F
by: Troy

OLE capsules that contain 20% oleuropein can still be used. Yes, you will need to use a higher dosage though. Find the highest strength (super strength if possible) brand that you can and work up to taking 6-8 capsules daily. Do this and you should be fine.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

May 30, 2018
Olive leaf extract
by: Mrs F

Hi once again. I have one that's accessible to me however it's not labelled super strength. Its produced by a reputable company namely "Solal Technologies" and they have a wide list of herbal products in my country. Can you check this product for me and tell me if I can go ahead and use this product? Here is the link to the product description...

Thank you once again

Regards :)

Jun 03, 2018
About Diet
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
Are these okay to drink?
-Pasteurized camels milk
-Unsweetend Garden of Life Raw Organic Protein powder
-Organic Coconut milk

Jun 06, 2018
Allergic to olive leaf
by: Anonymous

I’m allergic to the olive tree, as evidenced by a recent allergy test (skin prick). Can I still consume olive leave extract? My allergy was rate 3 out of 6 (6 being most severe).

Jun 07, 2018
Reply to Mrs F
by: Troy

This olive leaf extract looks fine. They say only one capsule a day though, which is way to low of course. Start on two per day (one in morning and one at night on an empty stomach) and gradually increase the amount of a period of several weeks, even months if need be, until you get up to 4-6 capsules a day.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jun 07, 2018
Reply to "About Diet" Comment
by: Troy

No pasteurised foods should be consumed, so unfortunately this includes pasteurised camels milk. The protein powder you suggest is high in arginine and contains ingredients you cant even pronounce. I would not recommend this either. Coconut milk on the other hand is perfectly fine. Just make sure it's organic with no additives.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 07, 2018
Reply to "Allergic to Olive Leaf" Comment
by: Troy

I cant say for sure, that's a matter for you to discuss with your doctor (sorry). You are at the low end of the scale though. If it were me I would try the OLE at a low dosage (one capsule a day) and see how this goes. If I felt okay and suffered no adverse effects I would slowly increase the dosage. Remember, allergies are caused by low immunity, so building up your immune system is crucial. And the olive leaf extract is actually one of the best foods/supplements to help do this. :)

Jun 10, 2018
Love and healing
by: Genuinely determined 25 year old

I'm just here to ask if it's okay to slightly cook and saute certain vegetables in coconut oil while eating nothing but fruits and vegetables? Also, are things like fish okay for your diet and brown rice.
Thank you so much for you time and words.

Jun 14, 2018
Reply to Natalie
by: Troy

Sauteing your vegetables is fine Natalie, just don't overdo them. You must still eat raw vegetables though. Raw is when they're at their most powerful. Make a smoothie(s) every day with raw fruits and veggies, and herbs and spices of course, particularly cilantro, which you should be consuming as much as you possibly can. Fish is okay too. Wild caught fish such as salmon only (no more than 150 grams per day). Do not eat farmed fish. Instead of brown rice, eat black rice. It's much more nutritious.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 30, 2018
More Questions
by: Alex

Hello Troy I'm back with a few questions...
I'm 4 months in and everything seems to be going alright.

Is it okay that I mix cilantro, chlorella and diatomaceous earth all in 1 smoothie every night? Or does the chlorella specifically need to be separate?

If I add hydrogen peroxide to my protocol will it be at all effective if I take it only once a day? It will be much too hard to fit in for 3x a day.
I think this is all for now. Thank you

Jul 02, 2018
Reply to Alex
by: Troy

Hi Alex. Firstly, the cilantro, chlorella and diatomaceous earth can all be mixed in a smoothie, no problems there. With the hydrogen peroxide, you cant have all the drops at once only once a day. This would not be good. Even first thing in the morning and last thing at night would be a better option. Also, we are finding that only staying on the HP until you complete the protocol cycle listed in the book, then dropping it completely works the best. So you do the 46 day protocol listed on page 74 of the book, however, once you get down to the "maintenance" dose she suggests, rather than staying on this you drop the HP completely. Then 3-4 months later you repeat the protocol cycle again. This works very well.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Alex! :)

Jul 03, 2018
Ocular herpes
by: Wes

Hi Troy,
I have ocular herpes. Should I rub oregano oil on my neck or my back? Is their any other supplements for my particular herpes problem? Would it be safe to drop cannabis oil into my eyes?

Jul 04, 2018
Reply to Wes
by: Troy

You still apply the oregano oil to the base of the spine, but you can also apply some to the back of the neck and the temples 3 times a week. Be careful though, you don't want the oregano oil to burn. Mix the oregano oil and coconut oil as per our recommendations from our main article... Natural Herpes Cure. Add a little DMSO to the mix too if you have some. But as I said, be careful. You don't want the mixture to burn. It should only tingle a little. CBD oil can certainly be used in the eyes, and it's very effective at that. With pure cannabis oil (home made), I'm not sure. I would go with a good quality CBD oil myself. As far as anything else? You do exactly the same protocol. Ocular herpes is HSV1 but it can also be HSV2, believe it or not. Getting rid of it is the same regardless of where the virus is in the body. The only thing that differs really when treating it is the topical remedies. The internal treatment(s) do not change.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Wes! :)

Jul 05, 2018
Ocular herpes
by: Wes

Thank you very much for your time and help Troy. I really appreciate it.

Jul 06, 2018
Daily Routine
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, just wanted to get your advice if there's anything more I should be doing. I am 99% raw. Have only one boiled egg daily. As far as the supplements, I take everything at least 15-20 minutes apart to make sure it's all included.

My daily routine includes

Hydrogen Proxide Protocol 3x daily
OLE Max. I am at 8 capsules per day
Chlorella and Spirulina tablets in the AM and PM
New Age Oregano Oil in the AM and PM the way it's supposed to be taken (orally, on the spine, and under tongue with coconut oil)

I have at least 2 green smoothies daily which include cilantro, parsley, spinach, dandelion, wheat grass and lots of berries. Chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, organic coconut milk sometimes and included in this is 5000mg Vit C and Zinc. I also eat LOTS of mangoes, cherries, grapes, bananas, avocado, goji berries, organic seaweed snacks, and other veggies. I might have the antioxidant powders in a smoothie maybe once a week (I cant stand the taste).

At this point it's been almost 3 months. I've never had an actual visible breakout but since I got diagnosed in April I still feel the same (tingles and burning). What am I doing wrong?

Jul 12, 2018
Reply to "Daily Routine" Comment
by: Troy

I would recommend that you include the colloidal silver, along with probiotics (supplement and eating lots of probiotic rich foods), and if you can, the BHT. I know not everyone has access to BHT though. Apart from these, there's nothing you're doing wrong. Just make sure you test your pH level every day also to make sure your body stays in an alkaline state. This is important.

It's only been 3 months too, remember that. You need to be patient.

All the best to you!

Jul 15, 2018
Constant outbreaks
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I'm wondering if you know what Jessica and Heather's outbreaks were like before they started your protocol? I was diagnosed on May 19th of this year (primary outbreak) and have had constant outbreaks since then. Were they also taking valtrex?

Jul 17, 2018
Just diagnosed with genital HSV1
by: Anonymous

I was just diagnosed with genital HSV1 and I have a cold sore as well. I want to start this protocol and be rid of this. I just had an outbreak, so is it best to start right away/will it be easier to get rid of? I also love working out, I am doing a program including cardio and weightlifting. Is this going to affect my progress?

Jul 19, 2018
Getting started
by: Laretha

It seems as if a lot of people on here know exactly when they were infected. I have just recently been diagnosed but my partner does not have the virus. I am not sure how long it has been in my body. I have been using black seed oil twice daily but I did not change my diet. I would like to start the raw food diet and get these supplements but I wanted to know, is there a time limit on flushing out this disease? Is it possible that it has been in my body too long to cure??

Jul 19, 2018
Travel for work
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I travel for work and this is one of the main reasons I haven’t tried to start the protocol yet. What do you recommend for someone who travels 3 days of the week and doesn’t really have access to all that is needed to complete the protocol?

Thank you!

Jul 19, 2018
Starting again
by: Michelle B

Good evening Troy,

So I tried this protocol for 3 months but had a lot of planning for my little girl's 2nd birthday. I gave in and cheated non stop. I am going to start again and going to do an herbal detox my acupuncturist is going to make for me. I'm a bit confused and would like some clarity on a few things. Is it okay to have organic peanut butter? Also, I would like to know if it is okay to just do the first three steps, or is it a must to do the bht and lysine? Also is pineapple okay to have with the chlorella or should I refrain from adding pineapple to my smoothies? I also would like to add some type of bread to my diet since I have already lost a lot of weight from the first three months I started. Which can I have? Are Corn tortillas or pita breads ok? Is it okay to eat brown rice? I want to get this right this second time around. My count was 3.19 last I checked. I also find that coconut oil is drying my skin. I tend to wash my hands a lot since I work in the medical field. Which is a better option for a skin moisturizer.
Thank you for your help. I greatly appreciate it.

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to "Constant Outbreaks " Comment
by: Troy

I don't know if they were taking Valtrex in the beginning. I would assume so. I do know that both of them had relentless breakouts in the beginning, right up to about the 6 month mark if I remember? Breakouts suck, no doubt about it, but you just have to deal with them the best you can and treat them topically as soon as you can. The quicker you can jump on them and treat them the faster you can get rid of them. :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to "Just diagnosed with genital HSV1" Comment
by: Troy

The sooner you start the better. However, you must be ready and willing to give it 100%, this is the most crucial part. It makes no difference if you're in the middle of a breakout or not. Once you have what you need, get things under way.

All the best!

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to Laretha
by: Troy

It doesn't matter how long you've had the virus for, you can still get rid of it 100%. With that said, generally speaking, the longer it's been in your body the longer it will take to destroy. The longer the virus has had time to replicate and propagate the longer it will take to get rid of. Unfortunately, that's just how it is. You have no control over this though. If it takes you 6 months or 2 years, it doesn't matter does it? You will be free from the virus forever, regardless of the time frame. :)

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to "Travel for Work " Comment
by: Troy

I suggest you leave it for time being until there's a point in your life when you can commit to it 100%. I know this is probably not what you wanted to hear but I would rather be honest with you than lead you up the garden path, so to speak. You must be able to take the supplements every day and commit to a raw food eating plan 7 days a week for this to be successful. There is no other way.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Jul 21, 2018
Reply to Michelle B
by: Troy

Hi Michelle. Firstly, the herbal detox you're going to be doing at the beginning is an excellent idea and will set you up nicely for the protocol. Now, natural peanut butter is okay, just not too much because peanuts do contain arginine. Pineapples are fine. With the rice, go with black rice over brown rice, it's much more nutritious. Bread (even bread alternatives) are better left out, however, if you find you cannot go without them then try some of these alternatives... 10 Healthy Ways to Replace Wheat Bread. Like I said, be sure to go easy on these. No you don't need the BHT or lysine as such, but they do help inhibit the breakouts. I would still try and incorporate the BHT if possible, along with the hydrogen peroxide (at least use one of these). Don't forget, getting your body alkaline is crucial so eat mostly alkaline foods (especially wheat grass, chlorella and cilantro). Give yourself a shot of baking soda (half a teaspoon mixed in a glass of filtered water) 3-4 times a week if need be to get your alkalinity up. Instead of using coconut oil as a moisturizer, try shea butter or castor oil instead.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Michelle! :)

Jul 21, 2018
Dental work and black cumin seed
by: Laretha

Hello again,
My dentist suggested that I get all of my wisdom teeth taken out. Will that process affect my condition in anyway? Should I try to wait until I am fully cured? Also, I hear alot about the benefits of black cumin seed oil for herpes. Have you had any experience with this oil? Do you think it is helpful?

Jul 22, 2018
Reply to Laretha
by: Troy

It depends on why your dentist has suggested you have all your wisdom teeth removed. If it's because of infection then yes, it would be a good idea to have it done now. If it's simply because they think it's worth doing then, personally, I would wait. Of course, at the end of the day the decision must be yours. In regards to black seed oil, yes this oil is very good and can certainly be added to your regimen, but it definitely shouldn't replace supplements such as the OLE, oregano oil, colloidal silver, etc.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Laretha! :)

Jul 31, 2018
Raw diet + supplements
by: Danny

Hi Troy,

I'm going to be starting a raw diet soon, but my ND has advised me against it because I am 5'2" and 110 lbs and he doesn't want me to lose too much weight. Is it ok to include fresh caught fish? Beans? Some nuts? Are all grains out, or can I have quinoa and brown rice?

As well, could you comment on my regime and tell me if I should add anything?

Lauric acid (9000 mg/day) - MedChem laboratories
Olive leaf extract (3 capsules/day) - Real European Olive leaf brand
Colloidal silver (5 tsp/day) - Sovereign silver
Oil of oregano (250 mg/day) - Zane Hella's soft gels
Zinc (70 mg/day) - Metabolic Maintenance
Lysine (3000 mg/day) - Designs for health
Propolis (200 mg/day) - Terry Naturally
Valtrex (500 mg/day)
St. John's Wort (600 mg/day) -Douglas labs
Vitamin C (4600 mg/day) - Usana
Vitamin D (8000 iu/day) - Usana
Hydrogen peroxide therapy as per your website
HP followed with OO mixed with coconut oil/DMSO on spine (once a day)
OO/coconut oil under tongue (once a day)

I also take calcium, fish oil, multivitamin, gingko, a liver support supplement, coquinone, saw palmetto, a turmeric/curcumin supplement, and an immune supplement with reishi and shiitake mushrooms.

Aug 01, 2018
Capsules instead of liquid form?
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I commented a couple of days ago about oregano oil capsules instead of the liquid form. I realise that a some point in the comment I said OLE when I actually meant oregano oil.

Look forward to hearing from you

Aug 02, 2018
Reply to Danny
by: Troy

Hi Danny. I agree with your ND. If you're already lean then keep a close eye on your weight. Wild caught salmon and organic chicken (100 grams of chicken, 150 grams of wild caught salmon) daily would be beneficial to keep your weight up. Quinoa and black rice (not brown or white) are also very good, along with beans and nuts (not too many though - high arginine content). The one obvious thing I see missing from your regimen is the BHT. You have the St Johns Wort listed but not the BHT? The reason you need the SJW is for the absorption of the BHT. That's really the only reason to have it. Everything else looks good.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 02, 2018
Reply to "Capsules instead of liquid form" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, taking the oregano oil capsules (soft gels) orally instead of the liquid is perfectly fine. Two of the Zane Hellas soft gel capsules are what you need each day (one in the morning and one at night). Don't forget, you still need to use the oregano oil with coconut oil on the base of your spine 6 times a week.

All the best!

Aug 05, 2018
by: Alex

Hello Troy.
I was more-so asking if taking hydrogen peroxide once a day at a low dosage would do anything? It just seems really hard to add anything else into my protocol.

I am currently 5 months in. Haven't had any breakouts but alot of tingling. I eat mostly fruit but I have slipped once in a while, eating something cooked like a veg patty. Going to continue though. I will beat this thing!

Aug 08, 2018
Reply to Alex
by: Troy

Not sure if once a day would be enough to be honest Alex, but hey, there's no harm in trying it. If you could at least do the HP twice a day, morning and night, I think that would certainly make a difference.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 17, 2018
Olive Leaf
by: Sammy

Hi Troy,

I am due to start the protocol. I introduced the Olive leaf extract (Swanson 750mg super strength 25% OLE) into my diet. This gave me stomach irritation and bad acne. I dropped down to 500mg of the 20% OLE 1-2 times per day and I am still getting bad acne. I have given my body a break but as soon as I resume the olive leaf the acne starts again. Any ideas as the olive leaf is such a big part of the protocol? Do you think I should try Lauric Acid treatment? There is not much research on this though.

Thanks for all the information you have provided so far.

Aug 17, 2018
Reply to Sammy
by: Troy

Hi Sammy. Yes the OLE is a big part of the protocol. Olive leaf extract doesn't usually cause acne, however, if your body is really detoxing hard then this can unfortunately be a detoxing side effect. Have a read of our article on natural remedies for acne for some handy tips... Best Natural Remedies & Home Treatments for Acne & Pimples. The apple cider vinegar in particular is very important, both for treating acne AND for treating herpes.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 17, 2018
Olive leaf
by: Sammy

Thanks Troy.
That’s really helpful and thanks for getting back to me so quick. If the acne is due to the body detoxing hard is that something which is likely to last the whole time I’m on the protocol or is it just temporary at the beginning?


Aug 17, 2018
Reply to Sammy
by: Troy

Difficult to say Sammy. It wont last for the whole time that you're on the protocol, but it could hang around for the next 3-4 months. Use some of the remedies listed in our article, particularly drinking the ACV and using it as a daily face wash. These will help tremendously.

All the best to you! :)

Aug 24, 2018
Outbreaks while doing protocol?
by: Danny

Hi Troy, thanks for getting back to me. I purchased the BHT but haven’t started it yet. I have to say since starting the protocol I have had far fewer outbreaks and they’ve been much more minor, but I’ve had 2 for sure. Is this normal? Should I expect outbreaks still? I’ve had this virus for about 4 months now (diagnosed 3 months ago).

Aug 26, 2018
by: Derek

Hi Guys,
I want to spread the word about the amazing HSV suppressive effects of MSM-methylsulfonylmethane (not to be confused with MMS).

For over 4 years I have personally tried just about everything to kill or completely silence HSV2 and nothing has worked as well as this stuff. I've even drank liters of colloidal silver, which, as I have discovered, on it's own cannot penetrate deep enough to kill the virus.

How I take it - Build up slowly to a teaspoon of MSM in a small glass of luke warm water, take twice daily and within a couple of weeks you shouldn't hear another peep out of the virus, not even the tiniest of OB's. I also mix some Vitamin C in with it.

It's worth noting that after a few weeks of me stopping the MSM I had an OB. I quickly resumed taking it and hey presto, no more problems! I have since decided to take this stuff on a permanent basis. Not only does it fully silence the virus, it's one of the best supplements you can take for your health! You will see a great improvement in your overall well being.

I heard about the effect of MSM on HSV when scouring the forums, saying people who've taken it had not had an OB for as long as 19 years. They continue to supplement with it. If you can permanently silence the virus then I'd say that is just about as good as killing it.

I'm not entirely sure how it works but I believe it's so effective due to the immuno-modulating effect MSM has on the body.
MSM is very inexpensive. Buy it in bulk and you'll never look back.

Again, guys check this stuff out. For me it works a million times better than Acyclovir or anything else for that matter. You can thank me later!

Sep 13, 2018
by: Jonathan

Hey there Troy, I have 2 questions for you brother.

1. Thoughts on tuna/sardines in daily diet?

2. Me and my wife are HSV positive. Do you recommend we refrain from sexual activity until we test negative? I am not sure if 2 positive peoples viruses are gonna feed off each other or not? I know that may sound a little dumb, my apologies.

And what your doing is wonderful Troy, we all thank you immensely!

Sep 13, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, I just started this regimen and was wondering if it is okay to swim in chlorine pools?
I swim every week and I am thinking about cutting it out.

Sep 16, 2018
Question about seaweed snacks?
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, I have a serious question. I’m following Heather's diet to a T however I am struggling with eating the seaweed snacks, they make me sick to my stomach. I also feel weak like I’m not eating enough. Even though she didn’t say she ate chicken I saw you said it’s ok so I bought some organic chicken breasts. Is there a limit or specific time I can eat it? Or can I only eat meat once a day during lunch like Heather did? Also, can I replace the seaweed snacks with something else? Thank you!

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to Danny
by: Troy

Definitely normal Danny, and yes, you should brace yourself for more possible outbreaks. What you will find though is that over time they will become less and less, eventually to the point where you don't get them at all. This is when the virus has been destroyed.

All the best to you!

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to Derek
by: Troy

Hey, nice one Derek. Glad the MSM is working for you. Thanks for sharing!

All the best!

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to Jonathan
by: Troy

Hi Jonathan. Tuna and sardines are perfectly fine. Just make sure they are good quality/well sourced and come from pollutant free oceans, low mercury, etc. In regards to you and your wife being HSV positive and sex? I've tried to answer this before as best as I can. Technically, one could infect/re-infect the other. The chances of this happening are quite slim though. With that said, I still recommend protection be worn until both partners are HSV negative, just to be sure. Do everything right and you'wont have to worry about this again! Of course, the final choice must and should be yours and your wife's.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Jonathan! :)

Sep 25, 2018
Reply to "chlorine" comment
by: Troy

Good question. Chlorine gets absorbed through the skin. Even salt water pools contain chlorine, which of course is a problem. It's a catch 22. Swimming is very good for you but chlorine isn't. Swimming in the ocean is the best (but not always practical) if you can do it. Failing this, switching to another low impact exercise such as cycling or power walking may be an option?

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Sep 26, 2018
Reply to "Question about seaweed snacks" comment
by: Troy

Organic chicken should only be eaten once a day - no more than 100 grams - or up to 150 grams of wild caught salmon instead. Dinner is the best time to have this since hunger pangs seem to set in more at night than during the day. Rather than seaweed snacks, try and consume more fruits, particularly berries for their antioxidant qualities. Homemade yogurt and hummus are also good alternatives.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Oct 07, 2018
Should I go raw?
by: Aaron

I have given my partner hsv1. I feel terrible. We are going to try a raw food diet with her. I ordered p73 oregano oil, olive oil from Greece unrefined and unrefined coconut oil. Now I will be using these 2-3 times a day while making blended organic veggies and fruits such as kale, collard greens, cilantro, blue berries, cucumber, key lime, eggplant, oranges and ginger. Please tell me anything extra I should do. I am a consistent cannabis smoker, so is my partner. I hope everything I'm doing will still make an impact or change. I also take l-lysine and tumeric. My question to you is do I have to go vegan for this cure? Will eating cilantro, kale and collard greens, while using the oils be enough? Do I have to be on a meat diet? Or can I have turkey?

Oct 10, 2018
by: Red sweater

I've read nearly every comment on here, and lot's of people said they would come back and give testimonials but I don't see they have... do you have any new testimonials coming in?

Also, I've been told that AMP injections into the muscles has been used to successfully kill the virus (along with a quality detox and healthy diet). What are your thoughts on AMP?

Thank you.

Oct 11, 2018
Reply to Aaron
by: Troy

Hi Aaron. Firstly, the p73 oregano oil is not strong enough (no matter what you've read). Try and get a hold of the Zane Hellas brand if you can. With the olive oil you mention, I hope you mean olive leaf extract? You do not have to go vegan, a small amount of protein from organic chicken and wild caught salmon is okay (100 grams of chicken, 150 grams of fish). Try and add a green food supplement such as wheat grass powder to her diet to help flush out those heavy metals, along with using the colloidal silver if possible as well. With the cannabis, just be aware that most cannabis is contaminated with chemicals and heavy metals, which is not a good thing.

Hope this helps you out.

All the best!

Oct 12, 2018
Wanted to thank you
by: Scott

I have not successfully completed your regimen for ridding myself of HSV1, but you have given me hope, which has been gone for quite some time now. The "non curable" and it will "be with you for your lifetime" has not simply taken the wind out of my sails, its thrown them overboard as well. Your free help and the thought of the possibilities are heart warming. I am curious, can you send me a list of what exactly I should do, eat, avoid? I want to do this right. Your site has a lot to read and I need to get it down pat. Do I just drink the smoothies? I hope that my restaurant visit for 2 eggs over easy, home fries sausage and sourdough toast dry will only need to be altered rather than avoided completely. If avoided completely is what it is I can deal with that but would be nice to have SOMETHING to look forward to in this whole limited outlook position I am in.
I actually acquired my HSV1 through a woman that apparently thought that cheating on her husband (I didn't know she was married) who cheated on her and GAVE her HSV 1 was a good plan. Sadly, I should have been more careful. I have not dated or tried to fill my lonely heart since... been close to a year now. So anyway, thanks for the hope and I will check back and see if and when you reply. I have had it torn down several times already so it's nice to feel like the possibility is there still.

Oct 14, 2018
After testing negative
by: Anonymous

I’ve read through this thread, along with the thread on Heather’s story, but I didn’t find any questions addressing this. So after you follow the protocols and successfully test negative does that mean the virus is completely out of your body? Based on the igG test it only measures anti-bodies against the virus not the actual virus present in your body right? It’s been less than a year since I've contracted the virus from my last sexual encounter and I've only had two outbreaks since then (currently on valtrex). I’m really adamant about starting this regimen to clear this virus out of my body. My question is once the igG test comes back negative will I be able to return to a "regular" diet without the worry of any future outbreaks or shedding the virus anymore? I just want my regular life back without the worry of transmitting the virus to anyone (my biggest concern). I really want to get into a long term relationship again without the stigma of feeling dirty anymore. It’s made me so depressed and making me feel undesirable and actually preventing me from wanting to date anyone anymore. Considering the way I contracted the virus was not through consensual sex, I’m still healing both mentally and emotionally. I just want it out of my system. Both outbreaks caused me a lot of emotional stress because it reminds me of the life changing incident that happened to me. I’m a 19 year old college student. I feel I was cheated out of what should have been a good experience. I’d be so grateful to get a response. Thank you!!

Oct 19, 2018
Reply to Red Sweater
by: Troy

Apart from the testimonials in the comments, some who've emailed and want to remain anonymous, along with Heather and Jess, there haven't been anymore. Like I've said many times before, the unfortunate fact is most do not finish or follow through with the protocol. Many start with good intentions but fall by the wayside. And there's no shame in that either. This is definitely not easy. In regards to AMP injections, the only positive results in experiments were observed in mice. And this was only for HSV1. You can read the full report here if you're interested... Activity of AMP against experimental herpes simplex virus type 1 infections in mice.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 19, 2018
Reply to Scott
by: Troy

Hi Scott. Trying to lay out a specific "one size fits all" regimen is very difficult. Reading the comments above is an important first step. I know there's lots of them but familiarising yourself with what's required is crucial. Two good posts are from Patrick (December 11th 2017) and Ryan (October 5th 2017). Also going through the comments, tips and questions in Heather's article is important too... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2). Remember also, a raw food diet is what you need to be following. Unfortunately, fried eggs, bacon, sausages, etc, are not a part of this.

Hope this helps you out a bit.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Oct 19, 2018
Reply to "After testing negative" Comment
by: Troy

Once you test negative you no longer have the virus, the same as when someone who initially gets tested and comes back negative does not have the virus. Yes, herpes testing tests antibody levels and technically not "the virus", but that's the only form of testing there is. It would be terrific if there was a 100% "cut and dry" herpes test but there isn't at the moment. In regards to going back to your old eating habits after? Of course you could. However, hopefully you learn something during the protocol, that looking after your body is important, so you wont want to go back to your old ways again (not totally anyway). Remember also that staying calm throughout the process is 100% crucial. "Emotional stress" will kill your progress like nothing else. If you get a breakout, deal with it as quickly as possible, but don't get stressed by it. Breakouts can, and usually do, occur during the detoxing process.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Oct 19, 2018
OBs continue to rage after a year on protocol
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi again Troy,

I've been wondering how long I can stay hopeful. You may remember me, although I don't post often, as I've been trying to stay focused on the protocol and improving it over time. I understand time will heal but here are a few facts:

1) I've been following the protocol strictly for a whole year now. If nothing else, I've been improving my diet the last 6 months. However my outbreaks have been increasing and are now twice a month, back to back and appearing in new spots.

2) I've never cheated on the NO-NOs (no alcohol, no caffeine, am GF, nut free and dairy free, refined sugar and carbs free, and have been meat free - for protein I eat organic eggs or canned sardines or wild caught Alaskan salmon (from Wild Planet and Crown Prince)

3) I take Olive Leaf Extract twice a day (2 capsules each time), oregano capsule daily, and apply OO on my spine twice a day - I've been doing this religiously for a year

4) I started out including CS and Lysine for 6 months but didn't see any difference and have excluded them in the protocol

5) Because I'm dairy free and need my "hot latte" every morning, I make a matcha moringa latte with either GF soy, oat, quinoa, flaxseed or hemp milks. Are any of these DF milks contributing to my outbreaks? Is tofu a contributor? Is eating a slice of sourdough bread freshly baked a contributor? I honestly cannot think what else I could be doing wrong?

Please tell me what is going on and why my outbreaks are getting worse and are more regular than before?

I don't stress easily so I know that's not a factor.

Please help. Do I need to do the Dr Sebi detox program? I am committed to curing myself but don't feel I'm making any progress at all after a whole year on this journey and I'm trying so hard not to lose faith in my body's ability to heal.

Thank you Troy.

Oct 19, 2018
Couple more questions...
by: Red sweater

Hey Troy, I appreciate your reply. I have continued researching since my last comment and have a few more questions if you don't mind...

I've heard Black Seed Oil touted as somewhat of a cure-all super antioxidant. How do you feel about Black Seed Oil and do you think it could be beneficial vs HSV?

Another idea I've had is to take several hot/cold showers per day focused on the base of the spine and immediately followed by the application of the oregano/coconut/dmso solution. My thinking is that this would increase blood flow and help with absorption, making it more uncomfortable for the virus to lay dormant in the area and ultimately help flush it out quicker. Does that make and sense to you or does it sound like a poor use of time and energy?

Lastly, I have also heard cleansing the lymphatic system is the key to flushing HSV. Is there any truth to that in your opinion, or are efforts better concentrated elsewhere?

Thanks Troy.

You're doing good work here.

Oct 22, 2018
Reply to hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

The one thing I would suggest is you go easy on the soy, definitely not too much. What about the detoxing herbs and spices? Are you consuming lots of green foods (wheat grass powder/chlorella, cilantro, tumeric, ginger, etc, etc)? Coconuts and probiotics also? With the supplements, you're only taking the OLE and oregano oil? This is not enough unfortunately. With the OLE, you should be taking 6 caps per day. With the oregano oil caps you can take two a day. But you definitely need to up your supplements AND up the dosages. This is very important. If you weren't getting anything out of the colloidal silver for instance, check how much you're having. Is it enough? I recommend you maybe go back over our article for a refresher. In regards to Dr Sebi's detox? This is very good also and I certainly recommend it. He is big on fasting (only drinking lemon water and water with wheat grass powder/juice/ or his Cellfood mix). Fasting is a powerful detox, but it's not for the faint hearted. You can read more about Dr Sebi's recommendations here... Dr Sebi - Fasting Benefits.
Like I said, I recommend you have a refresher and decide what you need to start including.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 22, 2018
Reply to Red Sweater
by: Troy

Yes, black seed oil is extremely good. I've mentioned the benefits of this before so adding it to your protocol is definitely a good idea. In regards to the hot showers? This could help, I'm not really sure to be honest? Give it try and see what results you get. Finally, cleansing your lymphatic system is crucial to getting rid of the virus. This is why many people do what Heather did and start with a cleanse like Dr Schultz's cleanse, to specifically target the lymphatic system.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Oct 23, 2018
Bartholins Cyst
by: Anonymous

I have this recurring bartholins cyst which I'm convinced is associated with my hsv1. How can I get rid of it naturally?

Oct 24, 2018
by: Anonymous

Troy, I realize this might be very taboo, but what are your thoughts on urine therapy?

Also, I am taking a gut cleanser with cascara segrada and have been for a month. My health consultant recommended I take it for the first 6 months of healing - is it okay to take the colloidal silver, ole, and oregano while I take it?

And lastly: is the antioxidant shake ABSOLUTELY necessary? thank you!

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to "Bartholin's Cyst" Comment
by: Troy

Boosting your immune system is the #1 thing you need to do. Once you get your immune system (and body) healthy and in tip top condition, you'll find your cyst will go and not return. So basically, follow the recommendations in this protocol!

Good luck and all the best to you!

Oct 25, 2018
Reply to "Question" Comment
by: Troy

Urine therapy is very powerful. I've actually written about the benefits of UT before. Taking your other supplements with a gut cleanser is fine as long as you keep them separate - that is, you take them at different times throughout the day and not together (all at once). The antioxidant shake is not mandatory, but it is something I strongly recommend. Remember, it's all about the detox and removing those heavy metals, which the detox shake does very well.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 27, 2018
Less products?
by: Anonymous

I just have a quick question. If I already have a strong immune system and I’ve only had the virus less than a year, do you think it’d be easier for me to rid the virus out of my system while it’s still fairly new and possibly with less products? I did come across a testimony of someone getting cured with just the use of oregano oil and coconut oil (under tongue and on lower spine) although I am aware everybody is different. I just don’t want to end up spending too much money because everything does add up overtime along with refilling or replacing finished products, and some of the items are not cheap at all. If not, what is the minimum you recommend I use to still get the job done, whether it extends my healing or not. Would really appreciate a response!! Just want to save as much money as I can while still getting effective results. I need this virus GONE as soon as possible.

Nov 01, 2018
Almost there!
by: Christina

I've been on the protocol for 7 months. During the 6th month I decided to take the HSV-2 IgG test to see where my levels were at. My test came back 2.55! From researching online this number is low. Is this true? And how many more months do you believe it will take to completely rid the body from this point?

Nov 04, 2018
Other Herbs
by: Anonymous

Good day Troy,
I read your original article on the herpes cure and was wondering how to go about incorporating the additional herbs you recommended such as the cat’s claw, astragalus, etc. Is there a specific amount (mg) that should be taken? Also, when should these be taken? I remember you mentioned taking certain things at least 15 minutes apart, but are these ok to take at the same time, and when/with what would they be best taken with? I recently purchased 300mg Cat’s Claw and 470mg Astragalus from Nature’s Garden. Can you please advise? Thank you!

Nov 05, 2018
Reply to "Less products" comment
by: Troy

You need at absolute minimum, the olive leaf extract, oregano oil and colloidal silver. It's also important to get rid of those heavy metals, which is why a good quality wheat grass powder or chlorella is required (along with the detox shakes, cilantro, etc). I recommend you start on these and really focus on getting your raw food eating/diet down pat.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 05, 2018
Reply to Christina
by: Troy

2.5 is low, yes Christina. How much longer will it take? Very difficult to say. What was your IgG level to begin with? This will give you a clue. I recommend another test in 4 months at minimum. In the meantime, continue doing what you're doing. It's obviously working.

All the best to you!

Nov 05, 2018
Reply to "Other Herbs" Comment
by: Troy

For these herbs, simply follow the directions listed on the container. Once again, these are best taken on an empty stomach, 10-15 minutes before food. Of course this may be difficult with what you're already doing. If you cant get them into you before a meal then take an hour after a meal. These herbs are generally safe and no harmful interactions have been found.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Nov 06, 2018
How long?
by: Anonymous

If one has only had the virus for a month, how long do you think it will take to eradicate? I know everyone is different and I know you cant 100% predict.

Nov 07, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,
In regards to the Hydrogen peroxide for topical application, when the article stated "Simply dilute some 12% grade hydrogen peroxide with clean filtered water (3 parts HP to 11 parts water for 3% solution) and apply directly to any lesions with a cotton ball" does this mean that using 3 parts HP of the 12% solution with 11 parts water will create a 3% solution or did it mean to combine 3 parts HP with 11 parts water if using a 3% solution? If it referred to the latter, does this mean that a 3% solution can be applied directly without diluting? Thank you!

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to "How Long" Comment
by: Troy

It's very difficult to say. Generally speaking, the shorter time that you have been infected the quicker the eradication - that's how it works in most cases. With that said, I recommend you allow yourself 12 months and get in the mental head space for a 12 month commitment. If you get rid of it quicker, that's a bonus.

All the best!

Nov 13, 2018
Reply to "H2O2" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, sorry about the confusion with that. Basically, if you have the 3% solution simply apply this undiluted. 3% is what you want. :)

Nov 16, 2018
Liver Problem?
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

I wrote to you back on Oct 19 with the worst multiple back-to-back outbreak I've had since starting the protocol. At that time, I was 1 year into the protocol.

To your question, yes, I take chlorella tablets daily with cilantro drops (or fresh cilantro when I can). I also drink wheatgrass powder with water almost daily. In addition to that, my diet is as clean and raw as possible except for soft boiled eggs at lunch during the week and occasional 100g of wild caught salmon or wild caught sardine a few times a week for protein.

In addition to doubling the oregano oil pills and taking 6 tablets of OLE, I'm also taking 1000mg of curcumin from turmeric root, 1200mg of calcium w/ vitamin D3, 2000mg of vitamin C, 800mg of magnesium citrate, 60mg of zinc picolinate and 300mg of milk thistle. I started getting back on 1500mg of Lysine after the October outbreak because I've scarred so badly all over my bum.

I finally went to take an IgG test for the very first time since starting this protocol and was amazed that my results came back 3.2 for HSV-2. I was also diagnosed with genital HSV-1 at 2.2. For the record, I've never had any cold sores or outbreaks on my face. Again, I don't know how I contracted this but suspect it may have been over 10 years ago from a partner who told me one year into our relationship that he had herpes. My test back then came back negative and it was only under huge stress about 5 years ago did I experience my first outbreak.

Anyway, I think the results are very encouraging and I'm quite pleased, especially after persisting a whole year on this protocol.

However, my blood test also showed elevated liver function, which means either liver injury or potential damage and I'm concerned.

Is the protocol hurting my liver in any way? I've never smoked or drank alcohol, and have kept a clean diet for 12 months, so I cannot understand why this would be the case unless a lot of toxins have accumulated in my liver. Of course, I will run additional tests to find the cause, but since the doctor will not understand the protocol, I wanted to get your view on whether this could have had a taxing effect on my liver and if so, what should I do?

For the record, I've always had a clean and perfect bill of health. My numbers were always perfect.

Thank you very much.

Nov 18, 2018
Reply to hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Firstly, your HSV1 & 2 numbers are very good. Considering you've had the virus for 10+ years, they are now down to low levels. I believe you are on the right track now. In regards to your liver test... what were the exact numbers and what liver test was it? Are your liver enzymes slightly elevated or highly elevated? It's important to evaluate the tests fully. Liver enzymes will go up when detoxing. In fact, liver enzymes can go up just from breathing in polluted air or eating a McDonalds burger. My point is, liver tests are finicky. Evaluate your test correctly (with the help of your doctor of course)... All About Liver Function Tests. Remember also, the liver is one organ that can completely regenerate so there is no such thing as permanent damage. Continue with the Milk Thistle or even switch to a complete "liver herbal formula" if you're worried. Like I said, I think you're finally on track.

All the best to you! :)

Nov 20, 2018
Avoid bringing virus out
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, Hope all is well! I have a quick question... how can we do this without bringing out the virus? How can we avoid the outbreaks?

Nov 20, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy!
So, I started by detoxing using a colon cleanse for a month. Now I'm a month in on a raw diet + colloidal silver + OLE + oregano. Am I on the right track so far?
I take the OLE twice a day, 2 pills, drink oregano water twice a day plus rub it on my spine and take the colloidal silver five times a day. I also take sea moss and bladderwrack and am on a completely alkaline diet - in addition to being raw.

Thank you!

Nov 24, 2018
2 months in
by: Kay-not-my-name

Hi Troy,

I have been on the protocol for just under 2 months now without a hiccup. Please can you review what I'm doing to make sure it's right?

OO (oral in water and spinal w/raw organic coconut oil).
OLE x2 (50% oleupein, 350mg per capsule).
Colloidal silver under the tongue.
I wait 15 minutes between each supplement.

2 hours later I eat breakfast which is a smoothie containing:
2 bananas
1 lemon/orange
2/3 tbsp of antioxidant powders containing acai, maca, chia seeds, maqui, acerola & blueberries.
2 tbsp of green powder containing wheatgrass, baobab, spirulina, chlorella, mooring and barley grass.

Sometimes when I run out of something I'll have organic oats with some fruit and I'll take the green powder as a shot with water.

I take colloidal silver again & 2 more OLE capsules before I wait 2 more hours for lunch which I have: a coriander salad with tomatoes, red onion, avocado and tomato.

I take colloidal silver again.

For dinner I have a cooked meal with a side of kale. This can include:
Chickpea curries, lentil curries, lentil soups, kidney bean chillies, steamed veg, tomato sauces with brown rice/black rice/wild rice or pastas made from brown rice/chickpea flour/edamame/black bean etc... Generally all this cooking is done with fresh veg and canned chopped tomatoes... nothing with any ingredients that aren't an actual food if that makes sense (I run when I see things like stabilisers, or xanthan gum or some other random things, I'm just thinking off the top of my head right now).

I wait 2 more hours and then take 2 more OLE capsules, I take colloidal silver and the oregano oil.

I've tried and failed at the protocol for over a year now and its just annoying so that's why I'm allowing the cooked dinners. I'm also tiny, 5ft and between 47kg and 50kg. I'm a student as well and I have a hard time factoring all the time between supplements and eating and cooking around my schedule... I'm just trying to make it as little maintenance as possible. That's also why I don't take up the extra lysine, vitamin C, h202 etc. The success stories I've seen also don't use this so I'm hedging my bets.

If I ever treat myself its with a sourdough sandwich (roasted veg and humus, or spinach and sun dried tomato and humus), or from a non-organic vegan place I know that still uses fresh produce I usually get a chickpea/pumpkin curry with bulgur wheat/brown rice/afrikan rice. (I've actually found an organic one nearby so I might switch to that, I just need to check it out). Also I might make some wild caught salmon or boil an egg.

Aside from the coriander and half the time the avocado (I move because I'm a student) everything is organic. I also sometimes dip into some powdered herbs and spices that aren't organic but again, nothing where the ingredients list something that isn't an actual food.

I have also been seeing a homeopath for the past 2 months who has given my some drops and practices bio-resonance on me. He also calls me to get laser treatment whenever I have a breakout but I haven't had this yet. I have seen studies on the success of laser treatment but not bio-resonance. Do you know what this is? He also has previous experience with shingles, chickenpox and herpes so hopefully it works out.

It's hard to say what does/doesn't work given my inconsistency but my breakouts have lessened so much. I was at monthly, then month-and-a-half, recently at 2 months and I've just passed the 2 month mark for the first time. I was tingly but nothing surfaced. My breakouts are also tiny when they show, clearing within days and they generally show alongside my period. I'm not sure if this improvement is the protocol or if its just because outbreaks tend to lessen over time (I was diagnosed with my first outbreak in summer 2017).

Anyway, sorry for the long message... I'm just checking in to confirm that I'm doing things right. I've never had a blood test because I'm scared about what it will say... but hopefully I'll get round to it before the end of the year.

Kay-not-my-name :)

Nov 28, 2018
Reply to "Avoid bringing virus out" comment
by: Troy

Unfortunately you can't. You can, however, lessen your chances of getting breakouts by avoiding foods that are known to exacerbate breakouts (foods high in arginine, etc). If you do get a breakout, hit it quickly with a good topical treatment such as the hydrogen peroxide to speed up recovery time and healing.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 28, 2018
Reply to "Question" Comment
by: Troy

You have a good start. I would try and add the BHT if possible, and the HP also. But the most important thing that you definitely need to add is a green food such as wheat grass powder/juice or chlorella to really help get those heavy metals out (and plenty of cilantro and turmeric too of course). Finally, don't forget about the oregano oil with coconut oil held under the tongue, along with the OO in water.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Nov 28, 2018
Reply to Kay-not-my-name
by: Troy

What you are doing looks pretty good. Try and add the cilantro and turmeric if you haven't already. To make it through the protocol, you need to have foods that you can stick to eating. This seems to be what you are doing, which is why you're making it work this time. I think you're doing really well. In regards to bio-resonance therapy? This form of healing has been used for a long time, particularly for treating cancer. Because it helps to kill the microbes inside the cell that cause cancer, it makes sense that this form of therapy can also kill the herpes virus (which is also a microbe/pathogen). I've spoken before about Rife energy machines and Dr Hulda Clark's zapper for eradicating herpes. These are similar to bio-resonance therapy. I recommend you stick with this if you can. It definitely helps.

Hope this helps you.

All the best! :)

Nov 28, 2018
Fruitarian Diet
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,
What are your thoughts on the Fruitarian or 80/10/10 diet while healing? Every day I drink a green smoothie with greens and spirulina in it. Does that suffice? Also: do I spit out the coconut oil/OO mixture after leaving it under my tongue?

Nov 29, 2018
Reply to "Fruitarian Diet" Comment
by: Troy

I'm not a huge fan of this diet, primarily because you need your green leafy vegetables (most vegetables actually), along with herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, etc. The other problem with the fruitarian diet is it's super strict and super hard to stick to long term. The green smoothie you are having is fine also. With the coconut oil/oregano oil, you swallow the mixture - don't spit it out or you waste it.

All the best! :)

Nov 29, 2018
Re: Fruitatarian Diet
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for continuing to answer. I truly appreciate it so much.

I still make sure to end my day with a huge family sized bowl of leafy greens and veggies. I'm just 70-80% fruit. Will I still be able to heal this disease if I take the proper supplements?

Dec 01, 2018
Liver problem
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

Thank you for your reply regarding my elevated liver function numbers. My doctor ran another blood test and the numbers came back normal. He also ruled out Hepatitis B.

However, a week following my 2nd blood test (yesterday) I went ahead with the liver ultrasound which he recommended for completion. The results came back worrisome. He is very concerned as the echo pattern and colour from the ultrasound were indicative of chronic liver infection of cirrhosis. He ruled out fatty liver from the test results.

He wants me to see a liver specialist asap to run some tests and markers. He doesn't think it's cancer related but it's all very perplexing and here's why:

1. I do not drink and have never smoked or done any kinds of drugs
2. No weight fluctuations or issues
3. My health has been perfect despite all the detoxing. I haven't fallen sick in the last twelve months since starting this protocol despite my incessant travelling across time zones and changes of weather
4. No family liver health related issues that I am aware of

My only possible worry is that it could be related to too much green tea and matcha tea consumption maybe? There have been days where I would consume green tea in place of water but nowhere near 24 cups which has been researched to cause liver toxicity.

My intake of green tea: up to 5 cups of green tea and 2 cups of matcha latte (with quinoa, oat or hemp milk).

Is it possible that my liver issue is related to herbal hepatotoxicity, which would include all the supplements I'm taking on this protocol?

Greatly appreciate your insight Troy, thank you.

Dec 02, 2018
Michelle M.
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I'm starting the protocol again and wanted to know, since I took the colloidal silver for 3 months 7 months ago, is it okay to take the 5 dosage again? Also, I know you say Greek yogurt is okay, but doesn't that have dairy? Should I purchase coconut milk yogurt?

Dec 03, 2018
Cilantro, Zapper and OLE
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

Is cilantro the same as coriander? I live in the UK and have never seen anything labelled as cilantro, but I do eat coriander. Do you think it is worth buying Dr Hulda’s Zapper? Lastly, my pack of OLE capsules emptied in my bag by accident today and when I went to clear it they had hardened and many had darkened? Are they still usable or should I buy a new pack?


Dec 04, 2018
Reply to "Fruitatarian Diet" Comment
by: Troy

You should be fine. Continue to focus on detoxing, as you are doing.

All the best! :)

Dec 04, 2018
Reply to hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

The green tea has absolutely nothing to do with it. Herbal hepatotoxicity has never actually been proven. Remember that. It's just a theory. The problem isn't actually toxicity from having too many herbs, it's toxicity from having low quality herbs that are full of chemicals and pesticides! That's where the problem comes into it where toxicity is concerned. I recommend seeing what comes back from your results. Don't jump to conclusions. Of course, you should follow any doctors advice.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Dec 04, 2018
Reply to Michelle M.
by: Troy

Yes, you definitely need to start back at the beginning with the colloidal silver. With the yogurt? Coconut yogurt is most certainly choice number one. Greek yogurt is really a last resort as it is a processed (pasturized) diary. :)

Dec 04, 2018
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

Cilantro and coriander are the exact same plant, so yes, you're eating the right herb. I do believe it's worth investing in one of Dr Hulda’s Zappers (her genuine brand). They aren't cheap but the science is there and quite a few people report excellent results from using them. Make sure you use it exactly as per the instructions as well so you get the most out of it. In regards to your OLE capsules? I would throw them I'm sorry to say. They are no good to you anymore.

All the best to you Kay! :)

Dec 04, 2018
Coconut milk and barley and millet
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I have recently found organic coconut milk containing water, coconut milk, rice, calcium, stabilisers (carrageenan, guar gum, xanthan gum), sea salt and vitamins b12 and d2, along with flavourings. Can I drink this?

Lastly, what of organic barley flour or millet flour?


Dec 05, 2018
Reply to "Coconut milk and barley and millet" Comment
by: Troy

That coconut milk is no good. It must be totally natural remember... no preservatives, etc. Millet flour is okay. Spelt flour is wheat derived so is best avoided. The best type of flour is actually coconut flour. :)

Dec 25, 2018
No outbreaks protocol?
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy.
I accidentally had the Hsv2 test done and was told that I have herpes. I never had outbreaks and just learned what is HSV and that it’s supposedly "incurable". I went thru very big emotional distress to adjust to the idea. My OBG said that I should not worry about it if I never had outbreaks - but I cannot do this.

I want to try to get rid of it using your protocol and wondering if I can skip on some supplements if I do not have outbreaks.

Thank you very much for all you do here.

Also, is there a way to get a custom protocol from you as I have а couple of little health issues? Do you do consultations? — of course I would be more than happy to pay for your work.

Dec 26, 2018
OB on the spine?
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

Thanks for your advice confirming that green tea and the OLE and oregano oil supplements not being culprits of possible herbal toxicity. After three blood tests and a fibro scan, my liver condition is cleared. The echo pattern from the initial ultrasound was caused by prior exposure to Hep A and E as a child growing up in Asia.

As mentioned in my post on Nov 16 regarding my HSV-II results of 3.2 after following the protocol for twelve months, I'm still getting very bad back-to-back outbreaks every two weeks. The most recent has been very perplexing.

I have an outbreak on my spine! At first I thought it was an insect bite as it was incredibly itchy and was a small "bite" bump. After 24 hours, I found multiple bumps that resembled a herpes lesion. Today, I found fluids in the blisters which confirms that it's a herpes outbreak. How is it possible that I am having an outbreak along my spine?

I don't understand how my reading can be low yet I continue to experience vicious outbreaks and in new and very obscure parts of my body. Please help explain what is going on Troy as I'm trying to stay positive and optimistic that I'm nearly there. Please give me hope and courage.

Thank you Troy and happy holidays!

Jan 02, 2019
Reply to "No outbreaks protocol" Comment
by: Troy

You certainly do not have to take ALL of the supplements. I do recommend the OLE (a must), oregano oil and colloidal silver. These are the 3 standards. A good quality green food supplement such as chlorella or wheat grass powder is also crucial for detoxing and removing heavy metals. In fact, a green food supplement should be taken permanently just for overall good health. Probiotics are also vital (they feed off the green food).

Due to my current crazy workload, I don't do consultations. Sorry. What I would suggest is you do what I do. I eat healthy and take organic wheat grass powder (2-4 teaspoons daily), probiotics, colloidal minerals and fish oil/flax seed oil (along with lots of herbs and spices such as turmeric, cayenne pepper, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon and fenugreek in smoothies) every day without fail and have been doing this for the past 22 years. I also take olive leaf extract on a 3 month on 3 month off cycle to keep my body parasite free. I have NEVER had a single health issue in the last 22 years (I recently turned 50 too by the way) and I exercise 6 days week along with working long hours. So I recommend you do the same, even after you finish with this protocol. You'll find that if you do, your other health issues will disappear for good and you'll have more energy than you've ever had in your life!

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Jan 02, 2019
Reply to hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

I knew none of the supplements or herbs you're taking were causing your elevated liver enzymes, but the final confirmation is good for your own piece of mind. Herbal toxicity is actually a myth made up by the medical profession to keep you scared of using these powerful healing plants, but that's a whole different discussion for another time. (How long have eastern cultures been using herbs and spices for health and healing? Thousands of years!). Anyway, in regards to your breakouts, this is not actually uncommon. When the virus is fighting to survive it will "show and disappear" in all sorts of places in the body. Unfortunately, you just have to stay the course. It's on it's last legs, believe this. I recommend you do what Heather did and hit the virus extra hard when a breakout occurs (read her article again for a refresher). This is the best course of action.

Keep going, you're doing extremely well.

All the best to you!

Jan 05, 2019
Fish Oils
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

Thank you for your continued guidance and optimistic encouragement to get to the finish line. You've been my only source of hope and confidante in this battle against the virus and I am deeply deeply grateful.

I have been fighting the virus hard especially the last six months to the point that I've burnt my lower spine several times with too much oregano oil because of over zealousness whenever I've had an outbreak (but I continue to find ways to heal and fight and heal and fight).

Quick question. You mentioned fish oils in your above posting prior to answering my question. I've been searching for a gelatin and carrageenan free fish oil supplement but have been unsuccessful. Can you recommend one or two brands so that I can start taking fish oils as well?

Also, can you recommend a good Vitamin D?

Finally, a friend of mine recommends Quick Silver Scientific's Liposomal glutathione for powerful detoxing. What are your thoughts on adding this to my protocol at this stage?

Thank you and gratefully yours.

Jan 11, 2019
Reply to Hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

Finding a good quality "pure" and uncontaminated fish oil supplement these days is tricky. I like Dr Tobias supplements for both fish oil (Dr Tobias Omega-3) and vitamin D. They are by far the best. If you can't get this then look to take krill oil instead of fish oil, which is just as beneficial. Doctor's Best is also another quality brand. In regards to the glutathione, absolutely no problems adding this. The Liposomal Glutathione brand is extremely good and VERY high quality.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 20, 2019
Wild fish
by: Kay

Just found some wild caught fish in my local supermarket. Just wondering what you thought of prawns, cod, haddock, mackerel and tuna?

Thanks :)

Jan 22, 2019
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

Mackerel and tuna are good for their essential fatty acids. Cod and haddock not so much. Check where they have been caught from - must be clean waters and definitely cannot be farmed! As for prawns? I recommend you avoid any shell fish as they are scavengers, which means they pick up and contain toxins and heavy metals.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 26, 2019
Approved Foods
by: Anonymous

Hi, I'm about to start the protocol but have a question. I like a lot of vegetables but unfortunately, not raw. Can I still eat the organic vegetables but cook them at a low temp like the article says and still get the detox benefits?

You mentioned some organic red meat is approved as well. Would that be any red meat? I know in moderation:).

Is shrimp and tuna ok? Thanks

Jan 29, 2019
by: Troy

Lightly stir frying with organic coconut oil (not water) is the best method for cooking vegetables so they still retain their nutrients. Roasting is also very good. Don't boil and don't use a microwave (even though you may have read that microwaves are safe, they're not). With red meat, stick with only organic grass fed beef, but only small amounts. No more than 100 grams per day (3 times a week at most). Wild caught salmon is your best source of protein. tuna is fine also but avoid shrimp (I know Heather ate shrimp but these creatures are scavengers and bottom dwellers that pick up and absorb toxins and heavy metals).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 31, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy, most raw food diets include nuts. Would you reccomend them on the protocol? Also, can you please clarify something. I travel a lot and although I try and plan my meals for that day sometimes I get caught and don't have anything available. I know we are not supposed to have any processed food but if I am in a jam, would stopping for grilled chicken nuggets say thru Chicfila kill it for that day?

If we do fail one day can we start over the next day back on track and not ruin all the hard work detoxing thus far?


Jan 31, 2019
Reply to "Nuts" Comment
by: Troy

You do need to be careful with nuts as they are high in arginine. If you are not affected by arginine, however, then you should be fine with them. In regards to having chicken nuggets/takeaway? The truth is this WILL undo the work you've done. Unfortunately, you must eat whole foods/raw foods. Maybe if you can find somewhere where you can get a salad or raw foods this would be a better option. I realize this is not always easy. Some extra planning beforehand (searching online) can definitely help.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Jan 31, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy!

I have HSV 1 and I was wondering if you could tell me if its easier to get rid of simplex 1 than it is for simplex 2? I'm on a raw diet (fruits and veggies) with some eggs and salmon, herb smoothies and supplements like oregano oil. (Do I need to rub it on my spine as well?) Olive leaf extract, d3, b12, selenium and colloidal silver. Can you give me some advice please.
Thank you very much.

Feb 04, 2019
No outbreaks protocol #2
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy!

My first post was on Dec 25th. I am about a month into the protocol and I've now built up to 4 Olivus capsules per day. I been trying to eat healthy/organic for a few years in general and I have an iron deficiency. I've collected bunch of questions so here I am again.

I think I had my first - and I strongly want to believe - last and only OB about 2-3 weeks into the protocol. It was not bad and not long and I want to believe it was just a bad pimple. Did I wake up the beast? I started to have some grapefruit juice - could be that the reason in addition to the supplements?

I've been on and off ACV/molasses and 3000mg's Vit C for years - it gave me energy and immune support- so I keep it and bumped the Vit C to 6000mg as these were listed as cures here.
I am pretty skinny as it is and was actually trying to gain some weight. Going raw I lost 5 pounds and it’s a lot for me. I am trying to eat everything I can to keep the weight and so I'm asking you how much can I have of wild Alaskan salmon and lean chicken. How about brown rice, quinoa or buckwheat - How much and which is the best? (All organic). "Natures Path" instant oatmeal’s and buckwheat waffles? Anything else you can recommend?
I eat every day 1-2 bananas, 2-3 avocados, 2 soft (7 mins) boiled eggs, 3 teaspoons of 16-20 grade Manuka Honey, 3 teaspoons coconut oil, 2-3 tablespoons of raw almond butter. (Of course all organic, could not find organic Manuka Honey), A little chicken or salmon.
Can I eat more of the honey? I got a raw organic protein mix with probiotics and add it to my smoothies. Should I make a separate smoothie or it’s ok to add it to the detox ones I'm already having?

Also, what about homemade sashimi and raw salted salmon (unfrozen fish, Himalayan salt, honey); raw caviar (wild Alaskan)? Can I use the frozen portions of high quality salmon and make my own - just cut and eat? Is there a limit?

Yogurt- you said to eat it but the best I can find is made from pasteurized organic goat/cow milk... so is kefir- if it’s pasteurized then no? Is the coconut alternative yogurt better? There are many "SO DELICIOUS" company coconut products in the health food stores - including Whole Foods - I looked into having yogurt and milk beverages - are they good? They have a few ingredients that I am not sure about.
I feel bloated all the time - seems my belly has a hard time digesting all those pills, raw food and greens in addition to much water, juices, etc. Anything I can do to lessen it?

I was feeling very tired at first but it’s slowly going away now. My night sweat smells strong (pardon if it’s too much detail) - never had that before and I get rashes mostly on my neck. Those seem to be getting better and I hope it means that my body is detoxing. Is it?

My routine:
6:00 Acv/molasses
6:15: C/silver (5 times a day)
6:30: OO w/water
6:45: 2 Olivus
7:00: vitamins D, B, iron vitamin complex.
7:30 detox smoothie,
8:00 breakfast

I take 3000 Vit C before lunch and dinner and 500 lisyne before lunch. I starting monolaurin 3 times after food (as recommended on the box). Also matcha tea in the smoothie and 1-2 cups a day.

In the evening before dinner I do similar to the morning routine but Acv I take about 30 minutes before bed.
And last before bed OO/coconut oil under the tongue.
OO on the spine twice a day.

It’s a general outline/ goal - of course there is more herbs and raw food that I take but I just wanted to see what I can adjust and add.

I am ready to add the h2o2 therapy and wondering how would be best to implement in my routine schedule? Where to insert it and perhaps you would suggest some adjustments? Many things need to be taken "first thing in the morning" and how I achieve that?

The other question is why some people get the OB and some not? Is that the viral load, immune system or something else? I researched this question and could not find any answers. And is the the amount of all the supplements count for average body? 116 pound body versus 160 - will it take more afford or amount of the supplements for larger body to clear the virus?
I am 115 pounds right now - so Do I need to add #5 Capsule of OLE?

I hope I remembered all my questions - thank you so much for your help!

Feb 05, 2019
What to look for?
by: Anonymous

Hi, when you are doing the protocol is there any way to tell if it's working or not during the process? Some say your body will have more outbreaks but others say you may not. What's a good way to know it's working for you? Thanks

Feb 06, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy!
I have a couple of questions:
What kind of probiotic supplements do you recommend? Or would eating yogurt everyday be suffice? Is sprouted bread ok to eat? Which one do you recommend taking chlorella, spirulina, or wheat grass?


Feb 15, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,

It's been almost 11 months. For the most part I've been following the protocol and been on a mostly fruit diet. I incorporated a protocol I got from Dr Sebis office which I used the last two months. My IgG never went down since I started this protocol. In fact, it has only gone up and continues to do so. You can imagine how I am feeling.

Thankfully I do not experience outbreaks but I do feel the tingly sensation and some burning every day. So, do you think that maybe my antibodies are still rising? Doesn't make sense to me.

Mar 02, 2019
Some more questions
by: Richard

So I just want to see if I have all this correct. The detox causes the virus to come out of its hiding place in the spine. Then the supplements and immune boosters kill it while it is out of hiding with a few of the supplements disrupting its food supply and/hindering its reproduction. Is that how it works? Or do the supplements draw it out too? Also, it seems that a remnant of the virus during an outbreak always retreats back to the spine to hide again. In theory, during the many months of the protocol, fewer and fewer viruses are able to retreat back to the spine which causes each outbreak to be steadily less aggressive than the previous ones. I assume that once the last of the viruses are pushed out of hiding and are killed and/or flushed out, the herpes has been purged completely. Do I have that correct?

How does alkilinity funcion in this equation? Does that also draw out the virus? Or aid in detoxification? I have heard that viruses can't function in an alkaline environment. Is that true?

I'm at six months now but the first four months my eating wasn't quite up to par. My outbreaks have still been steadily getting less severe. Every other week I feel it coming on but for the past 3 months the virus never makes it to the surface and so I don't get a sore. Is this a good sign? Thanks for all your help!

I started implementing oral detox clay. Are there any precautions I should take or not to take soon after (like the not mixing Chlorella and vitamin C for several hours)? Does that rule apply to spirulina and wheat grass?

One more thing, are pickles okay to eat? You commented on another post about eating Kefir and yogurt. I can only find these products with pasteurized milk. Should I still take them?

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "HSV 1" Comment
by: Troy

This is a popular question. Technically it is easier to get rid of HSV1 over HSV2, but ONLY if you do everything right of course. The protocol is still the same, the detoxing and heavy metal removing is still the same. I always recommend not focusing on which is easier to get rid of, time frames, etc. Everyone is different. Our bodies all react differently to viruses/pathogens and respond differently to foods and supplements. You definitely do need to use the oregano oil on the base of the spine also, as well as a little on/around the temples (see main herpes article for more information). Don't forget about a good quality green food such as organic wheat grass powder or chlorella as well to really help get in there and get rid of those heavy metals.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

P.S. No this topic is not closed. I had to step away for few weeks and didn't have access to this thread. I apologise for the late reply. Best wishes. :)

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "No outbreaks protocol #2" Comment
by: Troy

You've asked alot in your post, too much for me to answer unfortunately. However, I'll address the important ones. Firstly, don't have grapefruit juice until you want to test for the virus (at least after 8 months). Grapefruit juice can definitely activate the virus. Secondly, the waffles you are having are no good. Remember, raw natural foods. Anything that's processed is not natural. Coconut yogurt is definitely the best if you can get it. Also, make sure you're taking lots of probiotics (supplement, etc). A lack of probiotics will most certainly cause stomach bloating (your food is not being digested properly). Finally, make sure you're having an organic wheat grass powder or chlorella to help with digestion and flushing out those heavy metals. For the H2O2 treatment, follow the directions listed in the book along with reading some of the tips and answers I've already done in this thread and Jessica's thread.

Hope this helps you out.

Keep up the good work.

All the best!

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "What to look for?" Comment
by: Troy

The truth is there really is no "absolute" way. The best indicator is of course how you feel. Listen to your body and you'll get a sense of how it's healing and detoxing. I wish it could be easier but testing and/or assessing breakouts are both still not 100% accurate. :)

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "Probiotics" Comment
by: Troy

No, although yogurt (coconut yogurt) is great, you must also take a good quality probiotic supplement, along with eating probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut. For me, Dr Tobias probiotic supplement is the absolute best on the market... Dr Tobias Deep Immune Probiotic. Yes, sprouted bread is okay to eat. In regards to your green food? Either wheat grass powder or chlorella as these are both powerful heavy metal removers.

All the best! :)

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to "Update" Comment
by: Troy

When do you roughly think you were infected? If it was just before you started then yes, your antibodies can and most likely will continue to rise. As I continually reiterate, getting regular testing done is not a good thing. Get tested before you start then again after 12 months. If you were recently infected then you will need to wait around 18 months for your antibody count to go down. Remember, IgG antibodies are slow to rise AND slow to go down.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 06, 2019
Reply to Richard
by: Troy

Hi Richard. Yes, you basically have it in a nutshell (quite a good understanding actually). It's also 100% correct that no pathogen (bacteria, virus, microorganism) can survive in an alkaline environment. This has been repeatedly proven in dozens of studies. So keeping the body alkaline is also a crucial step in riding the body of the herpes virus. I recommend keeping your pH up around 8 (7.25 is the optimal level but going slightly higher is important for destroying foreign pathogens). The detox clay is also extremely good. There are no contradictions associated with having the clay orally. Once again, having it on it's own is good if you can (don't get too hung up if you can't though, it will still work). Pickles are extremely good due to their high probiotic content. Try and make your own if possible. There's lots of easy recipes online (homemade pickles taste way better than the bought varieties as well!) Try and have coconut kefir and coconut yogurt rather than the dairy versions. Once again, you can find some easy recipes for these online. The fact that your breakouts are becoming less severe is a good sign, yes. You're on the right track.

Keep it up.

All the best to you! :)

Mar 18, 2019
Tests to try?
by: Fighter

Hi Troy!

I just love your support and patience with all of us. You are a true leader! Thank you!

I’ve followed closely with this blog and Dr. Morse, trying to educate myself not only in ridding the virus but also practicing a more healthy lifestyle. May be weird to say on this post but it’s like a silver lining since contracting it. It’s brought a whole new world to my life and I’m very invested in health now. And pushing others that have other dis-eases, not just this one.

One question I do have. I’ve been raw since August. (When I say raw, I mean just fruits and vegetables), although I’ve cheated a couple times with chips. I got tested in August as well and my numbers were 4.45. I only had 2 outbreaks and that was last February 2018, when I first contracted it... which was a very mild outbreak, although I did get the flu-symptoms pretty bad. Jumped right into a vegan diet. Then I had one more outbreak in June 2018, again very very mild. Only one sore and it was on the inside of my vagina. It was because I ate a piece of chocolate.

Since then, zero outbreaks. I’ve also incorporated a lot of Dr. Morse products but kept doing the Oregano Oil regimen. Drinking it and spinal rub.

My question is, I’ve been "testing" my body to see if any outbreaks would occur. Did grapefruits a little while back. Also ate some peanuts here and there. Nothing. Then just this week, I ate 8 oranges for lunch. Then last night ate a handful of peanuts. Again nothing. Are there any other "tests" I can do on my body? Or maybe I need to eat/drink more citrus? Is 8 oranges enough?

Appreciate you always!


Mar 19, 2019
Reply to "Fighter"
by: Troy

8 oranges is definitely enough! Your skin will start turning orange (joking of course). Grapefruits (pink) are the best if you really want to test it. Pumpkin seeds, and of course peanuts (make sure they're unsalted), are both high in arginine.

I would try more of these. The fact that you aren't experiencing any breakouts after what you've just done is a very positive sign.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 20, 2019
Starting Protocol
by: Brandon

Greetings, Congrats on getting cured girl, thanks for the hope.

My Question for Troy:

I am on a strength training program right now and taking about 200g of protein a day.

I am currently not in a good situation for starting the diet part of the protocol. I basically am living at home and my parents eat bad, like American standard diet, gmo's, cake every day that kind of stuff.

I have no will power to not eat the junk if it's a round. I will be moving out in 3-6 months and then will be able to control the food in the house. If bad food isn't there I won't eat it.

I was wondering if it is worth doing any of the supplements on the Protocol with my current situation or just waiting to start everything when I am living on my own and can commit fully to this protocol?

Mar 26, 2019
Reply to Brandon
by: Troy

A tricky one Brandon. Taking even just some of the supplements now will still help you, particularly with helping to kick start and build up your immunity. If you can afford to start on them now then there is no harm. If not, wait until you can commit 100% to this fully (diet, etc). Remember, refined sugars are really bad and decimate your immune system so try and keep those cakes to a minimum if you can.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Mar 27, 2019
Type 1 diabetic with HSV2
by: Anonymous

Hello, I have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes since April 2019 but recently found out that I've got HSV2.

What alkaline foods can I eat to keep my blood sugar running while trying to fight off HSV2?

My HSV2 positive shows at 7.61 and I want to bring it down to 0.61.

If there are any alkaline foods I can eat for protein and alkaline sugars that I can consume that would be good. Please reply me asap as I want to start fighting off the HSV2 now but am worried about my diabetic blood sugar level.

Apr 01, 2019
Am I eating correctly?
by: Michelle B.

Good day Troy,

I'm still doing my detox and I must admit I've cheated but I'm getting there. I have a few questions. I've been using my air fryer to cook my chicken, mostly chicken wings and I maybe add some organic honey on them. Is that ok? Also, can I have cashews, sun flower seeds, pistachios, organic popcorn, lemon and or lime on my salads or organic balsamic vinegar with olive oil? Is the organic honey okay? I also have a lot of organic black beans. I've ate some organic sweet potato fries and burgers from Bareburger with vegan cheese. I enjoy brussel sprouts and plaintains. It feels as if I'm going to have an outbreak but nothing arises. I'm hoping that's a good sign. What do I need to cut out from my diet?

Apr 02, 2019
Reply to "Type 1 diabetic with HSV2" Comment
by: Troy

First off, because of your diabetic condition, I would STRONGLY recommend you work in conjunction with a naturopath. Not just anyone though, someone who knows that the herpes virus can be eradicated. Keeping your blood sugar level under control is absolutely crucial for you. Don't forget to use this chart as well for your acid/alkaline list... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!

Apr 02, 2019
Reply to Michelle
by: Troy

Chicken wings are definitely no good. Only organic chicken breast and no more than 100 grams per day. An easy way to understand what to eat is if it comes from nature in it's pure and natural form then it's usually okay to eat. Unfortunately, Bareburger fries and burgers are not pure and natural - they are rubbish. Have a read of the raw food diet article again to give yourself a refresher on what you should be looking to eat... Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Do It.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Michelle!

Apr 03, 2019
Support Group
by: Tamir

Guys, I opened a Facebook support group without any financial purpose. Pure love, knowledge and support. Let's do this TOGETHER!... Stronger Together.

Apr 05, 2019
Oil of Oregano Injections
by: Anonymous

Just wondering, if the virus stays in the lower back, why not just take a needle and inject the oil of oregano in your back?

Apr 10, 2019
Reply to "Oil of Oregano Injections" Comment
by: Troy

This would be dangerous and could go horribly wrong. Plus, you would need a doctor to administer the shot and the chances of finding one who would would be next to zero. Rubbing the oil on the base of the spine is way safer. :)

Apr 17, 2019
6 month update
by: Kay

Hi Troy, Hope you're well.

I've been in touch previously and just want to update you. I only have HSV2.

I am taking colloidal silver, oregano oil and OLE as advised. I eat fruit in the morning and a shot of green powder containing baobab, moringa, spirulina, chlorella (and more I can't remember right now but you've approved it before). For lunch I have a coriander salad and for dinner I have a cooked meal with a lot of veg. I also have done a parasite, full body and heavy metal cleanse twice. All of this has been approved by you before. I also see a homeopath who administers daily drops, monthly bioresonance and laser treatment upon outbreaks.

I have been "cheat free" since October. I had no outbreaks in October, 1 in November that lasted through December and another in December. In January I had 3 shorter OB's (2 days), In February I had a longer one (5 days) and a short one (1 day) and by March I was only OB free for 11 days. In April I have had 3 outbreaks so far each only lasting a day each. Today, I have a sore spot on my lip that I'm a little paranoid about being an oral manifestation (which has never happened) or a pimple. I have slight pain in the area when touched but I can't see much at all besides a tiny ambitious spot.

Just wanted to know if everything sounds okay and if there's anything you advise. There is a naturopath I have found online who is quite expensive but offers Ozone Treatment though I am not sure if its necessary.


Apr 23, 2019
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

Hi Kay. If you're still getting breakouts then I would consider adding the BHT and/or the vitamin C, zinc and lysine. Don't forget also, lots and lots of cilantro. Try and add this to your salads, smoothies, etc, as much as you can, along with the other herbs and mushrooms recommended in our #7 and #11 treatment options. In regards to the Ozone therapy, it really is extremely good, however, like you say, not cheap. Either the Ozone treatment (first choice) or hydrogen peroxide therapy/protocol would be worth considering and adding in my opinion.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 26, 2019
General information
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy, first off I want to thank you for everything that you have done to help people like myself. I was wondering how would I be able to share my story once I've been healed from this virus. I really want to share my story and give other people hope that they can be cured too. Thanks again for what you're doing.

Apr 29, 2019
Dr Morse Herbs
by: Anonymous

Do you think it would be okay to also take Dr. Morse's herbs alongside the supplements listed for this regimen?

May 03, 2019
Reply to "General Information" Question
by: Troy

You can share your story through this page... Healing and Recovery Stories. I look forward to reading it!

All the best to you! :)

May 03, 2019
Reply to "Dr Morse Herbs" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, certainly. Dr Morse's products are first rate. I have a lot of respect for this guy. He definitely knows what he's talking about.

All the best!

May 03, 2019
Dr Morse
by: Anonymous

Okay, thank you! Is it possible to overwhelm my system with the amount of herbs I take? I’m planning on taking the OLE and oregano oil and colloidal + his kidney and bladder tonics, lymph tonics, parasite cleanse, and heavy metal cleanse. I’m on a fruit based diet as he recommends as well. Is this all too much? Thank you so much.

May 07, 2019
7 month symptoms review
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

Hope you're well. I'm just over 7 months in and I just wanted your general opinion on my symptoms so I can re-review everything I'm doing. I thought I'd give you a timeline.

The first 3 months my outbreaks were scarce - around once a month.
Then the frequency started picking up to around 3 short outbreaks a month, once a week.
By the 6th month I was only outbreak free for 11 days - they started off quite intense - I would see the bumps, wait for them to pop and then the wound would have to heal and by then another popped up.
Towards the end of the 6th month and up until now my outbreaks are far less intense - by the time I notice them, they are healing - I find cuts instead of bumps now. They're also around once a week (sometimes more/less).

You've recommended some supplements I could add and I previously mentioned Ozone therapy which I think I'll have to do so I'm not really looking for more options. I'm moreso interested in what you think is happening in my body? I know that's a big ask aha!

Its strange, on one hand, I'm encouraged that the virus is coming out and not with too much power. At the same time, I wonder if there are gaps in my immunity that need filling. I'm in touch with other professionals so I just want to add your opinion to the mix.


May 09, 2019
Reply to "Dr Morse" Comment
by: Troy

I would only use Dr Morse's products. These are very potent. The parasite cleanse already contains OLE as well. Be sure to follow Dr Morse's recommendations to the letter also.

All the best to you!

May 09, 2019
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

You will see your body behaving in what you would call "weird ways" when it's detoxing. It's not actually weird at all, it's perfectly natural. I think your body is responding well and your immunity is becoming strengthened. "Keep doing what you're doing" would be my recommendation.

All the best to you Kay! :)

May 16, 2019
A few questions
by: EJ

Hi Troy,

Firstly thank you for the wealth of information you have provided on this protocol.

I had to put off starting this for several months due to a few stressors in my life and travel plans. I'm now in a position to do it. I've been starting very slow this week and testing a few things diet-wise.

The thing I am struggling with the most is coffee. I love it, but have managed to cut it back to every second day and I will gradually fade it out... I have started drinking the dandy blend that Heather recommended and it's quite nice. I am guessing there is no wiggle room to have a coffee a few times a week?

I have been making smoothies in the morning with Spirillina and Wheat Grass along with organic banana, frozen organic berries, organic yoghurt (unsweetened unhomogenised Barambah brand), manuka honey, coconut milk and coconut water and chia seeds. Is this OK?

I just wanted to check about candida. I have a bit of white coating on my tongue. It causes me no problems and I'm not in any pain with it, but in the back of my mind I'm wondering if my body is harbouring a low-level candida infection. I have historically had a sweet tooth and love chocolate (giving that up has been tough). Approximately 18 months ago (right before I was diagnosed with hsv2) I had a fungal infection in my toe which has since been treated and in the months preceding that I used a number of antibiotics to clear up a persistent UTI. I had no vaginal thrush secondary to using the antibiotics thankfully. My question is would this protocol still work if there was candida infection somewhere in my system?

Thank you in advance.


May 20, 2019
Reply to EJ
by: Troy

Hi EJ. Firstly, the smoothie you're having is perfect. With the coffee? Unfortunately it has to go for good. There's no easy way around it. In regards to a candida infection or persistent UTI's? You'll find that as your immune system strengthens and your good gut bacteria grows strong (from all the probiotics you're hopefully having), these problems will naturally go. A coated tongue is a sign of a body that's in poor health. This is okay though because like I said, your immune system (and your overall health) will continue to improve and get better as the months go by.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

May 20, 2019
by: Help please

Hello Troy! Thank you for helping so many people......
I have been tested IgG 0.8 and the doctor said my EBV is gone...
Im still getting outbreaks though.
Im takin OLE, Lysine, Red marine algae, Shitaki, Reishi, Cordyceps, Camu camu and eating fruits and veggies on a daily basis. What you think? I ordered the BHT now too.
Is it okay to take all of these? And what you think about me still getting outbreaks after my blood test?

May 20, 2019
by: Troy

Taking/consuming all of these is fine. In regards to you still getting breakouts? I would monitor yourself for the next few months to see what and where your breakouts are occurring. They may actually be from something else. Did you get a full viral/pathogen test? :)

May 20, 2019
by: Help please

Thank you for your quick response!..:)
I just did the igG test on EPV.
He said that I dont have an acute Infection. (He only sees that I had it).
I still get outbreaks on the lips.
I actually should be allowed now to eat some white bread, cheese and other stuff no? I don't understand whats going on.
Maybe you have an idea... Best regards.

May 21, 2019
Continued intensity of OBs
by: Hopeful from Asia

Hi Troy,

You may remember me as I've posted periodically over the past 18 months since starting the protocol.

Regretfully, my condition is still not improving in the least.

My diet and discipline has improved tremendously from when I started. My diet is primarily raw food (kale, spinach, beetroot, mushrooms and cilantro based) with occasional cooked or steamed vegetables, soft boiled eggs a few times a week, and on rare occasions, sardines or wild caught salmon from a can since I can't find fresh ones here.

My supplements are at 6 OLE which you recommended 6 months ago after I crossed my 12 month mark, OO twice a day under the tongue and twice a day on my spine (unless it gets so dried out that I let the skin heal until I can apply again), Vitamin Cs + Lysine + zinc + Vitamin B and Magnesium Citrate.

I no longer take colloidal silver because I didn't find that it made any difference after the first 6 months.

Why are my OBs as intense and regular (2x a month) as when I first started 18 months ago? I had huge faith that this would work and my right bum is so badly scarred from outbreaks after outbreaks after outbreaks.

My health is generally very good and I came down with the flu maybe once in the last 18 months.

I do eat a slice of freshly baked sourdough bread with avocado daily at tea time to fill myself up but honestly, that shouldn't be triggering my OBs.

I'm starting to lose hope and I'm writing to you for guidance and advice. Is the protocol no longer working for me?

Thank you.

May 23, 2019
Reply to "IgG" Comment
by: Troy

It means you likely still have the virus. All the test revealed according to your doctor is that the virus is not active at this point, but is still in your system. Make sure you have a doctor who really understands testing. It's surprising just how many don't. :)

May 27, 2019
Reply to hopeful from Asia
by: Troy

My honest opinion is that you haven't been taking enough supplements to detox and flush your body. Eating well is a start, however, it's only a start. Taking the OLE and oregano oil, while these are a good start, are just not enough. I don't remember your exact protocol off hand but the OB's should have either stopped by now or only be the very slightest of tingling. My recommendation would be for you to look at a parasite zapper also. So many good reviews are coming in from people using these. Begin by reading Dr Hulda Clark's book "The Cure for All Diseases"... The Cure for All Diseases. This lady is the original pioneer and inventor of parasite zappers. Once you've read her book first then look into which zappers are the best. These two are worth investigating if you're interested...

AutoZap 5.

Dual Frequency Zapper.

Don't forget also that LOTS of green foods - wheat grass powder, cilantro, etc, are crucial for getting those heavy metals out. Unless you remove (chelate) those heavy metals out fully the virus will remain active, and of course, outbreaks will continue.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jun 02, 2019
Foot detox & zapper
by: Valerie

Hi Troy,

I came across this unit a two weeks ago. I’ve had 3 foot detoxes so far but no zapper yet. Every time I get a treatment, I sleep like a baby. What’s your opinion on this unit - Thank you for your input.

Jun 03, 2019
Reply to Valerie
by: Troy

I haven't heard from anyone who's used one of these types of zappers/detox baths Valerie so it's difficult for me to say. The science is there but as far as these being strong enough to eliminate the herpes virus? I'm unsure. The best zappers in my opinion are the ones built to Dr Hulda Clarks original specifications.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Valerie!

Jun 05, 2019
Will This Work?
by: DAC

Hello Troy. I have been eating some foods and I wanted to get your opinion on how fit it is for a hsv2 detox.

Currently I eat about 2 pounds of date and almond rolls as well as some guacamole for extra calories. I also drink a shake with bananas, vegetable protein, along with detox teas.

In addition to this, I have been intermittently fasting with water as well as some dry fasting. My biggest concern is losing weight and loss of energy due to working out on low protein.

If I continue eating like this it wont be feeding the virus will it? I've heard that dry fruit is bad but I've also heard that dates kills parasites so I'm not sure which is true. Thanks so much for what your doing. And may God bless you tremendously.

Jun 08, 2019
8 months
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

Feeling a little confused having had a terrible outbreak this week. As stated, I have been having outbreaks the entire time but they were not too intense... this one however is more similar to when I first started. They were only on my anal area but this time it's also on my vulva. Nothing's changed, I haven't been stressed but I did stay up very late twice this week - I don't imagine my body is that vulnerable with all the work I've been doing?

I'm starting to think its time to add more to my protocol as the 12 month mark is approaching...

I take colloidal silver, oregano oil, OLE, 3 tbsp of green powder containing wheatgrass, baobab, spirulina, chlorella, mooring and barley grass everyday.

I eat organic fruit, veg, cilantro and spinach salads and an approved cooked meal everyday. I've also done a few cleanses for heavy metals, candida and a full body one - you told me these were fantastic to add when I asked.

I do bioresonance, homeopathy and laser therapy on my lesions. My practitioner has said over the past couple of months that my body is making good progress recently and he is optimistic. I'm just wondering when this will manifest physically..

There's so many things to potentially add, I don't know where to start. I've been looking into, zapper, Ozone, DMSO, monolaurine, lysine, h2o2?

Lastly, is it worth taking a test to find out my numbers? If I'm still getting outbreaks is it likely to not have reduced since I took the test before I started?

Jun 13, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, what are your thoughts on getting a small tattoo while doing this regimen? I’m talking like an inch big.

Jun 14, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hello. I've been doing the process for almost a month after two days I found out I have type 1. My question is, can I still take Acyclovir whenever I get cold sores on my mouth? I don't want to be embarrassed and people staring at me. Please and thank you. :)

Jun 17, 2019
Reply to DAC
by: Troy

Fasting is definitely good, so you have no worries about this. Be careful with dates as they are high in sugar (natural sugar yes but you don't want to be consuming too much). Dry fruit is no good, go fresh always. The one exception of course is freeze dried or powdered (supplement) forms which do not contain sulphates (like dried fruits usually do). Not sure what date and almond roles are but always remember... fresh is best if you possibly can.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jun 17, 2019
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

Hi Kay. Look, I don't think you are doing anything wrong. Outbreaks at this time can, and unfortunately, usually do still occur around this time frame. I would make two recommendations. Firstly, if you're looking to include a few more things then there are really only two things... the hydrogen peroxide protocol as per "The One Minute Cure" book and a zapper. We've had quite a few people now saying how well the zapper works. This is the best one on the market in my opinion...

AutoZap 5 - Ultimate Hulda Clark Zapper Design.

Here's the instructions as well... AutoZap 5 Instructions.

I know it's hard when it seems things are going against you Kay but I encourage you to continue on. Even if you go over your 12 month date, it will still be worth it.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 17, 2019
Reply to "Tattoo" Comment
by: Troy

You know tattoo's are toxic right? That ink is loaded full of chemicals and those chemicals slowly leach themselves into your blood stream. I don't think it's a good idea but ultimately up to you of course. :)

Jun 17, 2019
Reply to "Acyclovir" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, many people do this in the beginning. You can also try some of the natural topical alternatives we list in our article as well. :)

Jun 19, 2019
Nail/Hair Salon
by: Anonymous

Hello. My other question is: while doing the herpes treatment, can I still go to a hair salon and use regular shampoo, hair products, and get my nails done? :)

Jul 05, 2019
Reply to "Nail/Hair Salon" Comment
by: Troy

I wouldn't recommend these. The amount of chemicals in shampoo's, etc, that hair salons use, and even worse, what goes into nail products, is really not good at all. :)

Jul 09, 2019
Oral surgery
by: Anonymous

Hello. I'm suppose to have my wisdom tooth removed. Can I still take strong medicine to not feel pain after surgery? And can I be put to sleep? Will it affect the process of the herpes cure? Please and thank you. :)

Jul 11, 2019
by: Mr Fast

Read through quite a few comments and am amazed only 2 people have cured themselves. There is so much more knowledge all of you need to know. You must detox the body in order to ERADICATE this virus, you must REPAIR your body before anything will heal. You MUST become VEGAN, you must FAST in one way or the other. Water fast, Intermittent fast, Dry fast and Juice only Fasts. Colonics on a daily basis and definitely Coffee enemas daily (Do serious research before starting Fasts and Colonic's and coffee enemas as they need to be done CAREFULLY!) Meditation, Epsom Salt Baths, Relaxation. Olive Leaf Extract, RAW FOOD DIET, Oregano Oil, Hulda Clark Zapper, weekly massage and sauna 3 times a week (not infrared), along with going to bed early. Takes one full year. I'm currently in the process. GOOD LUCK!

Jul 11, 2019
by: Mr Fast

Forgot to mention DISTILLED WATER ONLY or reverse Osmosis, ORGANIC ONLY for food and skincare. Get a decent juicer, the more expensive the better the juice.

Jul 18, 2019
Reply to "Oral surgery" Comment
by: Troy

You'll be fine. If the surgery needs to be done then better to get it done and recover. :)

Jul 19, 2019
Almost 10 months
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

I hope you're well.

I am currently in my 10th month of the protocol although I did it on and off throughout 2018 as well.

Initially, my outbreaks were monthly and as I was on the protocol they began to increase to about 3x a month and by March I was only outbreak free for 11 days. April and May were back to 3/4 times a month but rather mild and clearing within a few days.

In June I had the worst OB of all - it lasted about a week on my front and back-side. This was my first OB on my labia since early 2018.

After that, I was 5 weeks free - the longest for a long time and I became really excited by the progress. Last Sunday however I woke up to a tiny OB on my backside that I could more feel than even see. I was disheartened.

I went to see my bioreseonance practitioner for a check up and asked what he thought was going on. He said he's unsure about "curing" but think my body is increasingly "managing" the virus. I wonder if it is worth all this cost and hassle to "manage" a virus.

I guess I'm just looking for some encouragement. I am starting to feel that curing this is only possible for a select group of people. Being 10 months in and still having OB's is quite concerning. I can't help but think I've got some massive gaps in protocol or immunity or something. I've posted quite a few times so you can see what I take but it includes CS, OO, OLE, homeopathic drops, bioresonance and green powder (containing all the good stuff e.g. spirulina, boabab etc). I've also done a few heavy metal, parasite and full body cleanses that you've approved. I eat organic, a salad a day with saurkraut, fruit in the morning and a cooked vegan meal (often beans and brown rice, teff grain with a chickpea soup etc). I recently starting having some kefir.

In December my IGG was 6.5 - I don't know what it is now but don't want to be disheartened by test results.

I see people chugging down different supplements and powders and a number of things but I don't want this to be an inconvenience so I hesitate using them - I also note that Jessica and Heather kept things relatively simple. Generally I've been ok but this week everything from the costs, food, etc just seems burdensome. I used to look forward to a 12 month end and it motivated me but I'm increasingly seeing people on the protocol indefinitely and it makes things more scary.

Hopefully you have some advice for me.


Jul 25, 2019
IGG increase after 8.5 months
by: Kay

Hi Troy,

Just an update as I’ve now taken another IGG test and need some advice. Please see my previous comment for all info and in general I’ve been giving updates through the thread.

I started in Oct 18 and took an IGG in Dec 18 which came up at 6.50. I took another last week and the results are 6.74.

What do you think of this?


Aug 14, 2019
Is this really working?
by: Anonymous

First, I want to say that I speak for my body only. Oregano Oil does nothing for my herpes except if it’s used topically. I don’t know why but I was using it from July 2018, for like 7 months, a pill a day, and it reacted to the herpes break out. A couple of people here and JamesDestroysDiseases says Oregano Oil kills herpes. This is false in my opinion. I have been using Diamateoucs Earth and zinc. I haven’t eaten chocolate nor sugar, no nuts or coffee and I haven’t had an outbreak in like 6 months. I don’t know if it’s working but the sore that use to be on my genitals has sunk in the skin and gone away. The itching is very light, and the tingling is still there but not sever. Sometimes I want to take a needle and inject myself in the back of my spine with Bleach or Oregano Oil to be rid of this. I feel there is going to be a treatment but it will be a treatment that you will have to kill some of your body just to kill herpes, like chemotherapeutic does with cancer.

Aug 20, 2019
Reply to Kay
by: Troy

Hi Kay. Apologise for the late reply... have been away. The reason your IgG went up is you had just had an outbreak. This will cause your level to rise. The virus is still there for you. It's unfortunate and probably not what you want to hear, but I'm being 100% honest with you. The one thing I would recommend if you can is getting a hold of a zapper. I know Heather and Jessica didn't use one, however, we are getting terrific feedback from people (mainly the women for some reason?) who are saying that the zapper was the final nail in the coffin for them getting rid of the virus. One woman who has been at this for over two years, just couldn't quite get over the hill in regards to getting rid of the virus. She started zapping 6 months ago and is now virus free. Read up on them first and even go on YouTube and watch some of the video's. They definitely work.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Kay!

Mar 11, 2020
Just tested positive
by: Andrew

I have purchased everything and am setting up a regimen, so just a couple of questions:

1) all supplements should be taken separately if possible? I’m still just a little unclear on how to use the colloidal silver.

2) my numbers were HSV1 - 3.63, HSV2 - 4.49 and HSV IGM - 1.44. This test was performed after what I thought was a terrible yeast infection, and it says that HSV1 was elevated because of recent outbreak. With numbers this low, is it possible that I’ve caught it early?

3) I’ve been using a propolis salve over the last two days, after having another OB, and it seems to be clearing it up fairly quickly while I wait on the supplements to arrive. Is this ok? And I read on another site that propolis is also very good, but It’s low on your scale. Is it ok to add in?

Thank you

Apr 20, 2020
by: Troy

Hi Andrew. Sorry for replying so late - corona virus has taken up much of our time. Now, the propolis is great as a topical remedy so if it's helping, definitely continue with it. With the colloidal silver it's 5 ml's placed under the tongue and held for 30 seconds then swallow. Have drink of water after to wash down if need be. Do this 5 times a day (25 ml's total for the day) for 3 months then you can back off the amount to 10 ml's total for each day. Your numbers are low so, yes, it's likely that you've caught it early.

Stick with the program and you'll be rewarded.

Good luck and all the best to you Andrew! 😊

Apr 29, 2020
by: M

Hi Troy,
I've read everything you have on this disease treatment and I'm wondering: do you have to use all 12 of the cures? Or some? Is there anything that accelerates the clearing of the disease?
Will this be ineffective if I cant eat raw, but eat healthy/stay away from nuts?


May 01, 2020
Reply to M
by: Troy

I always recommend at a minimum the first 5 treatments. I know BHT can be difficult to obtain, but even without it you will still do well. Read the One Minute Cure book as well. Lots of great tips in that book for sure. You certainly don't need to eat raw foods all of the time, but as close as you can is good. Certainly no processed foods. Remember, you want your body to detox. That's the crux of this protocol.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 👍

May 16, 2020
Ready to begin :)
by: K

Hello Troy,

I am finally ready to start my process of eradicating HSV1. I was wondering if you could shed some light on these topics.

- I have to get titanium metal dental implants. I do know that They are known to leak heavy metals like aluminium in the bloodstream. Will this make eradicating my OHSV1 impossible since the virus needs heavy metals?
- What is the most logical order to detox the organs?


May 18, 2020
Reply to K
by: Troy

Yes, titanium dental implants contain heavy metals, particularly aluminium. As I always say, you can only do the best that you can with what you've got. By this I mean, just be sure to detox fully and continue to detox. Heavy metals are all around us unfortunately. We breathe them in every day. Get plenty of chlorella into you. This is one of the best heavy metal detoxifiers in existence. Dulse seaweed is also very good. And of course, follow a good detoxing diet. If you can afford it, Dherbs have really good cleansing pack you could consider using... Dherbs Antiviral Cleanse.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Jul 03, 2020
by: Anonymous

Is it ok to still take Valtrex while taking supplements or does this hinder the healing? thank u

Jul 17, 2020
Reply to "Valtrex" comment
by: Troy

In the beginning most people continue to take it. We recommend you slowly start to wean yourself from it after the first month though so you gain the full benefits of the protocol. 😊

Aug 01, 2020
Colloidal silver
by: M

How safe is the colloidal silver? I've read that you can turn blue/grey and that it builds up in the organs. Is this true?

Aug 05, 2020
Numbers going up?
by: C. R.

Hi There Troy,

I want to thank you for all of your love and support you are giving us with all of your replies. The time and effort you take to do this is really astonishing. So I will keep this short and straight to the point.

I am having a really hard time on understanding what is going on with my journey:
I have been mostly raw for the past 1.5 years. The last 7 months I have been FULLY RAW. I have been mostly fruit and some days of salads with a variety of vegetables but still ALL RAW.

I have ZERO breakouts. The only break out I got was when I first got HSV.

I did a 5 month protocol of Dr. Morse herbs.

Admitting, I have been inconsistent with Oregano Oil.

In the last 2 months (but with no herbs or teas) I have been doing 18-20 hours of dry fasting but I did have 4-6 times of eating nuts.(big no-no) I do understand that consistency and being EXTREMELY strict is key. But could this be the driving force of my numbers doubling and tripling?

9/17/2018 : 4.41
4/11/2019 : 6.51
10/25/2019: 9.83
8/1/2020: 23.60
(The last place I got tested was at a new location--BUT the same company. The previous location shut down during the pandemic)

I am devastated because I just feel like I am at a loss because I don't understand why my numbers are going UP by a lot. Have you ever heard of someone who's numbers continue to go up but don't get breakouts? Do you advise a path for me to take? ANYTHING at this point would be helpful.

Thanks so much Troy and looking forward to any insight you may have.

Aug 15, 2020
by: Turkey Anonymous

Hi Troy. Can organic turkey bacon or organic ground turkey be eaten?

Aug 17, 2020
Reply to “still having outbreaks after negative test”
by: Becca

I just wanted to reply to the person still experiencing outbreaks after a negative test. I’ve read that some people continue to have outbreaks for a few months after, but it’s like the herxheimers reaction. Your body is still clearing dead viral cells and can have similar reactions as to when you were infected. Another possibility I’ve read about is that because the virus affects your nerves, your nervous system may experience phantom effects from when you were infected, such as nerve pain and even mild outbreaks, that it remembers the virus and still reacts as though the virus is there. I also wanted to ask if there are any support groups for people trying to cure themselves? Thanks!

Sep 21, 2020
Is it really eliminated
by: Sarah

I just bought a course from herbalist Kareem who has a webinar on getting rid of HSV. I also bought his $99 oregano oil. After 2 hours into the webinar with people stepping up as people who defeated hsv he stated that after the negative test (which he got in a short time period) he still gets outbreaks. Will we continue to get outbreaks like this even after a negative test? Kareem also agreed that once you get a negative test you will possibly get an outbreak if you go back to the american diet. I feel so lost and confused. To me its not a cure like he kept saying it'd be. I feel like once you're truly cured you should never have any worries about it ever again; that to me is what cured means.

Sep 23, 2020
What about rice?
by: Anonymous

Just wondering, can rice cause you to have an outbreak?? I had over the weekend, and I did have sugar, I had gummies bears and I had two Dunkin Donuts. Then the next day I had curry goat and white rice.The next day I had a horrible break out. What do you think may have triggered it.

Oct 06, 2020
Reply to M
by: Troy

All the talk about colloidal silver being dangerous and turning your skin blue is pure fear based garbage. You would need to take a HUGE amount every day over a number of months, even years for this to occur (and take the wrong type of colloidal silver). Colloidal silver is actually very safe and was the remedy of choice for doctors before Big Pharma came along. Stick with Sovereign silver (silver hydrosol) and you'll be fine. Just remember to take in plenty of probiotics when using CS as it can alter the balance.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 07, 2020
Reply to C.R. - "Numbers going up" comment
by: Troy

Firstly, I want to say, you are doing extremely well! Going that long with no breakouts or visible signs is very very positive. Now, in regards to your results? I always say never get tested more than 12 months apart. You have to give your body time to do the work AND you have to give time for the numbers to go down. Your numbers rising isn't actually uncommon. Why? Because as I've said in sooo many articles... herpes testing is not 100% accurate. This is the big dilemma. If there was a dead accurate test this would all be much easier, but there simply isn't. The other problem is some peoples immune systems produce more antibodies than others, even if there's no immediate threat (no two immune responses are the same). This is why antibody testing, while being useful, is not the holy grail unfortunately. Use your tests as a guide, but use your body as the ultimate guide. How do you feel? Are you getting breakouts? Is your immunity strong (do you get sick regularly, etc)? Think about these.

I suggest you stay with what you're doing (it's working) and not rush out to get tested so much.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Oct 07, 2020
Reply to Turkey Anonymous 😂
by: Troy

Turkey can be eaten in small amounts, no more than 150 grams per day. Try and stick with the breast only if you can (and organic of course).

Oct 07, 2020
Reply to Sarah
by: Troy

I don't know much about this person to be honest, but yes you are correct. A negative test means you should not get outbreaks. With that said, it's very common to still get some outbreaks for a few months after a negative test as the body continues to flush out the last remnants of the virus. Also, I don't believe that just taking oregano oil is enough. While it's still very powerful, you must look to hit the virus from different angles to destroy it. Oregano oil is only one (effective) tool in your arsenal.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you Sarah!

Oct 07, 2020
Reply to "what about rice" comment
by: Troy

Depends what rice you had. Was it processed polished white rice? I would be looking at EVERYTHING you ate rather than looking for one particular trigger. I think you may already know the answer to what caused it. 😊

Oct 08, 2020
by: Anonymous

Hello, I saw Heather or Jessica mention suppository's and I was wondering if the oregano can be taken as a suppository instead of in drops of water. I found a suppository recipe for the oil of oregano but I was wondering if it's ok to do this INSTEAD of the drops in the water. It hurts my stomach when dropped in water and swallowed and makes me nauseous. I would still use the oil on the spine and under the tongue, just wondering if I can substitute the water method for the suppository.

Oct 30, 2020
by: Andrew

Good evening, it’s been almost 7 months since my last outbreak. I had stopped drinking the oregano oil every morning quite some time ago as it is quite vile. But I was trying to pin down what might have caused my recent outbreak. I will, from time to time, have some wine or a beer but it has NEVER caused an outbreak before. This week, I did start adding cilantro back into my shakes and my breakfast, which is usually spinach and two egg omelette. (Eggs are sourced from a friend that raises free range chickens) I did also make a roast this week with some Worcestershire sauce as one of the ingredients. It’s just really weird, as I have never cut all red meat. I’ve always has a small amount of red meat since I first started the protocol. Any ideas what it might have been? I haven’t taken a second test, as I had planned on waiting one year from my last test. It’s just weird that I have had ZERO outbreaks, and all of a sudden this one... it’s quite small, but it is an outbreak none the less. Thanks in advance for any ideas or input.

Nov 18, 2020
Reply to "Suppository" comment
by: Troy

Yes you can certainly do this. No use having the oregano oil orally if it's making you feel queezy as it wont have any great benefit. Be sure to let us know how you go with this method. 😊

Nov 24, 2020
Reply to Andrew
by: Troy

Hi Andrew. It's always quite difficult to pin point the exact cause, especially as you aren't following a strict diet and supplementation regimen. Remember also, the cause could be something non diet related, such as a stressful situation you may have been dealing with. If you're slowing introducing and/or excluding certain foods and supplements (one at a time) then it can be much easier to pin down the exact cause. I recommend you try this approach.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Andrew!

Nov 26, 2020
Lomatium and EBV
by: Andrea

Hi Troy,
Thanks so much for all of the information— I’m so glad to have found this site. I’m 35 and have been having a lot of health issues since early this year, with doctors unable to help. Symptoms : fatigue, depression, ringing in ears, low blood pressure, hypothyroid, heart palpitations, headaches, blurry vision, worsened rosacea, herpes outbreaks. A viral panel showed high antibodies for EBV, HSV1, HSV2, and HSV6. I have no idea when I contracted this...but I was under a lot of stress prior to the symptoms I listed above manifesting. After starting a mostly raw vegan diet (some days 100%) 7 months ago, many of my symptoms went away! I also take a daily smoothie with cilantro, spirulina, wheatgrass, dulse, and now adding chlorella. I’m now left with vaginal outbreaks only, which are frequent...barely any breaks in between. I’ve started taking Lomatium just a few days ago and have gotten incredibly fatigued...almost unable to even sit, so tired...hopeful that’s a good sign. So my questions are:
1) what do you think about Lomatium? I plan to incorporate OLE, oregano, monoluarin, BHT, St. John’s, silver, H202, Vit c, zinc. Should I continue with the Lomatium?
2) Could this regimen also help kill EBV?
3) The only drug I continue to take is Levothyroxine (T4) 25mcg daily, though I have been working the dosage down with my doctor and expect to be off of it completely in 2 months . But curious if this medication would prevent the supplements from working.

Thank you so much, you are a God send. Blessings!

Dec 03, 2020
by: Andrea

Hi Troy,
Are you familiar with Lomatium herb? I have been taking and have experienced what i think is Herxheimer reaction (feeling completely fatigued like i'm fighting off something + low grade fever). I have tried to incorporate oregano oil and OLE (1-2pills OLIVUS per day), but it may be too much. Any recommendations? Should I stop the Lomatium, or Oregano/OLE? Thanks for any advice you can provide.
Excellent site, thank you for everything you're doing to help people get healthy.

Dec 20, 2020
by: Nicky M

Hi Troy,
I'm 6 months on the organic plant based, mostly raw vegan protocol, and I haven't slipped up or cheated at all. No sugar, alcohol, chocolate, nuts. I have been taking:
Zane Hellas oregano oil tablets twice a day
sovereign silver 4-6 times a day
b12 once a day
Olivus olive leaf max 2 tablets, 2-3 times a day (total of 4-6 a day)
iron tablets 18mg once a day
vitamin d3/k2 5000 iu twice a day
zinc 30 mg twice a day
vitamin c 2000mg 4-5 times a day
lysine 1g 3 times a day
selenium/iodine 200mcg once a day
I drink the yogi detox daily juice cilantro, coconut water, and lettuce daily.

I eat organic fruits and vegetables all day. For dinner I eat organic quinoa, beans(organic, canned, bpa free lining, no salt), avocado, more veggies, and sometimes tofu.

my hsv2 igg said >8.0 H. I dont know how to get an exact number.

Is it ok to eat the cooked food for dinner? I lost about 30 pounds, I went down to 114, I'm gaining a little weight back since reintroducing cooked dinners (at 122lbs now).

I'm married and my husband doesn't have HSV, we have been extra careful the times we've had sex. I read a few days ago that you become more contagious when you begin a detox. Is that true?

Is my regiment ok?

I have to add that I lost my period for two months when I was 114, I became underweight. Once I got back in normal range, my period came back.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share all your knowledge and for taking the time to respond to everyone's questions.

Jan 03, 2021
Reply to Andrea
by: Troy

Hi Andrea. Firstly, apologise for the late reply (didn't see your question come up). Now, let's start with your EBV question. This protocol will absolutely help get rid of your EBV. In fact, OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil oil are the three main ingredients you need to kill this virus (be sure to also have a read of this Q&A I did for more tips on getting rid of EBV... A Natural Remedy for Epstein Barr Virus That Works!). I'm assuming your taking the Levothyroxine for low thyroid and fatigue issues. As you lower the dose you can incorporate some Lugols liquid iodine or seaweed supplement into your daily regimen to get your thyroid back up to speed - this can certainly help (Best Home Remedies & Natural Treatments for Hypothyroidism). Nothing wrong with continuing with the Lomatium either. Lomatium is a terrific antimicrobial herb. Finally, if you're experiencing herxheimer's, which is VERY common, lower the dosages and slowly build back up. Remember, it's not a race so be sure to take your time with this.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Jan 03, 2021
Reply to Nicky
by: Troy

Hi Nicky. What you're doing is excellent. The fact that you've gained a bit more weight is also good. You do have to be careful when eating raw as you can end up too thin. It's important to try and balance things out, which I think you are now doing. Eating cooked foods is certainly okay too. Just remember to not overcook, that's the secret. I would also encourage you to look at the hydrogen peroxide regimen - at least read the One Minute Cure book. That book will help give you some handy insight.

Keep up the great work Nicky.

All the best to you! 😊

Jan 10, 2021
by: Anonymous

For some reason my comments won’t post, but I’m a little confused. So I followed this regimen back in 2017 when I found out I had contracted HSV-2. I haven’t had an outbreak since my first one; I thought that was a great sign. Every time I went to get tested my doctor wouldn’t offer it unless I’m having a lesion. Fast forward to December 2020, I saw two sores but it didn’t look or feel like herpes so I figured my underwear might have irritated me. However, I wanted to be safe so I went and got tested (IgG). Here’s where the confusion comes in - the results came back negative for HSV-2 but positive for HSV-1. I’ve never had lesions or anything around my mouth. I read I shouldn’t stress it because sometimes it’s a false positive and unless you've had a lesion you won’t really know for sure. I've also seen sometimes you could have the antibodies but not the virus itself. What do you think? Do you think I should restart this regimen again? I’m becoming depressed but I’m scared and looking at my lips every 5 minutes. My partner is willing to stay but I feel so disgusting.

Jan 16, 2021
Cooked Seafood?
by: Aaron

Hi Troy,

First of all thank you for these resources! It is certainly a breath of fresh air too know there are practical steps to take towards fighting this disease.

A few questions:
1. I've seen in a couple of resources that things such as Salmon & Shrimp are acidic vs. alkaline forming, but Dr. James & you have both recommended these foods. Do you have any thoughts around this?
2. If low mercury level seafood is permissible, what are your recommendations for cooking them?
3. What are your thoughts on Athletic Greens (, upon first look it seems to have a good amount of the ingredients that you recommend?

I can't thank you enough and look forward to your response!

Jan 20, 2021
Reply to "Confused" Comment
by: Troy

It could certainly be a false positive. Or, you could in fact have HSV1. Remember, HSV1 can be transmitted to the genitals if someone is experiencing a breakout/shedding and performs oral sex on an unsuspecting partner. I recommend firstly, not panicking. Wait a few months and get retested to make sure it wasn't a false positive. If you come back positive then yes, begin the protocol. Remember also, technically, HSV1 is easier to get rid of than HSV2... that's the silver lining.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 20, 2021
Reply to Aaron
by: Troy

Hi Aaron. Firstly, salmon and shrimp are okay. I say this because Heather ate shrimp and she got rid of her herpes, but yes, they can be acidic so I would still go easy on them. As a far as how to cook? The least amount as possible. Stir fry's are good, along with baking. In regards to the greens powder you list? This one looks really good and has so much of what you need. No problems there.

Hope this helps.

All the best! 😊

Feb 28, 2021
by: Tammy

Hello, Troy! I would first like to start off by thanking you for your help. I have a few questions to see what you think about my regimen. I am going raw alkaline vegan starting tomorrow because I was diagnosed w/ HSV-2 last week. I am drinking a ton of herbal tea made from dandelion root, elderberry, burdock, mullein leaf powder, cinnamon, turmeric root, licorice root, peppermint leaf. I also take sasparilla, pao d’arco, guaco, chlorophyll, and Pao Pereira daily. Including the oregano oil under my tongue and on my spine, I drink a gallon of water with lemon every day. Do you have any more tips on how to fight this virus? Hopefully my starting this right after contracting the virus will make it easier to fight, but I’m not sure. Any tips are greatly appreciated as far as what kind of detox you’d recommend to kick this entire process off... I’m expecting to make this lifestyle change for the next year or so until I get my expected results. I also wish there was a way to track my progress, but fewer breakouts would probably be a good signifier. Thanks in advance.

Mar 14, 2021
Reply to Tammy
by: Troy

Hi Tammy. Firstly, I would recommend you read through our main herpes article/protocol a few times just to familiarise yourself. Now, you didn't mention taking the olive leaf extract? This is one of the most important, if not THE most important parts of the protocol so be sure to include this. Also the colloidal silver and hydrogen peroxide if you can. Even if you didn't go with the HP, at least have a read of the book. It's well worth it and has lots of interesting info. Once again, be sure to read through the protocol a few times to completely familiarise yourself with it.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Mar 23, 2021
by: Deirdre

Hi Troy!
I’m not sure if this was ever mentioned in any of the previous comments; however, I came across a product that has worked wonders for me. I’ve been suffering with recurrent outbreaks after not having any for almost 2 years. One day during the first day of an outbreak, I drank a "lemonade" made with blue majik spiralina, filtered water, and honey. It was unintentional as I had no idea of the benefits. When I went to sleep and woke up the next morning, the lesions had disappeared! Thinking it was all in my head or not sure of what to attribute it to, some time later I had a tingling sensation as if an outbreak was about to happen. I drank the magic lemonade again and it completely stopped the outbreak in its tracks. No further tingling and no outbreak. Last month I had another outbreak and once again drank the lemonade and the next day the lesions had disappeared and began healing. 4 days later and they were completely healed and gone without a trace. Neither my boyfriend nor I could even tell where they had been. For anyone who may be interested, I used the blue majik spirulina from E3live and can swear by the benefits. Almost 3 years since my diagnosis and I am still coming to terms with it. As sad as I am that it happened to me, I’m thankful that I can use my experience to help others. I hope this product can help someone as much as it helped me.

Apr 29, 2021
Reply to Deirdre
by: Troy

Haven't heard of that mixture Deirdre but hey, I'm always open to new ideas. I have the attitude that if it works then why not use it. And thanks for sharing your tip too.

All the best! 😊

Jul 18, 2021
Starting Detox
by: Amanda

Hello Troy!
I have read your grateful advice and comments of the long hard work and dedication of others.
It cleared up a lot of questions for me, and I am very thankful.

First of all, I would like to be the first to start Dr. Schultze's 30-day detox program.

Like everyone, I'm in a hurry,
so, should I take oregano oil, colloidal silver, olive leaf, bht like this program during Dr. Schultze's 30-day detox program?
And what do you recommend to complete the 30-day program at once, or to start with just cleaning the intestines for 10 days?

Second, you recommend raw. Should I go completely carbohydrate-free (organic, of course) and have a salad 0n the 30-day program?
And, do I have to be completely vegan after the 30-day program? Do you recommend eating carbohydrates and a little protein once a day?

Finally, my igg level right now is hsv1 21.5 (which is on the rise) and hsv2 is 1.6.
Both have been infected for 1 year and 6 months, but hsv2 levels are on the low side.
Do you think this is a positive sign?

Thank you for being with me on my journey and you are my hope.
As it is the darkest before sunshine, I try to walk this road with patience.

Thank you very much.

Aug 09, 2021
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

Hi Amanda. Firstly, lets start with the detox program. If you're going to do Dr Shultz's detox (which is an excellent pre start program too by the way) then only follow his program. So don't start with any of the supplements in this program until AFTER you complete his detox regimen. When going raw, you don't need to cut out all carbohydrates. For instance, black rice is an excellent food to include 9and is a carb). And you don't have to go vegan either. You do need a certain amount of protein or you will lose too much weight. Of course, salads are very good also. In regards to your IgG levels? I've always said that HSV1 is easier to get rid of than HSV2, that's just a fact, so the fact that your HSV2 level is low (even though your HSV1 is high) is a positive sign. I'm confident you will do well Amanda, just be patient. Of course, everyone wants to get rid of this horrid virus as fast as they can, but it does take time.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Sep 14, 2021
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I’m really hoping that you can help me…I am quite new into the protocol and I’ve experienced the worst OB I think I hav ever had. When I felt it coming on I applied lots of DMSO (99.9% liquid diluted with filtered water to 70%), then used hydrogen peroxide several times a day and lemon balm, but it has not touched it at all. It’s got even worse and now I have severe leg pain and swollen lymph nodes. I’m really trying to stay positive, but I’ve had to cave and start taking the acyclovir because it’s very painful and hard to walk.

I really want to do this properly and through reading your replies, I see that you say not to take the acyclovir. Please can you give me some advice on whether it’s ok to take it in extreme cases like this, or whether I should just try and stop it completely and just deal with the pain. It’s such a shame that the HP isn’t working, but of course I will keep trying and using it

* Just for some context I am using OLE, oregano oil (3 ways) colloidal silver (in a spray bottle, buying the sovereign one soon as it was out of stock), lysine, BHT, St. John’s wort, vitamin C 10000mgs, zinc and iron. Also eating organic and adding wheatgrass, chorella, spirulina, parsley to my morning smoothie

Any help would be so appreciated thank you

Sep 22, 2021
by: Troy

No what I've said is most people slowly wean themselves from Acyclovir rather than quit cold turkey. This is an option, particularly in the beginning and especially if breakouts are harsh and relentless. Everything else you are doing seems okay. Focus on building up that immune system... this should be your top priority.

All the best to you! 😊

Sep 28, 2021
Needing inspiration
by: Star

Hi, I'm getting a bit down at this point. Been following this page for a while. Took me about a year to take all of the vitamins regularly. I take 2 caps minimum OLE, oregano under my tongue, back of my neck and spine everyday, maybe miss a day here and there, st. Johns wort, 4 Bht caps, 4 vitamin C caps, elderberry, a women's multivitamin, Chlorella, colloidal silver, all daily, shots of turmeric, ginger, and random shots as often as possible and just added monolaurin. I did ozone therapy everyday for about a year and now I only do it a couple times a month since its not where I live full time. I drink at least 1 mixed greens cold pressed juice and 1 beets cold pressed juice daily with other things mixed in, acai and fruit, and raw veggies at least a couple times a week. Hemp protein is my main protein, but I eat smoked wild salmon a couple times a week or raw salmon. I eat brown rice with cooked veggies maybe once a week. The first 2 years were really bad, I got to the point where I went a couple months without breakouts, and then now its back to right before my period. I feel I'm more on top of my vitamins more then ever for the past 4-5 months at least. I eat a spinach dip once a month at my favorite restaurant and cooked salmon maybe once a month, other than that no grain except for the rice here and there. Am I just expecting results to soon? My outbreaks are definitely shorter than they used to be. Do I just continue or should I add more greens or supplements? No spinach dip and cooked salmon at all? How long of this before the out breaks will stop?? I desire to have a relationship again someday and me not being able to be sexually active ruined my last one of 4 years... Now I'm rambling thank you for this support team!

Oct 04, 2021
Hello Troy!
by: October


I ordered dherbs Anti-V Cleanse and Regimen a few days ago after reading an article that someone's igg levels went down after having it. I've been on the protocol for 2 months now and doing everything except the hp. Can I proceed with derbs or only Anti-v?

Also, I wonder if it's good to take mayo-inositol (nutrition) and estrogen, progesterone (drugs).

And, I wonder if it's okay to eat a little organic vegan butter, and soup with salted vegetables.

Recently, my outbreak was painful and in a new place, away from the old place, but it didn't come up like usual. Does this mean my count is declining?

Thank you.

Nov 02, 2021
Reply to Star
by: Troy

I think there are couple of things you can do to improve your regimen. Firstly, don't eat smoked foods at all. These contain toxic chemicals and are not good. Raw or lightly cooked is the way to go. Eat home cooked fish too not fish from Sushi bars, etc, you don't know what sort of fish it is or how chemical and heavy metal free it is. Remember also, you can never have too many greens so yes, up these if you can. Finally, up the OLE. You can take up to 6 capsules daily of the high strength so try and aim for 6 if you can (taken in divided amounts). Remember too, this is about detoxing the body so try not to put anything in your body that may contain toxins and chemicals. Doing this will only set you back. Personally, I think you're over the worst of it. It is hard sometimes but treating this protocol as a lifestyle change rather than a "burden" makes a difference. Stick with it and you'll be glad that you did.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Nov 02, 2021
Reply to October
by: Troy

The Dherbs cleanse is excellent and will definitely help cleanse and detox your body. It's important though that you follow their recommendations for the cleanse to the letter. This means no other supplements, etc should be taken, only theirs. Once your 20 days is up then go back on the supplements, etc, that are part of this protocol. Inositol is very good, however, I'm not a fan of estrogen drugs (pharmaceutical) but best to talk to your doctor about this... I cannot advise by law. Finally, vegan butter is perfectly fine, along with vegetable soups (home made of course). Also, getting outbreaks in unusual areas is quite common. You're stirring up the hornets nest, which is a good thing by the way!

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Nov 04, 2021
Tingling feeling
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy. I really appreciate this site and everyone sharing on it. I was wondering if you still have the tingling feeling and what does that mean? Are you further away from having a low count or not having it in general, or is it something that stays regardless of negative tests?

Thank you so much!! :)

Nov 25, 2021
Reply to "Tingling Feeling" Comment
by: Troy

It's quite natural and common to have the tingling during the detoxing process. It will definitely lessen over time and eventually go so don't be phased by it.

All the best! :)

Dec 05, 2021
Help please
by: Anonymous sufferer

I am a 26 year old petite woman who has had HSV for 5 years. I have outbreaks almost every month. At one point they would come with my period, now they occur around ovulation. They are quite mild and I mostly suffer emotionally and mentally more than anything. It causes me a lot of stress, anxiety and self-hatred. I have never been able to disclose this information to anyone so I’ve basically been holding this in for 5 years. I am tired and emotionally taxed. I have been mostly vegan but it is difficult to afford all that is needed to follow these protocols. I believe that it is curable but as soon as I have another outbreak I spiral into depression. I am really hoping to set aside the finances needed to start this health protocol to finally rid myself of this disease and perhaps have a relationship which I so desire.
My questions are: for someone as petite as I am (5"2 104 lbs), how do I go about this protocol without losing significant weight? What is the best diet recommended? Can being underweight add to the recurring outbreaks? Please help, I am desperate. I cannot come to accept this disease as many do. I want it out. It is a significant burden for someone like me who already suffers from social and even internal anxiety.

Dec 05, 2021
Reply to "Help Please" Comment
by: Troy

Jessica was very petite also so following her recommendations and story is definitely the best course of action for you. In regards to losing weight? This is a big thing for most people when they begin this. The best way to prevent too much weight loss is to keep both your carbs and protein up. Yes, as a vegan this can be a bit more difficult but can be done. Look for natural foods that are high in calories too. Does being underweight add to outbreaks? I don't believe so. As hard as it is sometimes, getting yourself stressed doesn't help. Try and do some low impact exercise daily or at least 3 times a week to increase your endorphin levels (mood stimulating chemicals). This will help a great deal.

Hope this helps you.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Feb 01, 2022
Frequent Outbreaks
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with HSV1 in the vaginal area about 15 years ago. Since that time I’ve dealt with outbreaks here and there. I hate medicine and never really took the drugs from my doctor. Fast forward to now. About a year ago I stopped eating meat and dairy; really focused on veggies and fruits. I started following the protocols outlined here somewhat with oregano oil, cilantro, juicing with green vegetables etc and the supplements. Since starting I’ve had an outbreak or two every month since April 2021 with the most frequent in January 2022. I test my ph balance daily and notice my body is more alkaline than usual. Is more frequent outbreaks normal during this process?

Feb 10, 2022
Reply to "Frequent Outbreaks" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, this is definitely the case unfortunately. If you have read all of the comments and questions posted both here and in Heathers testimonial you'll find lots of people asking the same question. The outbreaks will definitely lessen over time. Try upping your OLE intake to the maximum amount. Also look at the HP protocol as well to shorten the process.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Mar 24, 2022
Couple of questions
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I've read through the article and quite a lot of the comments here.

First of all, I'm assuming it wouldn't be enough just to the take OLE for example? In the article it says there are a number of cure options, however from reading the comments most people seem to apply every one plus change their diet, so I don't see how they're options if all protocols need to be followed?

Also I can only see two testimonials. The first comments were back in 2017, I thought there would be more successful stories by now?


Mar 27, 2022
by: Felix

Hey Troy, hope you're doing great and I want you to know that you are god sent for all the work you're doing for the betterment of people. Truly Noble of you.

I have some question which I'm hoping you can help me with...

1) I just started the protocol and in day 8 currently. I take everything you've listed in the herpes cure protocol except for silver, ACV and SJW. So by missing these 3 supplements I just wanted to know how far would it impact the journey of healing and though I've been missing out on these I've been taking B12 as well. Also before I started the protocol I'd been eating just fruits for breakfast and dinner for over a year without the lunch I've listed below.

2) I know you may not like this question but I have to ask it anyway... I gave up smoking cigarettes a long time ago (6 years ago) but along the line I've picked up vaping which has 70% vegetable glycerin, 30% propylene glycol and artificial flavors. Just wanted to know how would it impact my journey?

And this is just for your information, my diet is thoroughly raw. For breakfast everyday I eat 2 dates and then a smoothie with 1 cup of wild blueberries, 3 small oranges, 3 Amla/Indian gooseberries, 1 medium or large cucumber, 1 apple/plums/dragon fruit and 50 to 100 grams of cilantro with a dash of trigona honey and cinnamon powder.

For lunch I have lots of organic steamed vegetables such as leafy greens, broccoli, potatoes, red bell pepper, ginger, garlic and tomatoes along with quinoa and steamed mackerel. I don't have king mackerel/spanish mackerel, which is high in mercury.

For dinner I have mono meals and 8 out of 10 times I will just do melons (no watermelon due to arginine content) or if I cant find melons then I will have 3 to 4 kiwis, pears, or 1 whole pineapple.

On top of this, I snack on bananas and only drink distilled water with 2 or 3 limes squeezed into juice.

Troy I don't know if you're gonna reply to this but I will post this in multiple threads here so that I increase my chances of an answer from you. God bless you Troy. My gratitude once again !!!

Mar 31, 2022
Reply to "couple of questions" comment
by: Troy

Taking the OLE is definitely the most important part to this protocol, along with a proper detox diet plan. The other recommendations are exactly that... recommendations. It's all about stacking everything in your favor. By hitting the virus with everything you've got you're stacking the odds of success in your favor, along with a shorter time frame for getting rid of the virus (in most cases). I recommend taking what supplements you can afford and eating what foods you can afford. Times are tough so you definitely need to be a bit savvy in what you do. In regards to the testimonials... there are more actually in the comments of this article, along with Heather's article. I also recently received an email from a young lady by the name of Kirsten who is now free of the virus. I hope to have her testimonial up soon.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 31, 2022
Reply to Felix
by: Troy

Hi Felix. Firstly, the supplements you're missing won't make that much of a difference. The colloidal silver would be good but you can still do well without it. In regards to the vaping? Have to be honest, it's not good. The chemicals and additives aren't going to help your body detox. Sorry. Everything else you're doing is great. You're on the right track and off to a good start in my opinion (apart from the vaping of course).

Hope this helps you.

Good luck and all the best! 😊

Apr 05, 2022
New to Hsv2
by: Tas

Hey Troy, I recently found out I have hsv 2 on March 7, 2022. I immediately changed my diet, even though I’ve struggled a few times, but overall I’m pretty much eating raw. Is it better to attack the virus early on or wait a few months to get accurate igg results? I found out I was positive thru a swab test and I’m not even sure about the igg levels. I’ve been taking the olive leaf capsules, oregano, and lysine since about two weeks in and sometimes I have slight tingling, but so far no outbreaks since my initial outbreak. Is that a sign the herbs are working? Please help

May 03, 2022
by: Troy

A swab test is not that accurate. Get that igG test to be sure. In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing. Your signs are good so stay positive.

All the best! :)

May 03, 2022
by: Ree

I am not sure what happen to my previous comment or why it didn't post.

I have been doing the Oregano Oil, Cilantro Supplement, Olive Leaf Extract, Apple Cider Vinegar Capsules, Pau D' Arco, Pao Periera since about April 9th. Is there anything else that I need to be doing? I have tried to eat raw however, it is very hard to do with my job, but I am still eating healthy. I do not eat processed, fast food, sweets or sodas. I drink organic juices.

May 05, 2022
Reply to Ree
by: Troy

I think you've laid a good base with what you're doing, however, I would recommend you go with option #5 on the list, along with the HP protocol (be sure to read The One Minute Cure book first as well). Also, review option #11. A good quality green food supplement is essential for detoxing and chelating out those heavy metals.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

May 05, 2022
Replying to Troy
by: Ree

Thank you for responding!

Is there another way besides drinking the H202 that I can do?

I am also doing Sea Moss and Vitamin D daily.

May 06, 2022
Reconsider your testimonials
by: Matt

None of this will clear the virus from the body.

If you go to one biology/infectious disease class you will see that the virus hides in the ganglia. Nothing can get there. All these supplements and foods will never even affect this area at all. It literally isn’t even in the same "room" as the virus.

It’s not that these foods aren’t healthy. Or that they do not have antiviral effects. They just never even get to the right place in the body.

The only time we can fight the virus is when it causes outbreaks. We can slow it down but that’s it. There is currently no way to remove it from the ganglia.

Please consider making this clear when writing these "I cured my herpes". No, it’s still very much there.

Let’s see if this comment gets approved… if not I'll know why.

May 08, 2022
Reply to Ree
by: Troy

Not sure why you are apprehensive to drink the HP. As long as you follow the protocol listed in the book you'll be fine. The sea moss and vitamin D are good additions also. :)

May 08, 2022
Reply to Matt
by: Troy

Hi Matt. While I agree with some your comments, such as the virus hiding in the ganglia, I don't agree that "nothing can get there". If this were true then no nutrients, anything for that matter, could penetrate. While there are those who believe (and are taught) that certain viruses, disease, etc, are not "curable", there are many who believe and know otherwise. I've always held the conviction that EVERYTHING is curable (using natural treatments of course, not with toxic pharmaceuticals). Not going to get into a slanging match with you about this though. You have your opinion and I respect that - thanks for sharing. The testimonials presented here aren't fake either. Up to you whether you believe so or not. Have a good day. 🙂

Jun 17, 2022
1 down 1 to go!
by: Lo

Hi Troy,

Like everyone else I’ve sifted through the comments for days on end. Thank you for this platform and providing this space.

I’ve been positive for years and now I’m on my healing journey.

My initial IGG numbers were HSV1... 2.14 & HSV2 11.00. I followed the Dr. Sebi protocol from a local herbalist. I began with a detox and followed up with a raw diet then moved to the alkaline diet. I rested and within a month my numbers are HSV1... 0.90 & HSV2... 10.80. I’m currently on a break from the diet to reassess other healing methods.

I know it’s a negative result technically, but does the test go lower than a <.90? I’m nervous that my numbers will go up again since I’m not following the protocol right now.

I still feel the tingling sensation which is why I feel like I’m not fully healed. What’s the chances that it’ll be back?

My partner and I both are HSV2 positive. His numbers are higher than mine (HSV2 IGG 21, he reduced his by 2 points during the detox/diet). Is it possible for us to hold each other back from being healed if we’re having sex? Like would his numbers increase mine or vice versa? I'm thinking we should use protection when we’re getting closer to negative. Also, we’re being very careful not to retransmit the HSV1 although it is very hard. :)

I’m interested in following your method but the unnatural supplements such as the BHT worry me. Clearly it works but just worried having it.

I plan on detoxing again and starting a clean eating regimen until I find a protocol that works best for me. I think you laid it out perfectly in a earlier comment that said the common key to most cures is to detox and build the immune system back.

Thanks for all your help!

Jun 21, 2022
Reply to Lo
by: Troy

Hi Lo. You didn't say how long you were on Dr Sebi's protocol so it's a bit hard to say what you're numbers would of been months down the track. With the <90 number? Yes, it can go lower, however, what you need to keep in mind is the test is not cut and dry. By this I mean a reading below 90 is considered negative because you have to keep that slight room for error (positive and negative), which is what the 90 or below takes into account. I would say you are not HSV1 positive anymore but still HSV2 positive and this is where the tingling you're experiencing is coming from. This is a good sign however and getting that number to continually fall is what will happen as you continue to detox and build up that immunity. Is it possible for you and your partner to hold each other back? Technically yes, especially if shedding is occurring. Better to use protection in my opinion while on the detox - your choice in the end of course. With the BHT? It's not an "unnatural" supplement. It's still an organic compound. As long as you take a quality BHT supplement you'll be fine. There's a lot of negativity surrounding BHT, most of which comes from the medical and pharmaceutical industries' which don't want you have it (they know how powerful it is!).

Hope you find the right protocol for yourself. Beginning again with a detox is a terrific idea.

Good luck and all the best to you and you're partner! 😊

Jul 08, 2022
Cooked food and wine
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy! I want to start by thanking you for all this invaluable info! You’ve given me hope! I am wondering if all foods have to be raw throughout the protocol? I am planning on vacationing in Europe in a few months and I am unsure if I will be able to find raw food for each meal. Also, will having a glass of wine be detrimental to the protocol? Again I am going on vacation and I’d like to have a glass or two, but I will abstain if it will impede my progress toward healing. Thank you again! For everything!

Jul 18, 2022
Please help
by: T

Hi Troy,

Im trying 2 methods, the high quality oregano oil and high quality olive leaf extract max. If I continue to do those both but not the diet, will I still have good results? Or is doing the diet a must? Please let me know. Thank you very much in advance!

Jul 19, 2022
Reply to "Cooked Food and Wine" Comment
by: Troy

I always say to people if you're following this protocol but are planning on a holiday or time away then just do the best you can while away. That's all you can do. It's definitely harder to eat perfectly when eating out of restaurants. Make sure you take your supplements though! With the wine, if you really want it then at least go with preservative free wine. The preservatives and sulphites are the worst.

Enjoy your vacation! All the best. 😊

Jul 19, 2022
Reply to T
by: Troy

Although just taking the supplements will help tremendously, this is not enough. You must allow your body to fully detox. This can only be accomplished with both methods, meaning a strict detoxing eating regimen combined with powerful cleansing and detoxing supplements. :)

Jul 20, 2022
Oregano Oil Bleeding
by: Anonymous

I have been using oregano oil off and on since April. On my spine and taking capsules
However I have noticed now when I take it with capsules it causes vaginal bleeding. What other way can I take this to get rid of the virus?

Jul 28, 2022
by: Anonymous

I’m not really sure how I found this site but it’s been amazing - although I haven’t seen any recent post and curious is anyone has updates or still following any of this?

Aug 03, 2022
Reply to "Oregano Oil Bleeding" Comment
by: Troy

Oregano oil can react with medications, including birth control so if you're on medication then cease taking it orally. Also, OO can thin the blood so if you suffer from heaving bleeding/menstrual cycle then also cease with the capsules. Be sure to take a quality wheat grass powder supplement along with vitamin D and vitamin K (essential for blood clotting) combined supplement to rectify the bleeding problem... Super Vitamin D & K. You could try the oregano oil caps further down the track but for the time being just stick with the OO on the spine.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Aug 03, 2022
Reply to "Embarking" Comment
by: Troy

Yes there are still people commenting. Be sure to read the regular comments and questions from this post as well... How I Cured Myself of Herpes (HSV2).

All the best to you!

Aug 04, 2022
When to get IGG tested after positive swab?
by: Karen G

Hi Troy,
I had a positive swab in May for HSV2. I've been eating raw and gaining traction on the protocol for 2 months. When should I get an Igg test?

Aug 10, 2022
Reply to Karen
by: Troy

Usually after 12 months on the protocol is what we suggest. If you've tested positive only after a swab I would recommend an Igg test sometime now so you know what your levels are. Swab tests aren't always accurate either. 😊

Dec 21, 2022
Excited to Start!!
by: Amanda

I was just diagnosed with HSV2 and came across this website in desperation. I’ve read through everything several times and am excited to start the protocol. I’m just a little nervous about the Colloidial Silver as everything I’ve read about the supplement says it’s unsafe and can cause serious illnesses such as argyria, neurological damage, and liver and kidney harm. There’s not much said about the benefits of Colloidial Silver. The bad seems to outweigh the good. Can this be omitted from the protocol?

Mar 01, 2023
Reply to Amanda
by: Troy

Very sorry for the late reply Amanda. It's up to you if you want to add or delete the colloidal silver. I would caution where you get your information in regards to colloidal silver though. Medical/pharma websites poo poo the benefits of CS simply because they know how powerful it is and they don't want you to have it! Like I said, be very careful where you get your information from. CS can only cause some of the problems you mention (yet none have actually been proven) if you take the wrong type of colloidal silver (which you wont if you stay with our recommendations). Have a read of some of these testimonials on the benefits of CS for treating herpes before you make a decision... How to Use Colloidal Silver for Herpes.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Apr 04, 2023
Length of infection?
by: Anonymous

Is there any correlation with how long you have been infected? I have been infected for over 10 years asymptomatic. Except for one BO. It’s really a nuisance. But I’m wondering if it will be harder to breakdown a virus that is very good at hiding. Or is it weaker over time?

Apr 05, 2023
Reply to "Length of infection" comment
by: Troy

There is usually a correlation between how long you've been infected and how quickly your body eradicates the virus, however, this is NOT always the case. Your viral load has a big bearing. It sounds like your viral load is quite low so you are in a good position to eradicate the virus fairly quickly in my opinion. 😊

May 30, 2023
Big Pharma scam
by: Anonymous

It’s truly scary how this website is completely shadowbanned and almost impossible to find.

As anyone awake knows, the internet is now a big Pharma and government controlled propaganda tool.

All the novel and esoteric information is hidden and delisted in favor of mainstream narrative talking points.

Did you know that the RT-PCR test is used for diagnosis, which is the same test used for the Scamdemic.

Kerry Mullis - the inventor says it should never be used for diagnosis of anything.

I also believe most "diagnosis" are rubbish and used to justify more big Pharma meds.

Anyways, just wanted to thank you for this website as it has so much good info on all sorts of conditions for healing.

Just remember, any expression via the skin is a GOOD thing as it’s your bodies way of healing itself - eczema, chickenpox, shingles, etc. — all is your body detoxing from something.

Take care and think freely.

Jun 14, 2023
Gut health and hsv
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I was considering adding colostrom to your protocol because it improves gut health but then I noticed it is milk/dairy.
Would this help or hurt?


Jun 14, 2023
by: Anonymous

Dear Troy,

If I added peptides, would this mess up the protocol?

Thank you very much.

Jun 14, 2023
Black bean spaghetti
by: Anonymous


Thanks for your site. I saw earlier that black bean spaghetti is ok on occasion but I bought some and noticed that the ingredients were black Soy beans.
We are not permitted soybeans on this protocol, right?

Thank you.

Jun 14, 2023
Thin Blood
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy,

BHT (and maybe monolaurin but not sure) thin my blood. I'm type O (so I don't clot well). I'm getting my teeth cleaned and I have gingivitis so my gums bleed. I've been on the protocol 3 months and don't want to stop. How can I cut down on the blood thinning side effects a bit beforehand so the teeth cleaning is not a big deal without stopping/ruining the whole protocol and time invested please?

Jul 15, 2023
Can you really cure HSV1
by: Chris

I’m 41 and have just contracted HSV 1 oral herpes. I’m quite devastated as my immune system is very up and down with traveling and work. I’ve been reading that it is possible to zap the virus if you follow a certain antiviral protocol. Is it possible to do this or will this always come back when triggered by foods or a low immune system ?
Thanks for any help.

Jul 16, 2023
Seems to surface during fasts?
by: Bombadilio

I oddly seem to have it go away for years and I notice a pattern that I would have outbreaks of HSV2 whenever I did a long cleanse, fast or anything where I'm not eating much.

After reading it sounds like my body is pushing toxins out and that's where the virus 'latches'.

It's odd though that I can go years with nothing. Is the virus ever truly gone?

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to "gut health and hsv" comment
by: Troy

Colostrum from human breast milk is extremely good. Most of the colostrum on the market, however, is bovine colostrum, which means it comes from cows. This is not so bad except they still pasteurise the "milk" before they make it into a supplement. This is unfortunate. Personally, I recommend you go with other gut enhancing foods/supplements. Cultured foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi and natural yogurt, along with a good quality non dairy probiotic supplement, are still your best options.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to "Peptides" comment
by: Troy

Peptide supplements are okay as long as they are a non dairy form. Be sure to check all the ingredients to make sure they're all natural (sometimes they like to sneak in artificial additives. 😊

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to "Black bean spaghetti" comment
by: Troy

You can find black bean spaghetti made from black turtle beans. These are soy free and gluten free. :)

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to "thin blood" comment
by: Troy

If you think the BHT and monolaurin are thinning your blood there is no harm in stopping these 3-4 weeks before your procedure then restarting afterwards. You wont do yourself any injustice. In fact, sometimes having a short rest then going back on a supplement can actually work well by giving your body an extra "kick" so don't necessarily see it as a bad thing.

All the best! :)

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to Chris
by: Troy

The "zappers" that I think you are talking about Chris are incredibly effective. As with most things you buy, do your research beforehand and look for a quality zapper (some are mentioned below here, March 27, 2019). Of course, a zapper is not a silver bullet. You must also follow a healthy eating and good detoxing program as well.

Good luck and all the best to you! 😊

Aug 27, 2023
Reply to Bombadilio
by: Troy

Yes, fasting will usually wake the virus up as this is an incredibly powerful body detox. The fact that you can go years with no symptoms means that the virus is still there (you probably have a very low viral load). You can certainly get rid of the virus for good but this will still likely take a lengthy detoxing program to get your viral load down to zero (or close to zero, which is counted as a negative test). A low viral load is actually a very good thing. :)

Aug 27, 2023
No Replies
by: Troy (Admin)

Hello everyone. Hope you are all doing well. I would like to apologise for not responding to your questions for the past few months. I have been very busy revising and updating my book and getting it ready to be put up on Amazon (which it almost is). This unfortunately required me to step away from virtually everything else I was doing (not enough hours in the day 😩). I am, however, now back to answer questions as per normal. I apologise once again. Thank you and have a great day! 😊

Sep 08, 2023
Ozone Therapy
by: Lady

Hi Troy,

There are claims that ozone therapy can destroy the herpes virus. What is your take on that?

I’m just getting started on the diet and have done a month. Once a test is negative, can I still be contagious? Sorry, if you’re answered this before.

Sep 18, 2023
Creatine and makeup
by: Anonymous

HI Troy, was curious on your opinion of taking creatine while doing this raw food diet if that would mess with anything. My second question is regarding makeup. I know most makeup brands have harsh chemicals in them and I am starting to look into cleaner brands of makeup. However, do you think it would be detrimental to this detox journey if I continue to use the not so good makeup from time to time?

Also, thank you for all of this information I have encountered from the site this far!

Sep 18, 2023
Reply to Lady
by: Troy

Yes, Ozone therapy is very powerful. I'm pretty sure there are comments either below or under Heathers story about OZ therapy (sorry, lots of comments so don't know exactly who posted about it). Once a negative test is obtained then a person cannot be contagious. The virus is no longer there.😊

Sep 18, 2023
Reply to "Creatine and makeup" comment
by: Troy

Pure creatine powder is fine and wont do any harm. With the makeup? Every now and then is fine also. It is impossible to be perfect all the time. The good news is you don't have to be. Just do the best you can. Remember this... Your body will still detox if you're giving it what it needs internally.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Sep 28, 2023
Oral Birth control
by: Anonymous

Hi! Wanted to ask if you would suggest getting off oral birth control in order to fully detox the body? I have been on it for over two years now and this would be a drastic change, but if it is necessary, I will do it. Regardless, birth control is terrible for you, but just wanted to know your opinion on the matter? Thank you for all your help. :)

Oct 18, 2023
Reply to "Oral Birth Control" Comment
by: Troy

You are correct. Pharmaceutical oral birth control is not great. It messes with your body big time. If you are able to have a rest from it then that would be the ideal. Always your choice in the end though.

All the best! :)

Nov 24, 2023
by: Anwar

Jessica's story is so inspiring. I'm willing to try but too be honest just thinking about this diet seems hard. I'm currently trying though, hope I can go through with it. Can I eat some cooked food like cabbage, sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes. I know there's links here for almost everything but it never hurts to ask?

Also is there a way to speak to Troy directly?

Nov 30, 2023
Reply to Anwar
by: Troy

Yes, cabbage, sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes are fine, however, not too much of the Irish potatoes as these have a higher glycemic index rating than sweet potatoes. Is this diet regimen easy? I wish I could say yes but it's not. It may well be the hardest thing you've had to do in your life so far, but the end reward is massive. Unfortunately there's no pain without gain for this. I also no longer do one on one consultations due to my time constraints. Sorry.

Good luck and all the best to you Anwar! 😊

Feb 22, 2024
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy, I wanted to ask you if SunWarrior protein powder (unflavored) would be okay. I do weight lifting, and sometimes need extra protein. I know my limits while I am working out. The Sunwarrior protein powder has only one ingredient which is organic fermented brown rice. Also, would beans be ok? Kidney, pinto, and black. I cook them on the stove at a low heat and add onion and garlic to them as well. And what about any fish? I have read all the comments on here and if i remember correctly you said that organic chicken is okay.Thank you Troy!

Feb 27, 2024
by: Anonymous

Troy, I forgot to mention oats. I have some organic sprouted oats that I put in my smoothies to make it more filing. Is that OK? Thanks so much!

Feb 28, 2024
by: Troy

The simple answer to all of your questions is yes! Everything you have asked about is perfectly fine. The protein powder you have mentioned is pure brown rice. Nothing bad there. Fish is also good. Try and go for fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel or trout if possible, but really, most fish is okay. 😊

Mar 06, 2024
by: Anonymous

Hey Troy! Another question. I wanted to know if the vanilla SunWarrior protein powder would be okay. I'm not sure about the vanilla part so that is why I ask. Here is the ingredient list -

Proprietary Protein Blend (Organic Fermented Pea Protein, Organic Goji Berry, Organic Hemp Seed Protein), Organic Vanilla Flavor, Organic Guar Gum, Organic Medium-chain Triglycerides Oil (Coconut Oil, Acacia Gum), Sea Salt, Organic Stevia Leaf Extract (Steviol Glycosides).

Whey protein hurts my stomach, so I usually go for the pea protein. Thanks again Troy :)

Mar 06, 2024
by: Troy

This is fine also. Organic vanilla flavor comes from organic vanilla beans. Same with the organic guar gum, which is natural and comes from guar beans. I also prefer pea protein over whey. :)

Mar 06, 2024
Nuts etc
by: Anonymous

Yay!! That is great to hear! Thanks a bunch! I'm sure I will be back to ask more questions.. thank you for replying back, I appreciate it very much! I am confused about the nuts.. would cashews be ok? I have been eating unsalted and unroasted almonds and cashews.. I don't have anybody else to ask these questions and I get mixed answers when I search online. :/

I have done this diet once before for about 6 months, but had a lot happen and did not continue. I was following Dr Sebi's and I believe he had cashews and Brazil nuts.. almonds too, maybe? I can't remember. My husband is doing the diet with me as well, should he take a probiotic too?

Mar 21, 2024
by: Troy

Nuts are fine. In regards to peanuts, they affect people in different ways. Some people eat peanuts and have a breakout while others eat them and get nothing! That's why you have to test. With that said, I recommend sticking with almonds, cashews, and my favorites, Brazil nuts. You'll be fine eating these. It's also great that your husband is doing the diet with you. This will increase your chance of success I believe. And yes, I suggest he takes a probiotic supplement as well. We all need probiotics every day. A daily supplement is crucial as some probiotics only live for a few hours.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best!

Mar 28, 2024
Help! IgG up in 3 months
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I’ve tried posting on here before but as far as I can see it hasn’t worked - so forgive me if this comes up twice…

I decided to start this protocol in January. For context, I was diagnosed with HSV2 in August 2023. I’m 99% sure it was given to me by my ex, but he never admitted to it. I was devastated when I found out, but was able to forget about it for the year we were together because I didn’t have to really face it as a fact. Now I realise this is something I can not live with and the hope that my body can be cured is all that keeps me going.

I took an IgG test in Dec and the result was 10.7. From then, I took oil of oregano at least once a day, and rubbed it on my lower spine with coconut oil every night. I’ve started BHT and I’m up to 1000mg daily with St John’s wort. I do take breaks of the SJW due to it making skin photo sensitive (I get laser hair removal) but keep taking the BHT through these breaks. I take OLE three times a day (British supplements as Olivemax don’t ship to the UK from what I can see). I do hot yoga once a week were I literally drip with sweat to help detox my body, and I’ve come off of the pill and started to use natural deodorant. I’ve stopped caffeine, alcohol, soft drinks and mostly eat whole foods sometimes with wild caught salmon or organic chicken.

In the three months I’ve been doing this I’ve had 2/3 out breaks. I read on here that was positive as the detox disturbs the virus which means the protocol is working.

But I had another IgG test in March as I was curious as to whether or not this was making a difference, and was heartbroken that the results were 11.7. Up one point from December.

My question is - is it a good sign that after frequent outbreaks my IgG level has only gone up by one in three months? Does that mean my body is fighting the virus? I’m struggling to find the meaning behind this without seeing any progress but I’m also petrified to give up. I can not fathom living with this and having to disclose having HSV2 to new partners the rest of my life. But it feels like life is on hold until I cure myself.

I don’t know what else to do or how to keep motivated. I’m starting on L-lysine 1000mg to try keep further outbreaks at bay and I’m going to add colloidal silver, B12, and NAC to my regime, as well as wheatgrass and cholera. Any advice you have would be life changing at this point as this feels like such a lonely journey to face indefinitely.

Thanks Troy.

Apr 12, 2024
Reply to "IgG Up in 3 Months" Comment
by: Troy

You are doing everything right EXCEPT for one thing... getting tested after 3 months! The reason we say wait 12 months is because your levels will change. They will go up and down and be spasmodic. That's the way it goes. There is absolutely zero benefit in getting retested after 3 months, or even 6-9 months really. Give your body and this protocol time to work. I know it's hard. You want to check to see if you're on the right track. Well, you are on the right track. Everything you're doing is good. You don't need a test (at this early stage) to confirm this. I recommend staying with the protocol as you are doing and simply have faith. It will work. Save your next test for 12 months.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! 😊

Apr 12, 2024
New Healing Story...
by: Troy

For those who are interested, here's a healing story we recently received from Jasmine in the Netherlands. She has some interesting insights to share from her journey. Hope it helps you on your own journey... My Healing From Genital Herpes Story.

Jul 01, 2024
IGg Level comment
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,

I’m the person who commented a few months ago about their iGg level going up by 1 mark in 3 months. I wanted to thank you for your reply - it’s reassuring to know you are still interacting with people following this protocol. I’ve took your feedback on board and will save my next test until December - which would mark 1 year since my first test. I am confident that I will be one of your successful testimonials.

Here is my usual supplement and diet regime so far, please offer your thoughts on any additions or improvements. For context, I am a 27 year old female, roughly 5’1 and 103 pounds. I’ve lost a lot of weight on this protocol since starting in Jan so I am cautious food wise of under eating. I’m trying my best to balance following this protocol with maintaining a healthy attitude towards food rather than seeing processed or packaged as "the enemy".


- 740.4mg olive leaf daily (370.2mg twice a day) from British Suppliments
- 2 Zane Hellas oregano oil capsules one in the morning one in the late afternoon. I take a break from this once a week.
- 6 dropper fulls (5ml) five times a day (I’ve been taking this for 3 months so soon will drop down to the maintenance dose after July
- 1000mg daily of BHT (usually taken with MCT oil) in the with St John’s Wort
- 3000-4000mg of Vit C daily split across the day
- B12
- 1444mg Macca daily


As I said before, I’ve cut out all caffeine, junk foods, and processed foods for the most part. Very rarely, I have alcohol but I don’t overdo it as I’m suffering from stomach pains and irritation due to having H.pylori in September, which although has been cured has left my stomach very sensitive and irritable. I do therefore do my best to avoid especially as I’m taking BHT, however a lot of social situations etc make it difficult to avoid completely so I have had a few glasses of Prosecco.

- in the AM I usually have overnight oats made with organic rolled oats, organic coconut milk (the brand rude health), coconut yoghurt, and organic vanilla extract and agave syrup. Sometimes I add organic cacao powder to make it chocolatey. I then have fruit like grapes, blueberries, strawberries, or a banana. To snack on I would have cashews, or nakd bass (raw fruit bars made with dates and nuts).

- lunch is usually spinach, kale, avocados, red onion with some kind of quinoa or a sourdough flatbread and a lentil/chickpea curry or a sweet potato, red pepper and lentil homemade soup. Any meat I have is organic and I only eat chicken, salmon, occasionally shrimp, and sometimes canned tuna in spring water. Sometimes I have lightly scrambled organic eggs.

- dinner would usually be the same as lunch and I would also have a homemade matcha latte made with organic coconut milk and agave syrup. I’ve found a brand called Ombar, which makes "chocolate", the ingredients being fully organic and vegan - Unroasted Cacao, Coconut Sugar, Creamed Coconut (20%), Cocoa Butter, Vanilla Extract, Live Culture: Lactobacillus Acidophilus. What do you think of this - I don’t have it often, but I have a sweet tooth and one of the biggest struggles eating whole raw foods is cutting out desserts etc.


I have been starting to test my self to see whether grapefruit causes any outbreaks - the last few months there have been none despite eating fresh grape fruit and also drinking full bottles of grapefruit juice. At the most there is a tingling sensation - but I’m sure this is more psychosomatic as my mind is on the look out for any symptoms or indications that the grapefruit is provoking an outbreak. This has really made me believe I am cured already as I know grapefruit draws out the herpes virus and the fact consuming it (and nuts) does not provoke this says a lot.

I tried the HP protocol in the 1 minute cure book recommended. I was only able to do it twice a day (am and pm) given my busy work schedule, however even then I found that by day 15 it made me feel nauseous and I could not complete it. I will be re attempting it next month however again I don’t think I will be able to make it to the maximum dose without feeling sick - do you have any recommendations about this?

I have been struggling a lot with keeping my body alkaline, I’ve tested my urine in the morning while following this and it’s usually 6.5 or so… I have seen a lot about using baking soda in water to help maintain alkalinity in the body - what are your thoughts on this? I don’t drink tap water - only bottled spring water or reverse osmosis water.

I have been concentrating hugely on meditation and positive visualisation, listening to Abraham Hicks, Louise Hay, and Joe Dispenza daily. I believe wellness is the natural state of my body and that I am already cured. Everything points to this and my dedication to taking all these supplements daily is planting the seed that surely has been growing. The negative test result I will get is just the cherry on top - the proof of what I can already feel in my body.

Finally, I had a query about Josephine’s recent testimony. She says that she has been cured and it certainly seems to be that way - but she has not been tested to verify this. Do you think it’s possible to know for sure that you have been cured without seeing a negative test result?

Thank you for reviewing everything above - I know it’s lengthy but given this can feel like a huge undertaking your opinion is so valuable. My protocol is by no means perfect and I have had my fair share of slip ups during this course. But I will never give up. My body and health is worth my dedication.

Looking forward to hearing from you, Troy.

Thanks again.

Jul 31, 2024
Reply to "IgG Level comment"
by: Troy

Okay, you've asked a few questions so let's go through them one by one...

Firstly, your regimen is pretty much spot on. I would, however, introduce a good quality wheat grass/barley grass powder daily. The reason is three fold; firstly, it's a powerful detoxifier and contains super oxide dismutase (SOD) which is one of the strongest antioxidants available. Secondly, it boosts the body's pH level naturally. And thirdly, contains loads of chlorophyll, which is a potent gut healer. If you have had h pylori then you need to get your gut back up to par. This will help. Also, wheat grass is a potent prebiotic. Make sure you're also taking enough probiotics and eating foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, etc, as well.

Just be careful that you don't lose too much weight as well. I know it's hard but be sure to eat enough food.

If the HP is making you feel queasy then leave it out. Better to do this and maybe revisit it later down the track. Gut health is #1.

What you are also doing for your mind and positive re-enforcement is excellent. This is critical to your success so be sure to keep it up.

Having grapefruit is a very good test, one of best in fact. Things are looking very positive for you which is great.

Finally, yes, Josephine did not have a final test to confirm. She still eats lot's of grapefruit, nuts, etc, and has never had a breakout or even remotely had any signs that she still has the virus. Technically, a final test would be good, but as we know, these are not always 100% accurate. I think a person knows when the virus is gone. If you're sensitive enough you can feel it.

Hope this helps you out.

Keep up the great work!

Jan 14, 2025
Hsv protocol inquiry
by: Dave

I’ve had hsv 2 for 2.5 years now. Literally doing everything under the sun to get rid of this out of my body.
Are you still doing counseling in regards to this protocol of yours?
If so, Im super interested and dedicated to getting this virus cleared from my body.
Thank you in advance

Jan 29, 2025
Reply to Dave
by: Troy

Hi Dave. Sorry, I don't do counselling or one-on-ones. The reason is I simply don't have the time, and physically, it would be impossible due to my crazy work schedule. You are welcome to put up questions here anytime though. I always try to get to them as soon as I can.

Have a great day.

All the best to you! :)

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