Is There an Ears and Herpes Connection?

by Kaye Krambeck
(Longview, Washington USA)


Out of the blue, I got a drunk feeling and then it became a sinus ear thing. Went to GP and she found inflammation of the sinuses and water in both ears. She said it was allergies and prescribed Claritin and Flonase.

I was also using natural sinus remedies (Omega-3's and sinus sprays). I also used Quercetin/Bromelain capsules because I was going with the allergy thing. Neither Claritin or Flonase worked (I only took Flonase twice).

After three weeks got into EN&T specialist. He said there was no inflammation in my sinuses or ears and my eardrums were good. Scoped sinuses and said they are healthy and clear. He thought the "drunkenness" (had several episodes during this) was from Bppv. BUT, and here's the crux. I'm left with hissing and ringing in the ears.

When I had an episode of drunkenness the pressure in my ears would flare up with the hissing. And of course, anxiety followed.

I have read your article on sinus relief but no mention of how the ears are affected. I found out recently from scouring the net that the herpes virus can affect the ears. I have EBV antibodies and H1.

I read about Olive Leaf Extract and was wondering if its a possible answer for this. The EN&T specialist is also doing allergy testing. I think they call herpes an envelope virus and I did read where you talked about OLE breaking down the envelope.

I was extremely happy to see that you too believe that herpes can be cured!!

After all this I guess my question to you is why is there nothing about the ears on your website, or did I miss it??? I am now a subscriber to your newsletter.
Oh, and my immune system is down this year. I've had two bouts of the flu and a 2 week major upper respitory/bladder infection. My cortisol levels have also shot up high. Kaye


Hi Kaye. Thank you for your question regarding ear problems and herpes connection. You've said quite a bit so I'll take it one by one.

Firstly, I'm not a doctor so whatever I say here are only my personal opinions. It sounds to me like you actually have Meniere's disease, not a sinus infection or an allergy. This problem can and very usually is caused by a viral infection such as the herpes simplex virus. It also causes vertigo (dizziness and "drunkenness" feeling), along with tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

Read up on Meniere's disease for yourself and check the symptoms. Yours seem to fit. Also have a read of this article on Meniere's disease by my good friend Webster Kehr... Proposed Natural Treatment for Meniere’s Disease. It has some very good information.

Of course, your #1 priority should be to get rid of the herpes virus (H1). Our first four natural cures for herpes that we list in our article are crucial for this... Natural Herpes Cure.

Be sure to also follow Webster's advice in his article as well. For boosting your immunity, cayenne pepper is the absolute best for doing this (along with the olive leaf extract) so make sure you have lots of this spice every day (1 teaspoon twice daily at least). Cayenne pepper is also good for anxiety, as is the herb Fo-ti.

If you have any more questions or thoughts just reply through the comment form link below.

Hope this helps you Kaye.

Good luck and all the best!


Troy (Admin)

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