Natural Cancer Treatment... You Must Take in Lots of Calcium!

Calcium and Cancer Prevention and Treatment: The simple yet extremely powerful advice on why coral calcium supplementation is the hidden secret to getting rid of this shocking disease...

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated January 20, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links  

You now know (if you've already read our first "natural cancer treatment" article) that cancer can only survive in an acidic environment. So to treat any form of cancer, you must boost your pH level to the maximum to kill off all acid in the body. Once you take acid out of the body, cancer cells begin to die very quickly. This is a proven fact. And one of the best way's to boost your pH level and oxygenate the body is with calcium.1  

Commit these three words to memory and never forget them… calcium kills acid.

Calcium is to acid like water is to fire!

Dr Carl Reich proved this theory back in the 1950’s. He was responsible for helping over a hundred so called “terminally ill" cancer patients live 10-15 years (and more) longer than they were supposed to by giving them calcium supplements. Calcium boosts the body's pH level and ensures it stays oxygenated. (For more information on this amazing find, we recommend you read the book “The Calcium Factor” by Robert Barefoot and Dr Carl Reich, along with reading our exclusive interview with Bob Barefoot here).

This is also the reason why you're told that light, moderate exercise helps to prevent cancer. Exercise keeps the body oxygenated!

So to get the required amount of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D everyday for treating cancer (magnesium and vitamin D are needed for calcium absorption), you will definitely need to take supplements. Coral calcium supplements with added vitamin D are considered the best for this.

Amazing Research Findings on Calcium the Cancer Industry Won't Disclose...

Here are just a few of the exciting findings, published in reputable medical journals around the world, confirming the benefits of calcium as a strong preventative and treatment for cancer…

In the October 13, 1998 edition of the New York Times, an article titled Calcium Takes its Place as a Superstar of Nutrients reported that after a study on cancer and calcium, published in J.A.M.A (Journal of the American Medical Association), researchers came out and said that… “Increasing calcium induced normal development of the epithelia cells and might also prevent cancer in such organs as the breast, prostate and pancreas”.

Then in the January 14, 1999 edition of the Phoenix Republic, they wrote an article titled Calcium Reduces Tumors saying the New England Journal of Medicine reported that by adding calcium to your diet you can prevent tumors of the large intestine.

And in the May 3, 1999 edition of US World News Report, they published an article titled Calcium’s Powerful Mysterious Ways quoting David McCarron, a highly regarded nephrologist at Oregon Health Sciences University, where he stated… “Researchers are increasingly finding that the humble mineral calcium plays a major role in warding off major illnesses from high blood pressure to colon cancer”. And that… “You name the disease, and calcium is beginning to have a place there”. 

And after a Japanese study on coral calcium and cancer it was revealed that... “Coral Calcium exhibited an inhibitory effect on the growth of cancer cells”, Yuji Hirota, Ph.D., Takashi Sugisaki, Ph.D., Medical Preventive Group Laboratory, Tokyo, Japan. 2


It’s interesting to note that there are over a staggering 17,000 scientific articles on calcium and its relationship to cancer listed in the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Irrefutable proof of the absolute benefit of calcium as a cancer treatment and healing modality can be found in these medical journals. 3

Unfortunately though, doctors and the medical profession don’t even read these books!

How sad is that?

Final Note...

To finish off, here's a quote from bestselling health author, Craig Pepin-Donat, on the power of calcium for preventing and treating cancer (and the other cancer fighting minerals we also talk about in our other articles)... 

"The process of neutralizing the acid in your body is based around minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, rubidium and cesium. People following this type of treatment also often use a variety of approaches to detoxify their bodies and then work to restore them with vitamins and supplements to boost health and strength. Does raising pH really kill cancer? In 1984, A. Keith Brewer, founder of the Brewer International Science Library, conducted experiments on mice and humans to study the effect of high pH therapy on cancer. The tumors in the mice shrank substantially within two weeks!"

- Craig Pepin-Donat, The Big Fat Health and Fitness Lie. 4

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