Natural Cancer Treatment... The Ancient (And Forgotten) "Anti-Cancer" Remedy of Consuming Wheat Grass...

One of the most powerful "age old" remedies for cancer is the consumption of dehydrated cereal grass (wheat grass).

Discover right here just how valuable this forgotten alternative cancer treatment really is...

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated January 20, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links  

Cereal grasses (wheat grass and barley grass) have been used for thousands of years as a potent “cure all” medicine. Even the father of medicine, Hippocrates, was reported to have used “grasses” as one of his primary medicinal foods.

After spending ten years on an unstoppable quest to find the most natural and beneficial health-promoting food available, famous Japanese doctor and research pharmacist, Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara declared…

“The leaves of the cereal grasses provide the nearest thing to the perfect food that this planet offers”.

The remarkable thing is this guy researched virtually every plant and herb known to man at all stages of maturity - nearly every day of his life for thirteen years - to come up with his number one choice. 

And founder of the hugely successful Hippocrates Health Institute in Boston, Dr. Ann Wigmore, regularly reported on some amazing miracle healings, including healings from cancer, from the use of wheat grass. One such cure is described in detail in the bestselling book How I Conquered Cancer Naturally by Eydie Mae Hunsberger. 2

Strong Anti-Cancer Compounds Contained in Wheat Grass...

Cereal grasses such as wheat grass contain some extremely potent anti-cancer nutrients and chemicals, including abscisic acid, selenium and laetrile (B17). These have all been well documented for their ability to not only prevent cancers from developing, but also successfully treat this disease.

Two other recently discovered proteins, P4-D1 and D1-G1 are known to protect our cells from radiation and carcinogen damage by stimulating DNA repair. These are also found in abundance in wheat grass.

Then let’s not forget about the huge amount of chlorophyll wheat grass contains. Chlorophyll is an exceptional “blood builder” and not only protects the body from cancer, it's actually considered by many health experts to be one of the best, if not the best, cancer destroyers going around!

The Most Powerful Antioxidant Yet Discovered...

And finally, there's an enzyme in cereal grass that's believed to be the strongest detoxifier and antioxidant discovered so far...

Super-oxide dismutase (SOD) currently has researchers right around the world very excited. This remarkable enzyme has the ability to fully protect the body from degenerative diseases caused by free radical damage and toxic heavy metal overload (and yes, this includes cancer!) 

This extract from research carried out by the Science University of Tokyo confirms the amazing power of SOD…

This enzyme has drawn tremendous attention from biologists, biochemists and other doctors in relation to cancer and carcinogenesis. Recently the importance of SOD has been extended to the study of some genetic diseases (bloom syndrome) and immune diseases. Its use in the medical field is being considered. Young barley plants contain a large amount of active SOD. This has been studied extensively and described in earlier reports. The barley SOD could be contributing to many of the phenomena young barley has shown so far. For example, superoxides inside the cells and surrounding the cells can cause damage to DNA. Older cells and environmentally or artificially damaged cells can have higher levels of superoxide and thus create more damage to cellular DNA. Green barley contains the enzyme SOD to remove superoxides and repair damaged DNA, together with lectin-like material to reactivate cells and tissues thus re-activating them as well as aiding in recovery from disease.3

Healing Stories…

Phillip Tomlinson from New Zealand tells the story of how his mother was diagnosed with “terminal” bowel cancer back in 1979 at the age of 75. Her cancer doctor told her that nothing more could be done and advised her to “Wind your affairs up and take a world trip”. Instead, she decided to go on a daily regimen of wheatgrass juice after reading a book about a woman who had cured herself of cancer from doing this. She made a “miraculous” recovery (according to medical doctors) and went on to live for another 21 years! According to her son, she died peacefully in her 96th year and had no re-occurrence of her cancer whatsoever in that time. 4

74-year-old Danny McDonald from Ireland was also healed of “serious stomach cancer that had spread throughout his body” through the daily consumption of wheat grass. After defying doctors’ orders to undergo chemotherapy and radiation (and being told that his stomach cancer was so severe that it would kill him within three months if he didn’t go with these treatments), he decided to begin on a diet of raw wheat grass juice, along with following a healthy eating plan. Amazingly, four years on and Danny’s doing terrific, thanks to the protocol he’s adopted that involves drinking pure, fresh wheatgrass juice every day! 5

Cereal Grasses Have Stood the Test of Time

So you need to make sure you get your hands on this terrific food source and make it a staple in your diet - regardless of whether you have cancer or not. It hasn’t been around for thousands of years for nothing. Even the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament mentions the incredible healing power of “grasses”, and how King Nebuchadnezzar ate nothing but cereal grass for seven years to restore his health, so he could then rule his Babylonian kingdom once again after a terrible sickness.

Best Cereal Grasses - What to Look for...

The best type of cereal grass is actually dehydrated wheat grass or barley grass. The juiced varieties should be avoided if possible as they are much lower in essential nutrients and cancer fighting chemicals. For the best sources of wheat or barley grass powders, along with the specific dosages needed for treating cancer, have a read of our "Where to Get Your Cancer Fighting Nutrients From" article here... Best Sources For Your Cancer Fighting Nutrients.  

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