Powerful Natural Cancer Treatment... Take Baking Soda, Maple Syrup & ACV Everyday!

The three little-known (but very potent) natural remedies for cancer and alternative treatments most cancer sufferers don't even know about...

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated October 7, 2024 -- This post contains affiliate links  

Baking soda maple syrup cancer treatment

You now know (if you've read our other natural cancer treatments) that one of the most important, if not the most important things you absolutely must do to reverse any form of cancer is to boost your pH level as quickly as possible, which in turn, alkalizes (oxygenates) the body.

A combination of ACV, sodium bicarbonate and maple syrup achieves exactly this!

The baking soda and maple syrup cancer treatment and recipe was actually made famous by a guy named Jim Kelmun, who cured his own cancer with this revolutionary treatment. He has since gone on to help hundreds of people successfully treat their cancer’s naturally using his baking soda and maple syrup remedy. We actually added the apple cider vinegar to the mix ourselves for extra potency, and here’s why…

ACV: Apple cider vinegar is one of nature’s most powerful “cure all” medicines. It's been used and valued for thousands of years and is probably the strongest natural antibiotic in existence. (ACV works so well that even the “father” of medicine, Hippocrates, regularly used it to treat his patients back in 400 B.C.).

Most cancer patients have a toxic build up of pathogens and fungicides in their bodies. Microbes also grow and thrive inside cancer cells. ACV helps to kill these pathogens, along with helping to recolonize the intestines with essential “healthy” gut bacteria.

Baking Soda: Sodium bicarbonate is the real “meat” to this potent cancer treatment. It alkalizes the body very quickly, and even more importantly for cancer sufferers, it alkalizes cancer cells. This kills the microbes inside the cancerous cells, which in turn destroys the cancer. The great thing about bicarb of soda is it provides a long list of health benefits with no negatives. It's also very cheap and easy to buy.

Most people know that baking soda is an effective household cleaner. It removes stains from fabrics, along with cleaning just about anything you have around the house. But few people realize that sodium bicarbonate is also the ultimate internal body cleanser (as well as the ultimate pH booster of course!)

Maple Syrup: Maple syrup is the final part to this recipe and treatment.

And why do you need it exactly?

Because cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells (maple syrup is loaded with glucose) and you need this “sugar” to get the baking soda into the cancerous cells. So think of maple syrup as the courier and baking soda as the package to be delivered!

Note: As an alternative to maple syrup you can use manuka honey or unsulphured black strap molasses. Both of these are considered "healthier" alternatives to the maple syrup and work just as well. In fact, black strap molasses is what well-known cancer survivor, Vernon Johnston, used to heal himself of stage IV prostate and bone cancer... Baking Soda/Molasses Prostate Cancer Treatment

A Few Simple Do's and Don'ts When Using This Cancer Treatment...

So be sure to only use a high grade brand of baking soda (such as this one) and only use the grade B maple syrup, or at the very least, the darkest grade A you can find. If you go with the molasses, it MUST be organic unsulphured black strap molasses and the Manuka honey should come from either New Zealand or Australia. 

The apple cider vinegar must still contain the “mother” apple and be organic. Amazon stock an excellent variety of liquid and capsule forms of ACV's. You can find them here... Liquid and Capsule Apple Cider Vinegar

And finally, no sugars, white flour, milk products or any refined and processed foods are to be consumed at all! These foods will severely lessen the effects of this cancer treatment (you want the cancerous cells to “devour” as much maple syrup and baking soda as possible, not other “wasted” sugars).

Recommended Recipe & Dosages to Follow (Baking Soda/Molasses/Maple Syrup Protocol)...

For dosages, thoroughly mix up 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 1½ to 2 teaspoons of either maple syrup, molasses or honey on a desert spoon or tablespoon. Take this on an empty stomach with one full glass of clean, filtered water. Do this twice per day for the first week, then increase to three times daily after this. Continue to follow this regimen for 4-6 weeks before resting. You may then repeat the protocol once again after a 4 week rest period.

It's also crucial that you do not perform any physical activity (not even walking if you can help it) for at least 40 minutes after taking your baking soda/maple syrup mixture. This prevents the body from using up the sugars in the maple syrup for energy. This way, they get taken in fully by the cancerous cells and not wasted (this is why having your last dose before going to bed is a good idea). Finally, be sure to test your pH level every day. You want it to spike up over level 8 on the pH scale. 

With the apple cider vinegar, mix a tablespoon of ACV in a full glass of warm, filtered water and drink two to three times daily, preferably 30 minutes after taking your baking soda and maple syrup mixture. Squeeze in some lemon juice as well for added benefit (alkalinity) and taste.

Also remember that you must use this recipe and treatment in conjunction with the other natural cancer treatments we recommend on this web site to give yourself the best chance of beating this disease!

For more information on this truly remarkable cancer treatment, we strongly suggest you click on this link and take the time to read the article in full before proceeding with this protocol… JimKelmanProtocol.

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