Best Home Remedies For Dissolving a Kidney Stone... Fast!

There are some surprisingly effective natural remedies for kidney stones that work exceptionally well. Here's a list of the most potent home treatments for passing a kidney stone quickly (within 24 hours) that you'll definitely want to consider...

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated October 7, 2024 -- This post contains affiliate links  

Best natural cures and home remedies for kidney stones

Watermelon: Watermelons and watermelon juice are fantastic for flushing out the kidneys and dissolving kidney stones. Fruit and vegetable juices such as grape, orange and carrot juices are also terrific and easy to make home remedies for kidney stones. They all contain powerful substances known as citrate's, which help to slow down the production of uric acid  (another culprit known to cause "stones" in the kidneys).

Chanca Piedra: A remarkable herb called Chanca Piedra or “the stone breaker” has been found to break down and dissolve kidney stones and gallstones very quickly. In fact, it's been used successfully in Peru for hundreds of years and carries no toxicity or produces any unwanted side effects - even for pregnant women. Most health food stores can supply this herb or you can purchase it online. Here's what it looks like if you're interested... Chanca Piedra Kidney Stone Crusher.

Cereal Grass: Cereal grasses such as wheat grass and barley grass have been used for thousands of years as a “cure all” medicine. They're also renowned for helping to alkalize the body and prevent kidney stones from forming. Green tea is extremely beneficial for preventing kidney stones as well. Remember, the Japanese drink lots of green tea everyday and they rarely ever get kidney stones.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda: ACV is one of the best internal cleansers available. It's also one of the best kidney flushes in existence! Baking soda is also a potent treatment for kidney stones as it alkalizes the body and removes acid. Remember this... baking soda removes the acid, which in turn removes the kidney stone!

All you need to do is mix up 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in a large glass of clean filtered water and drink this 3 times a day (be aware of the initial "fizz" that occurs when you first mix it). Also, when it comes to purchasing your apple cider vinegar, make sure you only ever buy the raw organic ACV that still contains the crucial “mother” apple (such as these). Processed vinegar's do not work for breaking up and dissolving kidney stones. 

Cola: As much as I’m against the consumption of soft drinks, this simple home remedy for kidney stones actually works very well. In fact, a recent study found that if you have kidney stones, slowly sipping on a cola drink can help dissolve and pass the stones in less than 24 hours.

The reason?

Soft drinks contain a powerful substance called phosphoric acid, which helps to break down and dissolve kidney stones quite quickly. But it also rots your bones and burns your insides out so be sure to only use cola drinks as a temporary and one off treatment!

Water... One of the Simplest Remedies For Getting Rid of Kidney Stones Quickly...

Good old H2o doesn’t just keep you hydrated - it flushes deadly toxins and chemicals out of the body.

And water also helps to flush out kidney stones!

Dehydration can be a contributing factor for developing kidney stones, especially for pregnant women. So it makes sense to always drink plenty of clean filtered water every day (minimum of two litres).

But remember... it must be clean filtered water.

The reality is all tap water is full of harmful chemicals and contains the heavy metal form of fluoride (which is deadly), along with the heavy metal form of calcium (which the body can’t absorb). So no matter how safe the Water Authority tells you our water is - don’t drink any of it without first filtering!

And here’s an extra tip in regards to the consumption of water…

Always make sure you add some fresh lemon or lime to your drinking water. The citric acid contained in these fruits also helps to break up and dissolve the hardened substances that make up kidney stones.

More Natural Treatments & Home Remedies for Kidney Stones... The Bad Things You Must Avoid...

Coffee, processed foods, sugar and too much red meat can cause the re-occurrence of kidney stones - so it’s best to stay away from or severely limit these foods. A diet high in protein and too much calcium have also been linked to kidney stones, but both are just theories and have never actually been proven.

Remember back to the Harvard Medical School study on calcium and kidney stones (from our first article)? You need to be taking more calcium if you have kidney stones, not less. Of course, we stress here once again that it must be an absorbable form of calcium (such as this), not a dairy or metallic form.

Important Note: If you happen to have come to this page first and haven't already read our first "home remedies for kidney stones" article, then it's important that you click on the link below as this information is also vital to successfully treating and getting rid of your kidney stones quickly.  

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