4 Powerful Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia...

Discover the top 4 natural remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in this "must read" article. Each of the natural cures listed has an extremely high success rate when used correctly...


What is the best natural health remedy for gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia?


Gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia are all sexually transmitted infections (STI's). They're caused by a bacterium which is passed from one person to another through vaginal, anal or oral sex. Gonorrhea and chlamydia usually go together and it's women who are at the greatest risk of infection. With gonorrhea and chlamydia, symptoms will usually show up within 2-3 days whereas the symptoms for syphilis come in stages, so it can take several weeks for them to show. You can read more about the symptoms and testing procedures for these infections here... Women's Health Care Physicians.

The biggest problem with trying to treat these diseases using orthodox methods is the ineffectiveness of pharmaceutical antibiotics. As with most infections (including bacteria), they eventually mutate and develop a resistance to conventional antibiotics. If you've tried pharmaceutical antibiotics for either gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis, you would have probably already discovered this for yourself.

Thankfully, this is not the case with the first 3 natural remedies for gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis that we're about to discuss. Bacteria, viruses and other protozoa's cannot become resistant to these powerhouse foods, and it makes no difference if they mutate. Olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and oregano oil will still kill them in a flash!

So here's our top 4 natural cures in order of importance...

#1. Olive Leaf Extract (OLE): Olive leaf extract contains a powerful substance called oleuropein. Oleuropein is a strong anti-microbial and has been found in studies to destroy the bacteria that causes gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. What it primarily does is surround the bacteria, virus or protozoa so it can't move on to other cells in the body (and feed on them). Without a constant food supply the microbe soon dies. And because OLE surrounds the infection (creates a force field) it doesn't matter if the microbe tries to mutate or become resistant, it still cannot escape and will eventually die!
In addition to this, olive leaf extract is very good at building up and enhancing the immune system. Strong immunity is also crucial for destroying (and keeping away) any type of virus, bacteria or protozoa.

When it comes to purchasing your olive leaf extract, you need to be mindful of what brand(s) you buy. OLE comes in different strengths and it's important you ONLY purchase the "super strength" varieties. These are the only ones that have enough "kick" to completely kill bacterial or viral infections.

If you're interested, here's a reputable brand that we regularly recommend to our clients... OliveLeafMAX capsules. To get the most out of the olive leaf extract, it should be taken for a period of 12 months. For specific dosages, simply follow the directions listed on the container.

#2. Colloidal Silver: Colloidal silver works in similar fashion to olive leaf extract. It also surrounds and eventually destroys the bacteria or virus by starvation or "strangulation". In fact, colloidal silver has been touted "the strongest antibiotic in the world" for over a thousand years, and with good reason. Before pharmaceuticals came along, this is what was used to treat and cure all bacterial and viral infections - including gonorrhea. And it still works a thousand times better and a thousand times faster!

Once again, when it comes to purchasing colloidal silver, you need to be
careful. There's so much rubbish out there and most of the colloidal silver that's sold is weak and the wrong type. This is the only colloidal silver you should use... Sovereign Silver - Silver Hydrosol. For dosages, take one teaspoon (use plastic teaspoon not metal) mixed in a glass of filtered water 5 times a day for 12 weeks. You can also use a Q-tip (cotton bud) or cotton swab and apply some colloidal silver directly onto any lesions or rashes for extra relief and faster healing.

#3. Oregano Oil: Oregano oil contains some highly potent antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic properties. This essential oil is actually best known for its ability to kill bacteria in the body. In fact, oregano oil works so well it even destroys antibiotic resistant "super bug" bacteria such as MRSA. Another benefit of oregano oil is it builds up your immune system and also helps to prevent further infections (any type of bodily infection) in the future.

For best results, oregano oil should be combined with OLE and colloidal silver. When oregano oil, colloidal silver and olive leaf extract are combined together, they work in synergy and enhance the effectiveness of each other significantly. This combo is actually the strongest bacterial, viral and pathogen killer you'll ever come across!

Oregano oil also comes in different potencies. The ONLY type you should consume is the pure undiluted Mediterranean oil (such as this one... Wild Pure Greek Essential Oil of Oregano). To take, add three to four drops of the oil to 6-8 oz of clean filtered water and drink down. Repeat this twice daily for a period of 12-16 weeks. In addition, dilute 2 or 3 drops of pure oregano oil with some organic virgin coconut oil and hold this solution under your tongue for approximately 10 minutes. Be careful to make sure you dilute the oregano oil enough - so it produces only a slight tingling feeling - otherwise you may temporarily burn the bottom of your mouth.

#4. Alkalizing Foods: Keeping the body alkalized (positive pH) is extremely important for destroying any type of bacteria or virus. The reason why is because bacteria and viruses cannot survive in an alkaline environment - it's impossible! However, they can survive and thrive in an acidic environment (opposite to alkaline). In addition to this, for the olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and oregano oil to work effectively and do their job, alkalinity is needed.

Fortunately, it's not that difficult to do this. Start eating alkaline forming and fiber-rich foods such as beans, whole grains, seeds and nuts. Fresh fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients so be sure to eat plenty of these. Leafy greens in particular such as alfalfa, chlorella, wheat grass and barley grass are potent alkalizing foods so try and get these into you as well. In addition, herbs and spices such as garlic, turmeric, cayenne pepper and ginger are all strong bacterial and viral killers so be sure to use these in your cooking as much as possible.

There are also foods that do the opposite and make the body acidic rather than alkaline. There's probably no real surprises as to what they are...

Refined "sugary" food and drinks
Processed foods and soft drinks
Processed dairy products
Junk food
Red meat

So definitely try and keep these foods to a minimum if you can.

Hope this helps you out.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Herbalist, Health & Wellness Coach)

Comments for 4 Powerful Natural Remedies for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia...

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May 19, 2016
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much.

May 19, 2016
by: Troy (Admin)

You're very welcome. Hope it helps.

Oct 08, 2016
Thank you!!!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much. I have gonorrhea and antibiotics didn't work at all. Thanks for the links - makes my stressful situation much easier!! I will give this a shot and report back with results as there's no reported experiences (that I could find) with the natural remedies for this.

Oct 09, 2016
by: Troy

Yes, please do. Hope they help.

All the best!

Oct 12, 2016
Curing these diseases?
by: Joe

Hi... I have been fighting chlamydia/gonorrhea with conventional antibiotics for about a year now but am still having the symptoms. I've now done away with them (not helping anyway). Instead I've changed my diet and lifestyle. I have two questions...

i) Can I get rid of it by taking a mixture of garlic, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, plus following an alkaline diet?

ii) It's been in my body for a lengthy period, so how long do I take the first 3 remedies?

Oct 13, 2016
by: Troy

Hi Joe. The OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil are crucial for getting rid of both of these STD's. Our article explains how long you should take each one for, however, if you feel the need to take them for longer then you certainly can. They are not harmful and will only help you.

Following a "clean eating" alkaline diet and consuming plenty of the herbs and spices we list is also crucial for destroying these infections. So yes, make sure you do this as well.

Good luck and all the best to you Joe.

Oct 15, 2016
Thank you
by: Joe

I will definately give feedback in a few months time.


Oct 29, 2016
Olive Leaf Extract
by: James

I must say I did read about the olive leaf extract but here's where I kinda went wrong... I got the olive leaf complex instead of getting the actual olive leaf extract supplement. I'm hoping olive leaf complex is as good as the extract. Can you respond to this comment and point me in the right direction as to what I'm supposed to get?

Oct 30, 2016
by: Troy

Sorry James, it should be a high strength olive leaf extract supplement such as this one... OliveLeafMAX Capsules. Make sure that the oleuropein content in what you buy is at least 25% or more (250 mg's of pure oleuropein). Most of the olive leaf complexes do not contain this amount and so are not strong enough.

Nov 14, 2016
Think I might have gonorrhea?
by: Anonymous

Been searching the internet for quite sometime. I might have gonorrhea. One week ago I experienced a discharge and burning while peeing. Since then I've been trying to build my immune system. The symptoms have gone away but I still get some pain in the penis. My question is, is this a real cure if taken correctly? I'm not a fan of going to the doctor for anything, not even a simple I.V. I'd rather handle it naturally, but if I absolutely have to I will go to the doc.

Nov 18, 2016
Resistent Gonnorhea
by: Anonymous

Hi, so I've been taking antibiotics for a strain of resistant gonnorhea. the treatment failed and now I'm taking another round of doxycycline. I've read that drinking green tea with the antibiotics will help the antibiotics to kill the bacteria? My question is, is this a bad idea and how do you take the methods you mention in the article? Do you take all of them at once or try one at a time? And also do you take them with water and how much is recommended at a time?

Nov 19, 2016
by: Troy

Green tea enhances the effectiveness of any type of remedy, be it natural or orthodox, so yes, be sure to drink lots of green tea. With the remedies we list, you MUST take all of them together at once, not just one or two. If you want to destroy a virus, bacteria, or any type of pathogen, you must hot it with everything you've got. This protocol does this 100%. For dosages, either follow the directions that we list above or follow the directions listed on the side of the supplement. Yes you also take them with water, but only FILTERED water not tap water. Tap water contains heavy metals such as fluoride, which impedes this protocol and makes it less effective so do not drink tap water... ever!

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Nov 19, 2016
by: Troy

This is a certain cure for gonorrhea, as long as you follow the recommendations to-the-letter and purchase high quality supplements. If you go with cheaper supplements and follow the plan half heartedly, you'll simply be wasting your time.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you. :)

Nov 21, 2016
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your advice. One last question, should I take your remedy with the Doxycycline or wait till I finish this then begin? Sorry for the excessive questions. I just want to do this right to reap all of the healing properties.

Nov 21, 2016
by: Troy

Wait until you finish your course of antibiotics. Doxycycline interfere's with the digestive system quite badly. No good taking supplements if your body doesn't absorb them and they just end up coming straight out the other end! :)

Dec 28, 2016
Types Of Foods?
by: Anonymous

Okay, so I'm following the steps for the natural cure (along with drinking cranberry juice and 2-3 cups of tea) as well as the diet and I got pain relief the first day. I don't mind the herbs and the diet itself but is it possible to eat the foods I love every so often and still maintain the process of killing this infection?

Dec 30, 2016
by: Troy

Having a "treat night" once a week would be okay, as long as you don't go overboard. Remember, refined "sugary" food and drinks, processed foods and soft drinks, processed dairy, junk food, red meat, alcohol and caffeine are all acidic. You don't want your body to be acidic, you want it to be alkaline so be sure to keep your "treats" small. Remember also that this is not forever. Once the virus or infection is gone, you can then relax your diet if you so choose.

Jan 15, 2017
Olive leaf extract question
by: Kak

Hello and thank you for this thread. I have the oil of oregano, sovereign colloidal silver, but for the olive leaf extract I got the "Barleans" with 40% oleuropein at 266mg. My question is do you think that the Barleans olive leaf extract supplement is strong enough? It's the mini soft gels. I'm also taking "nutribiotic defense plus" but not at the same Time. Your response is much appreciated!

Thank you

Jan 17, 2017
by: Troy

Hi Kak. The Barleans olive leaf complex is not pure olive leaf extract, so its potency is significantly lower. Whether it will work is hard to say. You can only try it. The Nutribiotic Defense Plus, however, is a great addition and will help to boost your immune system tremendously (which is what you want).

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 18, 2017
Olive leaf
by: Kak

Thank you for the reply, I will finish what I have and then grab the pure extract instead of the complex. I've been doing this for 2 days now and the burning during urination has subsided about 50%. The aching "blue balls" has almost vanished. I'm doing the oregano, colloidal silver and olive leaf. I've been doubling up on the olive leaf since I got the wrong one. I think adding the defence plus helps give an extra kick.
Thank you!

Jan 20, 2017
by: Troy

You're welcome Kak. :)

Jan 27, 2017
Olive leaf extract for throat soreness/possible STD
by: Anonymous

If I'm understanding this correctly, it takes 12 months for the olive leaf extract to kill the infection. I'm going to buy the capsules immediately if it works faster than that.

Jan 29, 2017
by: Anonymous

I have had a full three years fighting this bug in my body. I'm really tired but still hoping to get well. My manhood is no longer strong and my stomach is not good. My whole body is burning. I've tried a hell of a lot of remedies. I'll try this one now and see what comes of it. I don't have discharge anymore but I'm quite sure the virus is hidden right inside. It's also affected my mental capacity, my emotions and my personality. There must be a world campaign for this dangerous resistant STI.

Feb 01, 2017
by: Troy

12 months is the MAXIMUM amount of time you will need. If you follow the recommendations above, it will definitely happen faster. With the Olivus Olive Leaf MAX capsules (hopefully these are the ones you are considering purchasing), you start off with 2 per day and slowly work up to 4-6 capsules a day.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Feb 01, 2017
Blood work
by: Anonymous

I was wondering about the above comment... does blood work or urine sample show that you still have the gonorrhea bug? How do you know you still have it? I'm assuming tests?
Thank you

Feb 01, 2017
by: Troy

A swab or urine test is what is done. These are very accurate and will tell you whether you still have the infection or not... Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Tests.

Feb 04, 2017
by: Temmy

Thanks so much for this, but how do I get all of this stuff, especially the olive leaf max capsules?

Feb 15, 2017
by: Troy

Try Amazon or Ebay Temmy. With the Olive Leaf Max capsules, you can order them from here... Olivus Olive Leaf MAX. They deliver world-wide. :)

Feb 20, 2017
Finding these remedies?
by: Anonymous

So are the remedies only available online or can they be found at CVS Walgreens or even drug stores? And instead of using water could you use green tea for the drops or must they be done with water? Meaning putting the drops in my green tea and swallowing the pills?

Feb 20, 2017
by: Troy

You can certainly find OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil in any good health food store. Just make that the brands you buy are high quality and high strength or they will not work. And yes it's fine to take the supplements with green tea. Whatever is easiest to get them into you!

All the best. :)

Feb 21, 2017
Oregano oil
by: Anonymous

Is there any other type of oregano oil that you can take besides Greek Wild Essential Oregano Oil (Zane Hellas?)

Feb 23, 2017
by: Troy

Any food grade (preferably Greek) oregano oil that has a minimum of 75-80% carvacrol content (the active ingredient that kills the infection) can be used. Zane Hellas has 86-92% carvacrol - the highest we've seen. For the price & what you get, it's a bargain. Definitely try and use this brand if you can.

Mar 01, 2017
Natures Way OLE?
by: Anonymous

I have just purchased Natures Way 20% Oleuropein vcaps. May I know if these are strong enough? Thank you.

Mar 01, 2017
I am using oregano oil and it's not working yet?
by: Lucio

Hi guys. I've been using the oregano oil for 10 days and so far it's not working? How many times do I have to take it per day?? I'm using oregano P74 strength.

Mar 02, 2017
Reply to Lucio
by: Troy

Hi Lucio. Firstly, the oregano oil you are using is not strong enough. This is what you should be using... Wild Pure Greek Essential Oil of Oregano. Exactly how you should be taking it, how many times per day and for how long is listed in the above article. Secondly, for the oregano oil to work effectively and do its job, it needs to be combined with the other 3 recommendations. This is crucial.

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

Mar 02, 2017
by: Troy

Preferably, you want the 25% oleuropein OLE at 500 mg's per serve. The problem with Natures Way OLE is it's only 20% and 250 mg's per serve, so you will need to take 2-3 capsules per day for them to work. This works out to be quite expensive. The Olivus OLE is definitely the strongest and best if you can get it, however, Natures Way OLE can still be effective. Like I said, you will just need to take more.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 01, 2017
by: Anonymous

Will this work if the chlamydia is in my prostate?

Apr 06, 2017
by: Troy

Makes no difference where the bacteria is residing in your body. By effectively cleansing and detoxing the body, you can and will get rid of this pathogen, wherever it may be hiding. :)

Apr 06, 2017
Penicillin didn't kill my Syphilis infection
by: Anonymous

After much discussion with the doctor about penicillin and my reluctance to have that shot for syphilis infection, and after she assured me the 3 weeks of treatment would wipe it out, I went along with the very painful injections over 21 days. It didn't work. My number only dropped by one tier from 32 to 16 and now they want to "try another antibiotic". So I'm going with this and ordering everything today. Also going on a body cleanse detox along with eating lots of alkalizing foods.
Will keep you updated.

Apr 18, 2017
Urgent advise needed
by: Anonymous

Whoa. I am so happy I came across this Article. I have battled with gonorrhea and chlamydia for more than a while now. Ginger n garlic, which I have lived on as natural antibiotics, still keep giving me on and off symptoms. Now, I wish to know if its okay to try all three: OLE, Colloidal Silver and Oregano Oil at once?
If yes, please advise on how the three can be used so I can put an end to this Ailment.

Apr 20, 2017
by: Troy

For this protocol to work you must use ALL FOUR together. Yes the OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil can (and must) be combined, but remember also, an alkaline diet is crucial for these supplements to work. All the dosage recommendations are listed in the above article.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Apr 21, 2017
Remedies Question
by: A.T.

I have ordered all 3 remedies. The OLE and silver came together. Will it only work if I use all 3 or will they cure individually?

Apr 24, 2017
by: Troy

No you need all three together. Wait until you have them all then begin. Don't forget about #4 as well. Diet is extremely important.

All the best!

Apr 29, 2017
Boosting Your Immune System
by: Anonymous

You only want things that will boost your immune system. I know three of these four recommendations will boost the immune system (I'm not sure about colloidal silver yet). The most powerful thing you can have to fight any disease is a strong immune system.

The medical establishment is so corrupt, there treatment for cancer is giving you something that could even kill a healthy person. They even lie about HIV and AIDS... bastards!

Thanks for the information. I'll try and bookmark this in case I ever get infected.

May 02, 2017
Olive Leaf Extract
by: Tamika

Good day sir.
I've been searching for OLE max caps to no avail.
I was wondering can I use Island Nutrition Spanish Olive Leaf Extract...
25% oleuropein
20% hydroxytyrosol?
As for the colloidal silver and oregano oil, am I supposed to add them to the same bottle of water?

May 03, 2017
Reply to Tamika
by: Troy

Hi Tamika. The olive leaf extract you are talking about is incredibly potent and is an excellent choice... Real European Olive Leaf Extract Super-Strength 25% Oleuropein. With this brand, take one capsule 3 times daily on an empty stomach. With the colloidal silver and oregano oil, no you don't need to add them to the same bottle or glass of water. It's actually better if you take them at separate times rather than both together. The potency increases substantially when you do this.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

May 05, 2017
One product would be fantastic :)
by: Anonymous

Why somebody doesn't just simply make one mix in one capsule with all 3 ingredients and right dosage???

May 06, 2017
Bacteria in my prostate and possible sti
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy,
I bought the Olivus olive leaf extract 1000 capsules of which I have already started taking. I am about to order the oregano oil and colloidal silver but not sure of how much quantity I should buy to last me the specified number of days. Kindly help. Thanks

May 07, 2017
by: Troy

The Sovereign Silver colloidal silver and Zane Hellas Wild Pure Greek Oregano Oil will both last you the required time, in fact more than the required amount of time. So you can actually keep them and even take all three again further down the track for an extra "internal cleanse" and immunity boost rather than simply throwing them out and wasting them. :)

May 18, 2017
by: AGT

So I have been taking the things listed in the article for 1 month. I have less discharge and less burning sensation. I tested my body in a sensual act, there was no pain when finished. When I cleaned after myself there was blood that came out of the urethra. I am male but felt no pain. What should I do?

May 18, 2017
by: Troy

Firstly, you should visit a health care professional to put your mind at ease if you're worried. Gonorrhea and chlamydia can both cause blood in the semen, and very often do, so you should be aware of this. Inflammation and infection can also cause this to occur. You can read this article for more information... Blood in Semen (Hematospermia).

Hope this helps.

All the best. :)

May 21, 2017
by: Mondy

I have had gonorrhea for the past three months. Please if I may ask, can I cure it with only green tea?

May 23, 2017
by: Troy

No, you will need more than just green tea to get rid of this infection. Unfortunately, there is no easy or quick fix. Follow all 4 recommendations listed above to-the-letter. :)

May 25, 2017
Dosages and Effectiveness
by: Barracuda

Is 510 mg Oregano oil capsules just as effective as the actual oil to eliminate Chlamydia? Also, if I take 2 caps oregano oil, olive leaf extract, 6 drops of sovereign silver in the morning and night would this speed up the process to eliminate Chlamydia?

If anyone knows the answer please feed back.

May 27, 2017
by: Troy

The oregano oil capsules are still okay to use. A combination of the capsules AND the oil is even better. Make sure the brand you buy has a carvacrol content (the active ingredient that kills the virus) of at least 75% (85+ is excellent). Zane Hellas produce a very potent oil and capsules if you're interested... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil Softgels. If you take the OLE, oregano oil & colloidal silver as you list above that would be fine. Try and add the oregano oil liquid with the capsules if you possibly can and don't forget to eat lots of alkalizing foods and avoid processed foods. :)

Jun 01, 2017
Anal STD's
by: Anonymous

Will the treatment take the same amount of time if you have Gonnorhea and/or Chlamydia in the anus? How would you administer the treatment? I was thinking about doing the Colloidal Silver and the Oil capsules. I do not want the infection to get worse.

Jun 02, 2017
by: Troy

It makes no difference where or what the STD is, this protocol will get rid of it. Remember, all of the remedies are taken orally. The colloidal silver can also be safely applied to any external sores around the anus. Make sure you use all 4 remedies as well for maximum effect. There's no shortcuts when it comes to ridding the body of an STD. :)

Jun 03, 2017
Anal STD's
by: Anonymous

Thank you Troy! No sores but I just want to be safe rather than sorry. So using all 4 how long do you think it would take to cure?

Jun 09, 2017
by: Troy

It can take anywhere from 3 months up to 12 months (at the very most) using the olive leaf extract. There is no "set" time frame as such. :)

Jun 11, 2017
Gonorrhoea in prostate
by: Bab

Can anyone please let know if somebody has tried this combination successfully? I have been dealing with gonorrhoea/chlamydia for the last 2 years. This pathogen is residing in my prostate and is causing major discomfort and pain. Is there hope using this combination?

Jun 18, 2017
Safe for kidneys?
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy, just wanted to know if these ingredients are safe for your kidneys. I have suppressed gonorrhoea for quite some time now and sometimes protein comes out in my urine, which my doctor indicates is for underlying kidney problems. I don't know much about colloidal silver so just wanted to know if it's safe with this condition. Appreciate your support.

Jun 19, 2017
by: Troy

None of the supplements listed above harm the kidney's. In fact, they actually help with kidney health. Following an alkaline diet and cutting out all acidic foods (#4 remedy) will also help tremendously with the regeneration and subsequent health of the kidney's.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 21, 2017
Adding another supplement?
by: Anonymous

Thanks Troy, I have ordered all three online. Hoping to get these soon. One question please, I read in some of above comments to add Nutribiotic Defence plus so I have ordered that too. Can I take this along with the other three supplements at one capsule a day? And if the pathogen is in the prostate is it necessary to have prostate massages in combination or will just oral intake of this protocol work? Thanks in anticipation.

Jun 22, 2017
Antibiotics prescribed by doctor
by: Anonymous

Is it ok to take these supplements with antibiotics prescribed by my doctor?

Jun 24, 2017
Where to buy products?
by: Solomon

Please, I want to use the products as antibiotics cannot cure my gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis. But my problem is where can I get them from? Please help. Thanks

Jun 24, 2017
Reply to "Adding Another Supplement" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, it's perfectly fine to take the Nutribiotic Defense. In fact, this will help you even more. Don't forget to use all of the supplements in combination with #4 as well. This is extremely important. There's no exclusive need for massages as such, however, massaging the prostate can actually be beneficial as this helps to remove toxins and heavy metals from the prostate gland (which the virus likes to attach itself to).

Good luck and all the best!

Jun 24, 2017
Reply to "Antibiotics Prescribed by Doctor" Comment
by: Troy

You would need to check with your health care professional first. Unfortunately, we cannot give out medical advice. :)

Jun 24, 2017
Reply to Solomon
by: Troy

Amazon or Ebay are definitely your best places Solomon. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to order them from a health website in your own country or get them from your local health food store. :)

Jul 08, 2017
by: Jake

Hi. So I have a question about the alkaline diet. Would I have to cut out everything on the avoid list of foods or just keep it in moderation? I'm confident in my ability to follow a healthy diet, especially when I'm trying to get rid of Chlamydia. I just was wondering how strictly I need to follow it. Also, would smoking marijuana interfere with my diet? I'm only asking because if I don't drink I would like to be able to do that at least.

Jul 10, 2017
by: Troy

You must follow an alkaline diet/healthy eating plan to-the-letter for the supplements to work effectively, otherwise you'll simply be wasting your money and wont get the desired results. "Moderation" will not be enough. Smoking marijuana can also induce breakouts/lesions so we don't recommend this either. Unfortunately, there can be no shortcuts Jake. Remember also, you wont be on this protocol forever. It's only short term.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Jul 28, 2017
Any possible supplement interaction?
by: Sophie

Is it ok to take all of this with other supplements my holistic Dr gave me (creatine, folate, etc). I've been having yeast infections and BV on and off for years, always using natural treatments to prevent and cure but I had to take a morning after pill and a few days after I got serious itching and discharge, so I don't know if it's a BV due to the hormonal changes or if I caught something else with my partner. So I'm thinking I just want to do your 4 step treatment just to boost my immune system and in case it's trichomonosis or Ghornorea. It seems like it would get rid of any of these other potential stds. So please let me know if your 4 step treatment is ok with other supplements that I may be taking.

Jul 28, 2017
Feedback on the protocol
by: A.G.T.

12 weeks into the protocol, I thank you for sharing this information. Discharge is nearly 100% gone, urination pain is neatly 100% gone, no blood, itching, etc. The only thing is pain when my penis is erect/ready for action. Does pain equal inflammation? Is there anything else you can share that addresses this aspect?

Jul 30, 2017
Preventative medicine
by: Anonymous

I actually rub oil of oregano on my penis if I am about to enter a questionable 'place'. I just tell my partner it is lube.

Aug 03, 2017
Reply to Sophie
by: Troy

None of the supplements/diet recommendations listed above will interact in any way with other natural supplements. They are all completely safe. With pharmaceutical medications (if you are taking any), you would need to check with your health care professional first.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 03, 2017
Reply to A.G.T.
by: Troy

Make sure you are consuming lots of anti-inflammatory herbs and spices such as garlic, turmeric, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cloves, sage, rosemary and ginger. The H2O2 method is a very powerful way to reduce inflammation AND rid the body of these particular STD's. Read this book and follow the H2O2 protocol listed on page 74... The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases.

Hope this helps!

Aug 13, 2017
Greetings Troy
by: Anonymous

First of all I wanna say thank you for sharing this info 😊. My question is, is it necessary to take 4 to 6 Olive Leaf Capsules a day, if so is this to speed up the process of killing the infection?

Aug 14, 2017
by: Troy

To rid the body of an STD, you need to hit it with all you've got. Taking 4-6 OLE capsules a day allows this powerful substance to really get in there and destroy the infection. Anything less MAY still kill the virus, or it may not.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Aug 27, 2017
Colloidal silver
by: Anonymous

Instead of putting Colloidal Silver in water, is it okay too put under my tongue?

Aug 27, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, putting it under your tongue will actually get it into your bloodstream faster.

Aug 30, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thank You. 😌🙏

Sep 09, 2017
Olive leaf extract
by: Faith

Hi. Please where can I get the Olive leaf extract? I am in Nigeria-Abia. Can I get it in a chemist or at the markets? Plz I need a reply.

Sep 11, 2017
Reply to Faith
by: Troy

Most Chemists stock olive leaf extract so you should be able to find it there. You can also purchase the OliveLeafMAX capsules (see link in above article) as this supplier delivers world-wide. Go with the highest strength that you can find and be sure to take AT LEAST the highest recommended dosage listed on the bottle/container for best results. :)

Sep 12, 2017
Chlorine Dioxide
by: Anonymous

Would chlorine dioxide do the work instead of taking all these?

Sep 13, 2017
Gonorrhea cures
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your advise. Look forward to trying it!!

Sep 13, 2017
Colloidial Silver
by: Anonymous

Hi there. How much of the sovereign silver is safe to take a day and for how long?

Sep 15, 2017
Reply to "Chlorine Dioxide" Comment
by: Troy

Chlorine dioxide on it's own would not be strong enough to kill the virus in my opinion. However, adding chlorine dioxide to this regimen as a topical treatment would certainly increase the potency and effectiveness of the cures listed above even more. It would be a worthy addition if you can get a hold of some. :)

Sep 15, 2017
Reply to "Colloidal Silver" Comment
by: Troy

For dosages, take one teaspoon (5 ml's) of the Sovereign Silver colloidal silver (hold under tongue for 30 seconds then swallow) 5 times a day for 3 months. After this, take one teaspoon twice daily for a further 3 months. Also remember not to use a metal teaspoon when measuring out your dosage as the heavy metals in the spoon react negatively with the colloidal silver particles. Use a BPA free plastic spoon or glass measuring cup instead. :)

Sep 17, 2017
by: Brendan

Hi All,
So I have tested positive for Gonorrhea and am about to finish a one week cycle of antibiotics, which I have a prescription for my next cycle starting tomorrow.

However, I have a real sore throat still and just intuitively feel that the medication is not working, although I will continue on it until the end of next week.

I want to know if I am able to do anything whilst on the antibiotics and more importantly, if any of the above herbs will have an adverse effect on the medication, potentially causing more harm. Here are some questions I have:

1. Is it ok to start taking the 3x herbal remedies given above whilst on antibiotics?

2. Is it still ok to start a high alkaline diet (whilst on meds)?

3. I read above that green tea helps even whilst on antibiotics, is there anything else I can add to my diet?

4. Is it ok to exercise whilst having Gonorreah, does this benefit me or make it worse?

I really would appreciate any feedback you have as I am determined to get through this. It's a really emotional journey on many levels and I hope all the above people will appreciate the answers to these questions too.

Thank you for making this site :-) I really appreciate this.

Much love
Brendan xx

Sep 19, 2017
Reply to Brendan
by: Troy

All of the 4 recommendations listed above can be safely used in conjunction with conventional antibiotics. In fact, they will actually help to increase the effectiveness of the antibiotics you're taking. Just remember to take a good quality probiotic supplement whilst on antibiotics as they destroy your good gut bacteria. In fact, you should always take a probiotic supplement and eat plenty of probiotic rich foods (fermented foods) just to keep your daily supply up anyway.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you Brendan!

Sep 22, 2017
by: Brendan

Thanks for the response Troy.

I have been on the antibiotics for 2 weeks almost and there has been improvement but my throat is still sore and kind of numb alongside slight pain in my testes that has reoccurred, which has been quite demoralising.

I'm based in Australia and some the 3x supplements don't deliver to this part of the globe. I've ordered the supplements below but am not sure if they are to the standard that you mentioned.

Olive leaf - http://www.herbosophy.com.au/olive-leaf-x40-40-oleuropein/

Colloidal silver - https://au.iherb.com/pr/p/16056

And I can't find a suitable oregano one yet.

Are the above OK? If not, do you know of any suitable ones I can get in Australia?

Also, what's a good probiotic supplement you'd recommend?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm determined to beat this thing!

Much love

Sep 24, 2017
Other remedies?
by: Anonymous

Hello. I got this disease almost two weeks ago and I've ordered everything and been keeping a strict diet beforehand. Will turmeric, garlic, acv and herbs help boost this protocol?

Sep 25, 2017
Reply to "Other Remedies" Comment
by: Troy

Yes, most definitely as these are all powerful immune boosters. :)

Sep 25, 2017
Reply to Brendan
by: Troy

Both the OLE and colloidal silver you have ordered are top shelf brands and are perfect. With the OLE, you'll need to work up to 3 capsules per day. Start with one for the first week then two for the next two weeks. After this take three a day 20 minutes before a meal. The colloidal silver is one teaspoon (use BPA free plastic spoon) taken 5 times daily under the tongue. This is a great probiotic supplement that you can find down in Oz... Renew Life, Extra Care, Ultimate Flora Probiotic, 200 Billion Live Cultures.

Hope this helps you Brendan.

All the best! :)

Sep 25, 2017
by: Anonymous

Is it true that smoking cannabis will harm the recovery process?

Sep 26, 2017
by: Troy

We don't recommend smoking cannabis whilst on this protocol as it can definitely impair the healing process and effectiveness of the above supplements. :)

Sep 28, 2017
Reply to Troy
by: Brendan

Hi Troy,

Thanks again for this.

I've just received the Oregano Oil too so going to combine them all. Good to know I can get this stuff in Oz.

I think I initially over done it with the OLE as I started taking 3-4 a day, but I think my system rejected it as my bowels seemed to open up!! Anyways, I'm taking one per day alongside the others.

Love this site, I've learned so much!

Thanks for all your help!

Much love

Oct 27, 2017
Oregano capsules
by: Anonymous

Is it ok to take oregano capsules instead of the oil? Also, How much should I take daily?

Nov 02, 2017
by: Troy

Yes, the oregano oil capsules can be taken orally in place of the liquid, however, you must make sure you use a high strength oil. This is crucial. Most oregano oils are weak and have been overly diluted with a carrier oil. Do not use these! Only take a high strength and authenticated oregano oil such as the one we recommend... Zane Hellas Oregano Oil Softgels Concentrate.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 11, 2017
How about herpes?
by: Fernando

Hello Troy. I was diagnosed with herpes recently. I found out that oregano oil will cure and kill the virus, if I combine this with an alkaline diet. Reading all of these comments is very helpful. Can I also try all 4 of these remedies to treat my herpes (I don't have Gonorrhea or chlamydia)? Can you please give me advice on my separate problem. This would be greatly appreciated Troy, and thank you.

Nov 13, 2017
Reply to Fernando
by: Troy

Have read of our full article and protocol for eradicating the herpes simplex virus here Fernando.... Natural Herpes Cure. It gives you everything you need to know. Also have a read of this powerful book... The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases. It outlines the hydrogen peroxide method for alkalizing the body to get rid of the herpes virus (and also gonorrhoea and chlamydia).

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Nov 25, 2017
Which shop do I get them to buy in Ghana
by: Sika Emmanuel

Why are they not shipped to Ghana? How do I get them to buy?

Nov 30, 2017
by: Troy

Try Amazon or eBay. If not, a supplier in South Africa (Cape Town) should be able to ship them to you in Ghana. Try these guy's... E-vitamins.com. :)

Dec 05, 2017
Great natural remedy post
by: M-Michaels

Hello, and thank you for your post. I just saw it today and bought the whole 3 natural remedies from the Vitamin Shoppe. I've also been drinking Alkaline water ph9.5 from Stater Bros for about 2 weeks now as well. Is this a good way to keep me less acidic?

Dec 06, 2017
Other Infections?
by: SO

Hi! I have some kind of infection, could be bv, yeast, or possibly Chlamydia or Gonnorhea. I am really trying to avoid being prescribed a medication as I prefer natural healing. Will taking the three supplements work to cure any (and possibly a combination) of these? I follow a vegan diet as well.

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to M-Michaels
by: Troy

Yes, alkaline water is extremely good for you and for keeping your pH level up, so keep on drinking it!

All the best!

Dec 08, 2017
Reply to SO
by: Troy

Yes, definitely. Follow all four recommendations listed above and you'll get rid of whatever viral, bacterial or fungal infection you have. Here's a handy acid/alkaline food chart to go off of as well... The Acid/Alkaline Foods List. In addition, make sure you take a good quality probiotic supplement, particularly if you think you may have a yeast infection.

All the best!

Dec 23, 2017
Gonorrhea Treatment
by: Anonymous

I have been taking the 3 products you have recommended for about 5 weeks now. I just realized you said to start taking 2 a day of the OLE at first and then work your way up to 4-6 a day. If I started out taking 6 a day would this slow the process? What should I do? Also with the oregano oil, can I take it 3 times a day and take the coconut oil with 2-3 drops under my tongue 1-2 times a day? Thanks

Dec 24, 2017
by: J Cas

So I had symptoms for the last 10 days and 5 days ago I tried garlic, sage and golden seal - all I feel didn't work. I started using this treatment 2 days ago and I already notice less drip and now hardly no drip from penis. Burning has greatly lessened so I guess so far it's working. Only thing is I am using plnt by v olive leaf capsules that I brought from GNC. Directions say take one a day but I am taking 2. I also got the sovereign silver which is the brand you mentioned. As for oil of oregano, I am using wellness brand, it lists 70% carvacrol. So though I'm not using the 2 brands you mentioned, are the ones I'm using any good? As I do kinda feel them working already.

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to "Gonorrhea Treatment" Comment
by: Troy

Taking 6 of the olive leaf extract capsules a day right from day one will not make things worse, it will actually help to speed up the healing process! The reason we say to start off on 2 per day and work your way up is because of the detoxing (herxheimers) effects. If you didn't experience this then that's good. Stay with the 6 capsules a day - this is the perfect amount. You can also up the oregano oil too. This will also help speed up the healing process.

All the best to you!

Dec 29, 2017
This really works
by: Anonymous

Started doing this Saturday and already feel no more burn or dripping. I used wellness oil of oregano and plnt olive leaf extract caps even though you said 2 other brands, but they still worked. I feel alot better and I'm going to keep doing this for a few more weeks. How long is this suggested?

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to J Cas
by: Troy

The GNC olive leaf extract is a quality brand, so you're okay with this. The oregano oil, however, not so much. I would still recommend that you get the Zane Hellas Wild Pure Greek oregano oil as this is much stronger (min 86% carvacrol). Up to you of course, but you'll notice even better results with this oregano oil. It's one of the best on the market.

All the best to you!

Dec 29, 2017
Reply to "this really works" comment
by: Troy

Glad it's all helping. As for how long you need to do this for, check each recommendation listed in our article for the specifics. Even though your symptoms have improved, you need to continue to take the supplements and eat properly for a while yet to fully cure the infection (get rid of it for good). This can take anywhere from 4-12 months. But you're definitely on the right track!

All the best! :)

Jan 01, 2018
Sex partner?
by: HealThySelf

Hello, If I acquired chlamydia through my partner who acquired it from a past relationship, can we still have sex if we're both adhering to the above treatment course? Or should we refrain?

Jan 02, 2018
by: Troy

If you're doing the protocol together (and both sticking too it to-the-letter) then there would be no problems. :)

Jan 03, 2018
by: John

Hello Troy, I have been taking the 3 products you have recommended. I do see a difference. I have been taking the 7 day probiotic that you have recommended as well. Will any of the 3 products kill the friendly bacteria? Should I give the probiotic a certain amount of hours and take it by itself? Thanks for all you do Troy. I appreciate it.

Jan 09, 2018
Reply to John
by: Troy

The colloidal silver can interrupt the growth of friendly bacteria, not by much though so don't be overly concerned. The other supplements are perfectly okay. As long as you continue to take a probiotic every day, you'll be fine. The absolute best time to take your probiotics is alongside your meal - right before or just after. Don't forget to also eat and drink probiotic rich food and drinks too if you can (this website has some handy recipes if you're interested).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you John! :)

Jan 17, 2018
Will black seed oil alone kill this problem?
by: Anonymous

Will black seed oil alone kill syphilis.

Jan 18, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have chlamydia and gonorrhea. Is it okay if I follow those advises of yours even if I am pregnant? Thanks.

Jan 20, 2018
Ozone therapy better than H2O2
by: Zman

I read through all of the aforementioned comments and just wanted to add my 2 cents worth. I, too, started with the 6 caps of OLE and WOW I felt nauseated about 2-3 hours afterwards from Herxheimers reaction. But I've been cleansing and killing pathogens for so long in my body already that it was a fairly mild reaction and by the next day I was feeling pretty good at that dose. My girlfriend, on the other hand, has been having some diarrhea at only 3 caps per day for the first couple of days. I believe this to be a direct result of her using ozone far less than I do, and therefore she has many more pathogens to kill and expel from her body than I do.

Regarding your comments about H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide for those who don't know) I have to say that it is proven that ozone is a much safer and more potent type of oxygen therapy for balancing immunity, killing off pathogens and restoring mitochondrial function in cells (which are trained in turn to utilize oxygen more efficiently to restore energy and health to the body systemically). Ozone can be administered at home (as I'm doing) by using a catheter rectally or any number of other methods as long as it is not breathed into the lungs at higher concentrations. I experienced relief from std symptoms within a few minutes from my initial dose. On the flip side, it is not quite as convenient to administer ozone as it is to pop herbal caps when you have a busy lifestyle, but it is regarded as the number one cure for nearly 100% of diseases known to man. Antibiotics aren't very effective at restoring immunity after infection for 2 major reasons: 1) resistant infectious pathogens that persist after medication and 2) drugs only immobilize the pathogens by removing their lipid (fatty acid) outer layer. The dangerous infections actually stop spreading and multiplying but stay in the body to keep activating immune responses, which ends up causing immune dysfunction and autoimmunity. The immune system often starts attacking healthy cells and ignoring the harmful invaders. White blood cells (T-killer cells) will eventually shrink in size and "fall asleep", which obviously leaves the body vulnerable to subsequent attacks by future invaders.

This is the real face of so-called AIDS... not some phony HIV virus which has been given a scary name but poses very little if any threat of harm to the human body. The WHO admits that you don't need to be infected with HIV to develop the AIDS condition. The fact is, many things can lead to this condition and even make you false positive on the virus test. Bottom line is that all pathogens, dead or alive in the body, contribute to a weakened immune system and must be eradicated. Antibiotics will kill the pathogen and weaken immunity. Herbs will kill the pathogen and strengthen immunity which will eventually lead to cleansing the body of the pathogen theoretically. This is very good. Ozone, on the other hand, obliterates the pathogen within seconds as witnessed in many clinical tests over the past 100+ years since the super genius Tesla invented the first ozone machine that could be used by humans internally. It then wakes up and empowers the immune system to clean up the mess once the killing spree is over. Furthermore, with the enlarged and reactivated T-cells on the alert, they begin to patrol for existing or new pathogens that were missed by the initial rectal fumigation. By the way, rectal insufflation is shown to be nearly as effective as direct IV injections that are administered by a physician. The ozone gas is taken up directly in the rectum through the arterial wall inside the colon. The body's own enzymes are able to safely break down the ozone once it's finished doing its job into H2O2, O2, and H2O. Rectal insufflations may be done safely at home by yourself as long as you make sure you receive proper training as to how to follow well-tested and recognized protocols like any herb or drug. I taught myself by reviewing free video materials at Truly Heal on YouTube. No, I do not work for them or sell anything relating to anything I've mentioned. I simply would like to add to the helpfulness of this great site. I know I've made this posting quite long, but I hope it can help someone by giving them enough info to make an educated decision.

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to black seed oil comment
by: Troy

No. Although black seed oil is certainly powerful, to get rid of syphilis you need to take a holistic approach. Multiple remedies, hitting the infection from various angles, is what will kill this bacterium and kill it quickly.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to "Pregnant" Comment
by: Troy

We advise you wait until you have your baby before starting this protocol, just to be on the safe side. Your body will be going through a powerful detox so you don't need any added burdens when you are already pregnant.

Hope this helps.

All the best!

Jan 22, 2018
Reply to Zman comment
by: Troy

Excellent post Zman, thanks for sharing. Yes the ozone protocol is definitely powerful, no doubt about it. Many people are really scared to follow it though, so hopefully your post helps them out.

Thanks again.

All the best! :)

Feb 09, 2018
by: Anonymous

Anybody had any good results? I'm thinking of giving these steps a try, looks very promising.

Feb 09, 2018
Olive Leaf Extract
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy, I have been letting the olive leaf extract capsules sit under my tongue and letting them dissolve in my mouth and under my bottom lip for a few minutes before swallowing. I have actually acquired a taste for it. I have been doing it this way for a while and have noticed a difference in the immediate effectiveness but was not sure if it made much difference overall as opposed to drinking them down with water? What has your experience been with this? Thanks

Feb 10, 2018
by: Anonymous

Does this work for HIV?

Feb 10, 2018
Thank you
by: Anonymous

Can you combine the oregano oil and the colloidal silver in the same glass of water? Or should I do the colloidal silver under the tongue? Thanks

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to "Olive Leaf Extract" Comment
by: Troy

If you can handle the taste then this method is a good idea. The OLE gets dissolved through the mucous membranes of the mouth first rather than through the stomach, thereby enhancing absorption. So by all means go ahead and continue with this.

All the best!

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to HIV Comment
by: Troy

Yes, the olive leaf extract, colloidal silver and oregano oil will all help to reduce your HIV viral load. :)

Feb 15, 2018
Reply to "Thank you" Comment
by: Troy

No, be sure to take the colloidal silver separate from the oregano oil, and yes, make sure you hold the CS under your tongue first before swallowing for higher absorption. :)

Feb 20, 2018
So far so good
by: Anonymous

I have been doing this for a week now. So far I think it is working. No burning and very little discharge. This weekend I did slip a little in my eating habits though. Ate some junk food and did notice a difference the next day with discharge. I have been alkalizing my body for probably a year now. As long as I keep my eating habits in check I can see this working very well. I definitely do feel better on this.

Feb 24, 2018
Help and advice
by: Anonymous

Hi Troy. I have never had an Std but I have had numerous failed i.v.fs. I have had quite a few chlamydia tests due to the i.v.fs all coming back clear/negative. I was at a loss as to why i wasn't getting pregnant, so I found out about infection screening in Athens Greece. I sent off a sample of my menstruation blood and it showed that I had chlamydia. I took doxy and azithromycin. I tested a year later and I still had it. I took the drugs again and then I had another failed i.v.f. I did a normal chlamydia test at the doctors and again that has shown negative. I cant afford to keep paying for the test in Greece, so I am trying your method to see if this helps. I was told by the consultant in Greece that I would never be able to kill the infection, I was just suppressing it with the antibiotics.
I started your method on Tuesday this week. The olive leaf extract I have is (Comvita olive leaf extract). I get 66mg of oleuropein per serving and the sovereign silver and oil of oregano are what you suggested.
My question to you is... I am on serrepetase for endometriosis, I take turmeric and black pepper and ACV. I also have numerous other supplements like ubiqinol q10, royal jelly, bee pollen, pregnacare, dong quai, milk thistle, omega 3's, l-arginine and a good probiotic. Are all these ok together. Do I need to do anything else to help with my health problem. Is it ok to be doing the natural remedy you suggest if I don't have chlamydia anymore. Many thanks.

Feb 26, 2018
Reply to "Help and Advice" Comment
by: Troy

Using pharmaceuticals will only suppress the symptoms, so your doctor is right about that. With mother nature though it's a different story. The OLE you have is fine (hopefully it's the high strength Comvita OLE). Just make sure that you work up to taking 3-4 capsules a day of the high strength. You will need this amount. As far as continuing to take the other supplements/foods that you have, there is no harm. They will all help. Just try to break up the times throughout the day when you take them and always have them on an empty stomach. 20 minutes before food is ideal. Once you test negative for chlamydia there is no need to continue with the OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Mar 09, 2018
Taken Together
by: Anonymous

Can both Colloidal Silver and Oil of Oregano be taken together at the same time? Like in the morning on an empty stomach?

Mar 16, 2018
Olive leaf extract - how much?
by: Anonymous

I bought the olive leaf extract that you recommend, but the bottle doesn’t say how many I should take in a day.

Mar 17, 2018
by: Anonymous

Hello Troy,

I have had Gonorrhea for about about 5 months now and have been following your instructions for about 4 months and have seen some improvement. I have recently because of the Gonorrhea have been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism. I went to see an Endocrinologist and she prescribed me Tapazole. I was just checking to see if you think this would slow down the process of getting rid of the Gonorrhea or if it would actually help or would not matter. Thanks Troy.

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to "Taken Together" Comment
by: Troy

No. The colloidal silver and oregano oil should be taken separate from each other. Even if you only wait 30-40 minutes in between, this is fine. :)

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to "Olive leaf extract - how much" Comment
by: Troy

Start off on 2 capsules per day (one in the morning, one at night on an empty stomach) and gradually work up to a maximum of 6 capsules per day. :)

Mar 19, 2018
Reply to "hyperthyroidism" comment
by: Troy

I can't say for sure. I'm obligated by law to say that you should follow the recommendations advised by your doctor. Have you looked into natural treatments and remedies for your hyperthyroidism?.. 5 Ways To Treat Hyperthyroidism Naturally - Dr Josh Axe.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Mar 24, 2018
Hepatitis B
by: Lawrence

Can this method cure hepatitis B?

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to Lawrence
by: Troy

Have a read of this recent Q&A for treating and curing hepatitis B Lawrence... A Natural Cure for Hepatitis B&C That Works. :)

Mar 26, 2018
Back for update
by: Jcas

So I've been talking a combination of all 3 remedies for the last 4 months and I have lessened the amount to one olive leaf pill, 2 drops of oil of oregano and 4 full drops of sovereign silver. It doesn't burn when I pee but sometimes it feels sensitive or I feel a slight tingling. Could this be a lingering affect? I have also been diagnosed with Seborrhoeic dermatitis and folliculitis. Does this work for them? Can I take flaxseed oil and a multi vitamin every day as well?

Mar 26, 2018
Reply to Jcas
by: Troy

Continue to take the OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil back up at the dosages you were taking at the beginning. There is no benefit in backing off on the amounts until all of your symptoms are completely gone (if you still feel a slight tingling then your symptoms have not fully disappeared). Taking flaxseed oil and a multi vitamin every day is an excellent idea. In regards to your folliculitis and seborrhoeic dermatitis, have a read of these recent Q&A's for more help...

5 Home Remedies for Folliculitis That Work a Treat

Powerful Natural Remedy for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Apr 25, 2018
Adding supplements
by: John

Hey Troy, how do you feel about me possibly adding raw garlic cloves and echinacia pills to this method. I also drink alot of bush medicine like cerasse tea and raw aloe. Do you think this will help me clear up my gonorrhea and chlamydia infection even quicker or do you believe it will still take close to a year. I am also a track athlete so I exercise quite often. Don't know if this will help but would love to hear your thoughts on this? Thanks

Apr 26, 2018
Reply to John
by: Troy

Nothing wrong with taking these as well John. It's all about building up your body's immune response, along with giving it the anti-viral and antibacterial nutrients and compounds it needs to fight the infection. Garlic and echinacea are both great for this. In regards to exercise, yes it builds your immune system too, but if you overdo it, it can have the opposite effect. Make sure you don't push yourself to the brink all the time. If you start to feel run down then you know it's beginning to have the opposite effect.

Remember, build that immune system, don't lower it.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you John! :)

Jun 18, 2018
by: Anonymous

I have Chlamydia. I ordered the OLE you recommended and am just waiting now. I recently bought this brand of oregano oil and starting taking it with the Sovereign Silver and was curious if it is sufficient?

Also, do you think it would be ok to take coptis and scute, and gentiana while I'm doing the 3 you recommend? I've read that these Chinese herbs have been used to cure chlamydia for a long time. The gentleman in this video claims that he cured his chlamydia using these supplements for a total of 4 weeks. He also took double the recommended dose on the bottles and tested clean. What are your thoughts on this?

And lastly, why exactly is it bad to smoke cannabis while doing this method? I find that it helps distract me from my symptoms and fall asleep. Does the same go for the edible form or is it just the smoke in particular you want to avoid?

Jun 20, 2018
by: Troy

The oregano oil you have is no good. Sorry. It's been diluted with olive oil and it doesn't even list the carvacrol content (the most important ingredient). Try and get the Zane Hellas brand with 86% carvacrol... ZANE HELLAS Wild Pure Greek Essential Oil of Oregano. The herbs you speak of are extremely good. If you can get a hold of them then I would try them for sure (if it were me). I've seen these herbs on Amazon actually. I would suggest that if you go with these particular herbs, be sure to take them separate from anything else you have during the day. So for instance, don't mix them with the OLE or colloidal silver. In regards to cannabis, it's not so much how you have it or when, it's the fact that most cannabis is full of pesticides and chemicals. If you have access to cannabis that you know for sure is organic and uncontaminated then this would likely be okay.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jun 22, 2018
Bob Beck's Protocol
by: Max

I'm thankful for this site so thank you. I'm going to be taking antibiotics for my chlamydia but I'm pretty sure I've got herpes too so regardless I'll be doing the 4 above, but also be adding Bob Beck's protocol using sota instruments. I thought you might wanna put this up for everyone to see for themselves to decide if they are interested and if they can afford it. I'll make sure to let everyone know how things go for me!

Jun 22, 2018
Reply to Max
by: Troy

The Bob Beck protocol is fantastic and incredibly powerful. I did an interview with cancertutor.com founder Webster Kehr a few years ago and he spoke about the benefits of this protocol for cancer and for curing many other diseases/health problems. So yes, be sure to let us know how you go with this.

Good luck and all the best to you Max! :)

Jul 05, 2018
Zane Hella's
by: Anonymous

Regarding the use of the Zane Hella's oregano oil, what should the dosing be? The bottle says 1 a day but I thought I saw somewhere mentioned to work up to 4-6 capsules a day, but now I'm thinking that could have been for the Olive Leaf extract capsules? If you can give instructions on how to take each of those that would be awesome. Thank you!

Jul 13, 2018
Reply to Zane Hella's Comment
by: Troy

If you're taking the Zane Hellas oregano oil softgel capsules then it's two per day, one in the morning and one in the evening (on an empty stomach).

All the best! :)

Jul 17, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much for the reply! Should I take the oregano oil and OLE with or without food? Does it matter?

Jul 21, 2018
by: Troy

Yes it very much matters. Always have them on an empty stomach. 20 minutes or so before a meal is perfect.

All the best!

Jul 30, 2018
Pharyngeal gonorrhea
by: Anonymous

On top of the oregano oil, colloidal silver & OLE, I have read a lot about Lugol's iodine being a very strong anti-bacterial. So I started the iodine protocol, along with echinacea/goldenseal tablets, ACV rinse, grapefruit seed extract, manuka honey, and sodium ascorbate vitamin C at 3000mg daily. Is this too much? I want to hit it with everything I've got. But do you know if any of these will interact negatively? Or will it just speed up the process? I definitely want it gone sooner rather than later. All of these things have strong anti-bacterial properties but I don't want to overwhelm my immune system. Is it okay to do all of these daily? Thanks.

Jul 30, 2018
Reply to "Pharyngeal Gonorrhea"Comment
by: Troy

Firstly, none of the supplements you are taking or list above are harmful, nor will they interact with each other. On the contrary, they will help you get rid of the virus quicker and actually help build up your immune system faster and much stronger. Just try and spread them out as much as you can throughout the day, and if you can take each one separately, even better.

There's a common misconception that taking too many supplements or eating too many detoxifying foods (cilantro for example) is bad and can be harmful. This is simply not true. While you can certainly "overdose" on anything (even water), the chances of this happening when taking nutritional supplements is exceedingly low. Have you ever heard of anyone dying from an olive leaf extract overdose? Of course not, but over 200,000 people in the U.S. die from prescription medication overdose and/or interactions each year and no-one seems to be concerned?

The bottom line... nutritional supplements are safe. The only thing you may have to contend with is herxheimers reaction (detoxing effect). This is a normal and necessary process though (search "herxheimers reaction if you're unsure what this is).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Jul 31, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your response regarding the extra supplements, however I don't believe you answered my initial question. I asked a question about a week ago regarding the resistant bacteria. I have new pustules occurring in the back of my throat along with oral thrush from the antibiotics I took a while back in an attempt to rid this infection even though I have been on this protocol for a little over a month now. I am afraid of the bacteria travelling to my blood stream and effecting other parts of my body. Is this very likely? Or will these supplements hinder that from happening? I am obviously a little scared. As I am not seeing much progress, rather symptoms continue to occur. Does it get worse before it gets better? I have been on alkaline diet, and have been doing all of the above. I just want this gone asap. Thanks!

Aug 02, 2018
by: Troy

Didn't receive your initial question for some reason? One month on this protocol is not very long. It can take 3 months or more to see real progress, depending on how your infection is/initially was. If you're getting thrush then you needs lots and lots of probiotics. Take a high strength probiotic supplement and eat and drink plenty of probiotic rich foods (sauerkraut, kefir, etc). Get that supply of good bacteria as high as you possibly can - this will also help to clear the infection. As far as the infection spreading? Highly doubtful. If you have any concerns though then it would be wise to see your doctor.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 03, 2018
by: Anonymous

Do I need to take my OLE all at once? I've been taking 2 OLE pills 3 times a day. Before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I just wanted to make sure this is ok?

Aug 07, 2018
by: Anonymous

Can I add amazing herbs black seed oil with this or will it be too much?

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to OLE Comment
by: Troy

This is perfect. You definitely don't want to take them all at once. :)

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to herbs Comment
by: Troy

Yes, most certainly. Black seed oil is very powerful and goes perfectly with this protocol. :)

Aug 11, 2018
Cure for baby
by: Anonymous

First off, I want to thank you for your detailed advice. I’ve used a lot of advice offered on this site and it’s been super helpful. Today I found out I have chlamydia and have probably had it for about 2 years. 10 months ago I had a baby at home and although he seems perfectly healthy, he most likely has chlamydia too. My question is, is there anything you know that I can give him to rid him of this infection? Secondly, I plan on following your protocol to a T. Will my breast milk provide enough of the benefits of the supplements I will be taking to cure it? I appreciate any insight you might have. Kind regards.

Aug 11, 2018
Reply to "Cure for Baby" Comment
by: Troy

For a 10 month old, it's pretty difficult to recommend anything. You may have to wait until he is a little older and then he could certainly have the colloidal silver and OLE (children's formula). That's assuming of course that he does also have chlamydia. A confirmed test result would be recommended first. As far as your breast milk helping? I think it will certainly make a difference. There is no harm for your baby at any rate. Hopefully it does benefit him.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Nov 18, 2018
by: Anonymous

I was told by a homeopath that regardless if the treatment is natural or not they will still act like antibiotics in the body and kill all good bacteria along with the bad. She said all of these are biocides and can create superbugs? Said that biocidal methods do work in killing some bacteria, but strengthen the ones that survive. Please elaborate if you can. I am hoping she is wrong. I have been taking all three for about 5 months now and still have the bacteria present. I just want some reassurance that I am doing the right thing by taking the silver, OLE, and oregano oil.

Nov 19, 2018
by: Troy

She is right to a point. The OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil can destroy some of your good bacteria (the ones you want to keep) in your digestive system. This is why we always recommend you take a high quality probiotic supplement and eat probiotic rich foods such as sauerkraut, natural yogurt, kimchi, kefir, etc, to keep your healthy gut bacteria strong. As far as creating superbugs? Impossible. The OLE, oregano oil and colloidal silver surround a virus or "bug" and effectively starve or "strangle" that pathogen. So basically, no pathogen (bug) can survive when these foods are in your body.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

Dec 08, 2018
Mixing with other natural remedies.
by: Anonymous

Hi, I've been doing this method for about 6 months now and I wanted to ask if I could take other herbal supplements with it. I've been fighting a pinworm infection recently and wanted to try the Para Cleanse from Dr. Clark to treat it. It's an 18 day cleanse consisting of a green black walnut tincture, cloves (pill form), and something called a super w blend consisting of wormwood, quassia, and male fern (pill form).

Dec 18, 2018
by: Troy

Firstly, Dr Clark's Para Cleanse is brilliant and works extremely well. All supplements and alkalizing foods can be continued whilst doing the cleanse. However, just make sure you take your cleansing herbs (Para Cleanse) at different times to your OLE, colloidal silver and oregano oil so they don't interact/cancel each other out.

Hope this helps.

All the best to you! :)

May 07, 2019
Tested positive but no symptoms
by: Anonymous

Hello, and thank you for your time and advice. This is the only site where I’ve found detailed information on how to go about getting rid of the infection without antibiotics. I tested positive for chlamydia. I tried using oregano oil and Neem leaf but realize after reading here that I was not taking enough. I will start the protocol after I receive the 3 that I just ordered. I was was just retested (about a month and a half later) and tested positive again. My question is, I don’t have any symptoms (aside from occasional nausea which may be because of this or fibromyalgia) so how long should I take the supplements?

Thank you so much! 🙏

May 09, 2019
by: Troy

Most people need anywhere from 6-9 months. This is a generalization of course. You may require less time or a little longer. Don't forget also, what you eat is extremely important for the supplements to work at their most efficient, so be sure to eat plenty of alkalizing foods and no refined or processed foods. Keep this thought in mind... any food that is man-made or has been tampered with by man should not be eaten.

Good luck and all the best to you! :)

Aug 16, 2019
When does it start?
by: Anonymous

Been on protocol for a week. Already ate very clean before. Literally started a day after infection,but dont seem to be getting relief. I currently have an 18% OLE and I have Olivus superstrength on the way from Amazon. Im taking colloidal siover and zane hellas oregano oil as well. Why is this not working faster? I'm perplexed because I previously cured myself of hsv1 (tested negative) on this same protocol. As soon as I started taking the oregano oil for the hsv1 I noticed immediate relief. I'm trying to understand why I'm not seeing relief from chlamydia symptoms?

Aug 20, 2019
by: Troy

Give everything time to work. Even though you were already detoxing, your body and immune system in particular still needs time to catch up for this fight. Be patient. It will work.

All the best to you!

Aug 21, 2019
You were right!
by: Anonymous

I got Island OLE 25% Oleuropein, Plus 20% Hydroxytyrosol Complex. Got relief hours after taking it. A couple days later the symptoms are nearly 100% gone. I'll likely be clean soon. It's important that everyone know that any OLE with less than 25% oleuropein is complete junk. Olive leaf max and Island Spanish 25% ole (oleuropein, Plus 20% Hydroxytyrosol Complex) are the only two worth buying.

Oct 01, 2019
by: Troy

Yes, this is definitely a potent (and effective) form of olive leaf extract. Glad it's helping.

All the best!

Jul 15, 2020
6 years on and off treated 3-4x
by: Derrick

I have had gonorrhea and chlamydia
from oral sex.

Symptoms went away.

A year or two later they reappeared and I got some antibiotics for it.

I had symptoms again and the ER gave me a script.

Symptoms disappeared (partially). Still had tingly signs during urination and weak stream with darkness around penis hole. I thought it was simply just permanent damage.

I had an outbreak of it occur just as bad as it was the 2nd time around. I started to eat better and taking silver, olive leaf extract and oregano oil. Symptoms have almost completely disappeared.

I am indebted to you for sharing this information. Thank you.

Jul 17, 2020
Reply to Derrick
by: Troy

You're very welcome Derrick. Glad it helped.

All the best to you! 😊

Aug 08, 2021
Colloidal silver side effect?
by: Anonymous

I saw that it can cause argyria. What's your thoughts on this and what if I do this only with oregano oil and olive leaf? Also, can oregano oil itself interfere with the results of std’s?

Aug 09, 2021
by: Anonymous

Green tea and kombucha have caffeine. Are they ok or not to drink?

Aug 12, 2021
Reply to "Colloidal Silver Side Effect" Comment
by: Troy

For you to turn blue from taking colloidal silver you would need to drink a ridiculously obscene amount. The articles you see on argyria are simply trying to scare you off from using colloidal silver. Most are medical websites. Bottom line... they know it works extremely well and don't want you have it. They'd rather point you in the direction of pharmaceuticals. Up to you who you want to believe of course. Personally, I don't think leaving out the colloidal silver is a good idea. The CS, oregano oil and OLE all used together are a powerful combination. Finally, oregano oil doesn't interfere with std results. It's a completely natural food (herb).

Hope this helps.

All the best to you!

Aug 12, 2021
Reply to "Caffeine" Comment
by: Troy

Green tea and kombucha are perfectly fine to drink. Yes, they do contain caffeine, but not high amounts (like coffee), and their antioxidant capacity is extremely good - so these are definitely okay. :)

Oct 29, 2021
Oregano oil
by: James

I’ve been dealing with prostatitis but the antibiotics I was given didn’t cure it all the way, It just made me feel better while I was on it, but I've been on oregano oil and I feel a lot better. For how long should I take it? And at some point when I took a lot of oregano during the day I felt like I was getting worse but I believe that was due to die off symptoms because chlamydia actually caused my prostatitis. Any advice? Pls and thanks.

Nov 03, 2021
Reply to James
by: Troy

Hi James. You can take oregano oil for as long as you like, there is no set time frame. Remember, it's a natural herb so there is no harm. If you take more then yes, you can suffer herxheimers reaction. The best way is to slowly increase the amount over several days. When you feel it may be too much simply back off for a bit then slowly increase again. As your body slowly detoxes you will be able to handle more and suffer no detoxing reactions.

Hope this helps.

All the best! :)

Dec 23, 2021
by: Anonymous

I went to the sexual clinic to have test and everything came out negative and I still have discharge from the rectum. It's been 4 months now. How can I heal my body naturally? Eating alkaline based foods with the supplements you recommend? Thanks

Jan 11, 2022
by: Troy

Yes absolutely. Following the recommendations listed above, including following an alkaline diet (plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables) is a very powerful treatment.

Good luck and all the best! :)

Mar 25, 2022
Undetermined sti (not syphillis)
by: Douglas

Long time sufferer, 20 plus years undetermined STI. Taken caps of oregano which is 73% carvacrol. I believe I had adverse effects. How much is too much? I took about a half teaspoon a day. Also I can't take olive oil as a binder cause my heart is sensitive to fats due to endocarditis from disease. Can I take pure oregano extract?

Mar 31, 2022
Reply to Douglas
by: Troy

Yes you can take extract of oregano oil if you've had problems with the high strength versions. Start off on a low dose and slowly build up to the maximum dosage recommended on the bottle. :)

Sep 12, 2023
What PPM for silver?
by: Anonymous

What PPM of silver? And what would the exact doses be for the PPM you recommend?

Sep 18, 2023
by: Troy

Around 10ppm is optimal. I still think Sovereign Silver is hands down the best. Go onto their website and have a read. For this product you take 1 teaspoon held under the tongue for 30 seconds 5 times daily.

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best! :)

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