Natural Remedies for ADD - Home Remedies for ADHD...

One of the most important natural remedies for ADD and ADHD is to first rectify all vitamin, mineral, and amino acid deficiencies (unless you do this, you will not be able to successfully treat ADD or ADHD behavior).

And here are two of the best ways to accomplish this...

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated October 7, 2024 -- This post contains affiliate links  

The human brain really is one of the true marvels of the human body. No computer in the world even comes close to what our brains are capable of doing. But most people have no idea how the human brain actually works and what's required for it to transmit and decipher the billions of thoughts and messages it sends and receives every day.

When you're busy thinking or concentrating, your brain comes to life electrically. It produces a dazzling display of electrical currents, sparks and electrical impulses that basically "light up your brain". There are millions of these little "sparks" jumping around from different parts of your brain to other parts. These electrical impulses make sure the information you're giving your brain is being received and transmitted correctly - along with making sure your "thought" or command reaches the exact part of the brain that needs that particular piece of information at that particular time (all in a split second I might add). So what elements or nutrients are needed for all of these electrical currents to work correctly and in perfect unison?


Macro minerals and trace minerals are needed for every single biological function of the human body, especially brain function. They're aptly called “the sparks of life” because without them the brain’s circuits don’t work correctly and so you end up with neurological disorders and behavioral problems such as ADD and ADHD (remember this... every action in the body must be “thought of” by the brain first before it can be carried out). Researchers now believe that mineral deficiencies are one of the major causes, if not the major cause of ADD and ADHD. The big dilemma is even if just one mineral is missing, it can cause massive problems. For instance, a deficiency of the trace mineral lithium has been repeatedly linked to behavioral problems such as ADD and ADHD, along with psychotic and even criminal behavior in adults. 1

How Do We Get The Minerals We Need Everyday?

If you only remember one thing from this article, remember this… there are no longer enough minerals in our food supply today!

Modern farming methods have now stripped our food crops of almost all minerals. Today we are eating nothing but "nutrient dead" foods. What's more, our bodies need a total of 60+ minerals everyday, and there's no way on Gods green earth you're going to get even a quarter of them from your diet! (Have a read of this post for more information on why this has occurred and what it means for all of us... Soil Depletion Now the Greatest Threat to Human Survival).

Whatever You Do, Don't Pay Any Attention To The Real "Quacks"!

Yes, the Medical profession will try and convince you that this sort of talk is a load of rubbish and that “you can get all the nutrition you need from your diet”. But this really is the single biggest lie ever to be perpetrated on the human race. Just Google "U.S. Senate document #264 from the 74th Congress 2nd session" or the Australian Parliamentary report titled “The House Hansard” if you want proof. Both reports confirm the shocking truth - our food is no longer nutritious and by eating this nutrient dead garbage we're developing an endless variety of diseases and slowly killing ourselves!

So the first thing you must do is make sure you, and/or your child, get all the minerals your body needs everyday. And the best way to achieve this is by taking a good quality, plant based colloidal mineral supplement (such as these) every day. These safe, non toxic supplements contain a highly absorbable supply of all the 60+ essential minerals and trace elements your body requires. In addition to this, make sure you salt your food and cooking to taste with lots of Himalayan pink rock salt. This 100% safe (and healthy) crystal salt contains over 70 essential trace minerals in a readily usable and highly absorbable form also. Here's what pink crystal salt looks like if you're not familiar with it... Himalayan Pink Rock Salt.     

Also Take Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Chlorella or Spirulina Supplements Everyday...

These powerful “live foods” contain an amazing and unsurpassed supply of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, chlorophyll and powerful antioxidants. All of these nutrients are essential not just for overall good health and longevity, but for brain health too!

For instance, the amino acid L-Glutamine (also known as “brain fuel”) is vital for efficient brain functioning and “clear thinking”. It's well known for its ability to raise a person’s IQ level and improve memory recall and learning abilities in adults and children. All of these green foods are rich in L-Glutamine. 2

And a lack of other crucial nutrients such as zinc, calcium, magnesium, chromium, B group vitamins, vitamin C, choline, phenylalanine, tyrosine and taurine have also been linked to learning disabilities and hyperactive behavior in children.

Thank goodness, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Chlorella and Spirulina are all incredibly rich in these nutrients as well!

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