Natural Remedies That Help With Nicotine Addiction...

by T Chadwick
(Ellijay, Ga, USA)


What is the safest way to come off nicotine tablets.

My husband quit smoking in 2011. Then had open heart by-pass surgery in 2012. Afterwards he started taking the nicotine tablets to keep from smoking (there were a lot of smokers at his work place). He stopped taking them a few days ago and is having cold sweats, not sleeping well and is nauseated.

Surely there is a cleansing process that he can do to get this from his system.

Any help would be appreciated.


Hi T Chadwick. And thank you for your question regarding natural remedies for nicotine withdrawal.

Firstly, they say that nicotine withdrawal is similar to cocaine and heroin withdrawal. So this substance is mighty nasty when you quit it cold turkey!

Unfortunately, what your husband is going through is actually typical and quite normal. Fortunately though, there are some excellent herbal remedies to help lessen the withdrawal side effects.

The best herbs by far are Fo-ti (ho-shou-wu), ginseng and St. Johns Wort. All of these have a powerful mood stimulating effect which helps to replace the mood stimulating effect that has been taken away from the nicotine (you can read more about them here... Home Remedies for Anxiety

Another herb called Kava Kava is an excellent sleep aid (taken just before bedtime) and can literally knock you out for the whole night!

Chewing on some licorice root throughout the day will also help to detox the body and remove nicotine.

Finally, exercise is also terrific for reducing the withdrawal symptoms and is regularly recommended by Dr Deepak Chopra for treating nicotine withdrawal.

The one thing to remember is the withdrawals do eventually subside, usually after about a week. But that first week is definitely tough! Your husband really does deserve a gold star for doing it!

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best.


Troy (Admin)

P.S. For more information on quitting smoking and overcoming nicotine addiction, be sure to have a read of our recent Q&A on this subject here... 5 Natural Remedies to Quit Smoking That Work Like a Charm!

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