Natural Treatments For Prostate Cancer... Best Herbal Remedies:

There are some incredibly powerful natural treatments for prostate cancer, BPH and prostatitis, including the use of various medicinal herbs and spices.

Here's 8 of the all-time best that you may want to consider...

Article by Troy Sawyer (Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Sports Nutritionist)

Updated January 20, 2025 -- This post contains affiliate links  

Cannabis Oil: Not exactly a herb I know, but regardless, cannabis oil is going to go down in history as one of the greatest cancer discoveries of the last 1000 years! And now that science is finally beginning to catch up with what many have known for years, that cannabinoids are powerful treatments for prostate cancer, including advanced prostate cancer, we may at last see cannabis legalized for medicinal purposes right around the world (which is long overdue in our opinion!). 

Prostate cancer patients have high levels of a gene known as ID-1. This gene is a major cause of aggressive forms of cancers including prostate, brain, blood, ovarian and breast cancers. Once it begins to multiply unrestrained, cancer grows and thrives rapidly. But cannabinoids have been found to inhibit the growth of this ID-1 gene and actually return cancerous cells back to a healthy state.1

The good news is even if cannabis is illegal in your particular state or territory, you can still get your hands on some very potent and legal forms of hemp oil (CBD). These oils are similar to "home-made" hemp oil. The only real difference is they've had the THC (hallucinogenic) cannabinoid removed. Finding a supplier who produces a high strength CBD oil (with the authenticity paperwork to go with it) can be tricky though, so be sure to do your homework first. One company, CBD Pure, is considered one of the most reputable and trustworthy suppliers of CBD oils and provide a certificate of authenticity with each purchase. You can check them out here if you're interested... High Strength CBD Oil.

More Information...

For more information on the incredible benefits of cannabis oil for treating and reversing cancer, we suggest you visit hemp oil advocate and expert, Rick Simpsons, official website here and take the time to watch his outstanding documentary "Run From the Cure". You can view it here...

Saw Palmetto: This herb has repeatedly shown in multiple studies to reduce prostate inflammation (prostatitis) and enlargement (BPH). It’s completely safe to use and there are no side effects. It also works for over 90% of patients after 4-6 weeks. Compare this to the commonly prescribed prostatitis drug, Proscar, which only works in less than half of men after a year and comes with the major side effect of erectile dysfunction!

Robert Hass, in his book, Permanent Remissions, says…

"Citrus fruit and strawberries reduce the risk of prostate cancer and inhibit the growth of prostate tumors. Saw palmetto berries prevent the conversion of testosterone to a compound that promotes prostate inflammation and prostate cancer".2

Lycopene: This is the red pigment contained in common foods such as tomatoes, pink grapefruit, guava and watermelon (watermelon contains the highest amounts). A very strong antioxidant, Lycopene has been found to prevent and even reverse prostate cancer, along with treating benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). In a recent study, males even had tremendous success with as little as 15mg a day.3 For best results, supplements are recommended as well as eating and drinking plenty of “red” foods and juices. 

Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne pepper is actually considered a fruit more than a herb or spice, but regardless, it's one heck of a powerful prostate cancer killer! An article published in Reuters back in 2006 confirms this...

The article titled "Hot Pepper Kills Prostate Cancer Cells in Study" talked about the research performed by Dr Soren Lehmann of the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine. Dr Lehmann stated after the study...

"Capsaicin (contained in cayenne pepper) had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture. It caused 80% of the prostate cancer cells growing in mice to commit suicide in a process known as apoptosis".4

Dr Lehmann is not alone in his findings either. Japanese researchers have also found that cayenne pepper significantly slows the development of prostate cancer cells in vitro.

Cayenne pepper is not only a potent cancer destroyer, it's vital for prostate health and blood pressure regulation, so be sure to have some every day whether you have prostate cancer or not. The way I do it is I add a teaspoon to a glass of warm filtered water (must be warm), mix well then chug it down. Not fancy, but it works. If you don't like the idea of doing this then simply go with the cayenne pepper capsules instead (2-4 a day taken in divided amounts). Oh, and don't forget to use cayenne pepper in your cooking as much as you can as well!

Soy: This prostate treatment/remedy is still somewhat “up in the air”. Some studies have shown a benefit with prostate cancer and men using soy products while others have shown no benefit. What it looks like is in the studies where there was no benefits observed, the type of soy used was inferior (not completely natural and high quality). Soy MUST be raw, unprocessed and non GMO - this is crucial. The Japanese eat plenty of soy products and they have very low death rates from prostate cancer. Even male animals fed soybeans get far less prostate cancer than those who don't have any. Regardless of any of this, I will continue to take my unprocessed crushed soy and linseed meal everyday… just in case!

Stinging NettleStinging nettle has been used successfully in Europe for over a decade for prostate problems. Studies have shown that it can reduce the symptoms associated with prostatitis, particularly the pain and frequent urge to urinate. It’s best taken in extract form (capsules). You may also need to consult a natural therapist for specific dosages.

Black Seed (Nigella Sativa, Black Cumin): Black seed contains powerful anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties. This plant has been studied extensively in regards to treating and reversing cancer and each time it comes up trumps. Research has even found it to be up to 50 to 80 percent effective at destroying rouge cancer cells! The good news is black seed is particularly beneficial in the treatment and healing of prostate cancer and prostatitis.  

Black seed is yet another one of natures remarkable "cure all" remedies. Even well-known health advocate, Dr Gary Null, says... “Black cumin oil is probably the most important oil you can put in your system.”

So yes, this herb definitely needs to be added to your "prostate cancer treatment" list. You can buy black seed oil from most health food outlets or online from places such as Amazon

Soursop (Graviola): In a recent blockbuster study, Graviola was found to be an astonishing 10,000 times stronger at killing cancer cells than chemotherapy! What’s more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the soursop tree only "selectively" hunts down and kills cancer cells. It doesn't harm healthy cells at all!

If you live in a country where soursop is grown then getting your hands on this food will be easy. If not, you can purchase Graviola supplements online or from your local health food store. 

To discover more of the amazing cancer fighting benefits of soursop and black seed, we recommend you go to our "Natural Cancer Cures" section and have a read of our full article on these. Here's the link... Natural Cancer Cures - Black Seed and Soursop Now the Hottest Alternative Cancer Treatments!

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