Top 4 Natural And Home Remedies for Sagging Neck Skin...

by Sharon


My neck skin is awful and sags like a potato sack. Are there any natural treatments or remedies that can help with this? Thank you.


Hi Sharon, and thank you for your question regarding natural/home remedies for sagging skin.

Firstly, sagging skin anywhere on the body is caused by what's known as elastic fiber breakdown. So basically, the elastic fibers in the skin have broken down and have now become loose. Thankfully, you can tighten them again without having to resort to expensive cosmetic surgery.

Here's some of the best ways to do this...

#1. Colloidal Minerals and Chlorella: Your skin needs certain nutrients for the production of collagen, the material that holds everything together. Vitamin C, E, D and A are all needed, along with the minerals selenium, zinc, biotin, magnesium, boron and silica. You also need some powerful antioxidants to reverse the free radical damage that's occurred within the cells. A colloidal mineral supplement combined with chlorella and spirulina is definitely the best (and cheapest) way to get all the nutrients your body (and skin) need. Here's what they look like...

Plant Derived Colloidal Minerals

Organic Chlorella and Spirulina

#2. Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is extremely important as dehydration is one of the main causes of elastic fiber
breakdown. Make sure you drink 8-10 glasses of filtered water every day. And yes, only clean FILTERED water should be drank. Tap water is full of dangerous heavy metals, particularly fluoride, along with toxic chemicals and even pharmaceuticals!

#3. Exercise: Exercise is great for reducing sagging skin, but there is one caveat. If you exercise then it becomes even more crucial to supplement with chlorella/spirulina and colloidal minerals. Exercise can deplete the body of nutrients (especially when you sweat) so make sure you replace those lost nutrients every day.

#4. External Remedies: Using natural creams and lotions to tighten skin is extremely beneficial, as long as they are natural and not chemically laced. There are some terrific home remedies that you can use to help tighten skin including aloe vera, egg whites, lemons and frankincense oils.

Have a read of this article for some great external remedies and tips for fixing sagging skin (and stretch marks)... 8 Home Remedies for Sagging Skin and Stretch Marks.

And this recent newsletter article talks about the stunning anti-aging benefits of home made bone broth for sagging skin... The Best (And No Cost) Anti-Aging, Weight Loss and Joint Health Remedy You’ll Ever Come Across!

Hope this helps.

Good luck and all the best to you!


Troy (Admin).

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Jan 24, 2018
Lifecell Skin Cream
by: Tressie Dawson

Nice article! I am a big fan of natural and home made remedies. I believe in natural products and the products having natural ingredients. Lifecell skin cream is a cream made up of natural ingredients and is one of the most used anti aging products around. Worth checking out.

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